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      • 면역점착 적혈구응집반응에 의한 한탄바이러스 및 서울바이러스 감염의 감별 및 홍콩에서 분리한 바이러스의 혈청학적 분류

        안인숙 고려대학교 의과대학 1987 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.24 No.1

        Immune adherence hemagglutination (IAHA) test was used for serotypic classification of Hong Kong virus which was isolated from lungs of rat captured in Hong Kong previously and differentiation of Hantaan viral infection from Seoul viral infection in this study. The optimal condition of sonication for IAHA antigen preparation and the peak of expression of antigen in infected cells were determined for this study in preliminary. The obtained results are as follow: 1. The titers of IAHA antigen prepared by sonication from 30 seconds up to 180 seconds at every 30 second intervals were same in all, 1:256. 2. IAHA antigen in cells infected with Hantaan virus 76-l18/RA strain was appeared at one day after inoculation of virus and then was reached at peak one week later and was maintained the same titer until 14 days and decreased 18 days after. 3. Hantaan viral infection could be differentiated from Seoul viral infection by cross-IAHA test. That is, the rat immune sera against 14 strains of Hantaan virus were 2-4 folds higher in reactivity with Hantaan virus than Seoul virus antigen. However the rat immune sera against 12 strains of Seoul virus were 2-128 folds higher in reactivity with homologous virus antigen. 4. The serotypic classification of Hong Kong virus: The cross-IAHA checkerboard titration of 4 strains of Hantaviruses, HTNV/76-118, SEOV/80-39, PUUV/sotkamo and Hong Kong virus, with rat antisera against those viruses indicated that Hong Kong virus was more closer to Seoul virus than Hantaan or Puumala viruses.

      • KCI등재

        체세포배발생을 통한 오일팜나무(Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) 클론의 기내증식 및 RAPD를 이용한 체세포변이의 검정

        안인숙,박혜림,손성호 한국식물생명공학회 2012 식물생명공학회지 Vol.39 No.3

        본 실험은 오일팜나무에서 somatic embryo mass(SEM)를유도한 후 이로부터 식물체 분화를 통한 클론묘 대량증식 시스템을 확립하고, 기내 배양에 의하여 야기된 체세포변이의 확인 방법을 확립하기 위하여 수행되었다. 오일팜 조직배양묘의 정단 부분을 NaH2PO4・2H2O와 카제인이 첨가된 1/2MS 수정 배지에 배양하여 체세포배성 캘러스를 유도하였다. 유도된 체세포배성 캘러스는 몇 번의계대배양을 통하여 SEM으로 발달하였다. SEM 조직은단단하며, 강하게 붙어있어서 개개의 체세포배를 따로분리하는 것이 매우 어려웠다. SEM 조직을 NH4NO3, 카제인, L-ascorbic acid가 첨가된 MS 수정 배지에 배양하였을 때 신초가 성공적으로 분화하였다. 기내 오일팜나무를 야외로 순화하여 완전한 오일팜나무 클론묘를 획득할수 있었다. 기내 배양묘 중 건강하고 생장이 양호한 신초를 무작위로 95 개체를 선발하여 RAPD 분석을 실시하였다. 총 19개의 random primer를 사용하여 95 개체에 대한RAPD를 수행한 결과, 대부분의 primer에서는 동일한 밴드 형태를 보여 어떠한 변이도 감지할 수 없었다. 그러나, MspI으로 절단된 genomic DNA를 BNR36 primer로PCR을 수행하였을 때, 개체 간 차이를 보이는 밴드 형태를 나타내어 체세포변이를 감지할 수 있었다. 95 개체 중#22, #28, #35, #77 의 4 개체에서 약 1kb 부근의 밴드 하나가 없었으며, 그 중 #28, #35, #77의 밴드 강도는 정상 밴드보다 월등히 강한 것을 확인하였다. NCBI 분석 결과,이 변이 밴드는 오일팜나무의 엽록체 게놈과 관련이 있는 This study was carried out to develop reliable systems for somatic embryogenesis in oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), and to verify the somaclonal variants by RAPD analysis. Embryogenic callus was induced successfully on modified half-strength MS medium containing NaH2PO4・2H2O and casein. Embryogenic callus was further developed to somatic embryo mass (SEM), which is very hard and bonded tightly each other. Plantlets were proliferated when SEM was cultured on modified MS medium containing half strength NH4NO3, casein and L-ascorbic acid. Plantlets were transplanted into pots containing artificial soils. When RAPD analysis was conducted using randomly selected 95 in vitro plantlets and 19 random primers, somaclonal variation was detected using BNR35 primer. There was missing band around 1 kb in #22, #28, #35, and #77 plantlets. In addition, bands obtained from #28, #35, and #77 was much stronger than other normal bands. The blast results at NCBI revealed that somaclonal variation observed in this study was related to chloroplast genome of oil palm. The results also revealed that oil palm reproduction system through somatic embryogenesis is quite reliable and early detection of somaclonal variants seem to be possible at in vitro stage by RAPD analysis.

      • KCI등재

        자동차 정비업 종사자들을 위한 일체형 작업복 착용현황 조사

        안인숙,이상윤 복식문화학회 2017 服飾文化硏究 Vol.25 No.4

        This research focuses on the condition of the coveralls that automobile maintenance workers wear. The objective of this survey is to conduct a thorough analysis on the quality of the coveralls and put forth suggestions for improving their quality. The research data were collected through interviews and the results are as follows. The participants in this research engage in a variety of types of maintenance work including oil changes and overall system checks and they usually wear extra-large-sized coveralls. The coveralls are generally worn during the winter for warmth and the company handles all purchasing and maintenance of the work clothes. Participants mentioned that certain parts of the clothes where they bend and stretch are cumbersome and areas around the knees and arms become easily tainted. They have also reported that although the coveralls are necessary, they are for the most part dissatisfied when it comes to the materials, design, and color. The participants have suggested that new coveralls would help to increase their work efficiency. As a result, it is concluded that the coveralls require much more development to meet the workers’ needs and improvements need to be made on the functionality, aesthetics, and symbolic aspects of the design.

      • KCI등재

        대학생용 성적자기주장 척도의 타당화 연구: 절단점을 중심으로

        안인숙,박승민,심은정 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.2

        A Validation Study of Sexual Assertiveness Scale forUniversity Students: Focusing on the Cut-off ScoreInsook Ahn, Seungmin Park, & Eunjung Shim Abstract: This study aims to find the cut-off score of Sexual Assertiveness Scale for University Students, which would provide a useful criterion to verify the effectiveness of the sexual violence survey, prevention education, and counseling. Based on data of 6,233 college students, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted and reliability was yielded, and the optimal cut-off score was estimated utilizing ROC curve analysis, J-index score, D-index score, and Jacobson & Truax (1991)’s methods. Additionally, to verify the cut-off score, another data of 1,253 college students were divided into high and low groups of sexual assertiveness, and were tested for differences between the two groups. The results were as follows: The construct validity and reliability were found to be good, and the optimal cut-off score was derived as 55.5. The low group and the high group showed significant differences on depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Based on the results, the implications and the limitations were discussed. Key Words: Sexual Assertiveness Scale, University Students, Cut-off Score, Validity, Reliability 대학생용 성적자기주장 척도의 타당화 연구: 절단점을 중심으로안 인 숙*ㆍ박 승 민**ㆍ심 은 정*** 요약: 본 연구는 대학 내 성폭력 실태조사, 예방교육, 상담에서의 실효성 검증에 유용한 기준을 제시하기 위해, 대학생용 성적자기주장 척도의 절단점을 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 대학생 6,233명의 자료를 대상으로 확인적 요인분석을 실시하고 신뢰도를 구하였으며, ROC 커브 분석, J-지수, D-지수, Jacobson & Truax(1991)의 방법을 활용하여 최적 절단점을 확인하였다. 또한 절단점의 타당성을 확인하기 위해, 다른 대학생 1,253명의 자료를 성적자기주장 고 집단과 저 집단으로 분류하여 집단의 차이를 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, 대학생용 성적자기주장 척도는 적절한 구조적 타당성과 신뢰도를 보였으며, 최적 절단점은 55.5점으로 도출되었다. 성적자기주장 고 집단과 저 집단은 우울, 불안, 자살위험성에서 유의미한 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 연구결과를 바탕으로 의의와 제한점을 논의하였다. 핵심어: 성적자기주장 척도, 대학생, 절단점, 타당성, 신뢰도 □ 접수일: 2022년 3월 3일, 수정일: 2022년 3월 21일, 게재확정일: 2022년 4월 20일* 주저자, 숭실대학교 상담센터 연구교수(First Author, Professor, Soongsil Univ., Email: ais0309@ssu.ac.kr)** 공동저자, 숭실대학교 기독교학과 부교수(Co-author, Professor, Soongsil Univ., Email: subiya99@ssu.ac.kr)*** 교신저자, 숭실대학교 베어드교양대학 부교수(Corresponding Author, Professor, Soongsil Univ., Email: ejshim@ssu.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Antiobesity Effect of Kochujang (Korean Fermented Red Pepper Paste) Extract in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes

        안인숙,도명술,Su-Ok Kim,정헌순,Young-In Kim,Hye-Jung Kim,박건영 한국식품영양과학회 2006 Journal of medicinal food Vol.9 No.1

        Kochujang (Korean fermented red pepper paste) is a mixture of fermented soybeans, wheat, and red pepperpowder. Kochujanghas been reported to reduce body fat gain and lipid levels of adipose tissues and serum in rats. We stud-ied the inhibitory effect of Kochujang on lipid accumulation and investigated the molecular mechanism of the action in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by measuring the expression levels of adipocyte-specific genes by real-time reverse transcription-polymerasechain reaction. When 3T3-L1 adipocytes were treated with Kochujangextract (KE), the sizes of adipocytes and leptin secre-tion were decreased. Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) was transcriptionally up-regulated at 4 hours, and glycerol secretion wasincreased at both 4 hours and 24 hours. Moreover, mRNA expression levels of both sterol regulatory element-binding protein1-c (SREBP-1c) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-. (PPAR-.), which are critical transcription factors for adi-pogenesis, were markedly down-regulated. Tumor necrosis factor-. (TNF-.) is reported to impair pre-adipocyte differentia-tion and induce lipolysis and apoptosis. KE treatment of 3T3-L1 adipocytes decreased TNF-. mRNA levels, but had no ap-parent affect on apoptosis. Taken together, our study shows that Kochujangdecreased lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 adipocytesby inhibiting adipogenesis through down-regulation of SREBP-1c and PPAR-. and by stimulation of lipolysis due to increasedHSL activity. TNF-. might not be involved in the reduction of lipid accumulation by KE.

      • B16F10 Mouse Melanoma 세포에서의 L-cysteine에 의한 멜라닌 생성 억제

        안인숙,김지혜,유희숙,장뢰,강상모,최태부,권태종,안성관,김기연 대한피부미용학회 2007 대한피부미용학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        Pigmented skin disorders, including melasma, freckles and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, are one of the commonest reasons for peoples and patients seeking various skin care shops and dermatology consultation. Melanocytic cells can produce two types of pigment, pheomelanin and eumelanin, in their specialized intracellular organelles termed melanosomes. Steps of melanin biosynthesis catalyzed by tyrosinease, a key enzyme of melanogenesis, are common to eumelanogenesis and pheomelanogenesis. In addition to tyrosinase, two more enzymes,tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1) and dopachrome tautomerase (DCT), are known to be involved in eumelanogenesis and/or pheomelanogenesis. It has been reported that thiol compounds, such as cysteine and glutathione, result in decreasing pigmentation by favoring to the pheomelanogenesis and bringing down synthesis of eumelanin. However its mechanisms are poorly understood. In the present study, the effect of L-cysteine on melanogenesis and expression of tyrosinase and its related proteins was examined in a B16F10 mouse melanoma cell line model system. Cytotoxicity of L-cysteine when co-treated with α-MSH and arbutin in B16F10 mouse melanoma cells were tested. Within a concentration range of L-cysteine showing no cytotoxicity effects, it decreased the amount of melanin and activity of tyrosinase in cells treated with α-MSH in a dose dependent manner. In addition, L-cysteine decreased levels of protein expression of tyrosinase, but not either of TYRP1 or DCT in these cells. Treatment of L-cysteine resulted in diminishing dendrite of B16F10 mouse melanoma cells. Collectively these data show that L-cysteine has a inhibitory effect on melanin synthesis and tyrosinase activity by down-regulation of tyrosinase protein in B16F10 mouse melanoma cells. It implies that L-cysteine may be a good ingredient candidate for developing whiting effect cosmetic products or drugs for hyperpigmentary disorders.

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