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        학교조직 총체적 질관리 모형의 타당화 연구

        신철순(申鐵淳),김두성(金杜星) 한국교육학회 1998 敎育學硏究 Vol.36 No.3

        21세기 국제화, 개방화, 정보화의 무한 경쟁시대에 우리의 교육제제가 효과적으로 대응하려면, 우선 조직관리방식의 혁신이 이루어지지 않으면 안 된다. 세계 수준의 새로운 학교조직 관리방석의 정착이 선결과제라 할 수 있다. 이를 위한 해결책으로 최근에 부각되고 있는 총체적 질관리(TQM)의 이론을 고찰하여 우리나라 학교조직에 적합한 모형을 수립, 검증하였다. 검증 결과는 양질의 지도성, 권한부여, 참여, 효과적인 보상체제, 전문성개발체제, 교육수혜자의 기대 반영, 학교조직에 대한 구성원의 헌신, 비전ㆍ목표의 설정과 공유, 동기부여, 양질의 과업성취를 요인으로 한 본 연구의 모형이 우리나라 학교조직에 적합하다는 것이다. 그리고 총체적 질관리의 핵심 추진 요인은 양질의 지도성이며 학교조직의 질관리는 다양한 제 요인간의 인간관계를 조화롭게 고려하면서 실행해야 성공한다는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        편도 주위 농양의 세균학적 고찰

        신철,노호상,문성욱,최호영,이등호,강제구,김효열,이종혁 대한이비인후과학회 2004 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.47 No.4

        Background and Objectives:Peritonsillar abscess (PTA) is a collection of pus lateral to tonsil and is located betwen the fibrous capsule of the palatine tonsil, usualy at its upper pole, and the superior to the pharyngeal constrictor muscle. It frequently occurs as a complication of acute tonsillitis. Bacteriology including clinical characteristics in PTA were evaluated. Subjects and Method:2001 were entered into the study. Each patient was asked to answer a questionnaire for clinical aspects of PTA. Needle aspirations were performed and pus was drained in all cases. Bacterial susceptibility to ampicillin, cephazoline, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracyclin, and vancomycin was tested on the ioslated bacteria. Results:Among 61 cases, aerobes were isolated in 15 cases (24.6%) and anaerobes in 16 cases (26.2%). There was no significant diference in the culture positive rate of aerobes (p= 0.767) and anaerobes (p= 1.0) betwen antibiotics-medicated patients and nonmedicated patients. Among the cultured organisms, peptostreptococus was the most comon and the second most comon was β-hemolytic streptococcus. However, α-hemo-lytic streptococcus, an important pathogen considered in the previous study, was detected at 1.6%. Conclusion:Antibiotics medication was not a significant factor in culture positive rate in our study. Peptostreptococus as an anaerobe and β-hemolytic positive rate of α-hemolytic streptoccus.

      • KCI등재

        REM 수면 관련 수면호흡장애

        신철,이현주,Shin, Chol,Lee, Hyun-Joo 대한수면의학회 2004 수면·정신생리 Vol.11 No.1

        Sleep is associated with definite changes in respiratory function in normal human beings. During sleep, there is loss of voluntary control of breathing and a decrease in the usual ventilatory response to both low oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels. Especially, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a distinct neurophysiological state associated with significant changes in breathing pattern and ventilatory control as compared with both wakefulness and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. REM sleep is characterized by erratic, shallow breathing with irregularities both in amplitude and frequency owing to marked reduction in intercostal and upper airway muscle activity. These blunted ventilatory responses during sleep are clinically important. They permit marked hypoxemia that occurs during REM sleep in patients with lung or chest wall disease. In addition, sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is more frequent and longer and hypoventilation is more pronounced during REM sleep. Although apneic episodes are most frequent and severe during REM sleep, most adults spend less than 20 to 25% of total sleep time in REM sleep. It is, therefore, possible for patients to have frequent apneas and hypopneas during REM sleep and still have a normal apnea-hypopnea index if the event-rich REM periods are diluted by event-poor periods of NREM sleep. In this review, we address respiratory physiology according to sleep stage, and the clinical implications of SDB and hypoventilation aggravated during REM sleep.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        과립분말 유동성 변화가 부조세라믹타일의 소결거동에 미치는 영향

        신철,최정훈,김정헌,황광택,김진호,Shin, Cheol,Choi, Jung-Hoon,Kim, Jung-Hun,Hwang, Kwang-Taek,Kim, Jin-Ho 한국재료학회 2020 한국재료학회지 Vol.30 No.10

        Used in the ceramic tile market as a representative building material, relief ceramic tile is showing increased demand recently. Since ceramic tiles are manufactured through a sintering process at over 1,000 ℃ after uniaxial compression molding by loading granule powders into a mold, it is very important to secure the flowability of granular powders in a mold having a relief pattern. In this study, kaolin, silica, and feldspar are used as starting materials to prepare granule powders by a spray dryer process; the surface of the granule powders is subject to hydrophobic treatment with various concentrations of stearic acid. The effect on the flowability of the granular powder according to the change of stearic acid concentration is confirmed by measuring the angle of repose, tap density, and compressibility, and the occurrence of cracks in the green body produced in the mold with the relief pattern is observed. Then, the green body is sintered by a fast firing process, and the water absorption, flexural strength, and durability are evaluated. The surface treatment of the granule powders with stearic acid improves the flowability of the granule powders, leading to a dense microstructure of the sintered body. Finally, the hydrophobic treatment of the granule powders makes it possible to manufacture relief ceramic tiles having a flexural strength of 292 N/cm, a water absorption of 0.91 %, and excellent mechanical durability.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 아동의 진로 인식과 자아 개념과의 관계

        申撤 韓國進路敎育學會 1997 진로교육연구 Vol.8 No.-

        1. The purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to study the relation and effect of subfactor of Self-Concept on Career Awareness for Elementary school children. The concrete statement of this study are as follows ; First, study the level of Career Awareness for Elementary school children. Second, study the level of Self-Concept for Elementary school children. Third, study the relationship between the Career Awareness and Self-Concept for Elementary school children Fourth, study the effect of subfactor of Self-Concept on Career Awareness for Elementary school children. 2. The methods of the study The children participants were 2002 childrens selected by the stratified random sampling of the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades in the ten elementary schools in seoul. The concrete procedures of the instruments used in this study are as follows : First, extracting kinds of job for elementary school childrens. Second, abstracting the subdomains and their characteristics of Career Awareness Inventory to be after reviewing the published Career Awareness/development Inventory. Third, deviding Career Awareness into two sub-domains, attitude domain and competency domain, and clarifying the factors by sub-domains. Fourth, selecting 53 items of attitude domain and 80 items of competency domain. Fifth, reviewing and revising all items by Career education experts, testing and evaluating experts, and teachers of elementary school to increase the validity and reliability of the inventory. sixth, testifying the validity and reliability of Career Awareness scale. seventh, using the statistical analysis methods such as factor analysis, internal consistency. The result of testifying validity and reliability on the Career Awareness are as follows : 1) attitude domain (1) as a result of factor analysis, We found that 53 items of attitude domain were composed of 5 factors and 36 items among them were selected as valid items with considering the statistical criteria for item selection. (2) As a method of the reliability test, the internal consistency testing was conducted to estimate internal consistency between total score of each factor. the result showed that internal consistency (cronbach α's coefficient) was higher as .6834 in the 1 factor, lower as .2501 in the 4 factor. 2861 in the 3 factor, .5525 in the 2 factor and .6135 in the 5 factor. (3) As a results of study, we found that 53 items of attitude domain were composed of 5 factors and 25 items, 3 factors among them were selected as valid items with considering the ststistical criteria for item selection. 2) competency domain (1) As a results of factor analysis, we found that 80 items of competency domain were composed of 3 factors and 51 items among them were selected as vaiid items with considering the ststistical criteria for item selection. (2) As a method of the reliability test, the internal consistency testing was conducted to estimate internal consistency between total score of each factor. the result showed that internal consistency (Cronbach α's coefficient) was higher as .8197 in the 1 factor, lower as .3846 in the 2 factor, and .6932 in the 3 factor . (3) As a results of this study, The researcher found that 80 items of competency domain were composed of 3 factors and 45 items 2 factors among them were selected as vaiid items with considering the ststistical criteria for item selection. Also, Self-Concept Inventory used this study was designed by Coopersmith(1987) . 3. The result of the study The results of statitical analysis on this study were as follows: First, The female children showed higher the level of Career Awareness than male childrens and the order of which the level of Career Awareness showed 6 grade, 5 grade, and 4 grade. Second, The female children showed higher the level of Self-Concept than male childrens and the order of which the level of Self- Concept showed 6 grade, 5 grade and 4 grade. Third, The relationship between the total scores of Career Awareness and subfactors of Self-Concept showed with statistical significance(r=.71) . A further analysis was carried out by dividing all children into high versus low score groups and than a comparison was made between these groups in terms of their self-concept scores. The high versus low Career Awareness groups showed significant difference in Career Awareness scores as shown all subfactors(P<0.001). Fourth, In general, the order of subfactors which contribute to predicting level of Career Awareness was family self and shool self. Also, the relationship between Career Awareness and subfactors of Self-Concept showed significantly (P<0.00l) .

      • KCI등재

        카메라의 言語 - 몽타주작업을 위한 몇 에피소드

        신철 한국어문교육연구회 2019 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.47 No.1

        신철하, 2019, 카메라의 언어, 어문연구, 181 : 181~201 이 글은 몽타주와 쁠랑의 몇 개념을 바탕으로 영화의 현대성에 기여한 몽타주 이론을 실제 영화텍스트 분석을 통해 퍼포먼스 한다. 현대영화는 몽타주에 주목함으로써 보다 심도있는 영화적 완성도를 성취하고 있다. 이 과정에서 놓칠 수 없는 것이 편집이다. 편집은 몽타주의 시작이자 완성이라고 해도 과언이 아닐 만큼 영화작업의 순금 부분을 이룬다. 다시 말해 편집은 절단, 꼴라주, 허구적 연결을 통해 영화 전체를 완성해나가는 최종심급이라고 해도 과언이 아니다. 몽타주는 한편의 영화 속에서 어떤 리듬의 흐름 속에 있는 것이자, 갈등을 유발하는 훌륭한 기제이기도 하다. 또한 몽타주는 그 갈등의 충돌을 통해 유연하고, 극적이며, 상상이상의 방식으로 영화 전체를 ‘지각불가능한 세계’(질 들뢰즈)로 안내하는 역할을 함으로써, 근대와 함께 탄생한 새로운 대중의 기호에 가장 충실한 열광의 장르가 될 수 있었다. Based on a few concepts of Montage and Plan, this article performance the early montage theory that contributed to the modernity of the movie through real films. Contemporary films have achieved greater depth of cinematic perfection by paying attention to the montage. Editing is an essential part of this process. Editing is the beginning and completion of the montage. It occupies an important position in movie work. Editing is not an exaggeration to say that it is the Final course to complete the entire film through cutting, collage, and fictional connection. The montage is in the flow of a rhythm in the film of one side, and it is also an excellent mechanism to induce conflict. In addition, the montage is flexible, dramatic, through the conflict of the conflict, guiding the entire film to the "unrecognizable world"(Deleuze) in ways beyond imagination, so that the genre of the most fervent enthusiasm

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