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      • KCI등재

        Hsp90 Inhibitor Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis of Early Embryos and Primary Cells in Pigs

        손명주,박진모,민성훈,홍주희,박흠대,구덕본 사단법인 한국동물생명공학회 2011 Reproductive & developmental biology Vol.35 No.1

        Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is ATPase-directed molecular chaperon and affects survival of cancer cell. Inhibitory effect of Hsp90 by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in the cancer cell was reported. However, its role during oocyte maturation and early embryo development is very insufficient. In this study, we traced the effects of Hsp90 inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), on meiotic maturation and early embryonic development in pigs. We also investigated several indicators of developmental potential, including structural integrity, gene expression (Hsp90-, cell cycle-, and apoptosis-related genes), and apoptosis, which are affected by 17-AAG. Then, we examined the roles of Hsp90 inhibitor on viability of primary cells in pigs. Porcine oocytes were cultured in the NCSU-23 medium with or without 17-AAG for 44 h. The proportion of GV arrested oocytes was significantly different between the 17-AAG treated and untreated group (78.2 vs 34.8%, p<0.05). After completion of meiotic maturation, the proportion of MII oocytes was lower in the 17-AAG treated group than in the control group (27.9 vs 71.0%, p<0.05). After IVF, the percentage of penetrated oocytes was significantly lower in the 17-AAG treated group (25.2%), resulting in lower normal pronucleus formation (2PN of 14.6%). Therefore, the inhibition of meiotic progression by Hsp90 inhibitor played a critical role in fertilization status. Porcine embryo were cultured in the PZM-3 medium with or without 17-AAG for 6 days. In result, significant differences in developmental potential were detected between the embryos that were cultured with or without 17-AAG. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) showed that the number of containing fragmented DNA at the blastocyst stage increased in the 17-AAG treated group compared with control (7.5 vs 4.4, respectively). Blastocysts that developed in the 17-AAG treated group had low structural integrity and high apoptotic nuclei than those of the untreated control, resulting in decrease the embryonic qualities of preimplantation porcine blastocysts. The mRNA expressions of cell cycle-related genes were down-regulated in the 17-AAG treated group compared with control. Also, the expression of the pro-apoptotic gene Bax increased in 17-AAG treated group, whereas expression of the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-XL decreased. However, the expression of ER stress-related genes did not changed by 17-AAG. Cultured pESF cells were treated with or without 17-AAG and used for MTT assay. The results showed that viability of pESF cells were decreased by treatment of 17-AAG (2 μM) for 24 hr. These results indicated that 17-AAG decreased cell proliferation and increased cell death. Expression patterns Hsp90 complex genes (Hsp70 and p23), cell cycle-related genes (cdc2 and cdc25c) and apoptosis-related genes (Bax and Bcl-XL) were significantly changed by using RT-PCR analysis. The spliced form of pXbp-1 product (pXbp-1s) was detected in the tunicamycin (TM) treated cells, but it is not detected in 17-AAG treated cells. In conclusion, Hsp90 appears to play a direct role in porcine early embryo developmental competence including structural integrity of blastocysts. Also, these results indicate that Hsp90 is closely associated with cell cycle- and apoptosis-related genes expression in developing porcine embryos.

      • KCI등재

        Rho-associated Kinase is Involved in Preimplantation Development and Embryonic Compaction in Pigs

        손명주,박진모,민성훈,박흠대,구덕본 사단법인 한국동물생명공학회 2010 한국동물생명공학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        The first morphogenetic event of preimplantation development, compaction, was required efficient production of porcine embryos in vitro. Compaction of the porcine embryo, which takes place at post 4-cell stage, is dependent upon the adhesion molecule E-cadherin. The E-cadherin through β-catenin contributes to stable cell-cell adhesion. Rhoassociated kinase (ROCK) signaling was found to support the integrity of E-cadherin based cell contacts. In this study, we traced the effects of ROCK-1 on early embryonic development and structural integrity of blastocysts in pigs. Then, in order to gain new insights into the process of compaction, we also examined whether ROCK-1 signaling is involved in the regulation of the compaction mediated by E-cadherin of cellular adhesion molecules. As a result, real-time RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression of ROCK-1 mRNA was presented throughout porcine preimplantation stages, but not expressed as consistent levels. Thus, we investigated the blastocyst formation of porcine embryos treated with LPA and Y27632. Blastocysts formation and their qualities in LPA treated group increased significantly compared to those in the Y27632-treated group (p<0.05). Then, to determine whether ROCK-1 associates embryonic compaction, we explored the effect of activator and/or inhibitor of ROCK-1 on compaction of embryos in pigs. The rate of compacted morula in LPA treated group was increased compared to that in the Y27632-treated group (39.7 vs 12.0%). Furthermore, we investigated the localization and expression pattern of E-cadherin at 4-cell stage porcine embryos in both LPA- and Y27632-treated groups by immunocytochemical analysis and Western blot analysis. The expression of E-cadherin was increased in LPA-treated group compared to that in the Y27632-treated group. The localization of E-cadherin in LPA-treated group was enriched in part of blastomere contacts compared to that Y27632-treated group. ROCK-1 as a crucial mediator of embryo compaction may plays an important role in regulating compaction through E-cadherin of the cell adhesion during the porcine preimplantation embryo. We concluded that ROCK-1 gene may affect the developmental potential of porcine blastocysts through regulating embryonic compaction.

      • KCI등재

        동작관찰훈련을 통한 자세교육이 머리전방자세의 머리척추각과 머리회전각에 미치는 영향

        손명주,노정석,최흥식,오동식,Shon, Myung-Ju,Roh, Jung-Suk,Choi, Houng-Sik,Oh, Dong-Sik 대한물리치료과학회 2012 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to show the effect of postural training through action observation (AO) on craniovertebral angle (CVA) and cranial rotation angle (CRA) of forward head posture (FHP). Methods : From 16 subjects of having the FHP who consist of postural training through the AO (n = 8) and control group (n = 8) were training to three times per one week during three weeks. FHP measurements for pre and post the intervention use to Wiz-pacs(Wiz-Picture Achiving Communication System) from X-ray change of CVA and CRA. Results : The study for the change within the group pre and post the intervention, CVA and CRA were found the significant differences only in the postural training group through the AO (p<.05). In the comparison of the rates of change between the groups pre and post the intervention CVA and CRA all showed the significant differences (p<.05), and in the comparison of the rates of average change of individual variables in each groups, the postural training group through the AO showed more change rates. Conclusion : The study suggests that when people with FHP received the postural training, the postural training through the AO resulted in more change into the correct postures.

      • KCI등재

        카데바를 이용한 해부학 실습의 효과에 관한 연구

        인아(Ina Son),손명주(Myeongjoo Son),정구보(Goo-Bo Jeong) 한국콘텐츠학회 2013 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.13 No.2

        1급 응급구조사는 인체에 대한 해부학적 구조와 기능에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 정확한 임상술기를 수행해야 한다. 이러한 교육을 위해 응급구조(학)과 학생들은 기초의학 분야중 하나인 인체해부학을 이수해야 하며 카데바(cadaver)를 이용한 해부실습 교육이 통합적으로 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 응급구조(학)과 학생 255명에게 실시된 카데바를 이용한 해부학 실습의 효과를 조사 하였다. 그 결과 교육 만족도는 5점 척도 중 평균 4.50점으로 나타났으며, 주제별 시간의 적정도는 평균 3.61점이었고, 교육에 대한 이해도는 평균점으로 나타났다. 또한 93.3%의 학생이 재참여 혹은 다른 학생에게 추천할 의사가 있다고 응답하였고 학년별로 이해도 만족도 시간 적정도에 있어 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다(P<.05). 결론적으로, 추후 학년별 맞춤형 카데바 해부실습 프로그램에 대한 연구가 지속되어야 할 것이고 고학년은 실습 시간을 늘리고 육안해부학(gross anatomy) 뿐만 아니라 임상술기를 접목한 임상해부학(clinical anatomy)에 대한 실습이 통합적으로 진행되어야 함을 제언하는 바이다. There are insufficient cadaver-used practice programs for paramedic student education. To provide the basic data for the effective cadaver practice program, the study interviewed 255 students in department of EMT, who attended cadaver practicum. The results indicated that the average satisfaction level in education was 4.5 out of 5 and in relation to allotted time was 3.61 out of 5. The average understanding level of was 4.5 out of 5. In conclusion, senior students who have already taken clinical education & clinical procedure are recommended to focus on clinical anatomy practice and lower grade students are recommended to focus on understanding human body structure in cadaver-used practice program.

      • KCI등재

        영화 <무뢰한>의 변화하는 공간

        손명주(Son, Myung Ju) 동국대학교 영상미디어센터 2016 씨네포럼 Vol.0 No.24

        지그문트 바우만의 이론에 따르면 액화되고 유동적인 현대 사회 속에서, 개체화된 개인은 지속적이고 단단한 관계 맺기를 원하지만 동시에 그런 단단한 관계가 주는 부자유를 견디지 못한다. 액화된 세계 속에서 현대인은 리퀴드한 사랑만을 할 수 밖에 없다는 것이다. 이 이론에 따르면 현대사회의 우리들은 영원히 유대 없는 인간으로 모순적인 감정을 품고 살아갈 수밖에 없다는 비극적인 결말에 이르게 된다. 그러나 바우만은 이 유대 없는 사회에 균열을 일으킬 가능성을 가진 공간을 제시한다. 바우만이 ‘빈 공간’으로 표현했던 도시의 게토가 그곳이다. 도시를 건설한 사람들이 계획하지 않았고 외면하려 하지만 엄연히 존재하는 이 ‘빈 공간’은 이 액화된 세계의 규칙을 벗어나 이방인의 존재를 허용하며, 현대사회의 공허한 ‘예의’로부터도 자유롭다. 도시인들에게는 위험하고 두렵게 느껴지는 이 ‘빈 공간’은 모순적으로 액체화된 현대사회의 유대 없는 인간의 한계를 극복할 단서를 품고 있다. 하드보일드 멜로를 표방한 영화<무뢰한>은 도시의 게토를 주된 공간으로 범죄자의 연인과 형사와의 위험한 사랑을 다루고 있다. 왜 <무뢰한>은 너무도 익숙한 장르의 컨벤션으로 사랑의 서사를 재현하고 있는가? <무뢰한>이 표현하고 있는 서사와 캐릭터들은 액화된 현대사회의 모습을 표현하기에 가장 적절한 것이며 범죄물의 서사적 공간으로서의 도시의 게토는 바우만이 이야기하는 ‘빈 공간’의 재현이다. 즉 도시의 게토, ‘빈 공간’ 속에 존재하는 사랑, 유대의 감정을 재현한 <무뢰한>은 바우만의 이론을 물질화 시킨 것이다. 본 연구는 영화 <무뢰한>의 공간 분석을 중심으로 이 영화가 표현하고 있는 공간과 캐릭터가 어떻게 액화된 현대사회와 그 속의 유대 없는 인간의 모습을 재현하고 있는지를 살펴보고, 액화된 이 세계의 리퀴드한 사랑의 한계를 극복할 방안을 <무뢰한>에서는 어떻게 공간을 통해 표현하고 있는지를 연구하고자 하였다. According to Zygmunt Bauman"s theory, an individual who has been individualized in liquefied and fluid modern society wants to have a continuous and firm relationship, however simultaneously the individual doesn"t stand inconvenience caused by such firm relationship. In liquefied world, modern people cannot but maintain liquid love. According to this theory, as the people of modern society, we draw a tragic conclusion that we inevitably live with such a contradictory emotion forever which doesn"t wish love while wishing love as human beings without bond. However, Bauman"s theory suggests a space with a possibility to raise a crack in the bondless society. Ghetto of city that Bauman expressed as ‘empty space’. This ‘empty space’, which still exists while those who had constructed the city did not plan and wish to disregard, allows the existence of stranger be escaping from the rules of this liquefied world, and free from the hollow ‘etiquette’ of modern society. This ‘empty space’, which feels dangerous and horrible for urban people, contradictorily has a clue to overcome the limit of bondless people of modern society which has been liquefied. Movie The Shameless, proclaiming hard-boil treats a dangerous love between a sweetheart of a criminal and a detective, based on a city ghetto as a major space. Why does the movie <The Shameless> reproduces the narration of love with a too familiar genre convention? Narrative and characters that The Shameless expresses are most proper to express the appearance of liquefied modern society, and city ghetto as a narrative space of detective work is a reproduction of ‘empty space’ that Bauman tells. That is, The Shameless, which reproduced city ghetto, love that exists in an ‘empty space’, and emotion of bond, materialization of Bauman"s theory. This research intended to investigate how space and characters that movie The Shameless follows reproduce liquefied modern society and the figure of bondless human beings therein based on space analysis, and how this movie expresses a plan to overcome the limit of liquid love in this liquefied world through a space.

      • KCI등재

        중증하지허혈 모델에서 골수유래 중간엽줄기세포가 혈관 형성에 미치는 영향

        손명주(Myeongjoo Son),강웅철(Woong Chol Kang),변경희(Kyunghee Byun) 대한체질인류학회 2016 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.29 No.2

        중증하지허혈 (Critical limb ischemia, CLI)은 동맥경화성 말초동맥질환의 가장 심한 임상 양상 중 하나로 혈전에 의해 유발되어 하지혈관을 통한 혈류를 감소시키고 피부궤양이나 조직괴사, 진행 정도에 따라 사지 절단을 초래할 수 있다. 질환 치료를 위해서 경피적 혈관 중재술 (percutaneous peripheral intervention) 등을 시도하고 있으나 이는 혈관을 뚫어줄 뿐 혈관 재협착률을 줄이지 못하며 새로운 혈관 생성을 하지 못하기 때문에 사지 절단률과 사망률을 유의하게 줄이지 못하고 있다. 최근 골수유래 줄기세포의 주변분비효능 (paracrine effect)을 통한 허혈성 질환에서의 치료 효과에 대해서 보고되었다. 본 연구에서는 중증하지허혈 동물 모델에서 골수유래 중간엽줄기세포의 치료 및 신혈관 형성 (angiogenesis) 효능을 확인하고자 한다. 이를 위해 사람의 골수에서 분리한 중간엽줄기세포의 특성을 유세포분석과 분화실험을 통해 확인하였다. 사람제 대정맥혈관내피세포에서 줄기세포의 배양 배지를 처리한 후 혈관 형성 확인을 통해 주변분비효능을 확인하였다. 또한 10% Ferric chloride (FeCl3)를 이용하여 흰쥐의 넙다리동맥 내에 혈전을 생성하여 중증하지허혈과 비슷한 조건을 만들었으며, 10만 개의 사람골수유래 중간엽줄기세포를 넙다리동맥의 주행에 따라 다리근육에 주입하였다. 28일 후에 줄기세포의 생착능, 다리혈관의 변화, 다리근육의 상태와 섬유화 등을 비교하여 주입한 줄기세포의 효능을 확인하였다. 실험 결과 줄기세포 배양 배지 처리 후 혈관내피세포의 혈관 형성능이 대조군보다 높았을 뿐만 아니라 주입한 중 간엽줄기세포를 주입한 흰쥐에서의 신생혈관 형성능이 높았다. 다리의 상태를 육안으로 확인한 허혈 정도 또한 좋아졌으며, 다리근육 세포의 조직학적 상태와 섬유화 정도에서도 유의미하게 호전되었다. 이상의 실험 결과를 통해 골수에서 분리 배양한 중간엽줄기세포는 중증하지허혈에서의 혈관 형성능뿐만 아니라 섬유화 억제 등의 효과로 중증하지허혈에서 하지 절단을 예방할 수 있음을 확인하였다. Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is the most severe peripheral artery disease and caused by thrombus formation in blood vessel. The current strategies for treating CLI does not protect limb amputation and reduction in the risk of mortality. Recently, human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BD-MSC) were reported to have a paracrine effects on angiogenesis in several ischemic diseases. So, we validate to determine whether BD-MSC protect against ferric chloride treated CLI and induce angiogenesis. To characterized human bone marrow derived stem cell, BD-MSC differentiated to osteocytes and adipocytes and validated stemness using flow cytometry. Endothelial cell induced angiogenesis followed by mesenchymal stem cell cultured medium treatment in HUVEC in vitro. We also mimicked CLI patients condition using FeCl3 treated CLI mouse and injected one hundred thousand of BD-MSC along the femoral artery to leg muscle. We validated stem cell survival, blood vessel formation, leg muscle condition and fibrosis compared by saline injected mice 28 days later. In this study, BD-MSC cultured medium treatment increased migration and tube formation of HUVEC and BDMSC injection had an effective blood vessel formation in FeCl3 treated CLI. As well as blood vessel formation, limb salvage rate also improved and fibrosis area statistically decreased in BD-MSC injected mice. In conclusion, bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell improved not only blood

      • KCI등재

        향기농업: 휘발성 물질을 이용한 식물병 진단과 방제

        명주,진수,오상근,류충민 한국식물병리학회 2022 식물병연구 Vol.28 No.1

        Volatiles exist ubiquitously in nature. Volatile compounds produced by plants and microorganisms confer inter-kingdom and intra-kingdom communications. Autoinducer signaling molecules from contact-based chemical communication, such as bacterial quorum sensing, are relayed through short distances. By contrast, biogenic volatiles derived from plant-microbe interactions generate long-distance (>20 cm) alarm signals for sensing harmful microorganisms. In this review, we discuss prior work on volatile compound-mediated diagnosis of plant diseases, and the use of volatile packaging and dispensing approaches for the biological control of fungi, bacteria, and viruses. In this regard, recent developments on technologies to analyze and detect microbial volatile compounds are introduced. Furthermore, we survey the chemical encapsulation, slow-release, and bio-nano techniques for volatile formulation and delivery that are expected to overcome limitations in the application of biogenic volatiles to modern agriculture. Collectively, technological advances in volatile compound detection, packaging, and delivery provide great potential for the implementation of ecologicallysound plant disease management strategies. We hope that this review will help farmers and young scientists understand the nature of microbial volatile compounds, and shift paradigms on disease diagnosis and management to aromatic (volatile-based) agriculture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        만성 혈액투석 환자에서의 대사성 산혈증과 음이온차의 양상

        정일(Chong Il Sohn),김병훈(Byoung Hun Kim),신진호(Jin Ho Shin),양석철(Suck Chul Yang),박용수(Yong Soo Park),한동수(Dong Soo Han),명주(Myung Ju Ahn),주현(Ju Hyun Sohn),이인홍(In Hong Lee),김순길(Soon Kil Kim),이정희(Jung Hee Lee 대한내과학회 1996 대한내과학회지 Vol.51 No.2

        Objectives: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the prevalence of the various patterns of metabolic acidosis and anion gap among chronic hemodyalysis patients. Methods: Analysis of predialysis arterial blood gases and anion gap patterns was performed in 67 stable chronic outpatient hemodialysis patients(>1 year) with acetate buffer. Blood samples were drawn from the arterial line of the atreriovenous fistula for determination of blood electrolytes, chemistries, and analysis of blood gases at the beginning of hemodyalysis. Results: The degree of metabolic acidosis was mild to moderate with mean pH 7.33±0.039. 82% of a total 67 patients had pH between 7.30 and 7.39 with 18% of them between 7.20 and 7.29. Simple as mixed metabolic acidosis was shown in 49 of 67 patients(73%) and 18 of 67 patients(27%), respectively. In comparison of both groups, the group with mixed metabolic acidosis had significantly lower pH(7.29±0.04 vs 7.34±0.03, p<0.001) with higher pCO₂(38.5±3.4, p<0.005) and anion gap(19.6±4.1 vs 17.6±2.9, p<0.05). The classical high anion gap of end stage renal disease (range, 16 to 29 mEq/L) was also noted in 20 of 67 patients(30%). The linear regression analysis between anion gaps and total serum carbon dioxide contents (TCO₂) didn't show any significant correlation in all patients as well as the two subdivided groups with high and normal anion gap. Furthermore, only 13 of 67 patients(20%) were included between 80 and 120% in the ratio of delta anion gap(ΔAG) over delta TCO₂(dTCO₂). Therefore, the majority of hemodialysis patients (80%) showed the discrepancy between the degrees of d AG and ΔTCO₂. The analysis of unmeasured cations(K, Ca) and anions(albumin, phosphate) in the calculation of anion gap(Na ?Cl ?HCO₃) between two groups of high and normal anion gap of all patients as well as 49 patients of simple metabolic acidosis didn't reveal any discernible contributions to the changes of anion gap. Conclusion- This study therefore showed that the mixed acid-base balance and normal anion gap metabolic acidosis is not an exception in chronic stable hemodialysis patients. Also, the impact of hemodialysis in end stage renal disease patients seemed to lead the changes in values of unidentified anions besides fixed mineral acids and/or in those of unrecognized ionic equivalents of plasma constituents.

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