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      • KCI등재

        Arsenazo I-XAD-16 킬레이트 수지를 이용한 Th(IV)과 U(VI)의 분리

        서정민,김민균,임재희,이창헌,이원,Suh, Jung-Min,Kim, Min-Kyun,Lim, Jae-Hee,Lee, Chang-Hun,Lee, Won 한국분석과학회 1995 분석과학 Vol.8 No.3

        Three Arsenazo I-XAD Chelating resins, with different surface areas and pore sizes were synthesized and characterized. The total sorption capacities of these chelating resins for Cu(II) at pH 5.0 by batch method decreased as follows, Arsenazo I-XAD-16(0.59mmol/g)>Arsenazo I-XAD-4(0.56mmol/g)>Arsenazo I-XAD-2(0.38mmol/g). The sorption and desorption properties of Arsenazo I-XAD-16 chelating resins for U(VI), Th(IV), Hf(IV), Zr(IV), Ni(II), Mn(II), Cd(II). and Cu(II) were studied by both batch and elution method. The Arsenazo I-XAD-16 chelating resin was successfully applied to the separation and concentration of trace U(VI) and Th(IV) in sea and waste waters.

      • KCI등재후보

        『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』에 수록된 돼지 활용(活用)에 관한 고찰(考察) - 단방처방(單方處方)을 중심으로 -

        서정민,김병숙,김윤경,안지영,Suh, Jung-Min,Kim, Byung-Sook,Kim, Yun-Kyung,Ahn, Ji-Young 대한한의학방제학회 2013 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.21 No.2

        Objectives : "Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)" is a medical book of the Joseon Dynasty compiled by Heo Jun and was first published in 1613. It recorded a great deal of prescriptions which contained pork and gave detailed explanations of parts of pork's natural properties and effects. Pork is widely used as a food ingredient in the world but the traditional medicine community has a contraindication of pork and traditional herbal medicines taken together. The aim of this study was to find the supports to develop pork functional foods for the treatment of diseases in "Donguibogam". Methods : Therefore we investigated the documents recorded in "Donguibogam" about usefulness of pork which were used for not only a food ingredient but also a medicine. Results : "Donguibogam" introduced 25 parts of pork including liver, kidney, stomach, bladder, heart etc, and a variety of taking ways i.e. common usages which are internal, external, common use, and aid use which cure a variety of diseases not a simple food but a therapies food. Conclusions : We confirmed that pork has been used to treat many diseases, so we propose to develop pork functional foods available for prevention and cure of certain diseases.

      • 인삼이 흰쥐의 고환조직 핵산 함유량에 미치는 영향

        서정민,김병호,장임수,Suh, Chung-Min,Kim, Byung-Ho,Chang, Im-Soo 대한생리학회 1973 대한생리학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        As a continuation of efforts to elucidate the influence of ginseng upon nucleic acid content of various tissues, a study was carried out which measured testicular RNA and DNA contents of rats following administration of ginseng. Thirty male rats $(body\;weight:\;180{\sim}230\;gm)$ were equally divided into a ginseng and a saline group. Once a day for 5 days they received subcutaneously 0.5 m1/100 gm body weight of ginseng extract solution (4 mg of ginseng alcohol extract in 1 ml of saline), and the same amount of satire, respectively. On the 5th experimental day, all animals were sacrificed 2 hours after the last medication and their testicular RNA and DNA contents were measured using the chemical method of Schmidt-Thannhauser-Schneider. Following results were obtained: 1. Testicular RNA and DNA contents were significantly higher in the ginseng group than in the saline group. 2. RNA/DNA ratio of the testis was lower in the ginseng group than in the saline group. However, the two groups did not differ significantly with regard to the RNA/DNA ratio. The ginseng is inferred to raise RNA and DNA contents of testis in rats.

      • KCI등재

        김교신의 생명 이해

        서정민(Suh Jeong-Min) 한국기독교역사연구소 2004 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.20 No.-

        Kim Kyo-shin’s understanding of life can be summarized as follows. Firstly, about creation: He thought that creation in the Bible was thorough and complete, but in this scientific era it had to be explained by scientific methods in detail. The problem of time and process in creation can be solved through a paradigm shift between theology and science. If unsolved problems still remain, we have to consider a time ‘gap’ between ‘the Bible era’ and today. Secondly, about life: His understanding of life had threefold meanings. First of all, all lives are equal. Animals and plants have the same value in their lives as human life. Secondly, each life has its own function and mission. Therefore, it is impossible to rank their value by a single measure. Lastly, the value of lives comes from ‘hopes of resurrection’ which already dwell in them. If we consider history as life, we can predict that in suffering and hardship it can revive someday. Thirdly, about nature and environment. He emphasized natural values. Natural is better than artificial, rural than urban, because the original state of nature receives peace from the Creator. God, as a geographer, pays attention to the relationship between environment and human beings, and between natural conditions and historical situations. That is, geography and history have such a close connection with each other that we have to consider nature and history, environment and human together.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 FTA상 전자상거래 무역규범 유형화에 관한 연구

        서정민(Jeongmeen Suh),노재연(Jaeyoun Roh) 한국통상정보학회 2021 통상정보연구 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구는 RCEP을 포함하여 한국이 체결한 가장 최근의 FTA의 전자상거래 조항들을 분석대상으로 하여, 체결대상국에 따라 다양할 것으로 기대되는 한국의 전자상거래 관련 무역규범들이 어떻게 유형화될 수 있는지, 각 유형별 기준이 되는 핵심조항들은 무엇인지 보인다. 이를 위해 기존의 연구자가 일일이 조문들을 검토하는 정성적 분석 외에 협정문들을 데이터로 전환하여 이들 간의 수치적 거리를 계산하는 정량적 분석방법인 텍스트마이닝 기법을 사용한다. 이를 통해 세부적인 내용에 집중하여 간과할 수 있었던 한국 전자상거래 무역규범의 전반적인 틀을 조망하고 이에 기반한 새로운 시사점들을 도출한다. This study aims to show how Korea s e-commerce-related trade norms can be categorized and which provisions are critical to determine such categorization. To achieve this, we analyze all the e-commerce related texts up to the latest FTA signed by Korea, including RCEP. In addition to qualitative analysis by reviewing the texts one by one, we also use a text mining technique, which is a quantitative analysis method that converts FTA texts into data and calculates numerical distances between them. Based on this, we try to examine the overall structure of Korean e-commerce trade norms, which could have been overlooked by focusing on details, and to derive new implications.

      • KCI등재

        한국기독교의 현상(現狀)에 대한 역사적 검토

        서정민(Suh Jeong-Min) 한국기독교역사연구소 2009 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.31 No.-

        현재의 이명박 정부는 제1공화국 이래 이른바 ‘기독교적 정부’라는 평가를 받고 있다. 그러나 이러한 이미지는 오히려 반 기독교적 정서를 야기하는 요인이 된다. 한국기독교에 대한 사회적 인식은 한국기독교가 보여주는 여러 현상들에 대해 결코 긍정적 평가를 내리지 않는다. 이글은 이러한 한국기독교의 현상들에 대해 사회참여의 특성에 따른 시기구분을 중심으로 검토하는 것이다. 기독교를 종교적 차원이 아닌 정치적 힘의 이데올로기로 수용했던 초기 한국 기독교는 1907년 대 부흥운동을 거치며 사회적 문제보다는 개인적 내면의 문제에 치중하는 특징으로 전환되었다. 물론 3ㆍ1운동을 통해 일부 신앙적 동기가 민족적 에너지로 전환된 사례를 찾을 수 있지만 주류는 개인중심, 내세중심의 신앙이었다. 이는 일제 말기 신사참배 강요에 의한 수난의 시대를 통해 소수의 저항과 다수의 순응이라는 역사적 현상으로 이어진다. 그러나 이들 소수의 신앙적 동기에서의 저항은 강력한 정치적 저항으로 현상화되었다. 해방 후 한국기독교는 미군정기를 거쳐 이승만 정부를 수립하는 과정에서 특혜를 누리며 ‘기독교적 정부’를 형성하였다. 이 과정에서 나타난 정교유착은 말기 이승만 정권의 독재와 부정 속에서도 계속되었다. 이러한 경향은 박정희 정부에서도 여전하였다. 소수의 진보적 기독교 인사들은 1969년 ‘삼선개헌’을 계기로 본격적인 민주화운동에 나서게 되었다. 이들은 ‘민중신학’을 창출하여 세계적 신학의 흐름과 동류하며 신학적 예언성을 발휘하였다. 그러나 이 과정에서 양적성장에 매진하는 보수 다수의 기독교 세력과 적극적 사회참여의 진보 소수의 기독교 세력 사이의 양극화와 갈등이 심화되었다. 이러한 소수의 진보적 기독교 세력은 김대중 정부와 노무현 정부 시기를 통해 직접 정치일선에 참여하게 되었다. 그러나 그 과정에서 이전 민주화 운동 당시의 예언성을 상실하며 사회적 신망마저 잃게 되었다. 반면 다수의 보수적 기독교인들은 정권반대의 결집과 투쟁을 통해 차기 정권을 창출할 기회를 얻었다. 그러나 이명박 정부 시대 한국기독교는 더욱 많은 갈등을 빚어내며 세간의 비난을 받고 있다. 총체적으로 현재의 한국 프로테스탄트 기독교는 한국 일반사회의 인식 수준에서 최하의 평가에 놓여 있음을 인정하지 않을 없는 상황이다. 그러나 한국기독교는 고난의 민족사에 십자가를 지고 앞장섰던 역사적 유산을 지니고 있다. 또한 민중 크리스천의 신앙 에너지는 오늘날 여전히 강력하다. 또한 어두운 상황을 밝게 비친 예언자적 신학 전통을 지니고 있다. 그리고 서서히 사고의 전환, 가치관의 변혁, 목표의 수정을 지향하는 분위기가 감지되고 있다. 또한 한국기독교는 일본이나 중국 기독교와의 선교협력 사명을 자각하고 있는 동시에, 세계 기독교 안에서 감당해야 할 역할을 새롭게 발견해 가고 있다. 이는 한국기독교의 불멸하는 긍정적 희망과 과제이다. Today, the Lee Myoung-bak administration is estimated as christian government again, since the first republic of Korea. But this image is a factor lead to anti-christianity emotion, on the contrary. Social recognition on the Korean christianity has not given positive estimation on the status quo of Korea christianity. The Purpose of this paper is to investigate on the status quo of Korean christianity centered on division of period depended on the specific character of participation in public affairs. Early Korean christianity has received christianity as not religious dimension but ideology of political power. Passing through the great revival movement 1907, Korean christianity was transformed to emphasize the individual inner matter rather than social problem. To be sure, through the 3ㆍ1 Independent Movement, we can find some case of a part motivation of faith turning to the national energy, but main stream was focused on individual or hereafter faith. This tendency continued historical situation as minority's resistance and majority's adaptation in the age of sufferings caused by demand of Shinto shrine worship in the last years of the Japanese reign. But this minority's resistance that made faith-based motivation was shown powerfully political resistance. After the Emancipation of August 1945, Korean Christianity formed ‘christian government' with special benefit through the age of American military government and the course of founding Rhee Seung-man administration. The close relationship of church and state which made in this process, was continued in the last years of Rhee Seung-man regime in spite of the dictatorship and unrighteousness. This disposition was unchanged in the Park Chung-hee administration. Minority progressive christians came forward to full-scale democratization movement for the chance of ‘constitution amendment of election for the third term(三選改憲)' in 1969. They made 'Minjung Theology' together with current of world theology and displayed theological propheticality. But, in this course, the trouble and struggle between the conservative majority christian who striving for the quantitative growth and the progressive minority christian positive participating to the society were deepened. This progressive minority christian powers were participated immediately in the front of political affairs through the age of Kim Dae-jung and No Mu-hyun administration. But, in this process, they lost propheticality at that time of democratization movement and social confidence. On the other side, conservative majority christians got an opportunity to make the next term administration through the struggle for political power and the concentration for against campaign. But Korean christianity in the age of Lee Myung-bak administration was criticized by Korean society more and more because of it made troubles much more. As a whole, it is impossible of we cannot conclude that the Korean protestant christianity at the present is received the lowest estimation in the rebel of recognition of general society in Korea. However, the Korean christianity has a historical heritage that leaded suffering national history undertake together with the corss. Also, the faith energy of people christian is still powerful. Also, the Korean christianity has a tradition of prophetical theology that lighted on the dark situation of Korean history. And, little by little, an atmosphere intend to conversion of thinking, reform sense of value, rectification of target is perceived. Also, the Korean christianity is conscious of the mission of cooperation missionary work with Japanese and Chinese christianity as well as newly discovering the role of Korean christianity in the world christianity. This is the imperishably affirmative hope and task.

      • 일제 말 ‘일본기독교조선교단’ 형성과정

        서정민(Suh Jeong-Min) 한국기독교역사연구소 2002 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.16 No.-

        From the beginning, Korean protestant churches were established as denominational churches. But, there had been attempts to establish a single-unified church beyond denominational distinctions. From this point of view, the Korean Union Church formed in August, 1945 can be understood as an achievement of Korean churches’ goal. However, due to the lack of source material, so far we were not able to investigate its formation process in detail. Based on the facts drawn from newly discovered “Ilbon Ki Dok Kyo Chosun Kyo Dan-The Korean Church Group of the Japanese Christianity,” this paper reconstructs the formation process of the Korean Union Church in the late Japanese colonial period and interprets its historical meaning. In so doing it deals with the Union Church’s role in the reshuffling of Korean churches during the time and thereafter. The Union Church was, in some real sense, a single-unified church in Korea that overcame denominational interests. The question, then, is, why has it been historically undervalued and failed to maintain itself? There were two fundamental reasons. First, the intervention of Japanese colonial power in its forming process seriously damaged its legitimacy. Secondly, mature consideration about denominations’ theological differences was lacking for a successful unification.

      • KCI등재

        북한 거울무역통계 활용 및 타당성 검증 방법연구 : 신재생에너지 분야 전력공급량 추정을 중심으로

        서정민 ( Jeongmeen Suh ) 한국국제통상학회 2022 국제통상연구 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구는 일반적으로 관찰가능하지 않은 국가의 특정 경제부문의 규모를 추정하고자 할 때 해당국의 해당 부문과 밀접한 상품의 교역 규모를 추정함으로 간접적으로나마 관련 통계를 구축하는 방법을 북한의 신재생에너지 발전부문 규모 추정의 맥락에서 살펴본다. 국제무역의 쌍방향성으로 교역 상대방의 정보를 통해 관찰가능하지 않은 국가의 교역정보를 구성하는 이른바 ‘거울무역통계’ 접근방식에 집중하여, 거울무역통계가 가지는 일반적 한계를 보완할 수 있는 방법으로 계량경제학적 추정을 통한 보정방법을 설명하는 한편 거울무역통계의 사용이 타당성을 검증하기 위한 우회적 방법으로 준거변수의 활용이 가능할 수 있음을 제안한다. This study investigates how to estimate the size of a specific sector in a country which does not provide any accessible data. I propose that mirror trade statistics of the sector-intensively-used goods can be an alternative. I explain how to reconstruct an unobservable country's trade statistics by utilizing the characteristics of trade statistics that one country's exports are the other's imports. In particular, this study proposes an econometric approach to correct the limitations of mirror trade statistics and a new method to check whether the constructed mirror trade statistics are valid. As a concrete example for this, I present how to estimate and verify the size of North Korea's imports of new and renewable energy-related products.

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