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      • 국가 관련 감정이 소비자들의 구매의도에 미치는 영향 : 해외진입방식의 조절효과를 중심으로

        리웨이,오한모 강원대학교 경영경제연구소 2016 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Vol.7 No.1

        An extensive body of research on the effects of country-of-origin has emerged in the international marketing and business literature streams. Nonetheless, extant studies do not satisfactorily demonstrate whether and how a foreign firm’s choice of market entry mode influences consumers’ purchase intentions of its product in country-related affect contexts. Using a survey and an experimental design, we aimed to provide evidence of the effects of the choice on consumers’ evaluation and attitude of its product in an animosity context and in a national image context. Through the survey, we collected data regarding consumer animosity, national image, product evaluation, and product attitude from 185 university students and tested the hypotheses that consumer animosity and national image have effects on foreign product evaluation and attitude. The results of the survey research show that personal animosity has a negative effect on consumers’ evaluation of foreign products and that a country’s image regarding economics has positive effects on consumers’ attitude toward foreign products as well as consumers’ evaluation of foreign products. In the experimental design, we divided subjects into four groups and exposed them to several descriptions of hypothetical purchase situations. Conducting a 2 (market entry modes) × 2 (country-of-origin) ANOVA, we tested the hypothesis that a market entry mode influences foreign product evaluation and attitude. The results of the experimental study reveal that in a high country-related product association (Germany), market entry modes have insignificant effects on foreign product evaluation and attitude. In addition, in a low country-related product association (China), international partnership has more positive effects on foreign product evaluation and attitude than does exporting.

      • KCI등재후보

        다렌 도시공원의 탄생과 변천: 식민지 통치시대(1898~1945)를 중심으로

        리웨이,미나미 마코토 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2015 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.0 No.12

        The purpose of this report is to set a focus on city parks of colonial Dalian and consider about the birth and transition of these parks. Chinese modern city parks appeared with an invasion of the colonialism after the end of 19th century, but the former study was indifferent to the city park in the Tohoku region where Japan got involved in. As the first step to gain an understanding of the Chinese Parks as a whole and the Tohoku district city park, I decided to use the harbor town of Dalian as the basis for the investigation. I inquired into the difference between the era of Russian and the era of Japan of the city and its impact on planning in Dalian, the birth of the modern city park in Europe, and the introduction and the problems of the modern city park in Japan, especially in regards to the opposition and fusion with the traditional Japanese garden. As a result, the city park of Dalian was born in the dawn period of the Russian rule era and having changed in the development period of the Japan rule era, then the variety, functionality, political nature and national discrimination of the Dalian city park was defined. 본고의 목적은 식민지도시 다롄의 도시공원에 초점을 맞추어 그 탄생과 변천에 관해 고찰하는 것이다. 중국의 근대적 도시공원은 19세기말 이후 식민지주의의 진입과 함께 나타났으나, 지금까지의 연구는 일본이 관계하고 있던 중국 동북지역의 도시공원에 대해서는 무관심했다. 이러한 연구 상황을 감안하여 중국 전체 및 중국 동북지역의 도시공원을 종합적으로 파악하기 위한 첫걸음으로서, 일본 식민지경영의교두보로서의 해항도시 다롄을 고찰했다. 고찰 시에는 러시아 통치시대와 일본 통치시대 다롄에 대한 도시계획의 상이점 외에도, 유럽에서의 근대적 도시공원의 탄생이나 일본 내 근대적 도시공원의 도입과그 문제점, 전통 일본정원과의 길항 및 융합에 유의하면서 작업을 진행했다. 이를 통해 다롄의 도시공원은 여명기의 러시아 통치시대와 전개기의 일본 통치시대에 탄생하여 변천해왔다는 점과 함께, 다롄공원의 다양성과 다기능성 및 그 정치성과 민족적 차별성을 명확히 밝혔다.

      • KCI등재


        리웨이 한국중재학회 2016 중재연구 Vol.26 No.1

        International arbitration is the important field of applying CISG and the backbone of uniform law developed by CISG. Now CIETAC tribunals like courts of contracting states apply CISG precisely, which is beneficial to improving the quality and the credit of arbitral cases. Arbitration has the characters of independence and the non-government. the legal foundation of arbitral tribunal’s applying CISG are the national arbitral law, the applicable arbitral procedures and usages of arbitration, not for performing international obligations under the CISG. CIETAC mainly use China Contract Law and CISG over the cases of sale of goods. Because of no provisions on recovery of differential price loss (equal to article 75 and 76 of CISG) Chinese tribunals have more discretion in determining the sum of damages under the China Contract Law. Applying China Contract Law may not beneficial to aggrieved party. 국제상사중재는 <국제물품매매계약에 관한 유엔협약>을 적용하는 중요한 영역이고 본협약이 국제 통일법적인 역할을 발휘하는데 중요한 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 중국국제경제무역중재위원회(CIETAC)는 협약을 가장 많이 적용하여 중재사건을 해결하는 중재위원회이다. 중재재판소는 체약국 법원과 마찬가지로 협약내용을 정확하게 이해하고 정확하게 적용함으로써 사건재판의 질을 제고하고 판결의 공신력을 강화한다. 하지만 중재재판소의 민간성과 독립성으로 인하여 재판소가 협약을 적용하는 법률기초는 소재국 국내 중재법, 중재절차 및 국제중재관례이고, 소재국이 협약을 이행함에 있어서의 국제조약의무가아니다. 협약과 중국 계약법은 CIETAC 중재재판소가 주요하게 적용하는 법률이다. 중국계약법 규정에는 협약 제75조, 76조의 내용에 해당하는 차액배상제도가 존재하지 않기 때문에, 판사와 중재재판소는 손해배상금을 확정함에 있어서 보다 많은 자유재량권을 가지므로 협약을 적용하는 것과 중국 계약법을 적용하는 것은 당사자에게 서로 다른 영향을일으킨다.

      • KCI등재

        LMX가 창의성에 미치는 영향: 관계에너지와 창의과정몰입의 연속다중매개효과를 중심으로

        리웨이,전지영,박호환,Li, Wei,Tian, Zhi-Rong,Park, Ho-Hwan 한국콘텐츠학회 2022 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.22 No.10

        As a study on the mechanisms by which creativity is improved in an organization, this study tried to verify the serial multiple mediating effects of relational energy and creative process engagement in the effect of leader-member exchange(LMX) on creativity. To test the hypothesis, a survey was conducted on 200 workers in China, and 154 of them were analyzed. The analysis used model 6 of the PROCESS macro. As a result, first, LMX has positive effects on creativity. Second, relational energy mediated the relationship between LMX and creativity. Third, creative process engagement mediated the relationship between LMX and creativity. Forth, relational energy and creative process engagement continuously mediated the relationship between LMX and creativity. Based on these research results, the implications and limitations of this study were presented, and methods to improve creativity in the organization were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        코칭 개념과 연구방법에 관한 국내외 비교 및 향후 연구를 위한 제언

        리웨이,백양숙,박호환 한국코칭능력개발원 2022 코칭능력개발지 Vol.24 No.3

        There has been a steady stream of literature and empirical studies on coaching in Korea for the past two decades or so. However, the differences between the views and trends of domestic and overseas research on coaching in the organizational context have not been properly considered. And the distinction between managerial coaching and executive coaching in Korea is ambiguous, causing confusion among subsequent researchers. Therefore, this study was intended to reduce confusion in coaching research and to make suggestions for future coaching research by comparing overseas and domestic studies. For this purpose of research, more than 40 coaching review papers and 250 domestic studies published since 2000 were analyzed. This study analyzed managerial coaching and executive coaching separately. The framework of the analysis was divided into concept aspects, measurement aspects, analysis methods and outcome aspects. As a result, there was a difference in concept, measurement, and results between managerial coaching and executive coaching. We discussed and made suggestions on this for the future research. This paper contributed to the development of coaching research by preventing confusion in coaching research and explaining the scientific theorization process. 2000년 이후 국내외에서 코칭에 관한 문헌연구와 실증연구들이 꾸준히 이어지고 있다. 하지만 조직 맥락에서 실행되고 있는 코칭에관한 국내외의 연구의 관점과 경향이 어떻게 다른지 구체적으로 고찰된 바가 없다. 해외에서는 관리적코칭과 임원코칭을 명확히 구분하여 연구하는 반면에 국내에서는 명확한 구분 없이 연구가 이루어지는 경향이 있어서 후속 연구자들의 혼란을 가중시킨다. 따라서본 연구는 조직에서의 코칭에 관한 해외 연구와 국내 연구를 관리적코칭과 임원코칭으로 구분하여 개념 및 측정방법 그리고 연구방법에 관해 비교·분석함으로써 혼란을 줄이고 국내 연구의 한계점을 도출하고 향후 코칭 연구를 위한 제언을 하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 해외 연구는 2000년 이후 해외에서 개재된 코칭 리뷰논문 40여 개를 대상으로 분석하였고, 국내 연구는 250개를 대상으로 분석하였다. 본 연구는 관리적코칭과 임원코칭을 구분하여 개념 측면, 측정도구 측면, 분석방법 및 결과 측면을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 국내와 해외 연구에서 관리적코칭과 임원코칭에 대한 개념적 차이와 측정도구의 차이, 분석방법 및 결과의 차이를 확인하였고, 이에 관해논의하고 제언을 하였다. 본 논문은 관리적코칭과 임원코칭 연구에 대한 혼란을 줄이고 코칭의 과학적인 이론화 과정을 위해 고려해야할 사항에 대해 제언함으로써 코칭 연구의 발전에 기여한다.

      • KCI등재

        아시아 및 아프리카 원산 참깨(Sesame indicum L.) 유전자원의 농업형질과 리그난 함량 평가

        이수경,성정숙,이기안,유은애,황소정,리웨이란,양태진,Sookyeong Lee,Jungsook Sung,Gi-An Lee,Eunae Yoo,So Jeong Hwang,Weilan Li,Tae-Jin Yang 한국자원식물학회 2023 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an ancient oilseed crop, which is usually cultivated for its seeds. Sesame breeding aims to achieve high seed yield and quality, along with resistance to biotic or abiotic stresses. It is estimated that sesame is originated from Asia or Africa continent. In this study, we characterized 10 agronomic traits and evaluated lignan contents in 165 sesame germplasm originated from Asia or Africa, to select high-yield or high-lignan content accessions. Sesame germplasm showed diverse phenotypes and highly variable lignan contents (sesamin: 0.5-12.6 mg/g, sesamolin: 0.1-3.5 mg/g, lignan: 1.1-16.1 mg/g). Based on originated continent, there are significant difference in agronomic traits, but no in lignan content. Correlation analysis revealed that yield-related agronomic traits were negatively related with lignan contents. Also, PCA analysis showed that most agronomic traits and lignan contents were principal components explaining diversity of whole sesame germplasm. Sesame germplasm was clustered into three groups based on agronomic traits and lignan contents. Finally, we selected high-yield (IT29416, IT167042, K276848, K276849) and high-lignan candidate accessions (IT169254, IT170031, IT169250, IT154876, IT170034), respectively. These accessions are expected to be valuable resources for breeding of high-yield and high-lignan contents functional cultivars.

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