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        초분광 기술을 이용한 다수의 유묘 내 안토시아닌 함량 측정

        김효석,정영철,Kim, Hyo-suk,Chung, Youngchul 한국광학회 2021 한국광학회지 Vol.32 No.5

        최근 농작물의 상황을 실시간이면서도 비파괴적으로 측정하는 시스템이 스마트팜 등의 분야에서 필수적인 요소로 주목받고 있다. 본 연구에서는 초분광 영상 기술을 통해 많은 개체 수의 청경채 유묘 내의 안토시아닌 함량을 비파괴적으로 동시에 측정하였다. 많은 유묘의 동시 측정을 위해서, 기존의 초분광 영상 시스템의 실험 구성을 수정하였다. 품종당 24개씩 총 96개의 유묘를 측정하였고, 한번의 초분광 데이터 획득시 12개의 유묘가 동시에 분석 가능했으며, 총 3분이 소요된다. 본 논문에서 제안한 초분광 영상 기술은 파괴적 화학 분석 방법과 비교 가능한 분석 시스템을 제공하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 많은 수의 식물을 동시에 측정함으로써, 초분광 영상 기술이 초고속 피노타이핑 시스템에 적용될 수 있다는 가능성을 확인하였다. Recently a system for nondestructive measurement of seedling plants in real time has been attracting attention as an essential element in fields such as the "smart farm". This study reports the simultaneous measurement of anthocyanin accumulations in leaf tissues in a large number of bok choy, using a hyperspectral imaging system. To measure many seedlings simultaneously, an existing hyperspectral imaging system is modified. In this paper, a total of 96 seedlings are measured: 24 each of 4 cultivars. Using the hyperspectral data-acquisition system, 12 seedlings can be analyzed simultaneously within 3 minutes. The hyperspectral imaging technology proposed in this paper is shown to provide an analytic system comparable to destructive chemical analysis. This hyperspectral imaging technology can be applied to a high-throughput plant-phenotyping system, owing to its capability of measuring a large number of specimens at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        Effective Threshold Voltage Control in GaN Nanowire Field-effect Transistors with a Dual-gate Structure

        김효석,J.-R. Kim,김주진,이정오 한국물리학회 2012 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.61 No.12

        To control the gate threshold voltages of nano-devices, we fabricated a GaN nanowire field effect transistor with a sandwich-type dual-gate structure in which the top- and bottom-gate electrodes could independently apply a gate voltage bias to the nanowire conducting channel. The fabricated device showed a clear <I>n</I>-type gate response. The gate threshold voltage of the nanowire field effect transistor could be effectively tuned over a wide range, from -13 V to +1 V, by scanning the top- or bottom-gate voltage between -10 and +10 V, respectively. As the top-gate voltage was varied from -10 V to +10 V, the carrier mobility increased from 16 to 56 cm<SUP>2</SUP>/Vs and the channel conductance increased. The turn-on position of the channel conductance could be tuned precisely by varying the voltage at one of the gates.

      • 2000년 문제의 대응전략

        김효석,Kim, Hyo-Seok 한국정보통신집흥협회 1997 정보화사회 Vol.115 No.-

        2000년 문제는 컴퓨터를 쓰기 시작한 50년동안 가장 큰 위기중의 하나이다. 문제자체는 별개 아니지만, 시간과 비용, 그리고 인력의 문제이다. 이 세가지만 충분하다면 아무 문제가 없을 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        북한의 장편소설 『전환』을 통해 본 ‘수령형상’ 문학의 특성과 창작원리

        김효석(Kim Huo-suk) 중앙어문학회 2000 語文論集 Vol.28 No.-

        It is true that as time goes, the literature of North Korea also shows the symptom of change a little. We can no longer deny that the 'chief-shape literature' is still in the center of the literature of North Korea. It is considered that the political gross matter, such as the death of Il-Seong, Kim and the selection of Jeong-Il, Kim and the poverty, such as difficulty of obtaining food resulting from the deluge in 1995 and the second flood in 1996 couldn't change the principle of the North Korea Literature. And when we keep these facts in mind, it is supposed that the literary of North Korea faces two problems without exception; the succession of the existing literature and the change according to the demand of the times. We felt all over again, through the novel 『Cheon hwan』 published in 1999, how the creative method of 'the chief-shape literature' has remained strong, which has begun to take firm root since 1967. Above all, the importance of 『Cheon hwan』 is to grasp the contemporary real state of the literary and artistic policy of North Korea indirectly through this work. In fact, 'the chief-shape literary' began in the historical reality of the past and were created under the clear sense of purpose may hold extremely suppressed limitation of the expression of a writer's personal desire. Nevertheless, 'the chief-shape literature' remains magnificent showing the characteristic and limitation of the literature of North Korea. To perceive the change of 'the chief-shape literature' is the method to confirm the true change of the literature of North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        탈북 디아스포라 소설의 현황과 가능성 고찰 : 김유경의 『청춘연가』를 중심으로

        김효석(Kim, Hyo-seok) 중앙어문학회 2014 語文論集 Vol.57 No.-

        본고는 김유경의 ‘청춘연가’를 통해 탈북자가 주체가 된 소설의 현황과 가능성에 대해 고찰하였다. 이 소설은 탈북자의식의 다양성과 탈북자 전형을 보여주고 있다는 점에서 중요한 의미를 지닌다. ‘청춘연가’에 등장하는 ‘선화’와 ‘복녀’, ‘경옥’은 하나원 동기들로 남한 정착 이후에도 남한 내 탈북자로서 집단의식을 공유한다. ‘선화’는 북한정권과 탈북과정으로 인한 고통과 분노를 날 것으로 드러내기보다는 탈북자 이면의 양가적 감정들을 은유적으로 보여준다. ‘복녀’는 탈북자로서의 자존감을 강하게 드러내면서 남한 사회에 대한 비판적 시선도 드러낸다. ‘경옥’은 그동안 탈북자 서사에서 금기시되었던 자본에 대한 욕망을 가감없이 드러내고 있다. 하지만 소설 속 탈북자들은 전지구적 자본주의 아래 재식민화되는 과정을 객관적으로 바라보지 못하고 있어 아쉬움을 준다. 또한 ‘청춘연가’는 소설제목의 명명법이나 창작방법론에서 북한소설의 특성을 지니면서도 남과 북의 화해와 결합을 꿈꾸는 재영토화의 욕망을 함께 보여준다. 무엇보다 ‘청춘연가’는 이전의 증언서사와 달리 소설적 화자를 통해 탈북자 집단의 다양하고 복잡한 의식지향을 보여주기 시작했다는 점에서 의미가 깊다. This study investigated present situation and possibility of novels that the North Korean refugee became the subject, through Kim Yugyeong’s 「choung chun youn ga」. Kim Yu-gyeong’s 「choung chun youn ga」(Youth Sonata) has significance for showing diversity of North Korean refugee consciousness and model of them. ‘Seon-hwa’, ‘Bok-nyeo’ and ‘Gyeong-ok’ in Youth Sonata are those who joined Hanawon(Settlement Support Center for North Korean Refugees), and they share the group consciousness of North Korean refugees in South Korea after they settled in South Korea. ‘Seon-hwa’ shows ambivalent emotions of the North Korean refugee’s hidden side metaphorically, rather than expressing in the raw the pain and anger caused by the North Korean regime and the escape process from North Korea. ‘Bok-nyeo’ strongly reveals self-esteem as the North Korean refugee and casts critical eyes on the South Korean society at the same time. ‘Gyeong-ok’ shows nakedly the desire of capital that has been a taboo in the North Korean refugees’ description. However, in that the North Korean refugees in this novel can not objectively see the recolonization process under capitalism, it lacks something. Also, 「choung chun youn ga」(Youth Sonata) takes on the North Korean novel character in nomenclature of novel’s title or creation methodology and shows desire of re-territorialization that dreams of inter-Korean reconciliation and union. Above all, unlike the other testimony description, it is very important in starting to show various and complicated consciousness of the North Korean refugee group through the novel speaker.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        주교회의의 입법권과 『한국 지역 교회법전 I』 고찰

        김효석(Hyo-Suk Kim) 한국가톨릭신학학회 2021 가톨릭신학 Vol.- No.38

        보편교회법은 주교회의에 제한적인 입법권을 부여하였다. 주교회의는 보편교회법이 명시하거나 사도좌가 특별 위임한 안건에 한해서만 일반 교령을 제정할 수 있다. 이러한 제약은 개별 교회 교구장의 자율성과 권한을 훼손하지 않으면서도 주교들의 사목적 협력을 강화하려는 의도가 반영된 것이다. 주교회의는 법률인 일반 교령뿐만 아니라, 법률의 집행을 위한 방식을 정하는 일반 집행 교령도 제정할 수 있다. 일반 교령은 법률의 본성을 갖기에, 원칙적으로 일반 교령의 제정자는 입법권자로 한정되지만, 명시적 위임이 있는 경우 집행권자도 같은 권한을 행사한다. 반면 일반 집행 교령은 행정 행위이기에, 그 제정자는 집행권자로 확대된다. 주교회의가 유효하게 일반 교령을 제정하기 위해서는, 반드시 총회의 승인이 필요하며, 이를 위해 의결투표권을 가진 정회원의 3분 2이상의 찬성을 얻어야 한다. 또한 주교회의가 승인한 일반 교령은 사도좌의 인준을 받고, 합법적으로 공포되어야 한다. 한국 천주교 주교회의는 2005년에 『한국 지역 교회법전 I』을 발간하였다. 이 책에는 다양한 명칭을 지닌 문서들이 담겨 있는데, 일반 교령과 일반 집행 교령이 혼재한다. 이 중에 본 논문은, 법적 성격에 의문이 생길 수 있는 두 문서, 즉 ‘한국 교회의 교회법 보완 규정’과 ‘한국 천주교 사목지침서’를 중점적으로 고찰하였다. 첫 번째 문서는, 보편교회법이 주교회의에 입법을 맡긴 사안들 중 한국 천주교 주교회의가 제정한 일반 교령으로서 2002년 사도좌의 인준을 받았다. 두 번째 문서는, 복합적인 내용으로 구성된다. 우선 한국 사목자들이 사목 활동을 위해 상기해야 할 보편교회법 조문을 발췌하였고, 200주년 기념 사목회의 의안에서 채택한 사안을 수록하였으며, 한국의 국법 중 참고할 조항들을 나열하였다. 이 문서는 엄밀한 의미에서 입법적 성격의 일반 교령이나 일반 집행 교령으로 볼 수 없으며, 한국 사제들의 사목 활동에 도움이 되는 ‘사목 안내서’로 분류될 수 있다. 종합하여 보면, 주교회의가 제정한 입법적 성격의 일반 교령은 ‘한국 교회의 교회법 보완 규정’뿐이다. Universal laws allow a conference of bishops to have limited legislative power. The conference can issue general decrees but only within what is prescribed in universal laws or specially mandated by the Apostolic See. These restrictions are imposed with the intention to strengthen pastoral cooperation of bishops while they do not undermine autonomy and power of each diocesan bishop. The bishops’ conference can issue not only general decrees which are laws but also general executory decrees that provide methods to enforce laws. In principle, issuers of general decrees are limited to those who are legislators because the general decree have the nature of law. But if there is an explicit delegation, persons possessing executive power can also exercise the same authority. On the other hand, general executory decrees are administrative acts and their issuers are expanded to persons possessing executive power. For a conference of bishops to enact general decrees validly, it is essential to receive approval from a plenary session with at least two thirds of the votes of regular members entitled to deliberative votes. Then the approved general decrees should be reviewed by the Apostolic See before they are promulgated legally. In 2005, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea published 『The Code of Korean Local Church I』 that contains documents of various titles comprising both general decrees and general executory decrees. This paper is to look into two documents of the Code as questions might be raised pertaining to their legal character; 「Legislation of Bishops’ Conference Complementary to the Code」 and 「Pastoral Directory of the Church in Korea」. The first document, 「Legislation of Bishops’ Conference Complementary to the Code」 reviewed by the Apostolic See in 2002, contains general decrees issued by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea among what is entrusted to the Conference by general laws. The second one, 「Pastoral Directory of the Church in Korea」, is comprised of complex content such as excerpts of canons from universal laws which Korean pastors should remember for their pastoral acts, the content adopted in the bills of pastoral council for bicentennial celebration, and articles from civil laws for reference. Technically speaking, this document cannot be seen as general decrees or general executory decrees with the legislative nature. Rather it can be categorized as ‘a pastoral vademecum’ that should help Korean pastors in their pastoral acts. In conclusion, the 「Legislation of Bishops’ Conference Complementary to the Code」 is the only general decrees with the legislative character issued by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        교회법에서 본 교계제도 설정의 의의

        김효석(Kim, Hyo Suk) 한국교회사연구소 2012 敎會史硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        The year 2012 is the fiftieth anniversary of its hierarchical constitution of the Roman Catholic Church in Korea. On March 10th, 1962, Pope John XXIII established three Provinces with as many Metropolitan Sees(Archdiocese) and eleven Dioceses(eight Suffragan Sees) in territory of Korea by his pastoral letter “Fertile Evangelii semen”. Through this act, the Catholic Church in Korea could make her own appearance of particular churches of the Roman Catholic Church. Historically, it took 131 years, since the Chosun apostolic vicariate had been established in 1831. The purpose of this article is to reveal the juridical meaning of the ordinary hierarchical constitution in Korea and to study the various changes caused by this significant act. To accomplish these objects, it is necessary to concretely analyze juridical terms of the pastoral letter from Pope John XXIII, “Fertile Evangelii semen”, line by line. From the canonical prospective, the ordinary hierarchical constitution brought various changes to the Catholic Church in Korea. First of all, every apostolic vicariates in Korea were elevated to become dioceses, which indicated that they were recognized as intact particular churches of the Roman Catholic Church. And three ecclesiastical provinces were established as well, which has a certain territorial boundary drawn by apostolic authority. The ecclesiastical province is community of numerous particular churches, in order to promote the common pastoral activities in neighboring diocese. Moreover, proper pastors to govern each particular church are no longer apostolic vicars, who govern their apostolic vicariates in the name of the Supreme Pontiff. Each apostolic vicars, who had been titular bishops, were elevated to diocesan bishops, and cathedra and cathedral churches of each Dioceses were appointed consequentially. Therefore, diocesan bishops, who possess all the ordinary, proper and immediate authority to exercise his pastoral office, govern each particular church with their own authorities. The hierarchical constitution of 1962, however, was not the perfect step to accomplish the complete shape of particular church. Thus to serve the faithful in better way, it was required for the Catholic Church in Korea to introduce more practical institutions; such as conferences of bishops, diocesan synod, episcopal council, presbyteral council, etc.

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