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      • 연세대학교 유도부의 변천과정에 관한 탐구

        김영환 ( Young Hwan Kim ),노은이 ( Eun Yee Noh ),김창우 ( Chang Woo Kim ) 연세대학교 체육연구소 2004 체육연구논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 연세대학교 유도부의 역사를 연구하는데 있다. 이러한 측면에서, 본 연구는 연세대학교 유도부의 과거 역할을 검증하고 나아가 현재의 모습이 만들어지기까지의 사건들을 확인하며 나아가서는 그 미래에 대한 진단을 시도하였다. 1928년 창설된 연세대학교 유도부는 연희전문학교 시절부터 지금까지 유구한 역사를 자랑한다. 하지만 시대 흐름과 더불어 사회적 그리고 문화적 변화, 학교 측의 지원 부족, 그리고 선수 육성의 소홀함 등 다양한 제반 여건의 변화로 인하여 1980년대 이후 그 활동이 줄곧 하향세를 보이고 있다. 이와 같은 문제 상황에 대하여 본 연구는 연세대학교 유도부의 역사를 소개하고, 유도부 활동의 하향세가 나타나기 시작한 원인을 역사 분석을 토대로 하여 파악하고, 앞으로 나아갈 방향을 제시함으로써 연세대학교 유도부의 발전에 대한 청사진을 그려보았다. 본 연구는 연세대학교 유도부가 이념 단체가 아닌, 순수 동호회 성격의 운동부인 특성과 그 동안 체계적이 자료 보전이 없었던 점 등을 감안하여 유도부의 시대적 당위성보다는 유도부의 활동 자료를 개괄적으로 정리하는데 역점을 두었다. 그리고 본 연구를 수행하는데 있어 심층 인터뷰와 문서 분석을 연세대학교 유도부 활동의 기초 자료로 하였고, 유도부의 변천 과정을 시기에 따라 제 4기로 나누어 설명하였다. 그 시기별 요약은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 제1기는 연세대 유도부가 창설되고 도약하기 시작한 시기를 중심으로 하는 해방 이전의 역사이다. 고려대와 경쟁관계에 있었던 연세대가 연고전 축구시합에서 고려대 응원단에게 폭행을 당했던 것이 연세대 유도부가 생겨날 수 있는 계기가 되었다. 연세대학교 당국의 전폭적인 지원으로 당대의 최고 유도 선수들을 스카우트 할 수 있었다. 둘째, 제 2기는 해방 이후의 연세대학교 유도부의 부활기이다. 8.15해방과 6.25전쟁 등으로 인해 아직 사회가 안정되지 않은 시기에 유도부를 재건했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 이만갑, 채희철, 김건우는 한국의 대학 유도 단체의 조직에 있어서 중요한 역할을 했고, 이재근이 유도부장을 맡으면서 다음 전성기 시대를 위한 발판으로서 유도부의 재정비와 유도 특기생을 위한 기초 작업을 하였다. 셋째, 제 3기는 연세대학교 유도부가 명성을 떨쳤던 전성기이다. 연대 유도 역사상 가장 많은 선수 스카우트를 하였고, 국제 시합을 비롯해서 각종 대회에서 좋은 성적을 거두었다. 그리고 친선시합을 위하여 미국 및 일본에 원정하여 연세대 유도부를 세계적으로 알리는 역할을 하였다. 넷째, 제 4기는 순수하게 대학 동호회 중심의 아마추어로 운영되는 현재의 유도부 시스템 시기이다. 유도가 "프로의 스포츠"로 바뀌어, 대부분의 강한 유도 선수는 유도를 전문으로 육성하는 대학에 들어가게 되었고 연세대 유도부는 자연히 동아리 중심인 아마추어 방식으로 나가게 되었다. 현재 연세대학교 특기자 선발 제도는 연고전 종목인 5개 운동부(축구, 야구, 농구, 럭비 및 빙구) 우선 정책으로 되어 있어 유도 특기자는 1년에 1명 정도밖에 선발할 수가 없는 실정이다. 학교의 전폭적인 지원이 없는 현실에서 연세대학교에서 유도 엘리트 선수단을 키우는 것은 거의 불가능한 실정이다. 따라서 연세대학교 유도부는 동아리 모임 중심으로 발달해 나가야 할 것이며, 연세대 유도부 원래 목적인 아마추어 정신에 부합되게 하여야 할 것이 The purpose of this paper was to study the history of Yonsei University Judo Club. It was officially organized in 1928 when Master Nak-won Kang began to teach students in the basement of the Student Center of Yonsei University. The history is divided in four stages: 1928-1945, 1945-1963, 1963-1979 and 1979-present. The first stage is characterized by Yonsei students` independence spirit demonstrated through judo during Japanese occupation period. The roots of Yonsei and Korea University rivalry trace backas early as the Japanese colonial times. In the Yon-Ko Soccer Festival, Yonsei students were beaten up by its counterparts which provided the impetus for Yonsei University authorities to strengthen the judo club by recruiting nationally recognized athletes. Yoon-keun Kim, Hwa-ryong Chi, and Jung-won Kim were among them. The second stage is characterized by August 15th Korean Liberation and June 25th Korean War when judo activities were infrequent. However, Yonsei judo students such as Man-kqp Lee, Hee-chul Chae, and Keon-woo Kim played an important role in organizing the Korean College Judo Association. In the end of the era, Jae-keun Lee assumed the role of judo captain and successfully persuaded Seong-ku Lee, Yonsei Athletic Director, to recruit elite judo competitors. Such judo recruit policy catalyzed the development of the Yonsei Judo team to an elite program. The third stage is characterized by numerous victories of Yonsei judo club in individual as well as team competitions. In this period, Yonsei judo team recruited 21 judo competitors out of 28 (75%). Yonsei judo team won 12 individual victories and 5 team victories. Many Yonsei judo competitors further participated in many international judo tournaments. The fourth stage is characterized by renewal of the amateur judo club activities. Judo became a semi-professional sport, and it became difficult to recruit good judo competitors. The strongest judo competitors went to judo-specialized universities such as Yong-in University. Presently Yonsei athletic policy places priority on five team sports (soccer, basketball, baseball, rugby and ice-hockey). Judo lacks the university support which was accessible to the Yonsei judo team in the past. Therefore, Yonsei judo team should develop amateur club activities. In the mean time, university authorities should place special consideration of judo club which has rich traditions and historical importance. Yonsei judo members including alumni also should increase their efforts on the continuation of Yonsei judo achievements.

      • KCI등재
      • 사회체육 발전과정에 따른 개념 변화에 관한 연구

        김영환,권욱동,김창우 연세대학교 대학원 1994 延世論叢 Vol.30 No.1

        Abstract This is a study on the change of the concept with the development of Sport for All in Korea. For the purpose of the study, it is classified into four stages: the beginning stage, the developmental stage, the take-off stage and the final stage. Sport for All in the beginning stage began as a form of athletic meet and the organization of Sport for All, for which the Y.M.C.A & Chosun Amateur Sport Association played important roles. One of the important concepts during this period was to develop national strength through sports. Sport for All in the developmental stage saw the passage of the national Sport Promotion Law. The term 'Sport for All' was, for the first time, officially used among the people in this stage. The Korean concept of Sport for All was indirecly, if not directly, influenced by that of Japan. Sport for All in the take-off stage made a rapid increase in people's demand for 'Sport for All', resulting from the successful completion of the '86 Asian Games and '88 Seoul Olympic Games. It was during this period that European 'Sport for All' and American leisure and fitness concepts were introduced to Korea. Sport for All in the final stage had the formation of the National Sport for All Association. During this period, many colleges and universities began offering sport and leisure studies. It was also during this period that the professional organization of Sport for All, called the Korean Association of Sport and Leisure Studies, was organized. Korean Sport for All, as so-called modern sports, were introduced to Korea during the end of the nineteenth century. The main purpose was to develop national strength through sport. After that, Japanese Sport for All, American leisure and recreation and therefore, European "Sport for All" movements introduced to Korea at different times and 'therefore' a new Korean Sport for All concept was formed. It contains the following characteristics. 1. to develop national strength through sport 2. to make society good and sound through sport 3. to play an important role for the promotion of leisure 4. to promote social welfare through sport 5. to include mainly sport and physical education, different from America, where Sport for All also includes tourism, crafts, dance and performing arts, etc.

      • KCI등재

        종골 관절내 골절의 보존적 및 수술적 치료의 비교

        박성호,김창우,정민영,정기태,박호근,정태훈,배은환 대한골절학회 1999 대한골절학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        The calcaneal fracture, which is considered to be the most common tarsal bone fracture, has rather difficulty in accurate diagnosis, classification and proper treatment. Furthermore, its prognosis is not good, either. The authors analysed 68 intraarticular calcaneal fractures (Sanders type II & III only) out of 147 cases, which were treated operatively or conservatively from June 1990 to May 1997, and found out that the results of conservative and operative treatment were approximately the same. The length of follow-up ranged from one year to four and half years (mean, 2.7years). The results were as follows: Of the 24 conservatively treated group, seven had excellent; eleven good; four fair; and two poor result. Of the 44 operatively treated group, eleven had excellent; twenty seven good; five fair; and one poor result. The sum of excellent and good results in conservative and operative treatment group were 75.0% and 86.4% each other, and these were not meaningful statistically (p=0.400). Therefore, the authors recommend a conservative treatment as an effective alternative method for the intraarticular calcaneal fracture.

      • KCI등재

        Pilon 골절에 대한 최소한의 외과적 치료

        박성호,김창우,정민영,박호근,허장원,정준권,배은환 대한골절학회 1999 대한골절학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        The goals of the treatment of pilon fracture include to restore a normal anatomy and functional level of uninjured state. We analysed the clinical outcomes of the treatment of pilon fractures with calcaneal traction and percutaneous intramedullary nailing in the fibula (group A, 12 cases), or open reduction and internal fixation (group B, 11 cases) in 23 cases between April 1994 and March 1997. All of the patients were followed for at least one year (average, 18 months; range, 12 to 24 months). Fifteen patients were male (group A, 8; group B, 7), and eight were female (group A, 4; group B, 4). Falling-down injury is the most common cause and automobile accident is the second. According to the Ruedi and Allgower classification, type II fractures were most common. In the group A, two of the 12 fractures were type I, six were type II, and four were type III, and in the group B, two of the 11 fractures were type I, six were type II, and four were type III. According to the criteria of Mast and Teipner, in the group A, six were good result and six were fair, and in the group B, four were good, five were fair, and two were poor. A nonunion with wound infection and a malunion developed in the group B. The results in the group A were better than those in the group B in clinically, we propose the minimal surgical treatment is useful treatment option of pilon fracture.

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