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        수도권 대기정책의 최근 동향과 기대효과

        김정인(Jeong-in Kim),조승국(Seung-kuk Cho),호석(Ho-seok Kim) 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2006 동서연구 Vol.18 No.1

        그동안 인구 집중과 급속한 경제발전으로 인해 수도권의 대기질이 OECD 국가 중 최하위 수준을 나타내고 있었다. 이로 인해 직간접적으로 유발되는 사회적 비용이 10조 육박하고 있으며 이러한 추세는 경제성장에 따라 더욱 악화될 것으로 전망되고 있다. 수도권 대기질 악화는 정부의 다양한 노력에도 불구하고 크게 개선되는 기미를 보이지 않고 있다. 가장 큰 원인으로 지적되는 것은그 동안 대기오염 조절정책의 기조를 차지 하고 있던 ‘배출허용기준’으로는 대기오염 총량 및 대기질 관리에 한계가 있다는 것이 었다. 이에 정부는 2003년과 2004년에 수도권 대기환경 개선에 관한 특별법과 시행 령/시행규칙을 공포하고 서울, 인천, 경기도등 수도권 지역 대기오염 배출을 선진국 수준으로 감축하는 대기질 개선 계획을 수립 하였다. 대기오염의 총량 제한을 기본 골격으로 하는 ‘수도권 대기환경 개선 특별법’의 시행은 수도권 지역의 대기환경 관리와 대기질 악화로 인한 사회경제적 피해를 줄이는데큰 기여를 할 것으로 기대되고 있다. 특별법에 의거하여 2005년에서 수립된 「수도권 대기환경관리 기본계획」은 2005년부턴 2014 년까지 서울, 인천, 경기도(일부 지역 제외) 를 대상지역으로 미세먼지와 이산화질소 오염도를 선진국 수준으로 개선하는 것을 목적으로 수립되었다. 본 연구는 수도권 1-3종 사업장 중에서약 80%를 차지하는 448개 제조업 사업장을 대상으로 특별법의 도입으로 인한 지역별, 오염물질별 배출량 변화와 이로 인한 사회적 비용의 변화를 분석하였다. The deterioration of urban air quality resulting from rapid urbanisation, increased vehicular transport, and industrial production is the most serious challenges for sustainable development in Korea. Air related risks such as particulate air pollution in major cities and others causing serious health concerns, including respiratory and cardiovascular problems, have called for immediate and strong corrective actions to be taken. The Ministry of Environment has introduced practical measures to achieving clean air to protect the public’s health and the environment in Seoul Metropolitan area. The Special Measures for Metropolitan Air Quality Improvement has launched an ambitious policy program that aims to maintain healthy air quality by controlling total regional emissions. This paper provides an in-depth assessment of the measures in industrial sector emissions of NOx, SOx and PM10. The assessment result shows that the Measures will reduce social damages by $770 million during 2002-14.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        A Measurement of the Scintillation Properties of CsCl and CsCl:Ce3+ Crystals Using a Proton Beam

        김정인,성환,도성,박환배,홍주,Heedong Kang,이상훈,Sejin Ra,도시홍,Wan Kim 한국물리학회 2007 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.50 No.I

        Crystals of CsCl (pure) and CsCl:Ce$^{3+}$(0.5 mol\%) were grown using the Czochralski method, and the properties of the crystals were measured with a proton beam. It is not easy to measure scintillation properties with radioactive isotopes because their decay time is too short, and the light yield is too small. In this case, it is difficult to separate scintillation light from single-photon noise from the PMT. To avoid this difficulty, we used the 45-MeV proton beam at the MC-50 Cyclotron in Korea Institute of Radiological \& Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) for the crystal characterization. The scintillation signal of the crystals induced by the proton beam was clearly detected by the trigger system formed by the liquid scintillation detector. Accordingly, the scintillation properties of the crystals, such as the decay time and a light yield, were determined with this method. The scintillation decay times of the CsCl and CsCl:Ce$^{3+}$ crystals were approximately 20 ns, and the light yields of the CsCl:Ce$^{3+}$ crystal was 1.3 times higher than those of the CsCl crystal.

      • KCI등재

        역사 교과서 논쟁과 뉴라이트의 역사인식

        金正仁(Kim, Jeong-In) 역사교육연구회 2015 역사교육 Vol.133 No.-

        In Korea, a political faction called “the New Right” surfaced in 2004. The term ‘New’ refers to Neo-Liberalism. This new spin on a conservative political agenda managed to ally the new conservatives with the ‘Old’ conservatives through an Anti-North(Anti-Communist) stance, and that kind of alliance elevated the New Right to a new formidable political voice. Their framing of the Leftists as pro-North, which the New Right prominently suggested when its supporters started a sort of history war with the progressives, was also directly from such nature of the New-Old alliance. The historical perspective of this sort, featured heavily by the New Right, has two faces: the belief that the market will regulate itself, as dictated by Neo-Liberalism, and a stark anti-North sentiment. With this new philosophical combination used as an ideological weapon in the so-called history war, the conflicts between the conservatives and the progressives have been growing sharper and harsher ever since. It is time to pull the New Right historical perspective from the political and media arena, and bring it into academic debates. Any more conflicts outside the academic realm would only aggravate conflicts throughout the society. The New Right historical perspective displays aspects similar to the one that ruled the social science circle’s contemporary historical studies (the “Modernization View”) since the liberation in 1945 and through the 1980s. For an energetic and productive debate in the future, a new and alternative historical perspective to counteract the New Right’s perspective should be developed and searched for rather quickly.

      • KCI등재

        15세기 관형형어미 ㄹ 결합형의 출현 배경에 대한 검토

        김정인 ( Kim Jung-in ) 한말연구학회 2024 한말연구 Vol.65 No.16

        During the creation of Hunminjeongeum in 15th-century Korea, two writing forms emerged that combined the adnominal ending -l with its following constituent, necessitating an investigation into their relationship. When a constituent with strong combination constraints is followed by the former adnominal ending -ls, the initial sound of the following constituent of ㄽ is reconstructed, resulting in the formation of '-l+S-Habyongbyeongseo(doubled consonant letters starting with s)'. Meanwhile, the -l from -ls and the initial sound of the following constituent are newly analyzed as fortis [s͈]. This is because the morphological awareness of -ls is weakened due to competition with other adnominal endings like -n and -ls. The analysis and subsequent analogy led to a change to fortis [s͈] when the initial sound of the following constituent was a plosive. Korean language users with a transparent inherent grammar of [ʔ] had two options. If the following constituent was used independently, they chose -lʔ for the adnominal ending. However, even though they had a transparent inherent grammar of [ʔ], if the following constituent was restricted by its preceding constituent, users had to choose '-l+Gakjabyeongseo(doubled consonant letters)' forms. Consequently, there was no phonological relationship between these two forms of adnominal endings and their following constituent combinations.

      • KCI등재

        식민사관 비판론의 등장과 내재적 발전론의 형성

        김정인(Kim Jeong-in) 한국사학회 2017 史學硏究 Vol.0 No.125

        본고에서는 해방과 함께 제기된 반식민사학의 흐름 속에서 식민사관 비판론과 내재적 발전론의 ‘내적’ 기원을 찾는 동시에 1960년대에 양자간의 연관성이 어떻게 형성되었는지를 살펴보았다. 이는 곧 내재적 발전론 ‘이후’보다는 ‘이전’과 형성기를 좀 더 면밀하게 살피는 작업에 해당한다. 내재적 발전론의 기원을 해방 정국의 역사학에까지 거슬러 올라가 살핀다는 점, 1960년대 식민사관 비판론과 내재적 발전론 간의 관계를 다룬다는 점에서 본고의 의의를 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 또한, 식민사관 비판론이 일본인의 식민주의 사관만을 비판한 것이 아니라, 문헌고증사학으로 대표되는 아류와 유산으로서의 식민사학을 극복하고자 제기되었다는 점과 식민사관 비판론과 내재적 발전론을 잇는 매개 고리가 반식민사학인 일제시기 민족주의사학과 마르크스주의사학이었다는 사실을 밝혔다. Examined in this article is the ‘Origin’ of two trends: Critical analyses of the occupied Joseon people which were launched against ‘Colonial Historiography,’ and the “Internal Development theory” launched later by Korean historians. The beginning points of these two trends may seem (at first glance) to have been different from each other, but both trends actually took place at the time of liberation from Japanese occupation, and amidst the surge of Anti-Colonial historiography studies. And these two trends sure interacted with each other in the 1960s, so such interaction is examined in this article as well. This is not an analysis of what came after the emergence of the Internal Development theory, but rather of what came ‘before’ it, as the origin itself should be construed within the context of situations (as well as academic efforts in the area of history) that unfolded right after the liberation. And in order to do that right, we should also be well aware of how a series of critical analyses of ‘Colonial Historiography,’ and the eventual advent of “Internal Development theory,” sort of fueled each other for years, to reach their full potential. Meanwhile, also stressed in this article is that critical analyses of Colonial historiography did not only criticise the colonial historical perspective shown by the Japanese, but were launched to overcome colonial historical studies done by Korean scholars, which were performed in the name of pursuing “empirical studies (dealing ‘facts’ that could be confirmed by written records).” And most importantly, suggested in this article is that it was the Nationalistic historiography and Marxist historiography, which were both against Colonial historiography, that bridged critical analyses of colonial historiography and the Internal Development theory.

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