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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        담양(潭陽)-진안(鎭安)사이에 분포(分布)하는 엽리상화강암류(葉理狀花崗岩類)에 대(對)한 지질시대(地質時代)와 성인(成因)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        김정빈,용준,Kim, Cheong Bin,Kim, Yong Jun 대한자원환경지질학회 1990 자원환경지질 Vol.23 No.2

        Plutons of Damyang-Jinan area consist of gray feldspar granite gneiss, biotite granite gneiss, foliated granites, Namweon granites, gabbro, biotite granite and Ogangri granite in term of mineralogical, texture and field evidence. From Isotope data of study area, chronological order of the Plutons are the Pre-cambrian gray feldspar granite gneiss(Ar39-Ar40, hornblende, $1998.4{\pm}8.3Ma$), middle to late Triassic Daegang foliated granite(Rb/Sr, whole rock, $288{\pm}4Ma$), foliated hornblende biotite granodiorite(K/Ar, hornblende, $198.7{\pm}9.9Ma$), Sunchang foliated granodiorite(Rb/Sr, whole rock, $222{\pm}4Ma$), foliated two mica granite, Samori foliated granite and Namweon granite(Rb/Sr, whole rock, $211{\pm}3Ma$: K/Ar, hornblende, $203{\pm}10.2Ma$), middle Jurassic Gabbro(K/Ar, hornblende, $180.7{\pm}9MA$) and biotite granite, and Cretaceous Ogangri granite. According to variations diagrams of $Al_2O_3$ versus normative PI(100 An)/(Ab+An), Daegang foliated granite is plotted on tholeiitic series, and other foliated granites on calc alkaline rock series which are consider to be formed by magmatism at continental margin and island arc region. And alkalinity versus $SiO_2$ shows that Daegang folited granite and Samori foliated granite are correspond to alkaline region, foliated hornblende biotite granodiorite and Sunchang foliated granodiorite to calc alkaline region, and foliated two mica granite to both regions. According to ACF diagrams, Daegang and Samori foliated granites are plotted on S-type. Foliated hornblende biotite granodiorite and Sunchang foliated granodiorite on I-type, and foliated two mica granite on both type. Foliated granites are a series of differentiated products from cogenetic magma, and effected under ductile sheared zone. Characteristic foliation of foliated granites are considered to be generated by dextral strike slip faulting and ductile shearing.

      • KCI등재

        담양(潭陽)-진안(鎭安)사이에 분포(分布)하는 엽리상화강암류(葉理狀花崗岩類)에 대(對)한 암석화학적(岩石化學的) 연구(硏究)

        김정빈,용준,홍세선,Kim, Cheong-Bin,Kim, Yong-Jun,Hong, Sei-Sun 대한자원환경지질학회 1990 자원환경지질 Vol.23 No.1

        Foliated granites between Damyang and Jinan are subdivided into Daegang foliated granite, Foliated hornblende biotite granodiorite, Sunchang foliated granodiorite, Foliated two mica granite and Samori foliated granite by mineral and texture. From EPMA data of the foliated granites following results are achieved. Composition of plagioclase are correspond to andesine, oligoclase and albite in Foliated hornblende biotite granodiorite, Sunchang foliated granodiorite and other foliated granites, respectively. And amphiboles are calcic hornblende in Foliated hornblende biotite granodiorite, and riebeckite in Daegang foliated granite. In differentiation index(D. I.) and Larsen index(L. I.), Daegang foliated granite, Foliated two mica granite and Samori foliated granite which belong to granite are 83.12-95.54 and 25.86-29.05 and Foliated hornblende biotite granodiorite and Sunchang foliated granodiorite of diorite to granodiorite are 54.99-78.54(D. I.) and 6.48-21.01(L. I.). Harker and AMF diagrams plotted from foliated granites show that the granites are product of calc alkali rock series orignated from co-magma. Characteristic foliation of foliated granites fromed by ductile deformation at deep zone of dextral strike slip fault. Foliated granites are considered as a series of differentiated product of Triassic Igneous activity of Songrim disturbance. According to REE, (La/Lu) and Eu/Sm, Foliated hornblende biotite granodiorite and Sunchang foliated granodiorite are correspond to granodiorite, and other foliated granites are monzo-and syeno-granite. Foliated granites having 0.20-0.01 of Em/Sm ratio are plutons emplaced by the tectonic setting in continents and continental margin.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        항공교통관제사의 휴먼에러에 기인한 국내외 항공기 사고 사례연구 - TEM(Threat & Error Management) 분석법을 적용하여 -

        김정빈,박성식 한국항공운항학회 2021 한국항공운항학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        The airline industry has been growing steadily since 2016 with more than 100 million air passengers, renewing the largest number of air passengers every year. Increasing air demand leads to an increase in air traffic in limited airspace, increasing the likelihood of accidents between aircraft. Due to the massive human and material damage caused by a single mistake, aviation safety is being heavily focused around the world to efficiently use limited airspace. Studies related to various human factors are underway as most of the aviation accidents are found to be caused by human factors, but research on human factors by controllers is insufficient while they are active in terms of control and operation. Given that 82% of air accidents caused by controllers are caused by human error, the importance of management of human error and changes in perception are urgently needed. This study aims to understand the seriousness of the controller's human error by analyzing the accident cases caused by the controller's human error using TEM to identify threats and errors and derive common human factors.

      • KCI등재

        安田八幡宮藏大般若波羅蜜多經의 성조연구 ―음성음운학적 관점에서―

        김정빈 한국일어교육학회 2018 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.43

        Accent is a secondary phonological family element. It has a function to distinguish the meaning of the sentence spoken, . It's very difficult. because it is by the combination of time, space, and human factors in this Yasuda Hatimanguzo-Daihanyakyo(安田八幡宮蔵大般若波羅蜜多経) This is searched with accent by the phenomenon in terms of speech phonological perspective. As a result, some characteristics of the Initial and vowel were identified. . That's all low and high accent. It's example that Annen sidanzou(悉曇藏), sinhan sidanhidenki(悉曇祕傳記), Author unknown's mozihan(文字反), sinku hokekyouongi(法華経音義), Author unknown's kaigomeimokusyo(開 合名目抄), yusaku Inkyokairen(韻鏡開奩), Nisimurasigeyosi inkyomon dosyo(韻鏡問答抄), Kanno Hihoki(補忘記), Keityu Waziseiransyo(和字正濫抄). If there is a difference, the four or five accent type. The Japanese Goon sound is seen as Two accent system(兩聲體制). It's beginning syusin(周秦) by Dangokusai (段玉裁)(1735-1815). Ancient Korean accent is two system with Silla’s Wonhyo and sungyong. It should also be seen as this system. 성조는 제2차 음운론적 요소로서, 의미변별기능을 가진다. 일본 安田八幡宮蔵大般若波羅蜜多経(이하, 야스다본) 에 보이는 星点은 시간・공간・인적 요소가 혼입되어 복잡하다. 본고에서는 音注字에 보이는 성점을 중심으로 음성음운학적 관점에 의해 그 현상의 경향성을 살피고 해명을 시도했다. 그 결과 聲母와 韻母의 조음점에 의한 특징이 일부 보였다. 이것은 그만큼 야스다본 성점이 의미변별기능을 부정하고 있다는 것으로, 한어사의 정통성을 벗어나는 것이다. 安然 『悉曇藏』(元慶年中成), 信範 『悉曇祕傳記』(鎌倉末期), 著者不明의 『文字反』(元弘年中成), 心空 『法 華経音義』, 『法華経音訓』(吉野朝期成), 著者不明의 『開合名目抄』(室町末期成?), 宥朔의 『韻鏡開奩』(寬永四 年成), 西村重慶 『韻鏡問答抄』(貞享四年成?), 觀應 『補忘記』(貞享四年成), 契沖 『和字正濫抄』(元祿六年成) 등에 보이는 調値는 모두 低高이다. 차이가 있다면 四声에서 九声까지의 調類이다. 즉 일본오음은 저고의 兩聲體制로 보인다. 원시적 성조로서 그 모태는 段玉裁(1735~1815)의 周秦時代의 漢語가가장 유력할 것이다. 신라의 元暁 및 順憬 등의 고대한국의 성조, 특히 그 調値도 이러한 兩聲體制로 봐야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        齒音에 있어서의 韓國漢字音과 日本吳音

        김정빈 일본어문학회 2006 일본어문학 Vol.35 No.-

        日本呉音は韓国漢字音とよく類似しているために、その祖系音を探る際に、たびたび比較研究の対象にしてきた。しかし、ところによって韓国漢字音とは関係なく、六朝期の中国側の字音に等しい音韻象が見られる。本稿で扱う歯音に於ける韓日漢字音比較論がその一例である。 「安田八幡宮蔵大般若波羅蜜多経」「大般若経音義資料」の日本呉音に見られる歯上音․正歯音の字音形は、主に拗音形である。しかし、韓国漢字音の止摂正歯二等の[]直音形は、止摂飲みでなく、諸摂正歯二等に亘って見られる。この点で正歯二等に於ける日本呉音は、韓国漢字音と祖系音の関係に置かれる可能性は先ず無い。 正歯三等に於ける韓国漢字音は、皆、拗介母を有する破擦音か摩擦音の口蓋音ʧ類である。このような正歯二等と三等に於ける鮮明な区別は、韓国漢字音の歯音的特質であり、日本呉音のその性質とは明らかに違うものである。 即ち、歯音における日本呉音の祖系音は、韓国漢字音以外から求めるべきである。

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