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        김교신의 무교회운동 재고: 그 목표와 한계

        김용복(박사) ( Yong Bok Kim ) 한국복음주의신학회 2010 성경과신학 Vol.54 No.-

        이 연구는 김교신의 무교회운동을 재평가하는 데 목적이 있다. 김교신에게 성서연구는 어떤 의미가 있었는가? 그는 그 연구결과를 자신의 삶에서 어떻게 실천했는가? 이 연구는 이런 질문들에 대한 답을 추구하는 과정에서 김교신의 무교회운동이 지향한 목표와 그 한계점을 살펴보았다.김교신의 무교회운동은 두 가지 목표를 가지고 있었다. 하나는 이 땅에 참된 성서적 기독교를 세우는 일이고, 다른 하나는 신앙적 인간을 양성하여 민족의 운명을 개척하는 것이었다. 김교신이 추구했던 “참된 기독교”는 다른말로 “전적 기독교” 혹은 “조선산(朝鮮産) 기독교”를 구현하는 일이었다. 일반적으로 이 운동의 특징은 세 가지로 평가되어왔다. 첫째, 그것은 반교권운동이었다. 그는 제도화된 교회들의 전통주의와 신조주의를 거부했다. 둘째, 이 운동은 조선산 기독교를 추구했던 반선교사운동이었다. 셋째, 이 운동은 서당식 성서연구와 [성서조선]의 발간을 통한 민중운동이었다. 김교신은 자신의 민족을 사랑했으며, 참된 기독교를 구현하려고 노력했던 헌신적인 그리스도인이었다. 조선산 기독교라 불렸던 그의 신앙운동은 한국교회의 대안운동으로 평가될 수 있을 것이다. 하지만 실천적인 측면에서 볼때, 몇 가지 문제들도 있다: 첫째, 무교회운동은 성서를 선택적으로 받아들였다. 둘째, 무교회운동의 방법은 김교신 자신의 개인적 경험과 성서해석에 크게 의존되어 있었다. 셋째, 김교신의 성서연구는 민중보다 지성인들에게 적합한 것이었다. 넷째, 운동의 지성적 측면을 너무 강조했기 때문에, 김교신은 일제시대에 민중의 실제적인 문제들에 참여하는 일에 소극적인 경향이 있었다. The purpose of this study is to reappraise the non-church[無敎會] movement of Kim Kyo-Shin. What did it mean to study the Bible for Kim? And how did he practice the result of the study in his life? In pursuit of the answers of these questions, the goals of the non-church movement and its limitations will be investigated. Kim’s non-church movement had two goals. The first one was to establish the true biblical Christianity in Chosun, and the other was to pioneer the national destiny by educating the faithful Christian believers. The true Christianity for Kim Kyo-Shin was to realize “total[全的] Christianity” or “Chosunsan(朝鮮産) Christianity” and he pursued these goals by criticizing formalistic and authoritarian Chosun Christianity of his days. In general, the characteristics of this movement have been evaluated from three aspects. First, it was against the existing church’s authoritarianism. He rejected traditionism and creedalism in the institutionalized churches. Second, it was an anti-missionary movement, which sought to establish the Chosunsan Christianity. Third, it was the people’s movement through his “Seodang(書堂) Bible Study” and publication of [Sungseo Chosun] (聖書朝鮮) Kim Kyo-Shin was a devout Christian who deeply loved his country, and tried to establish Chosunsan Christianity. One can easily credit his faith-movement called Chosunsan Christianity as the alternative Christianity in Korea. However, there are some problems in practice: First, the movement was to read the bible in a selective way. Second, the method of the faith-movement depended largely on Kim’s personal experience and biblical interpretation. Third, his Bible study was not oriented for common people but for the intellectual. Fourth, he focused too much on the intellectual aspect of the movement, and thereupon tended to be passive in participating in physical matters of the people during the Japanese regime.

      • 일반대학원 운영의 문제와 개선 방안-독립성 찾기, 그리고 경쟁력 살 붙이기

        김용복,Kim, Yong-Bok 한국대학교육협의회 2004 大學敎育 Vol.130 No.-

        이 시대와 사회는 대학이 더 이상 상아탑이기를 허락하지 않는다. 이제 상아탑속의 상아탑이었던 일반대학원 조차도 학문연구라는 소명과 정열의 잣대에서가아니라 수요와 공급의 법칙에 따라 재단되고 있는 현실이다.

      • KCI등재

        다수 표적을 공격하는 편대항공기의 최적작전시간 결정 모형

        김용복,민계료,Kim Yong-Bok,Min Gye-Ryo 한국국방경영분석학회 1992 한국국방경영분석학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        Up to the present, the operating time has been studied on only a single aircraft attacking a single target or multiple targets under enemy threats. This study is to determine optimal operating time and appropriate size of aircrafts attacking multiple targets. Measures of mission effectiveness is defined through derivation of the probability of the various events associated with operating. By using these measures, the expected benefit of operating and the expected cost of operating are generated as a function of time. To formulate operating time determination model, the expected gain of operating is defined as the difference between the expected benefit of operating and the expected cost of operating. The model can be used to determine optimal operating time which maximizes the expected gain of operating, and can be used as the basis for determining the appropriate size of aircrafts.

      • KCI등재

        금융자유화와 일본의 금융개혁

        김용복(Kim Yong-Bok) 21세기정치학회 2003 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.13 No.2

        Japanese Financial system which contributed to Japanese miracle has been confronted with the financial liberalization pressure, and increased its vulnerability after the collapse of Bubble economy. In the 1980s domestic and international pressures led to a gradual reform in Japanese financial system. Especially the United States was applying heavy pressure on Japan to open its financial market. Financial liberalization in Japan was dependent on bureaucrat initiative during 1980s. However the politician began to intervene the financial liberalization policy after the financial crisis of 1997 and the financial reforms including the financial Big Bang and the resolution of bad-loan was implemented radically. Consequently liberalization in Japan was a more protracted process. Theses characteristics of financial liberalization and the bad-loan problem led to the 1997 financial crisis.

      • KCI등재

        일본 선거제도 개혁과 정당체계의 변화

        김용복(Yong Bok Kim) 한국정당학회 2012 한국정당학회보 Vol.11 No.1

        2009년 중의원 선거는 사상 처음으로 선거에 의해 정권교체를 가능하게 하였다. 55년체제의 일당우위제가 확실하게 붕괴하였음을 보여주었다. 그러나 사실상 일당우위제는 소선거구-비례대표 병립제가 도입되면서 붕괴하기 시작하였다. 선거제도의 개혁이 일본의 정당체계를 어떻게 바꿀것인가는 주요한 관심의 대상이었다. 초기에는 여전히 자민당 일당우위제가 유지되고 있다는 주장도 나왔지만, 이후 양당제 혹은 온건다당제가 진행되고 있다는 주장들이 제기되었다. 대체로 선거제도 개혁부터 2003년까지는 정당체계가 유동적이었던 시기였다고 보인다. 이 기간에는 다양한 정치세력과 정당이 등장하고 소멸되면서 정당의 이합집산이 심하였다. 그러나 2003년에 자유당이 민주당에 합류하면서 그러한 유동화는 종식되었고, 이후에는 양당제화가 가속적으로 진행되었다고 할 수 있다. 이 글에서는 선거제도 개혁의 목적인 일당우위제에서 양당제로의 개편에 제약이 되는 제도, 후보자, 유권자, 정당 등의 요인을 살펴보고, 구체적인 선거결과를 분석함으로써 그러한 제약요인들이 큰 문제가 아님을 밝히려 하였다. 결국 양당제적 경향이 정착되고 있으나, 정당정치에 내재된 유동성으로 인하여 정당의 재편가능성도 존재한다고 보인다. 그렇지만 이러한 이합집산도 결국 양당제적 방향으로 재편될 것으로 보았다. The Japanese present election system is a combination of the single-seat constituency system and proportional representation. The combined election system was adopted and went into effect to replace the long-standing multi-seat medium-sized constituency election system, which was abolished in January 1994 by a revision of the Public Offices Election Law. Under the system, out of 480 Members, 300 are elected from single-member districts(SMD) and remaining 180 by proportional representation in which the nation is divided into 11 electoral blocs which according to size return between six and 30 Members. Voters cast two ballots: first, one for an individual candidate in the single-seat consitituency, and second, one for a political party in the proportional representation election. The Japanese system is unique in the way the SMD tier interacts with the PR tier. This article argues the possibilities and the limits of two-partism under the new electoral system in Japan. Japanese party politics showed the fluidity from the electoral system refoms to 2003 election. After the Liberal Party was integrated into the Democratic Party in 2003, Japanese party system has moved toward two party system. However there are many negative factors toward twopartism: the institutions, the candidates, the electorates and party factors. This article shows the development of two-partism in Japanese party politics is less influenced by these negative factors.

      • KCI등재
      • 위성동역학 시뮬레이터용 T-방식을 이용한 반작용휠 속도 측정 및 펄스 생성

        김용복(Yong-bok Kim),오시환(Si-Hwan Oh),이선호(Seon-Ho Lee),용기력(Ki-Lyok Yong),이승우(Seung-Wu Rhee) 한국항공우주연구원 2007 항공우주기술 Vol.6 No.1

        일정한 샘플링 시간 T마다 발생되는 반작용 휠 타코 펄스의 개수를 세어 구동기의 회전속도를 측정하는 M 방식은 구현이 간단하고 측정 시간이 일정하다는 장점이 있으나, 저속에서 속도 측정의 해상도가 나빠진다는 단점이 있다. 그에 반해, 펄스와 펄스 사이의 시간간격을 측정하는 T방식은 저속에서 정밀한 속도를 측정할 수 있으며 측정에 따른 시간 지연이 적다는 장점이 있다. 그러나 이 방법 역시 실제 구현 시 나눗셈이 필요하고 속도 측정 시간이 속도에 따라 가변되는 문제점이 있다. 현재 산업계에서는 전동기의 속도를 측정하기 위하여 M방식과 T방식을 조합한 M/T방식이 널리 사용되고 있지만, 현재 위성 분야에서는 M방식과 T방식중 하나만을 사용하고 있는 실정이다. 그럼으로, 저궤도 위성에서 핵심 구동장치로 사용되는 반작용 휠의 속도를 측정하기 위해서, 기존의 M 방식의 속도 측정방식에 저속에서의 속도 정확도 향상을 위하여 T 방식도 이용해서 속도 측정을 하려 한다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 측정 요구조건을 만족할 수 있도록 지상 시험 장비인 위성동역학 시뮬레이터에서 반작용 휠의 모사를 위한 보드 설계를 제시하려 한다. The M-Method that measures the speed of actuator with counting the number of Reaction wheel Tacho Pulse has the many advantages such that a realization is simple and measuring time is uniform, but it also has the disadvantage that measuring speed becomes worse as the wheel speed goes lower. On the contrary, the T-Method that measures the time duration between the pulses is more accurate at lower-speed and its time delay is smaller than M-Method ,but its realization is more difficult than M-Method because measuring time is varying with wheel speed variation. Thought M/T Method mixing M-Method with T-Method is widely used in order to measure the speed in the motor industrial area, one of two methods has been used in the spacecraft design area. Therefore, we try to apply both methods together to measuring the speed of Reaction Wheel, the core actuator for low earth orbit satellite. This paper provides the Reaction Wheel simulation board located in the Spacecraft Dynamic Simulator, ground support test set.

      • 信用狀去來에 있어서 運送書類의 受理要件에 관한 硏究: 海上船荷證券을 중심으로

        Yong Bok Kim(金容福) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1995 상경연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This study is primarily concerned with one aspect of international commerce, namely payment. The object of the documentary credit is to simplify such payment by making use of the financial expertise and the creditworthiness of one more banks. One should never forget that the term ‘documentary credit’ is not magic charm. Documentary credit was created for normal trade. It offers protection against recalcitrant contracting parties, but is powerless when faced with fraud of certain form of force majeure. If a seller presents forged documents, the documentary credit cannot protect the buyer, any more than it can protect the sellers in an event such as the bankruptcy of both the remitting bank and the buyers. In both cases the documentary credit will ineffectual, but although both cases are quite conceivable in theory, they rarely happen in practice. In this paper I shall discuss the completion of the documentary credit. The completion stage commences when the beneficiary tenders his documents at the bank. By presenting the documents to the bank the beneficiary sets in motion the machinery which will lead to settlement of the credit. This machinery of the documentary credit can be compared with that of a cigarette machine. When a coin is inserted in cigarette machine it judges the coin by its diameter, thickness and weight, not by its value. A similar situation exists in the case of documentary credit. If a beneficiary produces forged documents which are in accordance with the terms laid down by the credit, he will receive payment, if the beneficiary has dispatched the specified goods in the proper manner but in compiling his documents has failed to take into account all the conditions laid down by the documentary credit, it may take that these documents will not he honoured under that credit. If, however, the beneficiary tender documents which are in accordance with the terms laid down by the credit, the conditional right which he had up to that moment is converted to an unconditional claim, since he will have satisfied the conditions bearing upon his conditional right. There is no room for documents which are almost the same or which will do just well. This widely quoted judgement by Lord Summer clearly indicates what requirements the documents must meet when they are tendered ; they must be precisely, these document specified in the credit. If bills of lading are tendered under a documentary credit the bank will carry out a twofold examination. Firstly, it will check whether the document in question meets the requirements imposed on a bill of lading by law, and if the result of the examination is positive it will check whether the document satisfies the requirements concerning the bill of lasding laid down in U.C.P. and in the relevant credit.

      • 독립선언서에 나타난 기독교 정신 재검토

        김용복(Kim, Yong-Bok) 혜암신학연구소 2019 신학과교회 Vol.11 No.-

        연구의 목적은 1919년경 대한독립을 ‘선언’하거나 ‘청원’하는 문서에 나타난 기독교 정신을 재검토하는 데 있다. 이 목적을 달성하기 위해 두단계를 통해 연구 주제를 개진해나갔다. 첫 번째는 기독교인들에 의해 만들어진 선언서들의 내용과 특징을 분석하는 작업이다. 여기서 우리는 기독교인들이 독립운동에 참여한 동기와 목표를 확인하게 된다. 두 번째는 독립선언서나 독립만세운동 과정에서 기독교 정신이 어떻게 표출되었는가를 규명하고, 그 한계를 짚어보는 작업이다. 이 두 단계의 연구를 통해, 한국교회가 1919년 당시 어떤 역할을 했는지 그 역사적 의의가 검토될 것이다. 기독교인들의 선언서들은 몇 가지 기독교적 특징을 보여주었다. 첫째, 선언서에는 역사의 주권자인 하나님에 대한 믿음이 반영되었다. 둘째로, 운동의 수단으로 기도와 성경 읽기가 강조되었다. 셋째, 저항의 방식으로 자기희생적 비폭력이 엿보인다는 것이다. 그러나 기독교의 독립 운동은 지극히 개별적 차원에서 일어났을 뿐, 교단 차원이나 교회의 공적 논의를 통해 이루어진 것이 아니라는 한계도 드러났다. The purpose of this study is to reexamine the Christian spirit shown in the documents ‘declaring’ or ‘petitioning’ for the Korean independence from Japanese regime around 1919. To achieve this goal, I developed the research topic through the following two steps. The first step is to analyze the contents and characteristics of the documents which were prepared by Christians. Here I attempt to investigate their motivation of participation in the independence movement and its method and goal set by them. The second step is to examine how the Christian spirit was expressed in and reflected on the declarations of independence and the whole movement, and to point out its limitations as well. Through these two steps of investigation I try to show the historical significance of the activities played by Korean churches during the independence movement around 1919. The declarations of independence written by Christians reflected some Christian features. Firstly, the documents manifested the Christian faith in God, the Sovereign of history. Secondly, they emphasized prayer and Bible reading as means of movement. Thirdly, they suggested the adoption of self-sacrificing nonviolence as the way of resistance. However, the Christian movement for independence only took place on an extremely individual level, revealing the limitation by the absence of public discussions in the denominational level.

      • 經濟發展과 工業資源

        Kim Yong bok(金容福) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1985 상경연구 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the theoritical aspects of supply and demand for industrial resorces and to find the method for recuring a stable supply of industrial in Korea. In case of Korea the stable condition of supply of industrial raw material has attributed to high rate of economic growth during the period 1962~1972. But the rate of economic growth has been showed between during 1973 and 1983 due to “The 1st and 2nd oil Crisis”. It appears that there is a high correlation between the economic growth and the stable resource supply condition. We can find method of securing resources that can contribute to the maintainence of a stable resource supply condition and in turn to ablibiate the disruptive influence caussed by resource nationalism. The main poit of the mathods may be summarized as follows: ˚To adopt gradually resource development import system ˚To reinforce recources foreign relation ˚To enlarge specialists and techniques for resources ˚restructuringindustring industrial organization and economizing the use of domestic natural resources. ˚development of alternative uses of natural resources. ˚To promote of the import of developed foreign resources by economic cooperation These methods of securing resources as outlined in this study will meet the minimum requirement of stablizing the supply of natural recoures in Korea.

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