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      • KCI등재

        Social Construction of Chinese Nationalism in the 21stCentury

        차창훈(Cha Chang Hoon) 21세기정치학회 2011 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.21 No.1

        If one hypothesize the existence of nationalism and then classify it as an ideology, Chinese nationalism could decide the trajectory of China’s growing national power direction, which gets more and more concern from international community with rise of China in the 21st century. The constructivist argument provides some meaningful points for understanding and explaining Chinese nationalism. As nationalism is imagined under certain conditions, as Anderson argues, Chinese nationalism has been socially constructed in international arena. Like all forms of identity, national identity does not arise in isolation, but develops and changes in encounters with other groups. Thus, Chinese nationalism cannot be comprehended in isolation. Instead, it must be understood as constantly evolving as Chinese interaction with other nationalities. It means the future trajectory of Chinese nationalism in great part depends upon its interaction with outside powers, especially regional powers and great powers. During this process, the collective identity formation through multilateral cooperation with other states, especially with regional neighbors like Korea and Japan, would greatly contribute to China’s soft landing on international community. The process of understanding others’ identity would lead to collective identity formation. If not, the world of the 21th century would face a significant challenge that will be posed by a rise of China.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 독일의 뉴 페미니즘과 독일여성운동의 과제

        전복희 21세기정치학회 2018 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.28 No.2

        New feminism reflects the culture and demand of some younger generations in socio-economic and political changes in Germany in the 2000s. It emphasizes individual freedom and choice, meritocracy and personal responsibility. It rejects the ideological dogma of the second wave feminism and claims feminism which originated from daily life. It also criticizes objectified femininity in popular culture, insists on subjective femininity that enjoys freedom, sexual pleasure and advocates feminism with men. It arbitrarily redefines feminism by sampling and remixing feminist elements. So it lost social criticism and its power for social transformation, and defended the status quo. In addition, it is disseminated by the media, lacking academic and theoretical debates. It could diffuse distorted knowledge and understanding of feminism, and intensify conflicts between generations, which can hinder the development of German feminism and the women's movement.

      • KCI등재

        수도권 지역의 선거적 책임성과 당파성의 사회화: 제21대 국회의원 선거 설문조사 분석

        정동준 21세기정치학회 2020 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.30 No.3

        수도권 지역은 그 정치적 중요성에도 불구하고 우리나라 선거 연구에서 많은 주목을 받지 못했다. 본 논문은 이번 21대 총선에서 나타난 수도권 유권자들의 투표행동을, 선거적 책임성과 당파성의 사회화를 중심으로 분석하였다. 설문조사 분석 결과, 수도권 지역 유권자들이 비수도권에 비해 선거를 책임성의 도구로 사용하는 정도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 차이를 가져온 원인으로 당파성의 사회화를 살펴본 결과, 수도권 거주자 중 영호남 출신에서 부모와 같은 당파성을 갖는 비중이 높게 나타났고, 출신지가 당파성 형성에 미치는 영향력은 수도권에 오래 거주했다 하여 약화되지 않았다. 이를 통해 우리나라에서도 유년 시절의 환경과 부모 사회화를 통해 당파성이 형성되고 있고, 수도권의 높은 선거적 책임성은 이렇게 사회화가 강하게 일어나는 지역 출신의 유권자가 상대적으로 적은 인구 특성에 기인한 것임을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        개혁개방이후 중국정치의 유가적 운용에 관한 연구

        고영근(Koh Yung-Keun) 21세기정치학회 2000 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.10 No.2

        중국 전통문화의 주류이자 고대중국의 통치 이데올로기였던 유가사상은 현대 중국지도부의 중시와 재조명을 받고있으며, 아울러 현대중국의 중국특색의 사회주의라는 통치이념중에서 유가사상은 과거 모택동시기와는 대조적으로 적극적으로 운용되고 있다. 그같은 통치이념으로서의 유가사상의 운용은 정치ㆍ사회 및 경제적 목적을 지니고 있으며, 특히 21C 양안관계의 통일문제에서 주도권을 잡고자하는 중국정부의 정치적 계산과도 밀접한 관련을 지니고 있다. 본 연구는 개혁개방이후 현대중국의 국가발전과정에서 지도부의 유가사상에 대한 인식의 변화와 적극적 운용의 배경을 사회․문화적 및 정치ㆍ경제적 관점에서 고찰했다. 그리고 개혁ㆍ개방시기의 유가사상에 대한 정책 변화와 구체적인 운용을 중국특색의 사회주의의 세속화, 사회안정의 기제 및 민족경제력 극대화를 위한 문화적 기초라는 시각에서 분석을 시도했다. 끝으로 현대중국의 정치機制중 사회주의 사상과 유가사상의 상보적 상관관계 가능성과 연계해서 21C 중국사회주의의 미래에 대한 조명을 시도했다.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 미국의 세계전략과 북한의 핵 곡예

        김의곤(Eui Kon Kim) 21세기정치학회 2003 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.13 No.1

        In the wake of the 21th Century, the United States, the current hegemon of the world, seems to be bewildered in the field of the hegemonic leadership as well as world management. Facing the collapse of the major adversary, the Soviet Union, the United States seems to have lost what has made America as it has been. I other words, the U. S. had to do anything that were opposing the Soviet Union and that was thought by many Americans as the right, correct and just. Now its adversary is gone and American society as a whole is facing the fragmentation and multi-culturization. In this context the U. S. seems to stick to its traditional values like freedom, liberty and human rights, etc. The Commission on America's National Interests clearly identified five national interests in 2000. The first and most significant national interest, among others, at least in the near future is to deter and prevent any countries from possessing and developing Massive Destructive Weapons including bio-chemical as well as nuclear weapons. So American policies toward Pyongyang is largely determined in terms of its world-wide management as a hegemon. The United States as a responsible hegemon will exercise its coercive leadership to its allies as well as its potential enemies including China, Russia, and countries in the list of Rogue countries. Thus, American policy vis-a-vis Pyongyang in the near future will be likely to be a restrained engagement, which is detrimental to North Korean nuclear acrobat.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 공간정치의 복잡성과 21세기 통일전략

        박순성 21세기정치학회 2000 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.10 No.1

        본 논문은 21세기 한반도 통일전략과 관련하여 세 개의 명제를 제시한다. 첫째, 통일에 대한 접근은 민족주의적 관점에 중심을 두고 신자유주의적 관점을 포용하는 방식을 취하여야 한다. 둘째, 현 단계 남북한의 관심영역인 경제분야 교류협력이 확장되고 남북관계 전반에 긍정적 파급효과를 미치기 위해서는 정경분리원칙을 넘어 당국간 정책협력을 도모해야 한다. 셋째, 한반도 통일은 동아시아 질서의 재편을 가져올 뿐만 아니라 재편 자체를 통해서만 실현될 수 있으므로, 냉전체제 해체 이후 아직도 완전히 재편되지 않은 동아시아 질서가 통일에 유리한 방향으로 나아가도록 하는 방안, 곧 동아시아의 안보‧경제협력방안을 모색하여야 한다. 본 논문의 논의는 현실에 대한 역사적‧구조적 해석으로 대부분 구성되어 있다. 사실의 수집‧확인보다 해석에 치중하는 연구가 가질 수밖에 없는 한계에도 불구하고, 본 논문이 제시하는 한반도 공간정치에 대한 해석은 통일정세 변화에 대한 과학적 이해와 함께 대북‧통일정책의 기본 방향 설정에 기여할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        푸틴의 복귀에 따른 러시아 국방개혁의 방향성 연구

        성일권(sungilkwon) 21세기정치학회 2012 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.22 No.2

        In September 2008, the russian government, revealed its intentions to carry out the most significant military reforms since 1945. Most of russian presidents had often emphasized the necessity of military reform, but were compelled to resolve more pressing economic and political issues. Thus, the Russian armed forces managed to avoid significant reforms for a while. Indeed, this has been a central puzzle in studies of Russian civil-military relations: how have the Russian armed forces successfully resisted reform, while all other domestic institutions have considerably changed since 1991? New military reforms such as reducing the armed forces, revamp of the force structure and command system, weapons modernization, military education and training, has aimed at switching to a “powerful Russia”. This study analyzes what is the features of the military reform after Putin's return compared to Russia’ previous attempts and whether the current reform efforts will result in the improvement of the Russian military capacity. This study reviews, first of all, the substances of current military reforms and secondly, Putin's vision of the military reforms and its reality. Thirdly, it will examine the outcomes and limits the current military reform and also discuse how military reforms may offer important insights into larger domestic and international issues relating to Russia.

      • KCI등재

        고대정치에서 입헌주의 관념에 관한 연구

        조찬래(Cho Chan-Rai) 21세기정치학회 2012 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.22 No.3

        The Idea of constitutionalism in ancient politics may be considered as the institutional device for protecting the rights of individual by setting the limits on the public sphere. Despite its importance to actual politics, it has not received the enough attention by many political philosophers. This article is meant to clarify the specific nature and meaning of the idea of constitutionalism in Western political philosophy by analyzing its transforming process systematically. Plato's idea of constitutionalism may aim for building up a political community that is to treat law as the supreme power and achieve the virtue of temperance. The temperance may hep cultivate the minds of respect for state institutions and attitudes of obedience for legalistic purposes among the members of the political community. It may be more important for them to put them into practice as molded into their minds by education like the social custom. Building on this idea of Plato, Aristoteles can develop his idea of constitutionalism which has been estimated to take a major step forward. His constitutionalism that may be possible in the ideal state, includes the characteristic elements of rule by law, common interest, rule over willing subjects and oneness of good man and good citizen. These elements may work as the institutional guideline to evaluate the actual states and raise their political and moral conditions. Although the ideas of constitutionalism of Plato and Aristotle may contribute to realizing the legality and legitimacy of political power, they have the problems in that they may not overcome the bounds of ancient times, and do not suggest the legal remedies to carry out constitutional rule in some detail as well.

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