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      • BLE 응용을 위한 2.4GHz 대역의 CMOS RF 송수신기 설계

        김광순(Kwangsoon Kim),정기상(Kisang Jung),김규형(Kyuhyung Kim),이상훈(Sanghun Lee),김성완(Sung-Wan Kim),이평한(Pyeong-Han Lee),박광범(Kwang-Beom Park),천성훈(Sung-Hun Chun),류창호(Chang-Ho Ryu),안광호(Kwang-Ho Ahn),김주성(Jusung Kim) 대한전자공학회 2018 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.11

        In this paper, a 2.4GHz CMOS RF transceiver design for BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) application is presented. The fully-differential RF transceiver is compliant with Bluetooth core specification v5.0. The transceiver is comprised of low-IF receiver and zero-IF transmitter. The overall DC current consumption for continuous Tx transmission at +0dBm output power is 12mA and for continuous Rx reception at –90dBm sensitivity is 13mA. The transceiver is fabricated in 90nm CMOS process and total die size is 5.74mm2 including baseband modem and electrostatic discharge I/O pads.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 색채어 분홍과 외래어 핑크의 사용 양상

        김광순(Kim, Kwangsoon) 담화·인지언어학회 2021 담화와 인지 Vol.28 No.4

        {Red}, {White}, {Black}, {Blue}, and {Yellow} are some of the loanwords incorporated into Korean language that are actually spoken among native Korean speakers. However, these color terms do not form a significant relationship with the Korean words referring to the same color, as the usage is clearly distinctive. On the other hand, the color terms {Pink} and {Bunhong} have a difference in that they are used almost interchangeably and have a significant relationship with each other. Therefore, an attempt was made to examine the usage pattern of each of the two lexicons through examples from actual language use in order to understand the usage and their characteristics. To this end, data from Naver News were considered for the examples while excluding the user subjective language habits. Subsequently, the basic aspect of color terms that refer to a color and the condition of conveying figurative meanings unrelated to the basic aspect are discussed and summarized.

      • KCI등재

        흑인대통령 시대의 탈인종적 환상과 자유주의적 인종차별 ―영화 <겟 아웃>을 중심으로

        김광순 ( Kwangsoon Kim ) 21세기영어영문학회 2023 영어영문학21 Vol.36 No.4

        Jordan Peele’s film Get Out critically examines the “post-racial lie” within American society during the era of the first black president. To challenge the post-racial illusion, Peele focuses on the liberal racism of urban white middle-class people, rather than the overt racism prevalent in the American South. Thus, the villains in the film are not Southern rednecks but affluent white individuals in New York. By highlighting black individuals victimized by ostensibly liberal whites Peele’s psycho-horror film assaults the post-racial illusion and compels audiences to confront racial realities. This essay discusses two distinct themes presented in Peele’s film scrutinizing liberal racism in contemporary American society. First, Get Out embraces the classic motif of black abduction, drawing a connection between modern-day racism in America and the era of slavery. Within the movie, white characters abduct and auction black people to exploit their bodies. This starkly associates contemporary American society with the antebellum South. Second, Peele’s film dramatizes the racial fantasies ingrained within white consciousness. In Get Out, the abducted black people all fall victims to white people’s fantasies about blackness―fantasies involving physical strength, sexual prowess, sensual black female bodies, and atavistic instincts. By delving into these themes, this essay aims to elucidate the messages conveyed in the film Get Out to its contemporary audience, who may have been enticed by the illusion of a post-racial America

      • 열간성형 공법에 의한 도어빔 부품 개발에 관한 연구

        김광순(Kwangsoon Kim),김윤규(Yungyu Kim),김효섭(Hyosub Kim),성경진(Kyungjin Sung) 한국자동차공학회 2010 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2010 No.11

        The door impact beam is an important construction for protecting passenger because it absorbs the shock of crash in the event of side collision. It is located between door inner and outer panel and the bracket is welded on it for assembly with inner panel. Door impact beam with round shape has weak side impact performance because the contacting area between it and bracket is small. And according to the shape of outer panel, sometimes door impact beam with other shape instead of round shape is required. Door impact beam satisfied with design variable and higher quality of side impact characteristics than conventional type was developed by hot forming with tooling. And the result of this study was reflected in the real prototyping and reliability test.

      • KCI등재

        친족어 {아버지}·{어머니}의 사용 양상 - 체면 손상 행위를 중심으로

        김광순(Kim, Kwangsoon) 담화·인지언어학회 2020 담화와 인지 Vol.27 No.3

        This paper deals with and verifies the aspect of how the lexemes of Korean kinship words like {ahbeoji} and {eomeoni} are used to refer to relatives and non-relatives in real life language and the rules used for native speakers related to loss of face. The lexemes that are the subject of this study such as {ahbeoji} and {eomeoni} include {ahppa}, {ahbeonim}, {ah-bi}, {bu}, {eomeoni}, {eomeonim}, {eomi} and {mo}. They are expanded and used by various relatives and non-relatives in modern day life language. In addition, each lexeme extends to the same subject to form a significant relationship, but native speakers use these lexemes in context, and these lexemes are not perceived as significant. This is because native speakers have certain rules related to the usage patterns of these lexemes, and each use is distinguished, which will be summarized in this study.

      • KCI우수등재

        색채어 {빨갛다}의 용법과 의미

        김광순(Kim, kwangsoon) 한국언어학회 2020 언어 Vol.45 No.1

        The goal of this paper is to identify and evaluate the expanded patterns in the use of the color terminology “ppalgahda” in everyday language usage, and provide a vocabulary that may be used for Korean language education. Discussions of color terminologies have been active yet limited to the terminologies of “black,” “white,” “red,” “yellow,” and “blue” within the traditional forms of comparison. Consequently, specific lexicons cannot confirm specific patterns used in the actual use of language. To help address this problem, this paper solely focuses on the terminology of “ppalgahda” to expand its meaning and patterns. The vocabulary identified in this discussion are based on the usage patterns of Korean native speakers, it’s semantic value, pattern expansion, and meaning expansion. The examples discussed will be prepared by a corpus provided by the National Institute of the Korean Language, NAVER Blogs, and NAVER articles. The data collected from the above sources will summarize information on the usages of the two words by native speakers and provide objectivity.

      • KCI등재

        프란츠 파농의 『검은 피부, 하얀 가면』에서 나타나는 식민 관계에 대한 정신분석학적 고찰과 남근중심주의적 시각

        김광순(Kwangsoon Kim) 한국비평이론학회 2017 비평과이론 Vol.22 No.1

        본 논문은 프란츠 파농의 식민 관계에 대한 정신분석학적 연구를 비판적으로 고찰해보고자 한다. 파농은 자신의 저서 『검은 피부, 하얀 가면』에서 유럽의 정신분석학자들의 주요 분석대상이 백인에 국한되어 있었다고 비판을 하며 흑인들 특히 백인문명과 인접하여 혹은 그 속에서 살아가고 있는 흑인들의 심리를 정신분석학적 틀을 이용하여 고찰한다. 그의 저서에서 파농은 흑인들이 정신발달 단계에서 유럽인들과 동일한 심리적 기제들을 경험하지 않는다고 주장한다. 특히 파농은 프로이트의 정신분석이론에서 모든 종류의 신경증을 분석하는데 있어서 가장 중요한 기제로 작용했던 오이디푸스 콤플렉스를 흑인의 경우에는 전혀 경험하지 못하는 백인 중산층 가족에 특수한 문화적 현상으로 본다. 대신에 그는 백인 문명과 인접하여 살아가고 있는 흑인들의 경우에는 인종차별주의가 모든 정신적 문제들의 근본적인 토대가 되고 있다고 주장한다. 파농의 연구는 피식민 주체들의 심리적 기제를 이해하는데 중요한 기여를 했을 뿐 아니라 탈식민주의 이론에 거대한 영향을 끼쳤던 것은 주지의 사실이다. 그러한 기여를 인정하면서 본 연구는 동시에 파농의 피식민 흑인들의 심리 연구가 프로이트/라캉 이론이 가지고 있었던 남근주의적 관점을 극복하기 보다는 반복하고 있다는 점을 지적하고자 한다. 예를 들어 파농은 피식민 흑인들의 심리기제에 대한 연구에 있어서 흑인 여성과 흑인 남성의 경우를 구분하여 다른 종류의 해석을 보여준다. 그는 흑인 여성의 백인 남성에 대한 성적 욕망을 백인성에 대한 열망으로 해석하고 그것을 굴욕적인 노예근성이라는 정신병리학적 측면에서 분석한다. 반면에 흑인 남성의 백인 여성에 대한 성적 욕망은 백인 남성과 경쟁관계에 있는 흑인주체의 저항적 행위 혹은 백인성에 대한 도전으로 해석한다. 그러한 파농의 분석은 아이러니하게 프로이트의 이론의 토대가 되고 있는 가족내 애정의 삼각관계를 인종간 애정의 삼각관계로 변형시켜 반복한다. 프로이트의 이론에서 어머니의 애정을 둘러싼 아버지와 아이의 경쟁관계가 파농의 이론에서는 백인 여성을 둘러싼 흑인 남성과 백인 남성간의 삼각관계로 변형되어 나타난다. 중요한 점은 그러한 인종간 애정의 삼각관계에서 흑인 여성은 완전히 소외된다는 것이다. 이러한 이유에서 본 논문은 파농의 정신분석 이론이 내포하고 있는 식민관계에 대한 남근주의적 시각에 대한 비판적 독서가 필요하다는 점에 대한 주의를 환기시키고자 한다. This essay critically examines Frantz Fanon’s psychoanalytic study of colonial relations. In his book Black Skin, White Masks, pointing out that the European psychoanalysts did not think of black people in their investigations, Fanon attempts to scrutinize the psychology of black people, particularly, in contact with the white civilization, through the prism of psychoanalysis. Fanon persuasively explains that black people do not go through the same kind of psychological mechanism with the Europeans in their psychological development. More specifically, Fanon argues that most black people do not experience the Oedipus complex which has been considered the most important key to the understanding of all kinds of neurotic symptoms in Freudian psychoanalysis. Instead, Fanon points at racism as the primary cause of the psychological conflicts of black people in contact with the white civilization. Even though Fanon’s study paved the way for the understanding of the psychology of the colonized people and had a big influence on the field of postcolonialism, this essay argues that his theory needs to be critically accepted because it stands on the same phallocentrism that the Freudian/Lacanian psychoanalytic schools have displayed in their theories. For instance, Fanon presents a different interpretation on the pathological desire of black men and women for whiteness. Fanon argues that black women wish to go to bed with a white man in order to achieve whiteness. Fanon’s theory reads black women’s desire for a white partner as the sign of servility and thus psychological pathology. In contrast, Fanon reads black men’s desire for a white woman as the sign of resistance to and identification with the white culture. In Fanon’s theory, the black man is represented as an individual who has attained or is capable of whiteness and thus can compete with white men for white women. More importantly, Fanon’s theory recreates an interracial love triangle that dramatizes the competition between white men and black men over white women. Black women are completely absent in this triangle. For this reason, this essay argues that we need to do a critical/negotiated reading of Fanon’s version of psychoanalysis.

      • KCI등재

        “가해자는 판단자가 될 수 없다”: 에드워드 존스의 소설 『알려진 세계』에서 인식자 찾기

        김광순 ( Kwangsoon Kim ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2021 현대영미소설 Vol.28 No.2

        This essay discusses how Edward P. Jones endows an illiterate and seemingly insane black slave woman with the authority of representing the history of slavery. Gayatri Spivak asserts that the subaltern cannot speak for themselves because they have no means of representation, which makes it necessary that intelligentsia should speak on behalf of the oppressed people. Dealing with the history of slavery in the neo-slave narratives, African American writers have discovered and represented the silenced voices of the black slaves. However, Jones’s The Known World problematizes such efforts of the black intelligent class to represent the experiences of black slaves in the antebellum South by questioning the authority of language and historiography. Jones’s novel deliberately blurs the boundary between fiction and history by showing how the authority of language is at the hands of people in power. Significantly, in Jones’s novel that has more than 45 characters, it is Alice, an illiterate and seemingly insane slave woman, who is able to represent the history of slavery most accurately through her artistry. In the novel, Alice’s two picture maps on the quilts function not only as the most precise historical record of the plantations in antebellum Virginia but also as the navigation that leads black people to a spiritual awakening of their reality. In this manner, Jones places the ultimate knower of the antebellum Southern history outside the language system that has sustained the white racist discourses and Western historiography.

      • KCI등재

        View Factor를 고려한 마이크로그리드 적용용 고효율 P-Type Si 양면형 태양광 모듈의 출력량 예측

        최진호,김광순,차혜림,김규광,방병관,박소영,안형근,Choi, Jin Ho,Kim, David Kwangsoon,Cha, Hae Lim,Kim, Gyu Gwang,Bhang, Byeong Gwan,Park, So Young,Ahn, Hyung Keun 한국전기전자재료학회 2018 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.31 No.3

        In this study, 20.8% of a p-type Si bifacial solar cell was used to develop a photovoltaic (PV) module to obtain the maximum power under a limited installation area. The transparent back sheet material was replaced during fabrication with a white one, which is opaque in commercial products. This is very beneficial for the generation of more electricity, owing to the additional power generation via absorption of light from the rear side. A new model is suggested herein to predict the power of the bifacial PV module by considering the backside reflections from the roof and/or environment. This model considers not only the frontside reflection, but also the nonuniformity of the backside light sources. Theoretical predictions were compared to experimental data to prove the validity of this model, the error range for which ranged from 0.32% to 8.49%. Especially, under $700W/m^2$, the error rate was as low as 2.25%. This work could provide theoretical and experimental bases for application to a distributed and microgrid network.

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