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        LNG 저장설비에 대한 체계적인 위험성평가 방법에 관한 연구

        강미진(Mee jin Kang),이영순(Young soon Lee),이승림(Seung Rim Lee) 한국가스학회 2009 한국가스학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        LNG 수요증가에 따라 저장설비의 규모가 커지고 있고 그 수 또한 증가되고 있어, 저장설비의 안전 건설과 안전 운전이 실시되고 있는가를 체계적으로 검토할 수 있는 위험성 평가 모델이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 LNG 저장설비의 위험성을 체계적으로 평가하여 그 결과를 객관적으로 활용할 수 있는 위험성평가 모델을 제시하였다. 이를 위하여 다양한 연구 및 국내외 규격을 조사하고 검토하였을 뿐만 아니라 실제 사례연구를 수행하였다. 그 결과 부지선정, 배치도 선정, 설계/건설 및 운전의 4개 단계로 구분한 위험성명가 모델을 제시하였다. 이 모델은 사고피해규모를 예측하기 위해 필요한 대기조건과 합리적인 영향거리 판단기준을 제시하고 있으며, 이러한 사고피해규모와 직접 연계된 사고의 발생가능성을 체계적으로 산출할 수 있는 구조로 제안되었다. 따라서 향후 LNG 저장설비를 새로 건설하고자 할 경우, LNG 저장설비 부지 및 배치도를 결정할 때 본 모델을 적용하여, 보다 근원적인 안전을 확보할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. As the consumption of LNG has increased, the capacity and number of LNG facilities are getting bigger and bigger. Such circumstances supports the need for a dedicated risk analysis model to help review and check major issues of the safer construction and operation of LNG storage facilities systematically. Therefore this study suggests an appropriate risk analysis model that enables us to evaluate hazards of LNG storage facilities more easily and systematically, and then to use its result in siting, design and construction stages of the facilities. In order to develop the model, lots of existing studies and domestic and foreign codes and standards were fully reviewed and a series of case studies also were carried out The suggested model consists of 4-stage evaluations: in selecting a site, in determining a layout, in designing and constructing the facilities, and in operating them. This model also suggests the weather condition necessary for estimating the consequence of accident-scenarios, and the easy, systematic approach to the analysis of their probability. We expect that the model may help secure LNG storage facilities’ inherent safety in determining their site and layout.

      • 학교도서관 이용자 만족도 조사에 대한 학교도서관 전문인력의 인식에 대한 연구

        강미진(Mi-Jin Kang) 한국독서교육연구학회 2019 한국독서교육학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        이 연구는 학교도서관 이용자 만족도 조사에 대하여 전문인력이 배치되어 있는 학교도서관에서 이용자 만족도 조사에 대한 실행 여부와 학교도서관 현실에 맞는 표준설문도구의 필요성에 대해 파악하고자 하였다. 연구결과 학교도서관 이용자 만족도 조사를 실시하고 있는 학교도서관 중 33.3%가 실시하지 있고 66.7%가 실시하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 이용자 만족도 조사에 대해 미실시 이유로는 표준화된 설문도구의 부재가 56.9%로 가장 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사되었다. 이 연구의 분석 결과를 토대로 학교도서관의 서비스 품질 개선을 위해서는 학교도서관의 전문 인력의 의견을 적극 반영한 표준화된 설문도구의 개발을 제안하였다. In this study, whether the school library’s user satisfaction survey should be performed for user satisfaction surveys at the school library where the experts are located and the need for a standard questionnaire tool that matches the school library’s reality I tried to understand about. Research results It was found that 33.3% of school libraries conducting satisfaction surveys of school library users conducted it, and 66.7% did not. It was also found that the absence of a standardized questionnaire tool had the most impact at 56.9% for reasons not yet implemented for user satisfaction surveys. Based on the analysis results of this research, in order to improve the service quality of the school library, we proposed the development of a standardized questionnaire tool that actively reflected the opinions of the specialists of the school library.

      • KCI등재

        목차 : 대학의 연구실 안전환경관리자 선임기준 합리화 방안

        강미진 ( Mee Jin Kang ) 한국안전학회(구-한국산업안전학회) 2012 한국안전학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Absfract This paper shows survey result on safety management status of laboratories in Korea In Korea, many studies and reports on laboratory safety have been published since the ministry of education, science and technology (MEST) enforced the Act on Establishing a Safe Environment of Laboratories (Lab Safety Act) in 2006. The MEST has surveyed status of safety management in institutions subject to Lab Safety Act in 2008 and 2010. According to the survey result safety management status of universities and colleges has been improved on several factors such as establishment of safety manual and implementation of safety inspection while the number of safety managers of universities and colleges have increased However, the difficulties in performing duties of safety managers has increased because the number of exclusive safety managers has decreased. This paper identifies the similarities and differences between Occupational Safety and Health Act and Lab Safety Act on assignment and duties of safety managers; therefore, this paper suggests a standard to determine the number of safety managers and decide whether or not their duties should be exclusive. Besides current standard that is based on the number of researchers, the number of individual laboratories should be considered The new method would be helpful to determine the number of exclusive safety managers because the amount of safety managers` duties generally do not depend on only the number of people who may be exposed to any risk but also the number of facilities that rosy be cause of any accident

      • KCI등재

        태아의 간과 흉선 조직 그리고 조혈모 세포를 이식한 Rag2<SUP>-/-</SUP>γc<SUP>-/-</SUP> Mice에 사람의 면역 세포 형성

        강미진(Mijin Kang),주성연(Sung-Yeon Joo),최봉금(Bong-Kum Choi),정다연(Da-Yeon Jung),최호인(Ho-In Choi),박재범(Jae Berm Park),최규성(Gyuseong Choi),권준혁(Choon Hyuck Kwon),김성주(Sung-Joo Kim),조재원(Jae-Won Joh) 대한외과학회 2008 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.74 No.1

        Purpose: Many researchers have tried to develop animal models that mimic the human immune system, e.g. a humanized mouse model, to improve the engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells and develop human immune cells in an animal model. This study evaluated the feasibility of the cultured human umbilical cord blood (hUCB)-derived CD34? cells for cell expansion, in Rag2<SUP>-/-</SUP>γc<SUP>-/-</SUP> mice, and establish co-transplantation with human fetal thymus/liver tissue (Thy/Liv) under the kidney capsule. Methods: Co-transplantation of hUCB-derived CD34? cells with Thy/Liv was performed. The hUCB-derived CD34? cells were prepared by freshly thawing (G1) and culturing for 7 days with two types of cytokine combinations (G2, G3). The CD45? cell populations were measured at 6, 8, 10 and 16 weeks in the peripheral blood. The splenocytes were cultured with mitogenic stimuli (PHA -L or IL-2) at 20 weeks posttransplantation, and the proliferation of human immune cells was evaluated. Results: There were no significant differences in the human CD45? cell populations at 6, 8, 10 and 16 weeks post-transplantation between the groups. In the cultured splenocytes at 20 weeks post-transplant with PHA-L or IL-2, there was remarkable expansion of CD3? cells in the three groups. Although no CD19? cells were detected in the spleen, human Ig G was detected in the sera of these mice. Conclusion: The cultured and expanded hUCB-derived cells with cytokine combinations might be a feasible cell source in humanized mouse modeling. In addition, human immune cells can be reconstituted from the co-transplantation of Thy/Liv and cultured hUCB-derived CD34? cells.

      • KCI등재

        유아교사의 공감능력과 정서표현성이 전문성 발달에 미치는 영향

        강미진(Kang, Mi-Jin),오재연(Oh, Jae-Yeon) 한국어린이미디어학회 2020 어린이미디어연구 Vol.19 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of early childhood teachers emotional competence and emotional expressivity on the development of early childhood teachers professionalism, so that early childhood teachers improve their professionalism and successfully perform their roles. For this purpose, this study examined the effects of earl childhood teachers’ emotional competence and emotional expressivity on their professional development with 311 early childhood teachers at 65 early childhood educational institutions located in Jeonnam and Jeonbuk provinces. From the results of analyzing the effects of early childhood teachers’ emotional competence and emotional expressivity on the positive emotional expressivity, negative emotional expressivity, cognitive empathy, and emotional empathy were fund to be effective for the overall professional development of early childhood teachers in the order. These results suggest that for the development of early childhood teachers professionalism, follow-up studies should be made on the relationship between early childhood teachers’ emotional competence and professional development, and the relationship between early childhood teachers’ emotional expressivity and professional development. 본 연구의 목적은 유아교사의 공감능력과 정서표현성이 유아교사의 전문성 발달에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 유아교사가 자신의 전문성을 향상시켜 성공적으로 자신의 역할을 수행하고자 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 광주광역시와 전남·북에 소재한 65개 유아교육기관의 유아교사 311명을 대상으로 유아교사의 공감능력과 정서표현성이 유아교사의 전문성 발달에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 유아교사의 공감능력과 정서표현성이 유아교사의 전문성 발달에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과, 긍정 정서표현성, 부정 정서표현성, 인지적 공감과 정서적 공감 순으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 유아교사의 전문성 발달을 위해 유아교사의 공감능력과 전문성 발달간의 관계, 유아교사의 정서표현성과 전문성 발달간의 관계 등 후속연구가 이루어져야 함을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        조나단 에드워즈의 아르미니우스주의 비판 -아이작 왓츠의 자유의지 개념에 대한 비판을 중심으로-

        강미진 ( Kang Mi-jin ) 한국기독교철학회 2018 기독교철학 Vol.25 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 조나단 에드워즈가 개혁신학의 자유의지 개념을 성경적으로 어떻게 다져나가는지 살펴보는 것에 있다. 아르미니우스주의자들은 개혁신학의 자유의지 개념을 부정한다. 그들은 인간의 자유의지를 지나치게 강조하여 하나님의 주권을 약화시키며 인간의 의지 자체에 자기 결정력이 있다고 여긴다. 또한 무관심 중립 상태에서 의지가 활동할 수 있다고 여긴다. 왓츠는 아르미니우스주의자들에 입장에 동의하며 그들의 논의를 뒷받침하기 위한 자유의지 개념을 주장한다. 그는 의지가 외부의 영향이나 선행 원인의 영향 없이 스스로 결정할 수 있다고 여긴다. 또한 의지 자신의 의욕은 이전의 어떤 결정이나 환경이 아니라 순수 중립적으로 결정하는 의지자체를 의미한다. 이것은 하나님의 주권보다는 인간의 의지 자체의 절대 주권을 인정하는 것이다. 특히 인간의 구원에 있어서 아르미니우스주의자들은 인간의 자유의지를 강조함으로 하나님의 주권을 부정한다. 에드워즈에 따르면 사람은 감정과 의지를 가지고 있기 때문에 절대적으로 완전한 중립이란 있을 수 없다. 무슨 결정을 하든지 동기가 반드시 필수적이다. 의지 자체만으로 그 어떤 결정을 할 수 없다. 하나님은 사람의 의지나 자유 활동 그 어떠한 것도 하나님의 주권적인 역사임을 강조한다. 칼빈은 하나님의 주권과 인간의 자유의지는 서로 양립할 수 있다고 여긴다. 특히 구원의 문제에 있어서는 전적인 하나님의 주권이며 하나님의 의지의 문제이다. 인간의 자유의지와 자신의 결단으로는 구원이 이루어질 수 없다. 연구자는 이 글을 통해 조나단 에드워즈가 왓츠의 자유의지 논증을 반박하며 하나님의 주권과 인간의 자유의지가 어떻게 양립가능한지를 밝히고자 한다. The purpose of this article is to ensure that the conception of free will of Jonathan Edwards is that of Reformed theology. The Arminianists deny the concept of free will of Reformed theology. They overestimate the free will of man and weaken the sovereignty of God. They believe that the will of man itself is self-determinating. It is also considered that the will can act in neutral state. Watts agrees with the Arminianists and insists on the concept of free will to support their discussion. He believes that the will can determine by itself without any influences from external conditions or prior causes. Willingness of will means the will itself which makes some decisions not from any previous decisions or environment but from purely neutral state. This is to recognize the absolute sovereignty of the will of man rather than the sovereignty of God. Especially in the salvation of men, they deny the sovereignty of God by emphasizing the free will of man. According to Edwards, there can be no absolute neutrality because a person has feelings and will. Motivation is essential in making any decisions. The will itself can not make any decisions. God stresses that the will of man and all his free activities are under His sovereign history. Calvin considers that the sovereignty of God and the free will of man can be compatible. Especially when it comes to salvation, it is a matter of God’s sovereignty and will. The free will and his own determination of man can not bring any salvation. In the article, I would like to find how Jonathan Edwards refutes Watts’ free will argument and explains God’s sovereignty and human will are compatible.

      • 소아 천식 환자 기도과민성에서 TNF-α-308G/A와 IL-13 +2044G/A의 유전자 상호작용

        강미진 ( Mi Jin Kang ),김효빈 ( Hyo Bin Kim ),진현승 ( Hyun Seung Jin ),이소연 ( So Yeon Lee ),김자형 ( Ja Hyung Kim ),장성옥 ( Seong Ok Jang ),홍수종 ( Soo Jong Hong ) 대한천식알레르기학회 2007 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.27 No.2

        Background: Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α is a pivotal pro-Inflammatory cytokine increased in the asthmatic airways. Also, interleukin (IL)-13 is a pivotal immunoregulatory cytokine in asthma pathogenesis. Objective: We assumed that there might be a synergistic effect between TNF-α and IL-13. We analyzed the genotypes of TNF-α and IL-13 polymorphisms in asthmatic patients and control groups, and investigated the association of asthma-related phenotypes with them. Method: We enrolled 719 asthmatic and 172 control children. Evaluated asthma phenotypes included pulmonary function test, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) to methacholine and exercise. We analyzed the genotypes of TNF-α -308G/A and IL-13 +2044G/A polymorphism by using the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Result: TNF-α polymorphism was associated with BHR to methacholine (P=0.026). Gene-gene interactions between TNF-α and IL-13 polymorphisms with heterozygote and homozygote of variant genotypes were associated with BHR to methacholine in asthma (P=0.008) and exercise-induced asthma (P=0.005) but were not associated with maximum % fall in FEV1 compared to those with homozygotes of common genotypes. Conclusion: TNF-α polymorphism was associated with BHR to methacholine. Gene-gene interactions between TNF-α and IL-13 polymorphisms were associated with BHR to methacholine. Therefore, TNF-α and IL-13 polymorphisms may show a synergistic effect in terms of BHR. (Korean J Asthma Allergy Clin Immunol 2007;27:98-104)

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