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        주거 부문 탄소발자국 결정요인 분석:1인가구와 다인가구 비교를 중심으로

        김태현,김태현 한국환경정책학회 2023 環境政策 Vol.31 No.4

        가구 내 에너지소비에 따른 1인당 탄소발자국을 줄이는 것은 탄소중립 달성에 중요함에도, 최근 증가하는 1인가구의 탄소발자국 특성에 대한 연구는 부족하다. 이에 본 연구는 온라인 설문조사 기반으로 가구의 여름철/겨울철 주거 부문 탄소발자국을 산출하고, 1인가구와 다인가구의 탄소발자국 차이 분석과 탄소발자국 결정요인 비교분석을 수행하였다. 탄소발자국 차이 분석 결과, 1인가구는 여름철/겨울철 주거 부문 1인당 탄소발자국이 다인가구보다 많은 것으로 나타났다. 1인가구와 다인가구의 탄소발자국 결정요인 비교분석 결과, 공통결정요인으로 여름철은 주거면적, 겨울철은 중앙(지역) 난방 여부가 도출되었으며, 그 외 결정요인은 상이하였다. 본 연구 결과는 건물 부문 탄소중립 달성에 있어서 1인가구의 탄소발자국을 줄이는 것이 중요하며, 탄소중립 정책이 1인가구와 다인가구의 결정요인을 고려하여 차별적으로 적용되어야 함을 의미한다. 본 연구결과는 탄소중립 기본계획 수립을 위한 근거자료로 활용될 것으로 기대한다. Reducing the per capita carbon footprint associated with household energy consumption is crucial for achieving carbon neutrality in the residential sector. However, existing research on the carbon footprint characteristics of single-person households, which often exhibit inefficient energy consumption, is insufficient. This study, therefore, calculates the summer/winter residential sector carbon footprints based on online surveys and analyzes the differences and determinants of carbon footprints between single-person and multi-person households. The results showed that single-person households in the residential sector have higher per capita carbon footprints during both summer and winter compared to multi-person households. Common determinants of carbon footprints between single-person and multi-person households include residential area in summer and the use of central (or district) heating in winter, with other factors varying between the two household types. The findings emphasize the importance of reducing carbon footprints in single-person households toward achieving carbon neutrality in the residential sector and suggest that carbon-neutral policies should be differentially applied, considering determinants unique to both single and multi-person households. The study's results are expected to be utilized as foundational data for establishing carbon-neutral master plans.

      • KCI등재

        Association of Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors With Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease

        김태현,김태현,이민지,유기봉,한은아,최재우 대한예방의학회 2015 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.48 No.3

        Objectives: The goal of this study was to examine the association of various demographic and socioeconomic factors with risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods: We used nationally representative pooled data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), 2007–2013. We estimated the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation. We defined CKD as a GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2, and 1304 of the 45 208 individuals included in the KNHANES were found to have CKD by this definition. The outcome variable was whether individual subjects adhered to the CKD prevention and management guidelines recommended by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The guidelines suggest that individuals maintain a normal weight, abstain from alcohol consumption and smoking, manage diabetes and hypertension, and engage in regular exercise in order to prevent and manage CKD. Results: This study found that individuals with CKD were more likely to be obese and have hypertension or diabetes than individuals without CKD. In particular, male and less-educated CKD patients were less likely to adhere to the guidelines. Conclusions: Although the prevalence of CKD, as indicated by the KNHANES data, decreased from 2007 to 2013, the prevalence of most risk factors associated with CKD fluctuated over the same time period. Since a variety of demographic and socioeconomic factors are related to the successful implementation of guidelines for preventing and managing CKD, individually tailored prevention activities should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        Smart and resilient urban disaster debris cleanup using network analysis

        김태현,김태현 대한공간정보학회 2017 Spatial Information Research Vol.25 No.2

        This study aims to discuss problems and to suggest improvements of disaster debris clearance procedure by case analysis, providing scenarios and network analysis. An interview with officer and manager of disaster debris clearance procedure was conducted in Busan Dongnae-gu in 2014. Problems deducted were as follows: lack of cooperation and support from each local government, landfill clearance for the entire quantity of disaster debris. To supplement the problems, the first step was to provide four scenarios on the basis of utilizing waste sorting facility in other borough and disposing disaster debris by each property. Next, the study proposed the shortest distance by each scenario to find the best route using network analysis. As a result, in case of disposing the entire quantity of disaster debris, the best route was using Busanjin-gu waste sorting facility as a second temporary disposal storage. Finally, the best route was categorizing disaster debris by landfill, incineration plant, and recycle facility using Dongnae-gu waste sorting facility as a second temporary disposal storage in case of flood. There for this study holds its significance improving disaster debris cleanup guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        환경오염과 환경약자, 환경피해와의 관계 분석: 대기 및 수질을 중심으로

        김태현,박현주,김태현 한국환경정책학회 2018 環境政策 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 환경정의 실현을 위해 환경오염과 환경약자, 환경피해 지표들 간 상관관계 및 구조모형 분석을 통하여 환경불평등이 나타나는지를 확인하는 것이다. 이를 위해 우리나라 전국 시・군・구 단위환경오염(수질 및 대기오염)물질 배출량, 환경약자(사회경제적 약자, 생물학적 약자) 비율, 환경피해(환경관련 질환으로 인한 사망자수) 등 환경정의 관련 통계자료를 수집하여 환경불평등을 분석하였다. 상관분석결과 환경약자, 환경오염, 환경피해 관련 일부 지표들 간에 통계적으로 유의미한 상관관계를 도출하였다. 구조모형 분석결과 환경오염이 환경피해와 직접적으로 관련이 있지는 않으나 환경약자를 매개로 환경피해에 간접적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to identify environmental inequity through correlation and structural equation modeling analysis of the relationships between environmental pollution, susceptible and damage. This study compiles the amount of environmental pollution emissions (water and air pollution), the ratio of those susceptible to the environment (those as a socioeconomic disadvantage and biologically weaker) in the population, and environmental damage (the number of deaths due to environmental diseases) in counties and cities. As a result of the analysis, statistically significant correlations were found between some indicators. The structural model analysis showed that environmental pollution was not directly related to environmental damage, however it did show an indirect impact on environmental damage through environmental weakness.

      • KCI등재

        연결차단권에 관한 소고

        김태현,손석진 한국법학원 2023 저스티스 Vol.196 No.-

        In this study, the authors propose the necessity of specific and systematic legislation regarding the ‘right to disconnect’ by contemplating related issues. Our society has long been discussing the agenda of shortening the work hour. We should now break away from the cast that encouraged overtime work and holiday work. Furthermore, since initiations regarding tasks after work gives negative effects on employees’ mental health and there is a need of separating strictly work hours and rest hours in order to effectively implement the efforts to shorten the work hour, it is indeed an issue to distinguish the work sphere from the private sphere. Therefore, the right to disconnect is timely agenda in our society. Traditional regulations and norms to distinguish those two areas are no longer useful in the digital era. However, the right to disconnect solves this problem and even encourages the rational use of digital technology, while avoiding its abuse. This sure is a right that is required in the time of the fourth industrial revolution. Namely, the right to disconnect is a societal effort to protect laborers’ right to have rest and to protect their privacy as citizens. There are various discussions taking place internationally. In Europe, especially in France and Germany, there is a lot of discussion about overtime work and the right to disconnect, and France has already enacted a right to disconnect, and most recently, Australia has proposed a similar bill. As workers’ right to rest is limited by the fact that they remain connected after work and mental tension may be maintained, legislation on disconnection is necessary to minimize unnecessary stress on workers and improve labor productivity by ensuring a real right to rest. In terms of specific legislative measures, it is socially appropriate to introduce a shutdown system that prevents employers from contacting workers after 22:00 unless there is an urgent reason such as a disaster. In addition, in order to improve the working environment, reduce the actual working hours of workers, and reduce stress and interruption of rest due to non-work contacts, it would be appropriate to set a higher amount of overtime pay than the usual overtime pay for employers to bear more financial burden, and compensatory leave to replace the payment of overtime pay should be actively utilized. On the other hand, in extreme cases where an employer ignores a worker’s private life and continuously tries to contact them, it should be possible to regulate it as workplace harassment, and in order to ensure the effectiveness of the right to disconnect, it is necessary to consider the need to identify private acts unrelated to work as harassment, such as alienating workers who do not fulfill instructions for contacting them after hours or giving them disadvantages such as job exclusion, and even adverse personnel measures and unfair dismissal.

      • 國際投資紛爭解決制度와 韓美FTA의 受容態度에관한 硏究

        김태현 釜山外國語大學校 比較法硏究所 2008 比較法學 Vol.19 No.-

        The investor-state dispute settlement mechanism(ISD) has resurged in the 1990s, and has been given a new meaning. This mechanism is specifically applies to the KOREA-US FTA, and as a result, has grown in significance for Korea. But the ISD has recently come under systematic criticism by nations, even with people concerned with municipal law, due to a lack of recognition. The ISD is one international arbitration system for protecting foreign investors and the accumulated precedents and cases on international trade relations exist. Nevertheless in domestic cases, no one besides some researchers are interested in ISDs. Because of the lack of mutual implementation in subjects concerned with relations between legal regimes, ISD legal studies do not grasp the connection between the ISD and legal research. This confusion is exhibited in the changing forms of the ISD between the Korean government and the US government in the KOR-US FTA through 8 separate negotiations. Specifically concerning the ISD regime, matters of sovereign prerogatives, indirect expropriation and constitutionality were mainly analyzed. Originally the ISD regime was established to protect investors' assets against sovereign prerogatives. However, the authority üf investors has increased to the point that sovereign prerogatives can be encroached. The scope of investment has expanded from the movement of capita1 and resources to rights of claim, contractual rights, properηT rights, non-equity investment and permission. Specifically, because investors may be able to claim a “denial of justice" and seek damages from an international tribuna1 convened under the FTA. When ISDs occur, it is hard to find a case where an arbitral decision in NAFr A has deviated from customary international law. The single-trial system of arbitration often encroaches policies and interests of the states. For this reason, ISDs policies which are judged by state have been criticized because important state policies are treated carelessly. Indirect expropriation which the KOR-US FT A has allowed is hard to accept for the current Korean legal regimes. Under the interpretation Constitutional law, Korean domestic law is compensated only for direct expropriation, not indirect expropriation. Therefore, there is a need to arrange compensation for legal regimes such as, state indemnity, administrative compensation, compensation of infringement on quasi-expropriation to pass through the preparation process thoroughly. Because if indirect expropriation are introduced, many compensation expenditures would increase. As a result of an examination of ISDs, operation strategies and effective execution methods of ISD mechanisms are as follows. Korea is expanding its roles as a host state as well as an investment state. So in principle, 1) ISDs are excluded for agreements, for example the Australia-US FTA, 2) when a treaty is included in a ISD, the investor can apply for the arbitration through the concent of the host state or use the domestic laws of the host state, 3) if 1), 2) are unreasonable, it is necessary to reduce the scope of the ISD to a minimum. Because arbitral decision might be wrong, or differ from each tribunal, the public policy of a state can be forfeited Therefore, in order to prevent misjudgment, there exists a need to arrange an appellate review. By creating a coherent, well-reasoned body of jurisprudence, investment tribunals bolster their legitimacy, fulfill the goals of both investors and sovereign states, and enhance the possibility of norm development resulting from the dialogue between international and national courts. In the long term, it is necessary to examine the establishment of international investment dispute court. Indirect expropriation must be introduced, examined and applied to the national budget so as to fit in accordance with in Korea legal regimes.

      • KCI등재

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