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      • 프랑스 農産物標準化制度 硏究

        趙龍熙 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1983 資源問題硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        Quality grades and standards of farm products in France are studied. Many food marketing firms have their own grading, standardization, and quality control programs. However, AFNOR standards are universal quality grades for French farm products. And French Department of Agriculture supervises a broad range of food standardization program. We instanced the tomatoes standards and the pork carcasses grading system as quality grades and standards of farm products in France. France is one of the member countries of the "OECD Scheme" for the application of international standards for fruit and vegetables. Tomatoes are classified into 3 classes based on OECD Scheme. But AFNOR sets 4th class "Catfgorie Ⅲ" in addition. Quality grades and standards of tomatoes in France are as follows. Extra Class : Superior quality. Class I : Good quality. Class Ⅱ: Minimum requirement. Class Ⅲ: Additional standards of AFNOR. Quality grades of animal products are various. Milk and milk products are graded based on AFNOR standards. Cattle, calf and sheep, and their carcasses are graded based on "E.U. R. O. P. A. " system. But pork carcasses are graded based on EEC standards (La grille communautaire). Commercial pork carcasses are classified into 8 basic classes as follows, Extra (Exceptionally good quality) : EAA. Bien on viande (Superior quality) : IA. En viande (Good quality) : ⅡA, IB. Moyennement viand’e (Midium quality) : ⅢA, ⅡB, IC. Autres (Others) : IV (ⅡC. ⅢB, ⅢC are included).

      • KCI등재

        영가 현각의 공사상 고찰 -『證道歌』를 중심으로-

        조용희 동국대학교 동서사상연구소 2018 철학·사상·문화 Vol.0 No.27

        The Cheng tao ko(證道家) is a song written by Yong jia xuan jue(永嘉玄覺) that expressed the author’s stage of realization, which leads a practitioner to the invocation of reality of Middle Way[中道] by way of discerning non-duality of Dharma. The author argues the denial of phenomenon but maintains the invocation of Self Nature[自性] as it comprises all activity and Six practices of Bodhisattva that put emphasis on practicing Middle Way of dependent rising of emptiness which defends her or himself from degenerating to the extreme of false view. The background of the idea of emptiness expressed by Cheng tao ko draws from accepting the conception of impermanence and no-self of early Buddhism that were expanded to the conception of no-self in Madhyamaka, which the idea is based on the idea of emptiness in Perfect Wisdom Sutra and resulted in the background of Three Insights in One Thought(一心三觀) in mo he zhi guan(摩訶止觀) that is composed of Emptiness[空], Virtual Reality[假] and Middle View[中]. It is Huineng(慧能) who is a master in the lineage of Josa Seon[祖師禪] to interpret the emptiness as a practice of Provisional Existence of True Emptiness[眞空妙有] that consists of Freedom from Thought[無念], Impermanence[無常], No-abiding[無住]. The point of emptiness thought in Cheng tao ko is presented likewise as it is said, “the void, phantom body is the Dharma-body”, that is to say, Dharma Body of Vairocana Buddha permanently stays in the state of emptiness regardless of showing Emanation Body, which the emptiness is expressed by Middle Way free from extremes of Existence and Non-Existence. Also the manifestation of the nature of mind comes by way of refraining from Discriminating Thought(揀擇心) and responding to an activation of Middle Way from moment to moment. The thought of emptiness in Cheng tao ko is based on the idea of Buddha Nature that every sentient beings possess the true nature of Buddha expressed by the life of Middle Way to realize the Immediate Emptiness[中道] free from the ignorance of false view and to do acts of charity for sentient beings. 『證道歌』는 영가 현각이 마음을 깨달아 ‘證悟’ 의 경지를 노래한 내용이다. 오직 마음을 선관(禪觀)하는 一法으로 둘 아닌 中道實相을 發顯하도록 설하고 있다. 自性을 발현하면 거기에 六度萬行이 갖추어져 있으니 根本만을 얻을 뿐 枝末을 취하지 말라고 한다. 이러한 가르침은 양변에 떨어지지 않는 緣起空인 中道의 실천을 강조한 것이다. 『증도가』에 나타난 空사상의 배경을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 초기불교에서의 無常과 無我라는 관념을 받아들인 개념이고, 『반야경』의 空사상을 기반으로, 『중론』에서 無我의 개념을 공으로 확장하고, 『마하지관』에서 空·假·中의 一心三觀의 사상이 배경이 된다. 조사선에서 혜능은 공사상을 무념과, 무상, 무주의 진공묘유를 실천한다고 볼 수 있다. 『증도가』에 나타난 공사상의 핵심은 “환화공신이 즉 법신이로다.” 본 글에서 설명한 바처럼, 비로자나불의 법신은 몸이 바뀌어도 항상 ‘空’과 같은 상태로 영원불멸한 경지를 말하는 것이 같은 것이다. 또한 空을 兩邊에 치우치지 않은 中道로 표현하고 있다. 모든 것에 간택(揀擇 또는 분별) 하는 마음을 내지 않고, 中道 活用法으로 時時刻刻으로 마음을 내야 感應이 되어 마음의 根本이 發顯 된다는 것이다. 『증도가』의 공사상은 우리들이 본래 불성을 갖고 있다는 불성사상에 입각하여 우리들의 전도망상으로 얼룩졌던 번뇌로부터 깨우쳐(공, 돈오) 중생들을 위해 무한한 공덕을 펼쳐나가는 중도의 삶인 것이라 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        갑상선에 발생한 과립세포종 1예

        조용희,지용배,송창면,태경 대한이비인후과학회 2014 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.57 No.2

        Granular cell tumor is an uncommon neoplasm that can occur everywhere in the human body. Granular cell tumor of the thyroid gland is very rare and only eight cases of thyroid granular cell tumor have been reported. Histopathologically, granular cell tumor consists of large polygonal cells with small dark nuclei and abundant, fine, granular eosinophilic cytoplasm that show positive immunohistochemical staining using S-100 protein. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for granular cell tumor. Recurrence is rare, but inadequate resection of granular cell tumor may cause local recurrence. We have experienced one case of thyroid granular cell tumor that we report here with a review of literatures. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2014;57:108-11

      • 축산관의 재고

        조용희 대한양계협회 1975 월간 양계 Vol.7 No.4

        새로운 자원전쟁이후 식량무기야 말로 석유무기에 버금가는 무기로 돼 버렸다. 세계곳곳에서는 기아에 허덕이는 인구와 아사자들의 발생이 매스컴을 통해, 연일보도 되고 있다. 새삼$\ulcorner$말사스$\lrcorner$의 인구론을 비웃으며 소비가 미덕이라고 부르짓던 인간의 콧대가 무색해질 정도로 인간은 식량 위기의 심각성을 실감하고 있다. 우리도 매년 7$\~$8억불의 외화를 소비하면서 식량을 도입하여야만 하는 어려운 실정에 있다. 이러한 식량부족은 필연적으로 축산업에 문제점을 제기해주고 있다. 인간이 당장공복을 채울식량도 부족한데 이것을 가축에 먹여 단백질을 생산하여야만 할까? 우리나라 사료자원도 도입곡류의 의존도를 줄이려고 장기 축산진흥 계획을 수정한다. 새로운 축산정책에서 외곡 의존도가 높은 닭, 돼지를 감소시키겠다고 말하고 있다. 이러한 정책이 과연 바람직한 것인가?

      • KCI등재

        고빌리루빈혈증 환아에서 청성뇌간유발반응을 이용한 청력 고찰

        조용희,오재호,이동원,정재호,박철원,이승환 대한이비인후과학회 2013 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.56 No.8

        Background and Objectives Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is one of the important causative factors of sensorineural hearing loss including auditory neuropathy. The auditory brain stem response (ABR) is widely used as a screening or diagnostic tool for newborn hearing loss. This study aimed to analyze serial ABR results of newborns with severe hyperbilirubinemia. Subjects and Method This study examined 120 full term infants treated for hyperbilirubinemia in the neonatal intensive care unit. The first ABR was performed within one month after birth. Follow-up tests were conducted in patients with abnormal results (25 cases). The control group was composed of 21 healthy newborns who passed the newborn hearing screening. Results The mean ABR threshold was higher in the newborns with hyperbilirubinemia than in the control group (43.8 dB nHL versus 30.0 dB nHL, p<0.001). Of the 25 newborns who underwent follow-up ABR, 15 newborns demonstrated recovery of the hearing threshold up to 30 dB nHL. The hearing threshold did not improve below 50 dB nHL for five newborns, of whom one was diagnosed with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. There was no difference in the mean ABR interwave latency between newborns with hyperbilirubinemia and the control group. Conclusion Neonates with hyperbilirubimenia might suffer transient or permanent hearing loss. Serial ABR tests might be essential for the diagnosis of sensorineural hearing loss in patients with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.

      • KCI등재

        2H상 텅스텐 텔루라이드 플레이크 광학적 특성 연구

        조용희,정대현,김태완,신채호 한국물리학회 2020 새물리 Vol.70 No.6

        Tungsten ditelluride (WTe2) has attracted increasing attention because of its unique properties, such as its relatively narrow bandgap and large carrier transport, which depend on its phases. A mechanically exfoliated ultrathin WTe2 flake was transferred on to a SiO2/Si substrate. A transferred WTe2 flake with a thickness of 10 – 40 nm was determined by using Atomic force microscopy (AFM). We systematically investigated the thickness-dependent optical properties of the WTe2 flakes. The dominant Raman A31 ; A41 ; A71 andA91 peaks were observed. Strong photoluminescence emission peaks with a band gap of 1.83 eV were observed for flakes with thicknesses of 10 nm, possibly because of a radiative transition. We note that the radiative transition efficiency was enhanced with decreasing number of WTe2 flake layers. 기계적으로 박리한 초박막 (ultrathin) WTe2 플레이크 (flake)를 SiO2/Si기판에 전사하였다. 원자간력현미경 (Atomic force microscopy, AFM)을 이용하여 전사된 WTe2 가 10 – 40 nm 두께를 갖는 것을확인하였다. 시료 두께 (10 – 40 nm) 에 따라서 주요 라만 봉우리들 A31 ; A41 ; A71 ; A91 의 세기와 위치의변화를 분석하였고, 678.14 – 707.23 nm의 파장에서 두드러진 광발광 (Photoluminescence, PL) 봉우리를형성하는 것을 광발광 측정을 통해서 확인하였다. 이는 다원자층 (10 – 40층) 2H상의 WTe2 가 약 1.83 eV의 밴드갭 에너지 (Eg)를 가진 것을 나타내며 또한, 두께가 얇아질수록 광효율이 증가되는 경향성을확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        해양배양기 내 중탄산염 공급에 따른 Tetraselmis sp. KCTC12432BP 증식에 관한 연구

        조용희,신동우,이상민,전효남,류영진,이종찬,임상민,이철균,Cho, Yonghee,Shin, Dong-Woo,Lee, Sangmin,Jeon, Hyonam,Ryu, Young-Jin,Lee, Jong-Chan,Lim, Sang-Min,Lee, Choul-Gyun 한국해양바이오학회 2014 한국해양바이오학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The ocean provide great benefits for microalgal mass cultures with maintaining stable temperature due to high specific heat, mixing by wave energy, and providing large area for large-scale microalgae cultures. In this study, we cultivated a marine green microalga, Tetraselmis sp. KCTC12432BP, using marine photobioreactors on the ocean for investigating the effect of $NaHCO_3$ concentration on the biomass productivities and evaluating the potential of ocean microalgae culture. The culture medium consist of three fold concentrated f/2-Si with 4 g/L of $NaHCO_3$, which is dissolved in natural seawater. After 11 days of cultivation, the cultures reached stationary phase at biomass concentration of 1.6 g/L. At that time, $NaHCO_3$ concentration of 0, 2, and 4 g/L were fed to the cultures. The daily productivities of 0.11, 0.19, 0.30 g/L/day were attained with feeding rate of 0, 2, and 4 g/L $NaHCO_3$, respectively. Biomass productivity of Tetraselmis sp. KCTC12432BP was a function of the $NaHCO_3$ feeding rate as expected. This research shows that the microalgae can grow with $NaHCO_3$ as carbon source in marine photobioreactors on the ocean while exploiting various benefits of ocean cultivation.

      • KCI등재후보

        네모 동축선과 TEM 셀의 분산관계 해석

        조용희 한국콘텐츠학회 2007 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.7 No.1

        A rectangular coaxial line is mainly utilized as a transition structure from a coaxial line to a rectangular waveguide. A TEM cell is also widely used to measure the EMC characteristics of a DUT. In order to understand the operations of a rectangular coaxial line and a TEM cell, it is essential to analyze the dispersion relations of a rectangular coaxial line and a TEM cell. In this paper, we present simple yet accurate dispersion relations of the TE and TM higher modes based on the TEM mode. Manipulating a mode-matching technique and a Green's function approach allows us to obtain the analytic dispersion equations of a rectangular coaxial line and a TEM cell. In our approach, a rectangular coaxial line is divided into four L-blocks and its electromagnetic fields representations are easily obtained with a superposition. To verify the convergence of our dispersion relations, we perform numerical computations and compare our results with those of FDTD. 네모 동축선은 동축선과 도파관을 연결하는 대표적인 천이구조이다. 또한 TEM 셀은 DUT의 EMC 측정을 위해 광범위하게 사용되는 소자이다. 네모 동축선과 TEM 셀의 동작을 정확히 예측하기 위해서는 네모 동축선과 TEM 셀의 분산관계 해석이 필수적이다. 본 논문에서는 TEM 모드에 대한 분석을 기반으로 고차 모드인 TE와 TM 모드에 대한 분산관계를 단순하면서도 정확한 방법을 이용해 유도한다. 모드정합법과 그린 함수를 이용하여 네모 동축선과 TEM 셀의 분산관계를 해석적으로 정확히 다룬다. 이를 위해 네모 동축선의 구조를 4개의 L블록으로 나누고 중첩의 원리를 사용하여 전체 전자장 표현식을 쉽게 구한다. 분산관계 수렴성을 파악하기 위해 수치해석을 행하고 FDTD 결과와 비교한다.

      • KCI등재

        Efficient electromagnetic boundary conditions to accelerate optimization of RF devices

        조용희 한국콘텐츠학회 2011 International Journal of Contents Vol.7 No.4

        To achieve efficient field formulations and fast numerical computations, the reciprocal relations and equivalence between tangential and normal boundary conditions for electromagnetic fields are discussed in terms of the Maxwell's differential equations. Using the equivalence of each boundary condition, we propose the six essential boundary conditions, which may be applicable to matching electromagnetic discontinuities to efficiently design RF devices. In order to verify our approach, the reflection characteristics of a rectangular waveguide step are compared with respect to six essential boundary conditions.

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