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        과거와의 대면 : ${\ll}$미르티스${\gg}$ 전시를 통해 기억된 아테네 대 역병

        조은정,Cho, Eun-Jung 한국미술이론학회 2012 미술이론과 현장 Vol.14 No.-

        The exhibition <Myrtis: Face to Face with the Past> was started in 2010 in the New Acropolis Museum of Athens and embarked a journey since 2011 as a travelling exhibition inside Greece and abroad. The main purpose of the exhibition was to draw attention of the general public to the value of the 'rescue excavation' and of cultural heritage of Greece, by presenting the reconstruction bust of a girl whose skull was found in Kerameikos cemetery of ancient Athens. The new Kerameikos excavation was initiated by the construction of Metropolitan Railway lines in the center of Athens between 1992 to 1998. It revealed a pit of a mass burial where about 150 people were inhumed in a very hasty way without proper funeral rites or offerings. These bodies are identified as the victims of the infamous plague of Athens in the first years of the Peloponnesian War(430-426 BC). The epidemic disease killed almost one third of the city population including Pericles, and brought extreme fear and panic to the Athens society. The traditional funerary rites were totally disrupted, and the social decorum and the morality among the citizens became enfeebled. The plague and the civil war were the decisive factors to end the Golden Age of Democratic Athens. However, the exhibition organizers did not focus on the tragic aspect of this disaster and its casualties. Their main concern was to simplify the scholarly works of archaeological excavation and microchemistry analysis so that the exhibition viewers will easily understand and empathize the living value of the scholarly works of ancient Greek civilization. The centripetal element of the exhibition was the vivid face of an 11 years old ancient girl 'Myrtis', which was carefully reconstructed based on both the scientific data and artistic imagination. Also the set up of the exhibition was structured in order to stimuli cognitive and emotional experience of the visitors who witnessed the rebirth of a vibrant human being from an ancient debris. The museologists' continuous efforts to promote projects of contemporary artists, publications, and school programs related to the <Myrtis> exhibition indicate that the ulterior motive of this exhibition is the cultural education of the present and future generation through the intimate experiences of ancient Greek life. Also this is the reason why the various museums that held the travelling exhibition try to make the presentation as a gesture of memorial service for an anonymous Athenian girl who deceased circa 2400 years ago. The pragmatic efforts of Greek scholars and museologists through <Myrtis> exhibition show us a way to find a solution to the continuous threat of cultural resources by massive construction projects and land development, and to overcome public indifference to the history and cultural heritage.

      • KCI등재

        Implementation of Asthma Management Guidelines and Possible Barriers in Korea

        조은정,Mi-Yeong Kim,Sae Hoon Kim,Yong-Eun Kwon,박혜경,Sang-Heon Cho,장윤석 대한의학회 2020 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.35 No.12

        Background: There could be a gap between asthma management guidelines and current practice. We evaluated the awareness of and compliance with asthma management guidelines, and the internal and external barriers to compliance, for the first time in Korea. Methods: From March to September of 2012, 364 physicians treating asthma patients at primary, secondary, and tertiary teaching hospitals were enrolled. They completed a questionnaire on the awareness of and compliance with asthma management guidelines, and the barriers and alternatives to their implementation. Results: Of the 364 physicians, 79.1% were men and 56.9% were primary care physicians. The mean age was 40.5 ± 11.2 years. Most of them were aware of asthma management guidelines (89.3%). However, only a portion (11.0%) of them complied with the guidelines for asthma. Pulmonary function tests for diagnosis of asthma were performed by 20.1% of all physicians and 9.2% of primary care physicians, and by 9.9% of all physicians and 5.8% of primary care physicians for monitoring. Physicians stated that ‘asthma monitoring’ was the most difficult part of the guidelines, followed by ‘environmental control and risk factors.’ Only 39.6% (31.9% of the primary care physicians) prescribed an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) as the first-line treatment for persistent asthma. The internal barriers were physician's preference for oral medications, difficulty in use even with inhaler training, and concern over ICS side effects. The external barriers were possible rejection of medical reimbursement by health insurance, refusal by the patient, cost, and a poor environment for teaching the patient how to use the inhaler. Alternatives proposed by physicians to implement asthma management guidelines were to improve medical reimbursement policies and the level of awareness of such guidelines. Conclusion: Compliance with the asthma management guidelines, including ICS prescription, is low despite the awareness of the guidelines. It is necessary to develop a strategy to overcome the internal and external barriers.

      • KCI등재

        구조적 충격의 영향과 동적 반응의 추정

        조은정,김태호,Cho, Eun-Jung,Kim, Tae-Ho 한국통계학회 2011 응용통계연구 Vol.24 No.5

        본 연구에서는 기존의 벡터자기회귀모형에서 내생변수의 충격을 식별 가능하도록 모형의 당기 구조교란항 계수행렬에 사전 제약을 가해, 외생적 충격에 대한 변수들의 장단기 동적 반응을 추적해 보았다. 구조형 모형에 특정 이론에 의거하지 않고 현실상황에 상응한다고 판단되는 식별제약을 설정하여 추정하고 각 변수의 변동에서 각 구조적 충격이 차지하는 상대적 중요도를 계산하였다. 분석결과는 식별제약 및 모형의 추정결과와 일관성을 유지하는 것으로 판명되었다. This study investigates long and short run responses of variables to exogenous shocks by imposing prior restrictions on a contemporaneous structural shock coefficient matrix of the model to identify shocks by endogenous variables in the vector autoregression. The relative importance of each structural shock in variation of each variable is calculated through the identification of proper restrictions (not based on any specific theory but on researcher judgment corresponding to actual situations) and an estimation of the structural vector autoregression. The results of the analyses are found to maintain consistency.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        수학자 테일러의 선 원근법과 화가 커비의 해설서

        조은정,Cho, Eun-Jung 한국미술이론학회 2009 미술이론과 현장 Vol.7 No.-

        In the development of linear perspective, Brook Taylor's theory has achieved a special position. With his method described in Linear Perspective(1715) and New Principles of Linear Perspective(1719), the subject of linear perspective became a generalized and abstract theory rather than a practical method for painters. He is known to be the first who used the term 'vanishing point'. Although a similar concept has been used form the early stage of Renaissance linear perspective, he developed a new method of British perspective technique of measure points based on the concept of 'vanishing points'. In the 15th and 16th century linear perspective, pictorial space is considered as independent space detached from the outer world. Albertian method of linear perspective is to construct a pavement on the picture in accordance with the centric point where the centric ray of the visual pyramid strikes the picture plane. Comparison to this traditional method, Taylor established the concent of a vanishing point (and a vanishing line), namely, the point (and the line) where a line (and a plane) through the eye point parallel to the considered line (and the plane) meets the picture plane. In the traditional situation like in Albertian method, the picture plane was assumed to be vertical and the center of the picture usually corresponded with the vanishing point. On the other hand, Taylor emphasized the role of vanishing points, and as a result, his method entered the domain of projective geometry rather than Euclidean geometry. For Taylor's theory was highly abstract and difficult to apply for the practitioners, there appeared many perspective treatises based on his theory in England since 1740s. Joshua Kirby's Dr. Brook Taylor's Method of Perspective Made Easy, Both in Theory and Practice(1754) was one of the most popular treatises among these posterior writings. As a well-known painter of the 18th century English society and perspective professor of the St. Martin's Lane Academy, Kirby tried to bridge the gap between the practice of the artists and the mathematical theory of Taylor. Trying to ease the common readers into Taylor's method, Kirby somehow abbreviated and even omitted several crucial parts of Taylor's ideas, especially concerning to the inverse problems of perspective projection. Taylor's theory and Kirby's handbook reveal us that the development of linear perspective in European society entered a transitional phase in the 18th century. In the European tradition, linear perspective means a representational system to indicated the three-dimensional nature of space and the image of objects on the two-dimensional surface, using the central projection method. However, Taylor and following scholars converted linear perspective as a complete mathematical and abstract theory. Such a development was also due to concern and interest of contemporary artists toward new visions of infinite space and kaleidoscopic phenomena of visual perception.

      • KCI등재

        Commutability Assessment of Frozen Human Serum Pools for External Quality Assessment of Tumor Markers

        조은정,Sun Hyun Kim,Jinyoung Hong,이혜영,Jungwon Hyun,Sung Eun Cho,Woochang Lee,김현수,오은지,Sail Chun,Won-Ki Min 대한임상검사정도관리협회 2022 Journal of Laboratory Medicine And Quality Assuran Vol.44 No.2

        Background: Commutability is essential to harmonize different measuring systems and to evaluate the performance of participating laboratories in external quality assessment (EQA). This study aims to assess the commutability of EQA materials in the tumor marker program of the Korean Association of External Quality Assessment Service. Methods: We analyzed commercial quality control (QC) materials, individual patient samples, and frozen human serum pools (FSPs) based on the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) were assayed in triplicate in all samples using four analytical systems at the three laboratories. The results obtained from pairs of assays were plotted and assessed using Deming regression analysis. The criterion for commutability was a 95% prediction interval, and bias for noncommutability was calculated. Results: FSPs were commutable in all AFP, CEA, and total PSA assay methods. Bias for AFP, CEA, and total PSA ranged from –203% to 27%, –67% to 45%, and –9% to 12%, respectively. Commercial QC materials for AFP and PSA were commutable in four assays, whereas for CEA, noncommutability was observed. Conclusions: Our results validated that the frozen serum pools were commutable across different platforms for tumor marker assays. Therefore, validation findings from materials like FSPs and information about their commutability needs to be reported, for the applicability of EQA programs.

      • KCI등재

        펠라 히드리아와 고전기 후반 마케도니아 사회의 문화적 이데올로기

        조은정(Cho, Eun-Jung) 서양미술사학회 2014 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.40 No.-

        The so called 〈Pella hydria〉, an Attic vase found at the agora cemetery of ancient Pella in 1980 reveals us the cultural state of the Macedonian society which began to prosper under the rule of King Archelaos at the end of the 5th century BC. Its red-figure scene depicts the contest between Athena and Poseidon over Attica, and many scholars agreed that it was directly adapted from the composition of the Parthenon pediment. The fact that such a mythical subject which regained significant political meaning to the Athenians during the Peloponnesian War also appealed to an anonymous but wealthy citizen of Pella sheds light on the cultural taste of the kingdom of Macedonia in the late classical period. It should be considered as well that the figure of Dionysos whose cult was particularly popular in northern Greece was emphasized in the Pella hydria. During his reign, king Archelaos reinforced the military and administrative system of the state, and rebuilt the city of Pella as a commercial and cultural center in northern Greece. Macedonia became a major market for Athenian cultural products including red-figured pottery. He also invited prominent artists from southern Greece to his court, which was a significant change of policy in comparison to his predecessors. And these cultural imports spread immediately into the upper society of Macedonia where the king has the complete control of the whole state. It is the cultural heritage of classical Athens which contributed the high advance of Macedonian culture during the late 5th and early 4th century BC. It also became the means of political propaganda for the Macedonian dynasty to appeal to the wider Greek public as we can see in the Panhellenic iconography of the Macedonian coinage in the later period.

      • KCI등재

        아테네 장례 조형물에 재현된 현세의 기억

        조은정(Cho Eun-Jung),전한호 (토론자) 한국미술사교육학회 2011 美術史學 Vol.- No.25

        The ancient Greeks attached great significance to the burial ceremonies and monuments(μν?μα) from their early history, as is observed in the epic works of Homeros and Hesiodos. They considered mortality as the fundamental limitation of humans distinguished from the immoral gods, and in Greek society the burial practices were not only the religious duty but also moral and legal obligations of the relatives. As the structure of Athenian society became more sophisticated with the development of democracy, the burial practices and grave markers became the main devices of social propaganda of the individuals and families. The form and subject of the funerary monuments of Archaic and Classical Athens should be interpreted in the social and political context. The Kerameikos cemetery outside the city of Athens reveals us the role and function of the tombs and their artistic programme; situated near the Dipylon gate of the city walls, the cemetery was highly visible to all the passengers and relatives who visited the graves. During the Classical period, graves of private individuals were grouped in family precincts and walled with masonry terraces and monumental stele in which the deceased were represented in relationship with other family members. It is probable that such an emphasis on the household was influenced by the decree of Pericles in 451 BC that ‘only those should he reckoned Athenians whose parents on both sides were Athenians’. As a result, mother’s extraction and the background of the family (ο?κο?) became an integral element of an individual’s social status and citizenship. The rather drastic change of imagery and the increasing numbers of the female figures in the stele of the Classical Athens reflects the political ideology of that period. The development of iconography and the representational style through Archaic and Classical period is also closely related to the contemporary social context. The generalized male figures of the ideal youths(?φηβο?) as the ‘athl ete’ type, and the more mature males of the ‘warrior’ type in Archaic funerary monuments were to visualize distinguished members of the state(π?λι?), follo wing the old tradition of the cult of the dead. On the other hand, during the Classical period the age categories of male and female figures became more defined and the features were more personalized, providing the needed infor mation of their relationship in the household. The subject of handshake(δεξ? ωσι?) which was often found in the Attic grave reliefs also indicated the legisl ative ties between the family members. Overall, the funerary monuments of th e ancient Athens were the social and political statements for the living audien ce, illustrating the set of values and ideologies that dominated the aristocratic society.

      • KCI우수등재

        [서양미술사] 외연의 성장과 내면의 위기

        조은정(Cho, Eunjung) 역사학회 2015 역사학보 Vol.0 No.227

        The article reviews the current state of Western art history in Korea, focussing on the latest years from 2011 to 2014. When we survey the published results of these 4 years, we can find out that this relatively new discipline has grown quite rapidly even in comparison with the phase of the previous years. 310 articles were published in the field of Western art history excluding the theses and dissertations for degree. A lot more significant change rather than the quantitative growth has occurred in the aspect of specializations and concentrations. Although still limited in numbers, new scholars were supplemented in the minor fields like Ancient and Medieval periods, Northern European Renaissance and Baroque art. Also there are several attempts of interdisciplinary studies and expanding disciplinary boundaries, especially in the established major field of comtemporary art history. It is paradoxical, yet true to say, that such an external growth provoked internal crisis in the discipline. The Korean scholars in the field of Western art history are forced to trace various conflicting theories, methodologies, and perspectives which they absorbed from abroad simultaneously back to the historiographical contexts, and to rebuild their own concept of the disciplinary identity.

      • KCI등재

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