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      • KCI등재

        중만생 기능성 당질미 ‘단미’

        송유(You-Chun Song),이종희(Jong-Hee Lee),이지윤(Ji-Yoon Lee),김춘송(Choon-Song Kim),김세리(Se-Ri Kim),정국현(Kuk-Hyun Jung),박노봉(No-Bong Park),곽도연(Do-Yeon Kwak),하운구(Woon-Goo Ha),이점식(Jeom-Sig Lee),강항원(Hang-Won Kang),조준 한국육종학회 2015 한국육종학회지 Vol.47 No.4

        ‘Danmi’, a sugary rice (Oryza sativa L.), was developed by the Department of Functional Crops, NICS, RDA in 2008. This variety was derived from a cross between ‘Sugary’ a genetic stock of germplasm as a source of sugary endosperm and ‘Seomjinbyeo’ in summer of 1994. The pedigree of ‘Danmi’ is YR16541-14-3-1-2-1-1-3-1-1 which was designated as ‘Milyang 227’ in 2005. Heading date of ‘Danmi’ is August 19, a medium-late maturing ecotype. The total sugar content of ‘Danmi’ was 21.7% with fructose (1.16%), glucose (7.87%), sucrose (9.69%), maltose (0.52%), and raffinose (2.13%), respectively. The appearance of grain is flat shape with 1,000 grain of brown rice is 16.1g. The yield potential of ‘Danmi’ in brown rice is 2.58MT/ha at ordinary fertilizer level of local adaptability test from 2006 to 2008. The sugary rice ‘Danmi’ would be adaptable to the plain paddy field of middle, honam and yeongnam province of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        중만생 저아밀로스 반찹쌀 품종 "만미(萬味)벼"

        송유,이종희,이점식,하운구,박노봉,곽도연,정국현,오병근,여운상,강종래,이기환,장재기,남민희,임상종,권오경,황흥구 한국육종학회 2010 한국육종학회지 Vol.42 No.3

        ‘만미벼’는 작물과학원 영남농업연구소(현 국립식량과학원 기능성작물부)에서 2002년도에 육성한 중만생 저아밀로스 반찹쌀 품종으로 주요특성과 수량성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 출수기는 남부평야지의 보통기재배에서 8월 16일로 ‘동진벼’ 보다 2일 빠른 중만생종이다. 2. 수당립수는 ‘동진벼’ 보다 18개 많으나, 현미천립중은 19.9 g으로 ‘동진벼’ 보다 가벼운 편이며 등숙비율이 약간 떨어진다. 3. 위조현상에 강하고 성숙기 엽노화가 느린 편이며 내 ‘Manmibyeo’, a new japonica rice cultivar, is a mid-late maturing ecotype cultivar developed by the rice breeding team of Department of Functional Crop, NICS, RDA in 2002. This cultivar was originated from the cross between ‘Milyang 95’ and F1 of the cross between ‘Bukrukbanna’ and ‘Milyang 95’ in 1990/1991 winter season. It was selected by pedigree breeding method until F6 generation, and a promising line, YR14545-9-2-3-4, was advanced and designated as ‘Milyang 162’ in 1996. The local adaptability test of ‘Milyang 162’ was carried out at seven locations during 3 years in 1997, 1998 and 2002. It has about 86cm culm length and is lodging tolerant. This cultivar is susceptible to bacterial blight (K1, K2, K3) and stripe virus, and moderately resistant to leaf blast disease. Milled rice kernels of ‘Manmibyeo’ is translucent with low amylose content in endosperm, clear in chalkiness and good at eating quality in panel test. The yield potential of ‘Manmibyeo’ in milled rice was about 4.46 MT/ha at ordinary fertilizer level in local adaptability test. This cultivar would be adaptable to the southern plain of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        조생 흑자색 찰벼 품종 "조생흑찰"

        송유,이점식,하운구,황흥구,임상종,여운상,박노봉,곽도연,장재기,이종희,박동수,정국현,정응기,남민희,김영두,김명기,권오경,오병근 한국육종학회 2010 한국육종학회지 Vol.42 No.3

        ‘조생흑찰’은 작물과학원 영남농업연구소(현 국립식량과학원 기능성작물부)에서 2004년도에 육성한 조생 흑자색 찰벼 품종으로 주요특성과 수량성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 남부평야지 평균 출수기는 8월 3일로 조생종이며 간장은 65 cm정도이고 현미외관은 흑자색인 찰벼 품종이다. 2. 불시 출수율이 일반 조생종 품종과 비슷한 수준이며, 위조는 강한 편이고 성숙기의 엽노화가 느린 편이며, 내냉성은 ‘흑남벼’와 비슷한 정도의 내냉성을 가지고 있으며 수발아는 ‘Josaengheugchal’, a new blackish purple pigmented glutinous japonica rice cultivar, was developed by the rice breeding team of Department of Functional Crop, NICS, RDA in 2004. This cultivar was derived from a cross between ‘Tohoku 149’ as black glutinous source and ‘Sx 864’ as purple colored rice in 1992 and 1993 winter season, and selected by pedigree breeding method until F6 generation. As a result, a promising line, YR15907-6-8-1-5, was advanced and designated as the name of ‘Milyang 194’ in 2001. The local adaptability test of ‘Milyang 194’ was carried out at seven locations from 2002 to 2004 and it was named as ‘Josaengheugchal’. ‘Josaengheugchal’ is an early maturing cultivar and has 71 cm culm height. It has higher anthocyanian content compared with ‘Heugnambyeo’. It is moderately resistant to leaf blast but susceptible to other disease and insect pests. The yield potential of ‘Josaengheugchal’ in brown rice was about 4.21 MT/ha at ordinary fertilizer level in local adaptability test. This cultivar would be adaptable to the plain paddy field of middle, Honam, and Yeomgnam in Korea under ordinary and double cropping system.

      • KCI등재

        양질 다수성 일대잡종 벼 육성 연구 2 : 새로 육성된 Japonica형 웅성불임 및 임성회복계통의 조합능력과 일대잡종 벼의 잡종강세 정도 및 미질

        宋裕千,徐學洙 韓國作物學會 1993 한국작물학회지 Vol.38 No.5

        우리나라 japonica형 품종을 배경으로 육성된 12개 웅성불임계통과 12개 임성회복계통들의 수량에 대한 조합능력을 조·중·만생군별로 검토하고 이들간 일대잡종들의 잡종강세정도와 미질특성을 검정한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 공시된 웅성불임계통 중 오대벼 A, 화성벼A, 이리 386벼, 낙동벼 A, 팔굉 A와 임성회복계통중 오대벼 R, 호성벼 R, 이리 386 R, 팔굉 R, 화청벼 R 등의 수량에 대한 조합능력이 우수하였다. 2. 웅성불임계통과 임성회복계통간의 일대잡종에서 수량에 대한 heterobeltiosis는 조생군에서 -17%~15%, 중생군에서 -4~22%, 만생군에서 -46%~30%였다. 3. 일대잡종에서 수량에 대한 standard heterosis는 조생군에서 표준품종 화진벼에 대해 0~26%, 만생군에서 표준품종 화정벼에 대해 -38~26%였다. 4. 잡종강세정도가 정인 조합군에서는 수당영화수, 수수 등이 수량과 상관이 높았고, 부인 조합군에서는 임실율, 천입중 등이 수량과 상관이 높았다. 5. 공시된 일대잡종벼의 amylose 함량은 대부분조합에서 20% 미만이었고, 알칼리붕괴도, 심복백, 투명도, 장폭비 미질 관련 형질도 양호하였다. In order to test combining ability of the cytoplasmic-genetic male sterile(CGMS) and restorer lines with backgrounds of Korean japonica rice varieties, diallel crosses were made among the early maturing CGMS lines Sobaegbyeo A, Odaebyeo A, Gwanagbyeo A and Daeseongbyeo A, and the restorer lines Sobaegbyeo R, Odaebyeo R, Gwanagbyeo Rand Daeseongbyeo R, and among the medium maturing CGMS lines Hwajinbyeo A, Paldal A, Suwon 224 A and Iri 386 A and the restorer lines Hwajinbyeo R, Paldal R, Suwon 224 Rand Iri 386 R, and among the late maturing CGMS lines Nagdongbyeo A, Palkweng A, Hwacheongbyeo A and Milyang 97 A and the restorer lines Nagdongbyeo R, Palkweng R, H wacheongbyeo Rand Milyang 97 R. The fourty eight combinations of the hybrids, their parents and the maintainers were grown in field condition in 1992. General combining ability, relative specific combining ability and relative combining ability for yield of the CGMS and restorer lines were tested. Combining ability of the CGMS lines Odaebyeo A, Iri 386 A, Nagdongbyeo A and Palkweng A, and of the restorer lines Odaebyeo R, Hwajinbyeo R, Hwacheongbyeo Rand Palkweng R was relatively high. Heterobeltiosis for grain yield over the better parent of the early maturing hybrids ranged from -17 % to 15%, and that of the medium maturing ones from -4% to 22%, and that of the late maturing ones from -46% to 30% respectively, Standard heterosis over the standard variety of the early maturing hybrids ranged from -13 % to 12 %, and that of the medium maturing ones from 0 % to 26%, and that of the late maturing ones from -38% to 26% respectively, Positive and negative heterosis for grain yield of the hybrid rices were observed depending on cross combinations, In the positive heterosis hybrids, number of panicles per hill and number of spikelets per panicle contributed mostly to grain yield, while in the negative heterosis hybrids, spikelet fertility and 1000 grain weight were closely correlated to grain yield. Amylose content of the hybrid rices, maintainer and restorer lines was mostly lower than 20 %, and alkali digestion value was higher than 6.0. Grain appearance of the hybrids tested was similar to the korean japonica rice varieties.

      • KCI등재

        중만생 항산화 적색메벼 ‘건강홍미’

        송유(You-Chun Song),조준현(Jun-Hyeon Cho),이지윤(Ji-Yoon Lee),이종희(Jong-Hee Lee),오성환(Sung-Hwan Oh),한상익(Sang-Ik Han),정국현(Kuk-Hyun Jung),서우덕(Woo-Duck Seo),황운하(Woon-Ha Hwang),장기창(Ki-Chang Jang),박노봉(No-Bong Park) 한국육종학회 2017 한국육종학회지 Vol.49 No.1

        To fit the market demands for functional rice such as black and red color rice, ‘Sugary’a high free sugar content line was backcrossed to the black rice ‘Milyang152. The pedigree method was adapted in selection and generation advance. A high polyphenol content line, YR19646-3-2-1-1-2-2 showing red pericarp was selected and designed as ‘Milyang234’ followed by variety name ‘Geonganghongmi’ in 2010. Heading date of ‘Geonganghongmi’ was Aug. 19, medium-late maturing cultivar. ‘Geonganghongmi’ showed resistance to leaf blast and rice stripe virus while susceptible to major diseases and insects. The total polyphenol content of ‘Geonganghongmi’ was high as much as 24.2mg/g compare to that of 4.9mg/g of ‘Nampyeongbyeo’ and 17.2mg/g of a red pericarp rice ‘Jeogjinju’ at 70% ethanol extraction conditions. In local adaptability tests, yield of ‘Geonganghongmi’ was 4.5MT/ha about 86% of ‘Nampyeongbyeo’ and 102% of ‘Jeogjinju’, respectively. ‘Geonganghongmi’ is suitable for southern and middle plain area of Korea.

      • Japonica型 品種 背景의 中·晩生群 一代雜種 育成

        宋裕千,徐學洙 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1993 資源問題硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        In order to breed medium-late maturing hybrid rices with backgounds of Korean japonica cultivars, the cytoplasmic male sterile lines Seomjinbyeo A and Donleinbyeo A. and the restorer lines Seomjinbyeo R, Dongjinbyeo R, Hwacheongbyeo R and Hwajinbyeo R were bred by a backcross system. The source of cytoplasmic male sterility was derived from BT-cms, and that of the restorers was from a Chinese culitivar, AR-3. The F1, hybrids Seomjibyeo A/Dongjinbyeo R, Seomjinbyeo A/Hwacheongbyeo R, Seomjinbyeo A/Hwajinbyeo R and Donginbyeo A/Seomjinbyeo R, Dongjinbyeo A/Hwacheongbyeo R and Dongjinbyeo A/Hwajinbyeo R were obtained from artificial crosses. The hybrids and their parents were grown in field and heterosis of yield and yield components was tested. The number of days to heading from seeding of the F1 hybrids were the same as that of their parents, but culm length and panicle length of the F1 hybrids were longer than their parents. The number of grains per panicle and 1000 grain weight showed significant heterosis, while less or no heterosis for the number of panicles per hill and fertility was observed in all F1 hybrids tested. Yield of the F1 hybrids showed -4.0 to 45.2% heterosis over mid-parent. -9.0 to 39.0% heterobeltiosis over a better parent, and -2.0 to 50.0% standard heterosis. Among the F1 hybrids Seomiinbyeo A/Hwajinbyeo R and Seomjinbyeo A/Hwacheongbyeo R showed the highest heterosis for grain yield.

      • KCI등재후보

        중만생 복합내병성 찰벼 ‘백옥찰’

        송유,조준현,이종희,곽도연,박노봉,여운상,김춘송,전명기,이지윤,이기환,하운구,이점식,정국현,조영호,강항원 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        ‘백옥찰’은 내도복성이며 복합내병충성을 갖춘 중만생종 찰벼 품종을 육성하고자 국립식량원 기능성작물부에서 육성된 새로운 찰벼품종이다. ‘백옥찰’의 출수기는 중부평야지 및영․호남평야지 보통기 보비재배에서 8월 20일로 ‘신선찰벼보다 9일 늦은 중만생종이며, 이모작에서는 ‘남평벼’ 보다 1일 늦고, 만식에서는 ‘남평벼’ 보다 3일 늦은 중만생종이다‘백옥찰’의 줄기 두께는 ‘신선찰벼’와 같이 중간 정도이나 강도는 ‘신선찰벼’보다 강한 편이고 분얼개도는 보통이며, 탈립은 ‘신선찰벼’에 비해 잘 되는 편이다. 주당수수는 ‘신선찰벼보다 3개가 적으나 수당립수는 20여개가 많고 등숙비율은 ‘신선찰벼’에 비해 9% 높으며 현미 천립중 또한 ‘신선찰벼에 비해 무거운 편이다. 도정특성은 ‘신선찰벼’보다 다소 높으며, 특히 백미 완전립율이 ‘신선찰벼’에 비해 월등히 높은 편이다. 현미 장폭비는 1.71로 ‘신선찰벼’에 비해 쌀알이 약간 작은 편이며 단백질 함량 및 알카리 붕괴도 등 이화학적 특성은 ‘신선찰벼’와 같은 편이다. 불시출수가 없었으며, 성숙기의 엽노화가 중간 정도를 보였다. 내냉성 검정 결과 ‘신선찰벼’보다 출수지연은 적었고 및 냉수구 임실율은 약간 높았으며 수발아는 잘 안되는 편이었다. 도복관련형질에 있어서 벼키는 ‘신선찰벼’와 같으나 중심고, 좌절중, 모멘트 및 도복지수 등 도복관련 형질에서는 전반적으로 ‘신선찰벼’보다 큰 편이었고 포장 도복은 없었다. 잎도열병 밭못자리 검정결과 ‘백옥찰’은 전국 평균 도열병 저항성 정도가 ‘신선찰벼’와 비슷한 저항성을 보였으며, 목도열병의 경우 현지 포장검정에서는 발병되지 않았고 내구저항성은 강하였다. 흰잎마름병(K1-3), 줄무늬잎마름병에는 저항성이고 오갈병 및 검은줄오갈병에는 감수성이었다. ‘백옥찰’의 수량성은 중부평야, 호남․ 충남평야 및 영남평야지 보통기 보비재배 6개소에서 쌀 수량은 526 kg/10a으로 대조품종보다 9% 증수된 높은 수량성을 보였다. ‘백옥찰’은 중부 및 영호남내륙평야 1모작지대에 적응성이 높은 중만생종이다. ‘Baegokchal’, a glutinous rice variety (Oryza sativa L.) with medium late maturation period, was developed by the rice breeding team of Department of Fuctional Crops, NICS, RDA in 2008. It was derived from a cross between a glutinous cultivar ‘Dongjinchalbyeo’ as glutinous cultivar and F1 of ‘YR17334Acp24/Hwayeongbyeo’ in 1998/1999 winter season. The progenies of the cross were selected by pedigree and bulk breeding method until F5 generation. As a result, a promising line ‘YR20665-20-1-2’ was selected and designated as ‘Milyang 225’ in 2006. The local adaptability test of ‘Milyang 225’was carried out at six locations during 3 years from 2006 to 2008. ‘Baegokchal’ showed tolerant to lodging with good canopy architecture as 81cm of culm length, erect leaf blades and stiff culm. It is resistant to bacterial blight K1, K2, K3 races, rice stripe virus, and leaf blast disease. The endosperm of ‘Baegokchal’ is glutinous and its whiteness is almost the same with Shinseonchalbyeo. The average yield potential of this cultivar is 5.26 MT/ha as milled rice at ordinary fertilizer level of local adaptability test. This cultivar will be adaptable to the middle and southern plain area of Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        아밀로스함량이 높은 벼 품종 “고아미벼”

        송유,임상종,이점식,김호영,여운상,박노봉,곽도연,강종래,양세준,황흥구,오병근,문헌팔,임무상 한국육종학회 2008 한국육종학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        ‘oamibyeo’ a mid-late maturing ecotype with high amylose content in kernels, was developed by the rice breeding team of National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station(NYAES) in 2000 and released in 2001. This variety was derived from the three way cross of Milyang 95//Kimcheonaengmi/2*Ilpumbyeo (in 1992 summer) through the pedigree breeding method and designated as ‘ilyang 168’in 1997. The heading date of ‘oamibyeo’was Aug. 18 in ordinary season with culm length of 85 cm. However, ‘oamibyeo’showed susceptible to bacterial leaf blight, stripe virus and leaf blast disease. The amylose content of ‘oamibyeo’in milled rice kernels is about 26.7% with translucent and clear in chalkness. Thus, ‘oamibyeo’is expected to be used as a source grain for rice noodle industries. The milled rice yield potential of ‘oamibyeo’is about 5.38 MT/ha in local adaptability test of three years and it would be adaptable to Yeongnam plain of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        중생 복합내병성 통일형 찰벼 품종 "한강찰 1호"

        송유,조준현,정국현,하운구,김세리,곽도연,박노봉,김영두,김상열,오성환,임상종,신문식 한국육종학회 2011 한국육종학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        한강찰 1호'는 국립식량과학원 기능성작물부에서 2006년도에 육성한 중생 복합내병충성 통일형 찰벼 품종으로 그 주요 특성은 다음과 같다. 1. 출수기는 중부평야지 및 영 호남평야지 보통기 보비재배에서 8월 13일로 신선찰벼 보다 3일 늦은 중생종이다 2. '한강찰 1호'의 주당수수는 10개, 수당립수는 156개의 수중형이고, 등숙비율은 85%, 현미 천립중은 21.2 g이다. 3. 성숙기의 엽노화는 중간 정도이며 못자리일수 50일묘 이앙 시에 불시출수가 Hangangchal 1' is a new glutinous rice cultivar of second generation Tongil-type with a mid-maturing ecotype that developed by the rice breeding team of Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute(YARI), RDA. in 2006. This cultivar was derived from a cross between 'Hangangchal', a Tongil-type glutinous cultivar and 'YR8208-20', a high yield potential in 1986/1987 winter season. 'Hangangchal 1' was selected by pedigree and bulk breeding methods from F3 to F6 populations. A promising line, YR10498-8-1-3, was selected and designated as 'Milyang 167' in 1997. The local adaptability test of 'Milyang 167' was carried out at seven locations during 3 years in 1998, 2005, and 2006. It has tolerance to lodging with good canopy architecture as 87cm of culm length. This cultivar is resistant to bacterial blight K1, K2, and K3 race, rice stripe virus, rice dwarf virus, and leaf blast disease. The milled rice endosperm of 'Hangangchal 1' is glutinous and its whiteness was almost similar compared to 'Shinseonchalbyeo'. The yield of milled rice of 'Hangangchal 1' was average 5.97 MT/ha at ordinary cultivation of 9 kg/10a N fertilizer level in local adaptability test. This cultivar would be adaptable to the mid and southern plain of Korea.

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