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      • 식품공장폐수의 활성오니처리중 오존에 의한 산화분해효과

        강경수,최영찬,하진환,송대진 濟州大學校 工科大學 産業技術硏究所 1991 産業技術硏究報告 Vol.2 No.-

        For the increase of treatment efficiency when waste water which included residual chlorine was biologically treated with activated sludge, elimination efficiency of COD and change of transmittance by activated sludge method were examined after the treatment of residual chlorine with ozone of 100 volt and l0ℓ-air/min., 0.8g-0_(3)/hr. in velocity. The results were as follows. 1) When the sample which included residual chlorine was treated with ozone of 0.8g-O_(3)/hr., COD removal rate by the change of pH and ozonization time was more efficient than acidity solution of pH 3.2(20%) and alkaline solution of pH 12.0(10%). Since the COD removal rate become 35% after 50 minutes of ozonization time at neutral solution of pH 7.2. 2) After the residual chlorine included sample was treated with ozone for 50 minutes to make the F/M rate of 0.1㎏·BOD/㎏·MLSS, the sample was reacted with activated sludge for 3, 6, 9 and 15 hours. The 6 hours reaction gave 85.8% COD elimination which showed higher efficiency than 60.5% by Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3) treatment togather with shorting efficiency of reaction time. 3) When such sample as polyphenol which gives dark brown color was treated with ozone for 50 minutes after being made into acidic, neutral and alkaline solution. the transmittance increased from 30- 40% to 70% and gave better result in alkaline solution.

      • 數學의 槪念形成을 爲한 敎授·學習模型의 硏究

        姜慶愛,申澤均,金大洙 대구교육대학교 1975 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        This study is attempted to develope a better way of forming the concepts of mathematics in teaching and learning. A lot of basic concepts of mathematics have been mostly instructed in the primary school in such a way as verbal explanation. Therefore, no opportunity has ever been given to pupils for their logical, rational way of thinking. Some teaching-learning ways of concepts formation has been already expressed but no teaching-learning pattern as to what steps must be taken for their instruction has been yet found. This paper aims at developing such a pattern and helping the inservice teachers apply it for the improvement of mathematics education. The concepts to be instructed in the primary school are divided into three-objective, operative and relative. As they are considerd to be taught in different ways, the fellowing patterns are made. The objective concepts are to be instructed in such a way as ① pattern presentation, ② comprehension as a set, ③ concepts building, ④ definition of concepts ⑤ application; the operative concepts as ① motivation, ② comprehension as a set, ③ concepts building, ④ being made into notation, ⑤ training for skill, the relative concepts as ① case presentation, ② comprehension as a set, ③ concepts building, ④ being made into notation, ⑤ application. According to this, <prism> was actually instructed in the sixth grade of primary school for the understanding of objective concepts; <adding> in the first grade for operative concepts; <perpendiculum> in the fourth grade for relative concepts. The results showed easy and correct understanding as well as logical and rational thinking on the part of school boys and girls. The assumption that the process of forming the three patterns may be different was wrong and a general model was mode: model presentation→comprehension as a set→concepts building→being made into notation→application. All that is needed is that the teaching method of each step should be different.

      • 생쥐 2-세포기 수정란의 초급속동결

        강만종,이철상,한용만,유대열,이경광 제주대학교 농과대학 제주도축산문제연구소 1991 畜産論叢 Vol.6 No.1

        This study was carried out in order to investigate eggects of cryoprotectant concentration and equilibration time on survival of ultrarapidly frozen 2-cell mouse embryos Mouse 2-cell embryos. fol-lowing dehydration by exposure to DMSO and sucrose. were directly immersed into liquid nitrogen and thawed in 37℃ water. Viability was defined by development rate to the blastocyst stage after in vitro culture for 72 hours. The results are summarized as follows ; 1. When 0.25M of sucrose was added into the freezing medium a t various concentrations of DMSO and dilution medium, higher development rate of embryo was obtained in 3.0M DMSO conentrations (82.6%). However, When sucrose concentrations of 0.25 and 0.5M were added to the freezing medium with 3.0M DMSO and dilution medium, development rate of embryos were 81.7% and 24.1%, respectively. 2. In the equilibration time at room temperature, higher development rate was attained after short period of time(2.5min) in 3.0M DMSO +0.25M sucrose(85.9%). 3. The development rate of embryos at in vitro 2-celL in vivo 2-celL solution control and untreated control was 84.6%, 90.9%, 89.9%. and 89.7%. respectively.

      • 食品工場廢水의 活性汚泥處理中 오존에 依한 酸化分解效果

        康京壽,崔永贊,宋大鎭,河璡桓 濟州大學校工科大學附屬産業技術硏究所 1991 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        잔류염소를 함유한 發水를 活性汚泥에 의한 處理效率을 增加시키기 위하여 전압 100Volt, 유속 10ℓ-air/min, 0.8g-O₃/hr의 오존으로 처리했을때 COD의 除去效果및 투과율의 變化를 實驗한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 잔류염소를 함유한 시료를 0.8g-O₃/hr의 오존으로 處理하였을때 pH의 變化 및 反應時間에 의한 COD의 除去率은 中性溶液(pH=7.2)에서 오존處理時間 50分 후 35%의 除去效果를 나타내어 酸性溶液(pH=3.2)의 20%, 알칼리性溶液(pH=12.0)의 10%의 除去效果보다 좋았다. 2. 잔류염소를 함유한 試料를 오존으로 50分間 處理하여 F/M比 0.1㎏·BOD/㎏·MLSS로 한 후 3. 6. 9 및 15時間 活性汚泥로 反應시켰을 때 反應時間 6時間 후 85.8%의 COD의 除去效果가 있어 티오황산나트륨(Na₂S₂O₃)으로 處理한 試料의 除去率 60.5%보다 좋았으며, 反應時間의 단축효과도 있었다. 3. Polyphenol色素 等 暗褐色을 띄는 試料를 酸性, 中性, 알칼리性 溶液으로 하여 오존으로 50分間 處理하였을 때 투과율이 30~40%에서 70% 以上 상승하였으며 알칼리성溶液에서가 투과율이 더 좋았다. For the increase of treatment efficiency when waste water which included residual chlorine was biologically treated with activated sludge, elimination efficiency of COD and change of transmittance by activated sludge method were examined after the treatment of residual chlorine with ozone of 100 volt and 10ℓ-air/min., 0.8g-O₃/hr. in velocity. The results were as follows. 1) When the sample which included residual chlorine was treated with ozone of 0.8g-O₃/hr., COD removal rate by the change of pH and ozonization time was more efficient than acidity solution of pH 3.2(20%) and alkaline solution of pH 12.0(10%). Since the COD removal rate become 35% after 50 minutes of ozonization time at neutral solution of pH 7.2. 2) After the residual chlorine included sample was treated with ozone for 50 minutes to make the F/M rate of 0.1㎏·BOD/㎏·MLSS, the sample was reacted with activated sludge for 3, 6, 9 and 15 hours. The 6 hours reaction gave 85.8% COD elimination which showed higher efficiency than 60.5% by Na₂S₂O₂ treatment togather with shorting efficiency of reaction time. 3) When such sample as polyphenol which gives dark brown color was treated with ozone for 50 minutes after being made into acidic, neutral and alkaline solution, the transmittance increased from 30-40% to 70% and gave better result in alkaline solution.

      • 신생아 중증 세균성 감염에 대한 Augmentin(clavulanate potentiated amoxycillin)의 치료효과 및 안전성 연구

        성인경,강진한,고대균,이경수 대한감염학회 1995 감염 Vol.27 No.1

        Combination therapy of β-lactam antibiotics has been used widely to treat severe infections in neonates. The widespread use of β-lactam antibiotics has resulted in emergence of a broad variety of plasmid or chromosome mediated β-lactamases. Also, there is a great propensity for these enzymes to spread among various species of bacteria. Thus, the use of β-lactamase inhibitor antibiotics may be of great interest and has potential therapeutic value in severe neonatal infections. We tried to find out the efficacy and safety of clavulanate potentiated amoxycillin (Augmentin) in treatment of severe neonatal infections. Total thirty-five neonates with sepsis(26) or severe organ infections(9) were involved. Each 30mg/kg dose of Augmentin was injected at 12hr-or 8hr-or 6hr-intervals according to the age and weight of neonates. Clinically 77.1% of the cases were cured, and microbiologically 80.0% were eliminated. 88.9% of eighteen gram positive organisms(S. aureus, S. epidermidis, a -hemolytic strep., S. pneumoniae , E. faecalis) isolated from study group were susceptible to Augmentin. 47.0% of gram-negative organisms (K. pneumoniae, E.coli, P. mirabilis, S. marcescens, C. freundii) were suceptible. Thus, it was confirmed that Augmentin was very effective in ampicillin-or ceftriaxone-resistant gram positive cocci infections, but less effective in isolated K. pneumoniae and S.marcescens cases. The serum levels of amoxycillin in the neonates were maintined about 6㎍/ml until 1hr. at each injection. We observed that alkaline phosphatase level was elevated above 1,000IU/ℓ in three neonates and that skin rash developed after injection in one neonate. But, these side effects were mild and transient. These results suggest that Augmentin may be tolerable and effective in treating severe gram positive cocci infections in neonates.

      • 부분 간 절제가 Dimethylnitrosamine으로 인한 간 병변에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        은희경,김진만,강대영 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1990 충남의대잡지 Vol.17 No.1

        In an attempt to elucidate the pathological effects of dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) administration following partial hepatectomy (1/3), the present study was undertaken in male Sprague-Dawley rats. The evidence of hyperplastic nodules, the number and nuclear size of dysplastic cells, and the ratio of liver weight compared to body weight were evaluated, especially emphasizing on the difference among several groups. Rats were partially hepatectomized and DMN(10mg or 20mg per Kg) was administered at 20 hours or 40 hours after partial hepatectomy, and then weekly injected three times. Eight weeks after initial DMN injection group of these animals was placed on a diet containing phenobarbital 50mg per 10ml H_20. The animals were sacrified on 60, 90, and 120 days after DMN injection. The results were as follows; 1. The hyperplastic nodules in the DMN treated groups at 20 hours after partial hepatectomy (PH) were more prominent than those of the DMN treated groups at 40 hours after PH. 2. The number of dysplastic hepatocytes increased in the DMN treated groups at 20 hours after PH, compared to those of the DMN treated groups at 40 hours after PH. 3. The hyperplastic nodules and the numbers of dysplastic hepatocytes were more prominent than those of the control, and also proportional to the amount of treated DMN. 4. The average nuclear size of dysplastic cells was much larger (about 1.5 to 1.6 times) than that of the control. 5. The ratio of liver weight compared to body weight in phenobarbital groups was much larger than that of no phenobarbital treated groups. In summary, the result obtained by the present study indicates dimethylnitrosamine(DMN) induced hyperplastic nodules accompained by liver cell dysplasia. The observation provided some evidence supporting that proliferation hepatocytes rose to a peak at the G_1-S border phase and phenobarbital promoted DMN induced liver cell hyperplasia or dysplasia.

      • 배전계통의 신뢰도에 관한 연구

        金慶哲,全大根,姜倫摸 홍익대학교 산업기술연구소 2002 産業技術 Vol.12 No.-

        Reliability is the probability of a device or system performing its function adequately for the period of time intended, under the operating conditions. Electric power networks are prime examples of systems where a very high degree of reliability is also absolutely essential for some industrial customers. A system consists of a set of components, interconnected in some purposeful way. The reliability of a system depends on the reliability of its components and on the configuration of the system. The basic indices used to examine and predict the performance of a distribution system at a customer load point are the average outage frequency, average outage duration and average unavailability. The case study system is a kind of radial configuration distribution system. This paper shows that a better meshed distribution configuration was selected by comparing the indices obtained from EDSA's reliability worth assessment of distribution systems program.

      • 스포츠 외상에 의한 척추·척수손상 분석

        김대경,임완기,임정일,김범수,추해광,강은균 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.2

        I have researched 46 examples, 43 are spinal column and cord injury and 3 are thoracic vertebrae and cord injury, of J hospital S health caring center. 46 patients were cured by this J hospital medical staffs, and their external injury were caused by sports accidents. I have acquired next four meaningful conclusions. First, the external injury caused by golf sports are 24 cases, and this is the primary cause of injury. Second, high-rank bonn fracture are 78.8 percent in C4, C5, C6 situation. And the bone-fracture, tear-drop fracture, figure in the activity of gold is 45.8 percent, and fracture dislocation is 63.2 percent in other sports activities. Third, there are twenty six cases of paralysis that links frankel C. Four, the sports injuries such as bone fracture are able to prevent by education and effective learning programs.

      • Eigen vector 이용한 GHA 얼굴영상 압축기법

        이경화,강대성 동아대학교 정보기술연구소 2000 情報通信硏究所論文誌 Vol.8 No.1

        This paper proposes a compression of face image using GHA(Generalized Hebbian Algorithm). GHA is a part of PCA(Principal Component Analysis). that has single-layer perceptrons and self-organizing performance. We used this algorithm for feature extraction of face shape and our simulations verify the high performance for the proposed method. The shape for face in the fact that the eigenvector of face image can be efficiently represented as a coefficient that can be acquired by a set of basis is to compress data of image. The simulation results are compared with K-means which is pattern classify algorithm. By comparing experiment, Our proposed method shows good reconstruction capacity for an image.

      • 주성분 해석을 이용한 멀티미디어 색인 및 검색기법

        이경화,강대성 동아대학교 정보기술연구소 2001 情報通信硏究所論文誌 Vol.9 No.1

        This paper proposes database index and retrieval using the PCA(Principal Component Analysis). We perform a scene change detection and key frame extraction from the DC image constructed by DCT DC coefficients in the compressed video stream that is video compression standard such as MPEG. In the extracted key frame, we use the PCA, then we can make codebook that have a statistical data as a codeword, which is saved as a database index. We also provide retrieval image that are similar to user's query image in a video database. As a result of experiments, we confirmed that the proposed method clearly shows the superiority perform in video retrieval and reduces computation time and memory space.

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