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이경수,Lee, Gyeong-Su 국가핵융합연구소 2009 핵융합뉴스레터 Vol.41 No.-
세계적으로 부는 녹색 붐. 선진국들은 기후변화 대응과 경기회복을 동시에 꾀하기 위한 다양한 그린정책을 내놓고 있고 우리 정부도 저탄소 녹색성장이라는 타이틀로 참여하고 있다. 정부가 핵융합기술을 녹색기술에 포함시킨 현 상황에서 국가핵융합연구소가 해야 할 일은 무엇인지 이경수 소장의 이야기를 들어보았다.
세미나 - 레토르트 패키지 디자인 연구 - 삼계탕과 육개장을 중심으로 -
이경수,Lee, Gyeong-Su (사)한국포장협회 2016 包裝界 Vol.273 No.-
본 원고는 한국상품문화디자인학회 제40호 논문에 게재된 내용으로, 학회와 이경수 대표의 동의 아래 게재함을 밝힌다.
세미나 - 유니버설 디자인 적용을 위한 생활용품 패키지디자인 연구 - 샴푸, 바디워시를 중심으로 -
이경수,Lee, Gyeong-Su (사)한국포장협회 2015 包裝界 Vol.271 No.-
본 원고는 한국상품문화디자인학회 제41호 논문에 게재된 내용으로, 학회와 이경수 대표의 동의 아래 게재함을 밝힌다.
이경수,한상을 대한건축학회 1999 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.19 No.2
In this paper, we present the algorithm for the initial shape finding and dynamic analysis of cable dome structures. Cable dome that is consist of three component such as cable, strut and fabric membrane has complex structural characteristics. Main structural system of cable dome is cable-strut tensegric system, and fabric membrane element is conceived as cladding roof material. One of the important problems of cable dome is shape finding of those subjected to cable and membrane forces, which stabilize the structures. And the other is structural response from external load effect such as snow and wind. When cable dome are subjected to dynamic load such as wind load each structural component has many important problems because of their special structural characteristics. One problem is that geometrical nonlinearity should tie considered in the dynamic analysis because large deformation is occurred from their flexible quality of material. The other problem is that wrinkling occurs occasionally because cable and membrane elements can not transmit compressive forces. So this paper describe the physical structural response of cable dome structure.
이경수 圓光大學校 文理科大學 英語英文學科 1986 英語英文學 Vol.3 No.-
The New Criticism was a literary movement derived from the sensation that the natural and sensible starting - point for work in Ii terary scholarship is the interpretation and analysis of the works d literature themselves. After all. only the works themselves justify all our interest in the life of an author. in his social enviroment and the whole process of literature. But, curiously enough, literary history had been so preoccupied with setting of a work of literature that its attempts a t an analysis of the works themselves had been slight in comparison with enormous efforts expended on the study of environment. However, in the first decade of 20th century, a healthy reaction has taken place which recognized the study of I iterature should. first and foremost, concentrate on the actual works of art themselves. In England some of the followers of I.A. Richards have paid close attention to the text of poetry and also in the United States a group of critics have made a study of the work of art the center of their interest. This thesis discusses the New Criticism. centering upon the writings of I.A. Richards, T.S. Eliot, William Empson, Cleanth Brooks in terms of the theoretical background and its practice.
Bleomycin 국소주사에 대한 Guinea pig 피부의 반응에 관한 연구
이경수,깁중환 대한피부과학회 1979 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.17 No.5
Bleoxycin is known to have good therapeutic effect on verrucae, which has been used for varioua malignant turnors for its antimitatic effect RecentIy Kim & Kim, reported an exceIIent treatment method. of verrucae with Bleomycin using needle free dermojet. They poetulated that the excellent effcts were achievei thraugh infiltration of the ekin, in.cluding the affected epidermis, with Bleomycin which is not possible with other rnethods, It is therefore interesting to know the effects of Dermajet instilled Bleomycin an normal ekin. We selected guinea pigs for thia experirnent. Five albino guixim pigs, weighting about 500 Gm, were ueed. Bleomycin water ohxtion, 0.25mg/ml, 0.06ml for each chet was injected utilizing Dermojet on the back of a guinea pig after clipping. The injected sites and the contralateral sites were tiopsied a,fter vaxying length of time and histologia examinationa were made. The experiment was eoarranged that the biopsies for different experiment aitea celd be done on oxeittirnig. Six hours after the bleomycin injection, the epidermis becase shrunk and t@4e upper dermie showed aligbt inflammatory infiltration. After 10 hours. and also after 24 hours, a superficial ulceration and necrosis were noted and the dermal infiltration became progressively severer. After 2 days epithelization, had started and. the necrotic debris began to drop off. After 4 daya the epithelization was camplete. These findings were in sorne part similar to the findings observed in humans by Kirn and Kim in the treatment af verruca but th time sequenc was far faster in guinea pigs.
SCM을 적용한 빅데이터 스트림 처리 시스템 설계 및 성능 분석
이경수,김소현,송다은 한국정보과학회 2019 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.25 No.11
The high cost of the DRAM and the IO overhead of the storage has become a problem of In-memory based stream system construction. This paper introduces SCM as a high capacity memory and fast storage to solve cost and performance problems of the stream processing system. The memory mode of the SCM replaces the heap of the DRAM with the SCM to lower the cost of the DRAM, and the storage mode of the SCM uses SCM instead of Disk to improve system performance. The big data stream processing system to apply SCM selected Spark Streaming ECO System. In the present work, we have analyzed the effect of SCM application on the whole system by measuring performance change and the reduction of DRAM by applying SCM for each application constituting the system. Application of both memory and storage modes to all applications resulted in a 1.4%/2.8% increase in QoS performance at 95th/99th, and a 31% reduction in DRAM. In addition, it was analyzed that the memory mode applied to Spark has the greatest influence on the system. The change in performance of other applications using SCM was not revealed due to Spark. DRAM의 고비용과 스토리지의 IO 오버헤드가 인-메모리 기반의 빅데이터 스트림 처리 시스템 구축에 문제가 되고 있다. 본 논문은 스트림 처리 시스템의 비용, 성능 문제를 해결하기 위해 SCM을 고용량의 메모리와 빠른 스토리지로 적용하는 방안을 소개한다. 메모리 모드는 DRAM을 SCM으로 대체해 비용을 낮추고, 스토리지 모드는 Disk 대신 SCM을 사용해 시스템 성능을 높인다. 본 논문은 Spark Streaming ECO System을 구성하는 응용 별 SCM을 적용해 DRAM 절감과 성능 변화를 측정하고, 이 응용이 전체 시스템에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 모든 응용에 메모리 모드, 스토리지 모드를 동시 적용한 결과 QoS는 95th는 1.4%, 99th는 2.8% 증가하였고, DRAM은 31% 절감했다. Spark 메모리 모드가 시스템에 미치는 영향이 가장 크며, SCM이 적용된 타 응용의 성능 변화는 Spark으로 인해 드러나지 않는 것으로 분석되었다.