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        논문 : 북한 “수령형상문학”의 역사적 변모양상 -1960∼1990년대 북한 서정시를 중심으로

        김경숙 ( Kyeong Suk Kim ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2013 민족문학사연구 Vol.51 No.-

        북한문학의 역사는 1960년대 중반을 기점으로 크게 변화한다. 이전에는 마르크스-레닌주의에 의거한 사회주의리얼리즘문학이 중심을 이루었으나, 이후에는 주체사상에 의거한 주체문학으로 변모했다. 그런데 주체문학에서 문학적으로 형상화할 것이 요구되는 첫 번째 대상은 바로 ``수령형상창조``이다. 왜냐하면 북한문학은 인민대중을 교화하고 선전·선동하는 사상적 무기로 기능하는데, 북한의 체제원리인 주체사상에서 제1원칙은 ``수령에 대한 충실성``이기 때문이다. 사회정치적인 변화와 요구를 적극적으로 반영하는 북한문학에서는 ``수령형상창조``라는 동일한 주제를 다루더라도 당 문예정책의 변화에 따라서 각각의 시기에 시인들이 형상화하는 중심 내용은 바뀌게 된다. 첫째, ``수령의 위상 세우기``(1966∼1972) 시기에는 김일성의 숭고한 풍모와 혁명적 가정을 통하여 ``김일성의 위대성``을 형상화하였다. 둘째, ``혁명적 수령관 공고화하기``(1972∼1989) 가운데 (1) ``혁명의 주체 이원화하기``(1972∼1978) 시기에는 ``수령의 위상``과 ``당 중앙의 영도``를 형상화하였다. 또한 ``김일성의 혁명적 가정``으로서 특히 ``김정숙``을 형상화하였다. (2) ``혁명의 대(代) 형성하기``(1978∼1985)시기에는 ``수령의 혁명역사``와 ``김정일의 현명한 영도``를 형상화하였다. 또한 ``김일성의 혁명적 가정``으로서 특히 ``김정일``을 형상화하였다. (3) ``혁명의 후계자 세우기``(1985∼1989) 시기에는 ``후계자를 통한 혁명전통의 계승``과 ``김정일의 위대한 업적과 인간 풍모``를 형상화하였다. 셋째, ``혁명적 대가정(大家庭) 완성하기``(1989∼1994) 시기에는 ``김정일의 위대성을 절대화``하여 형상화하고 ``3위 1체의 원칙에 맞는 수령의 모습``을 형상화하였다. 북한 ``수령형상문학``의 역사적인 변모양상을 추적한 결과 필자는 다음과 같은 결론과 의의를 발견하였다. 첫째, 북한의 조선노동당이 당파성과 당성 간의 변증법적 발전과정을 통하여 사회주의·공산주의 건설과제에 매진하지 못하고 권력승계 문제에 집중하게 된 근본적인 이유는 남북한이 서로 다른 체제를 지향하면서 상호대치하고 있는 상황 속에서 무엇보다 시급한 과제는 ``체제유지``라고 여겼기 때문이다. 둘째, 주체문학 시기의 북한 시에서 ``시적 대상``이 주로 ``자연물화``하고 ``시적 형상화의 방식``이 극도로 ``단순화``하는 이유는 문학적 상상력이 소실되었기 때문이다. 셋째, 주체문학 시기의 북한문학사에서 당파성을 드러낸 시가 존재하지 않거나 유통되지 않는다는 사실은 당성의 ``폐쇄성``과 ``교조성``을 반증하는 것이다. The history of North Korean literature greatly changes from the mid-1960s. Although socialistic realism literature based on Marxism-Leninism was at the center, soon the center was changed to Juche literature based on Juche ideology. Yet, the first subject to be embodied in literature from Juche literature is “Chief-shape literature” because North Korean literature functions as an ideological weapon that edifies and agitates North Korean people, and because the first principle of Juche ideology, the principal system of North Korea, is “loyalty toward the Chief”. In North Korean literature that actively reflects social, political transition and demand, although the same topic of “Chief-shape creation” is treated, the core contents embodied by poets are changed in each period depending on the transition of the policy of literature and arts of the party. First, during the period of “establishing prestige of the chief” (1966∼1972), they embodied “greatness of Kim Il Sung” through noble royalty and revolutionary family of Kim Il Sung. Second, within the overall period of “publicizing revolutionary aspect of the chief”(1972∼1989) (1) during the period of “dualizing revolutionary Juche”(1972∼1978), “prestige of the chief” and the “central leader of the party” were embodied. Especially, “Kim Jong Suk” was used to embody the “revolutionary family of Kim Il Sung”. (2) During the period of “forming the line of revolution”(1978∼1985), “revolutionary history of the chief” and the “wise leadership of Kim Jong Il” were embodied. Especially, “Kim Jong Il” was used to embody the “revolutionary family of Kim Il Sung”. (3) During the period of “raising a successor of revolution”(1985∼1989), “succession of Kim Il Sung`s revolutionary tradition through a successor” and the “great achievement and human presence of Kim Jong Il” were embodied. Third, during the period of “completing the great revolutionary family”(1989∼1994), the “greatness of Kim Jong Il was absolutized” and embodied, and the “feature of the chief fit for the principle of trinity” was embodied as well. As a result of tracing historical transition of “the Chief-shape literature” of North Korea, the author discovered the following conclusion and meaning. First, the fundamental reason for Korean Workers` Party in North Korea to concentrate on the problem of power succession while they could not establish further socialism and communism through the step of dialectical development between partisanship and loyalty to the party was because they considered that the “maintenance of the system” was the prime task within the confrontation between the South and the North with different systems. Second, the “poetic object” was mainly “naturalized” and the “method of poetic embodiment” was extremely “simplified” in North Korean poems within the period of Juche literature because literary imaginations disappeared. Third, the fact that there is no poem reflecting partisanship within the history of North Korean literature in the period of Juche literature is a counter evidence of isolation and dogmatism of the loyalty to the party.

      • 김환기 작품세계의 전환 연구

        김명숙(Kim Myeong-Suk) 명지대학교 문화유산연구소 2016 미술사와 문화유산 Vol.4 No.-

        김환기는 1963년 제7회 브라질 상파울루 비엔날레에 첫 번째 한국인 대표로 참여하게 된다. 그는 산월과 고향의식 등의 스타일이 두루 집약된 모티브의 ‘달’ 그림을 중심으로 총 3점을 출품하였다. 상파울루 비엔날레 출품작은 동양의 자연관을 바탕으로 한국적 미의 세계를 지향하였다. 김환기는 1963년 제7회 상파울루 비엔날레의 예술문화 교류를 통해서 세계의 미술을 접하게 되었으며, 그 중에서 김환기가 진지하게 받아들인 것이 미국의 추상 표현주의 미술이었다. 그것은 세계미술전에서 대상을 받은 미국의 추상표현주의 화가 아돌프 고틀리브(Adolph Gottlieb)의 작품을 만나게 되었기 때문이다. 김환기는 고틀리브의 미술세계를 접함으로써 예술적 충격을 받으면서 인생의 전환점을 맞이하게 된다. 세계 미술전에서 한계를 인식하게 됨과 동시에 자신감도 얻게 되었다. 그는 곧장 뉴욕으로 가서 작품 활동 할 것을 결심하였으며 그것을 실행하게 된다. 김환기가 세계 비엔날레의 국제전 경험을 통해 자신의 한계를 인식하게 된 계기는 국제적으로 가치를 지니는 예술이란 지역적인 것의 강조가 아니라 지역과 세계의 만남을 통해 ‘공감’을 불러 일으켜야 한다는 것임을 깨달았기 때문이다. 또 국가의 정체성과 세계와의 소통이란 결국 자신의 뿌리에서 시작하되, 그것이 한정된 지역적인 소재로나 또는 이국적 화면으로 귀결되지 않기 위하여 ‘차이’와 동시에 ‘정체성’의 의미를 인식할 수 있는 새로운 시각이 드러나야 한다는 사실을 터득했다. 그리하여 그는 뉴욕에 정착하여 화면의 변화를 주도하였다. 상파울루 비엔날레에 참여한 이래 화면의 변화를 보인 대표적인 작품으로는 점화 <어디서 무엇이 되어 다시 만나랴〉가 있다. 이 작품은 한국일보 미술대상전에서 대상을 받음으로써 일반에게 공개되었으며, 작가의 새로운 표현방법에 대중들로부터 놀라움과 찬사를 받게 된다. <어디서 무엇이 되어 다시 만나랴>에서 작가 김환기는 기존의 작품경향과는 또 다른 새로운 자기세계를 완성하게 된 것이다. 김환기의 점화는 새로운 차원의 아름다움을 이끌어 내었다는 사실과 미적 이념이 ‘점’에 담겨 있다는 것에 그 특별함이 있다. 결과적으로 상파울루 비엔날레는 김환기의 예술세계에 있어서 가장 큰 전환점이 되었다. 그는 세계미술전에 참여하여 한국미술의 활동영역을 확장시키는데 기여하였을 뿐만이 아니라 국제적 동향을 미리 파악하여 한국 현대미술의 방향을 선도하였다. 이후 한국에서도 국제전에 대한 관심이 고조되었는데, 그러한 차원에서 볼 때 그는 우리 미술을 세계무대에 선보이며 그곳에서 다양한 미술교류를 증진시킨 선구적 역할을 한 셈이다. In 1963, Kim Whan Ki participated in the 7th Sao Paulo Biennial. He was the first Korean to participate in this event. He entered the exhibition with three moon paintings which integrated month of parturition and one’s consciousness of birthplace. These paintings which integrated East’s view of nature were aimed to express Korean artistry. Kim was able to encounter art of the world through cultural and artistic interchanges. He especially embraced America’s abstract expressionism after he saw Adolph Gottlieb’s artwork. Kim was immensely shocked by Gottlieb’s and other’s artworks and realized his limitation, but in the meanwhile earned confidence as well. He then immediately decided to go to New York to work on his paintings. Kim realized his artworks’ limitation during the Sao Paulo Biennial after realizing that artwork which possesses international value must arouse sympathy through combining different regions’ values rather than expressing one’s value. Also communicating one nation’s identity to the rest of the world requires to have a viewpoint which can embrace ‘Difference’ and ‘Identity’ rather than focusing on regional subjects and exotic appearance. Therefore, he focused to bring changes to his pictures. The most popular painting of Kim’s which represents pointillism is <Where and how shall we meet again>. This painting was presented to the public after winning the 1st place in the art contest which was held by Hankook Newspaper. When it was presented to the public, people were surprised by Kim’s unconventional way of expressing. <Where and how shall we meet again> allowed Kim to complete his new world of works which was differentiated from his old works. Kim’s pointillism is considered to be special because it created beauty in a new dimension and that ideology is embraced by dots. As a result, his participation in Sao Paulo Biennial in 1963 was the biggest turning point in his career. He not only contributed to expand Korean art’s boundary, but also found the direction of the international art and led Korean modern art to that direction as well. Considering the fact that his participation in Sao Paulo Biennial increased Korean art society’s attention in biennial, Kim opened the gate for Korean art to interact with rest of the world.

      • Slide Session : OS-IFD-07 ; Infectious Disease : In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin Against Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus

        ( Myung Jin Lee ),( Kye Hyung Kim ),( Jong Youn Yi ),( Su Jin Choi ),( Chung Jong Kim ),( Nak Hyun Kim ),( Kyoung Ho Song ),( Pyoeng Gyun Choi ),( Ji Hwan Bang ),( Wan Beom Park ),( Eu Suk Kim ),( San 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin Against Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus Myung Jin LEE1, Kye-Hyung KIM1, Jongyoun YI2, SuJin CHOI1, Chung-Jong KIM1, Nak- Hyun KIM1, Kyoung-Ho SONG1, Pyoeng Gyun CHOI1, Ji-Hwan BANG1, Wan Beom PARK1, Eu Suk KIM1, Sang-Won PARK1, Hong Bin KIM1, Nam Joong KIM1, Myoung- Don OH1 Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea1, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Korea2 Background: Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is an emerging infectious disease caused by a novel Bunyavirus, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV). No effective antiviral therapy is proven yet, but clinical use of ribavirin (RBV) has been tried. We investigated the antiviral effect of RBV against SFTSV in vitro. Methods: To test for cytotoxicity of RBV, Vero cells were treated with different concentrations of RBV (3.90 to 500 μg/mL, two-fold dilution) and analyzed by cell viability MTS assay 48h post-infection. To determine antiviral activity of RBV against SFTSV, Vero cells were infected with SFTSV strain Gangwon/Korea/2012 at 100 TCID50 (50% tissue culture infective dose) per well in a 96-well plate, and RBV was added at the concentrations showing no or minimal cytotoxicity. Viral RNAs were extracted from the culture supernatants and quantifi ed using one-step real-time reverse transcription- PCR to amplify the partial large segment of SFTSV. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA with Tukey`s post hoc test. Results: Cytotoxicity due to RBV was not observed at RBV concentration =31.3 μg/ mL. Viral RNAs at 24h post-RBV treatment were reduced with increasing RBV concentrations (1-32 μg/mL), compared with those of mock-treated cells (P <0.01, Figure). Half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of RBV was 3.69 μg/mL at 24h post-RBV treatment. Conclusions: Our study shows that RBV has antiviral effect against SFTSV in a dose-dependent manner. Further studies are required to evaluate the effi cacy of RBV in SFTS.

      • KCI등재

        石坡 李昰應 墨蘭畵風의 형성

        金貞淑(Kim Ch?ng-suk) 한국미술사학회 2002 美術史學硏究 Vol.- No.233·234

        Yi Ha-?ng, sobriquet S?kp' a, was the father of King Kojong(r. 1867-1907), the 26th ruler of the Chosen dynasty, and was titled the H?ngs?n Taew?n' gun 興宣大院君 generally called Taew?n' gun. Yi was a radical politician who attempted to reform the national system with the “Chosen style" manner when he reigned during the turmoil: in law's of the royal family of the Andong Kim clan of the late Chos?n period held sway and the Western empires aimed at conquering Korea. Nevertheless, he sought his own direction for the government developments. On the other side, he was an artist developing his individual orchid paintings based on Kim Ch?ng-h?i' s 金正喜 painting style. He went back and forth between the dominance of the authority and relinquishment of power. Because of his political aspiration, however, he greatly concentrated on creating substantial and lofty orchid paintings as means to express his complicated emotion whenever he was in hard times. As a result, he achieved the dignified literati painting accompanying with poems and calligraphy (shis?hwa ilch'i, 詩書畵一致) as well as his individual manner in depicting ink orchids. The most distinguished feature in Yi Ha-?ng' s artistic ambience is that he persisted to paint monochrome orchids throughout his whole life. It is assumed that this came from his admiration toward orchids for their refined beauty and elegant fragrance. Moreover, he is supposed to have strenuously disciplined his mentality by portraying orchids because it has served as the embodiment of gentlemens' virtue in literati tradition. As much as being called "S?kparan 石坡蘭." his well-known orchid paintings established one of the modes of 'Korean indigenous ink orchid paintings" , distinguished from Chinese ones by accomplishing his representative painting style in its composition and brushwork, One of the characteristics in formative stages of ink orchid paintings by Yi is that he pursued individual painting styles by studying an eminent literati calligrapher and painter, Kim Chong-hui' s idioms and by adopting fashionable elements from Chinese ink orchid paintings. Since his early thirties. he studied calligraphy and orchid paintings under Kim. and was praised by his teacher. Kim emphasized on samj?n-p?b 三轉法, a technique to twist the tip of the brush three times in portraying leaves of orchids, that Yi practiced over again, After the death of Kim. he succeeded his teacher and accepted new composition and depiction in manuals of ink orchid paintings of Ming and Ch'ing China. In particular, when he was expelled from the throne and was dwelling at Chikgok sanbang (直谷山房, Studio of Chikgok). he created three types of ink orchid paintings: the grouping of uprooted orchids with long leaves 群蘭畵. the coupling of orchids and rocks 石蘭畵 with the setting, and the densely grouping of orchids 叢蘭畵. generally mounted as a hanging scroll. nus asserts that such individual modes of his were formed on the basis of Kim Ch?ng-h?i' s ink brush method, and later became the typical type of 50kp 'aran, Among his above mentioned individual modes, the painting of coupling orchid and rocks had developed to the main and constant theme until his late years. Even after Yi Ha-?ng, a number of orchid painters copied his S?kparan style and his great influence has survived untill today.

      • KCI등재

        최근 국내외에서 육성된 무궁화 127 품종 중 조경적 활용가치가 높은 유망품종 선발

        김광호 ( Kim Kwang-ho ),이춘석 ( Lee Chun-suk ),강호철 ( Kang Ho-chul ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2016 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        본 연구는 조경수용 무궁화 우수품종 보급을 위한 유전자원 수집과 특성을 평가하기 위해 최근 국내외에서 육성된 127품종의 1년생 접목묘를 이용하여 2014년부터 2015년까지 2년 동안 생육 및 형태적 특성조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 품종 중 화색 및 꽃이특이한 품종을 조사하여 무궁화를 조경수로 활용도를 높이는데 기여하고자 하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종들의 화색별 분류로는 크게 분홍색 단심(pink color with red eye spot), 흰색 단심(white color withred eye spot), 붉은 자주색 단심(purplish red color with red eye spot), 분홍보라색 단심(violet pink color with red eye spot), 심홍색단심(crimson color with red eye spot), 흰색 바탕에 붉은색 무늬의 이중색(asadal), 흰색(white color), 푸른색(blue color) 등 총 8종류로 분류되었다. 화색이 붉은 자주색으로서 적색이 강한 꽃으로 국내에서 육성된 품종으로 ‘광명’, ‘난파’, ‘노스페이스’, ‘불새’, ‘비단’,‘송암’, ‘영창’, ‘적퍼소’, ‘키호’, ‘탐라’, ‘화수레드’, ‘환희’ 등이 있었으며, 국외에서 육성되어 국내에 도입된 품종으로는 ‘Aphrodite’,‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 분홍보라색으로서 특이한 품종으로는 ‘꼬마’, ‘도투락’, ‘명미’, ‘병화’, ‘산처녀’, ‘태화’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, ‘Little Kim Violet’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 심홍색으로 기존의 꽃에서는 볼 수 없는 특이한 품종으로 ‘종무’와 ‘Ruffled Satin’ 등이 있었다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종중 조경수용 소재로 보급할 수 있는 품종중 기존 품종에 비해 꽃의 크기가 큰 품종으로 무궁화 종간교잡종인 Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, ‘Daeil’,‘Jina’ 등이 있었다. 반면 꽃이 작고 조경적 가치가 높은 품종으로 ‘꼬마’, ‘미백’, ‘안동’, ‘릴킴’, ‘은하수’ 등이 있었다. 백단심계 무궁화‘꼬마’ 품종은 수고가 작은 왜성형으로 꽃의 크기가 5.2cm로 작은 소형화 품종으로 나타났다. 기존 품종에 비해 단심의 길이가 긴품종으로 ‘훈장’과 ‘하이리레드’가 있었다. 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘훈장’은 꽃의 크기는 12.0cm로 중간크기이나 단심길이는 4.8cm로 지금까지육성된 품종중 가장 긴 품종이었다. 또한 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘하이리레드’의 단심길이 역시 4.2cm로 꽃잎 길이에 비해 단심의 길이가 길어 조경적 가치가 높은 것으로 판단되었다. This study was carried out to characterize 127 recently developed cultivars of Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus spp.) in Korea and foreign Countries for landscape uses. The examined factors were growth characteristics such as tree height of a 1-year grafted plant(cm), plant type, growth habit, leaf characteristics such as shape and size, flower characteristics such as color, shape, size, and red eye during 2014 and 2015 for landscape uses. The results are obtained as follows; In the results of flower color of the 127 recently developed cultivars, pink color with red eye spot, white color with red eye spot, purplish red color with red eye spot, violet purple color with red eye spot, crimson color with red eye spot, asadal, blue color with red eye spot, and white color were distributed. In the flower characteristics, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’ had the largest flower size of 16.0cm out of the 127 cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Ggoma’ were cultivars with smaller flowers than other cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ had largest red eye, of 5.2cm of length compared to the other cultivars. The cultivars with unique flower color for landscape uses are H. syriacus ‘Kwangmyung’, ‘Nanpa’, ‘North face’, ‘Bulsae’, ‘Bidan’, ‘Songam’, ‘Youngchang’, ‘Jukpeoso’, ‘Kiho’, ‘Tamla’, ‘Hwasoored’ and ‘Hwanhee’. These flowers had a purplish red color and were developed in Korea. H. syriacus ‘Aphrodite’, ‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ also had unique flowers with a purplish red color and were introduced from foreign countries. In addition, cultivars with violet pink flowers were H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Doturak’, ‘Myungmi’, ‘Byunghwa’, ‘Sancheonyu’, ‘Taehwa’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, and ‘Little Kim Violet’. ‘Jongmoo’ and ‘Ruffled Satin’ had flowers with crimson color. Therefore, the new cultivars with unique flower colors were a promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant. Cultivars with large flower sizes were Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, and Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’. H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ had small flower sizes. Cultivars with long red eye were H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’. Therefore, the new cultivars, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’ with large flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ with small flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’ with long red eye, were promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant.

      • KCI등재

        한국적 생명사상에 대한 비평적 고찰: 김지하의 "생명사상"을 중심으로

        김석호 ( Suk Ho Kim ) 한국복음주의신학회 2014 성경과신학 Vol.69 No.-

        본 논문은 한국에서 복음주의적 생명신학이 무엇인지를 규명하기보다는 나아 가야 할 방향이 어디인지를 모색하기 위하여 현주소를 살펴보는데 주안점을 두고 있다. 그래서 한국적 상황에서 ``생명``에 대한 이해가 어떠한지를 살펴보기 위해, 국내에서 가장 먼저 학문적으로 널리 대중화 시키고 크게 영향을 준 김지하의 생명사상을 철저히 분석하고 문제점이 무엇인지 비평적으로 고찰하였다. 자본주의와 실용주의, 물질문명의 발전과 대량소비, 그리고 정치 경제 사회 문화에서 인본주의적 경향 아래에서 현대의 인류는 자연생태계의 위기와 만연 된 생명경시풍조에 직면해 있다. 이런 위기 앞에서 한국적 상황을 고려한 신학 적 대안이 요구된다 하겠다. 성경에서 생명의 이해는 영원하신 하나님과 결코 이해되어 질 수 없다. 생명의 근원되신 성부의 하나님, 생명을 회복시키는 예수 그리스도, 영원한 생명으로 작용케 하시는 성령의 하나님은 생명을 이해하는데 필수적이다. 이런 신학적 이해 없이 단순히 생물학적 생명이해나 사회문화적 생명이해, 그리고 종교철학적 생명이해로는 결코 바른 대안이 나올 수 없다고 본다. 이런 관점에서 현 한국은 생명사상이나 생명운동 더 나아가 생명신학에 이르기까지 대부분이 이미 문화 속에 내재된 생명의 이해로 범신론적 경향을 가지고 있음을 부인할 수 없다. 이런 문제점을 인식하면서 본 논문은 김지하의 생명사상을 해부함으로 범신론적 문제점을 드러내어 한국의 문화에서 생명신학이 나아가야 할 방향을 암시하고자 했다. 김지하의 생명에 대한 이해는 생명사상은 동학, 기철학 등의 사상을 기반으로 지기와 하눌님, 불연기연, 죽임과 살림, 총체적 연합성과 연결성, 틈의 역동성 등을 기반으로 이루어지고 있다. 무신론적 입장에서 만물 안에서 원리와 힘으로 작용하는 보이지 않는 세계와, 수많은 다양한 형태와 존재로 변화하고 있는 보이는 세계는 불가분리의 것으로 하나이며, 만물을 지속적으로 변화하는 총체적인 창출이 곧 생명으로 인식한다. 즉 생명은 단순히 각각의 존재에게 속한 것으로 이해하기 보다는 거대하고 통합적이며 총체적인 하나의 거대한 힘으로 인식한다. 철학적으로는 기요 종교적으로는 하눌님이며, 모든 것을 연결시켜 주는 끈이며, 움직이고 변화시키는 힘이 곧 생명이다. 생명에 대한 그의 이해는 포괄적이며 무기물에 이르기까지 확장하게 하여 만물에 대한 경이로움을 갖게 하는데 도움을 주었지만 결정적으로 범신론적 이해로 말미암아 하나님과 만물의 차이를 없애고 결국은 만물에 대한 인간의 윤리적 책임을 간과케 하는 우를 범하게 하였다. This article tried to articulate the understanding of life in the korean context as analyzing Jiha Kim`s life thought which is one of main influences to life thought or life theology of Korea. His life thought was produced as uniting various philosophical ideas such as Jiki, Hanulnim, and Bulyeongiyeon. Jiki, etc. Life means the internal principle or power and the external formation, and it points out that the visible and invisible world are one. Life as Hanulnim is divine, and humanity and other things having life are one, holy and equal. Life as Bulyeongiyeon means dynamism which leads change and development. The concept of life including all these elements implies a total unity of all things in a holistic and conductional (action) perspective. The relationship between ultimate reality (God), humanity, and nature is inseparable within the change or movement of life. These three realities of God, humanity, and nature are one in ``life``. In the sense of human ethical responsibility, Kim insists that our action must be based on the recognition of our total union of ultimate reality (God), humanity, and nature and when we act accordingly, we serve or possess (Mosim) this original nature of life. Chiha Kim sees all existences in the holistic view of life as one, and recognizes them the holistic and cosmic life on the basis of dynamic relationality. The universe, humanity, nature and the cosmic life possess a universal identity. Everything is originally one, though everything has its own uniqueness, diversity, and complexity. His life thought includes the concept of locality, which considers the local contexts and reality as the subjects and objects and indicates ``here``, ``now``, ``tradition``, and ``the reality`` as the foundation of solving problems. In the Korean multi-religious contexts, therefore, traditional religious themes, practice, and spiritual experience are at the heart of the understanding of ecological theology. He has shown a Korean way of ecological thought that opposes the destructive tendencies of division, confrontation, competition, materialistic capitalism, industrial civilization, individualistic anthropocentrism, technological development, mechanistic worldview, etc., which mostly came from outside Korea. Nevertheless, his life thought inevitably contains pantheistic or panentheistic view of the reality which is not acceptable in Christianity. It may be caused by the understanding of the ultimate relality as non-personality which is power or principle to be able to exist or sustain life. The understanding of life in Christianity is derived from Triune God who has communicable to his creation in His personality. Therefore, it shows that korean christian should be aware of this tendency of the understanding of life.

      • KCI등재

        유압벌지실험을 이용한 순 티탄늄 판재의 소성유동곡선 평가(제2보)

        김영석(Kim, Young-Suk),김진재(Kim, Jin-Jae) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.4

        본논문에서는대형 선박의 판형열교환기등에 널리 이용되고있는 순 티타늄판재의소성변형을 유한요소해석하기 위한 기초 데이터로서 순 티타늄 판재의 유동곡선을 평가하였다. 순 티타늄 판재의 프레스 가공 시에 판재에는 국부적으로 큰 소성변형이 발생하고 있다. 그러나 기존의 단축 인장실험에서 얻을 수 있는 소성변형률이 낮아서 티타늄 판재의 가공공정 설계를 위한 유한요소해석의 정밀도를 떨어뜨리는 경우가 있다. 본 연구에서는 큰 소성변형률 까지 안정적으로 성형이 가능한 유압벌지실험을 수행하여 재료의 소성변형에서 가공경화특성을 나타내는 유동곡선으로써 진응력-진변형률 선도를 구하였고 그 결과를 인장실험 결과와 비교하였다. 순 티타늄 판재의 유압벌지실험에서 재료의 변형률은 3D 디지털 영상 상관법을 이용한 ARAMIS 시스템으로 실시간 측정된다. 이 유압벌지실험으로부터는 소성 변형률이 0.65 이상 까지도 안정적으로 재료의 소성유동곡선을 얻을 수 있었으며 그 결과는 Kim-Tuan 이 문헌 17[Y.S. Kim, J.H. In, Korean Acadmia-Ind. Coop. Soc.,(be in print), 2016] 의 연구에서 제안한 가공경화식으로 잘 핏팅됨을 알 수 있었다. In this study, the plastic flow curve of commercially pure titanium sheet (CP Ti) actively used in the plate heat exchanger etc., was evaluated. The plastic flow curve known as hardening curve is a key factor needed in conducting finite element analyses (FEA) for the forming process of a sheet material. A hydraulic bulge test was performed on the CP Ti sheet and the strain in this test was measured using the DIC method and ARAMIS system. The measured true stress-true strain curve from the hydraulic bulge test (HBT) was compared with that from the tensile test. The measured true stress-true strain curve from the hydraulic bulge test showed stable plastic flow curve over the strain range of 0.7 which cannot be obtained in the case of the uniaxial tensile test. The measured true stress-true strain curve from the hydraulic bulge test can be fitted well by the hardening equation known as the Kim-Tuan model.

      • KCI등재후보

        Immobilization with Ketamine HCI and Tiletamine-Zolazepam in Cynomolgus Monkeys

        Myung-cheol Kim,Sung-hyeok Hong,Soo-jin Lee,Young-suk Kim,Jae-il Lee 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.2

        with Ketamine HCl and Tiletamine-Zolazepam in Cynomolgus MonkeysJae-il Lee, Sung-hyeok Hong, Soo-jin Lee, Young-suk Kim and Myung-cheol Kim*Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, KoreaReceived March 4, 2003 / Accepted July 2, 2003J. Vet. Sci. (2003), 4(2), 187-191JOURNAL OFVeterinaryScience*Corresponding author: Myung-cheol Kim Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Korea Tel: +82-42-821-6757, Fax: +82-42-822-4216 E-mail: mckim@cnu.ac.kr


        Delayed Hydride Crack Velocity of Zirconium Alloys with the Direction of an Approach to Temperature

        KIM, Young Suk,KIM, Kang Soo,CHEONG, Yong Moo Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2006 Journal of nuclear science and technology Vol.43 No.9

        <P>The delayed hydride cracking (DHC) tests were conducted on Zr-2.5Nb compact tension specimens with the test temperatures reached by a heating and a cooling. The Zr-2.5Nb specimens were either furnace-cooled or water-quenched after a hydrogen charging treatment to contain 10 to 100 ppm H. On an approach to the test temperatures by a cooling, both the Zr-2.5Nb specimens showed the DHC velocity increasing with an increasing temperature over a temperature range of 100–300°C, irrespective of the cooling rate. However, on an approach to the test temperatures by heating, the furnace-cooled Zr-2.5Nb showed a DHC arrest at temperatures over 180°C and no DHC at 250°C, and the water-quenched ones did have a DHC growth, even at 250°C. Using Kim’s DHC model we elucidate the DHC arrest in the furnace-cooled Zr-2.5Nb at temperatures over 180°C and the DHC growth in the water-quenched specimen, even at 250°C, upon an approach by a heating.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        영어 사전에 나타난 한국의 모습

        김경석(Kim Kyung Suk) 한국사회언어학회 2004 사회언어학 Vol.12 No.2

        Kim, Kyung Suk. 2004. The Portrayal of Korea in an English-English Dictionary. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 12(2). This paper examines the sentences relevant to Korea which were found in a search of an English-English dictionary to see how they portray Korea. One hundred nineteen sentences were obtained from the CD-ROM version of Collins-Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2001) and they were judged as to whether they present positive, neutral, or negative images. The majority of the sentences (73/119) have neutral portrayals. Among the remaining sentences, 12 are positive and 34 are negative. When the data are sub-categorized into three groups, it becomes obvious what the positive and negative sentences in the data reflect in general. Nine positive sentences out of the total 12 positive ones are relevant to the activities/people of the Republic of Korea. Twenty-four of the negative sentences include the generic expressions of Korea referring to both South and North Korea (e.g., Korean peninsula or Koreans) or phrases referring to North Korea more explicitly. When we look more closely at the negative sentences, it is found that they are mostly related to the political tension or military conflicts between South and North, which happened quite a while ago and which we have fully recovered from. In order to prevent those sentences from leaving a potentially bad imprint on the users of the dictionary, we need to give feedback to the publisher about the results of this line of research and ask them to replace the sentences with positive/neutral sentences when they update the dictionary.

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