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        Type Ⅱ 상아질형성부전증의 임상 증례 : CASE REPORT

        김지현,이제호,최병재,이종갑 大韓小兒齒科學會 2001 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.28 No.4

        상아질형성부전증은 유전적인 상아질의 결함으로 치아 발육과정 중 조직분화기에 발생되며 유치와 영구치 모두에서 나타난다. Shields 등은 상아질형성부전증을 type Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ로 분류하였으며, Witkop에 따르면 1/8000 명의 빈도로 이러한 유전적 소인을 갖게 되며, 남녀간의 차이는 뚜렷하지 않다고 한다. 이환받은 치아는 적갈색의 변색과 함께 심한 마모현상으로 인해 구치부 교합면과 전치의 절단면의 법랑질이 파괴되고 그후 급속도로 상아질의 파괴가 뒤따른다. 방사선학적으로 가느다란 치근과 구근상치관, 치경부 협착, 작거나 결손된 치수강이 관찰되고, 유치열에서 치근단병소나 다발성 치근파절이 관찰되기도 한다. 본 증레의 4세 남자환아는 치아색이 이상하다는 것을 주소로 연세대학교 치과병원 소아치과에 내원하였다. 치아는 전반적으로 황갈색의 변색과 중등도의 마모도를 보였으며, 방사선 검사 소견에서 치아의 치수강 폐쇄, 구근상치관, 짧은 치근들이 관찰되었다. 가족력상 각 세대마다 환아와 같은 치아변색과 마모의 유전양상이 관찰되었으며, 10세된 환아의 누나는 영구치열에 전체적으로 회갈색의 변색과 경도의 마모도를 보였다. 임상 및, 방사선학적 검사소견상 상아질형성부전증으로 판단되어 환아의 손상된 치아에 대해 구치부는 기성금관 수복을, open-faced stainless steel crown으로 치근파절로 인해 발거된 상악 좌측 유중절치를 포함한 손상된 전치부를 수복해 기능적, 심미적으로 만족할 만한 결과를 얻어 이에 보고를 하는 바이다. Dentinogenesis imperfacta is an example of an inheritable dentinal defect originating during the histodifferentiation stage of tooth development, wit involvement of the primary and permanent teeth. Shields, Bixler and EI-Kafrawy proposed three types of Dentinogenesis imperfecta : Type Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ. Witkop reported a prevalence of 1 in 8000 with the trait, and no significant difference between male and female. Affected teeth have red-brown discoloration often wit distinctive wearness of occlusal surface of posterior teeth and incisal surface of anterior teeth. Once enamel seperated from underlying defective dentin, the dentin demonstrates significantly acclerated attrision. Radiographically, the teeth have thin roots, bulbous crown, cervical constriction, and obliteration of the root canals and pulp chambers. In primary dentition periapical lesions or multiple root fractures are often observed. In successive generations the phenotypes of discoloration and wearness of teeth occurred, and one of the patient's subships, 10 year-old siste, showed general discoloration of her teeth and mild wearness. In this case, a 4 year-old male reported to the Yonsei University Pedodontics clinic, with a chief complaint of discolored teeth. The teeth showed generally yellowish-brown discoloration and moderate wearness. In radiographic features, obliteration of pulp, bulbous crown, and short roots were observed. It was diagnosed as Dentinogenesis imperfecta. The posterior teeth were resotred with Stainless Steel Crown, and defective incisors including left upper primary central incisor which was extracted due to a root fracture wit Open-faced Stainless Steel crown.

      • 학교체육 활성화 방안에 대한 연구(Ⅰ) : 강원대학교 교양체육 운영방법의 개선을 중심으로

        이광재,문병용,노성규,박기동,홍관이,한상준,유옥재,엄기진,정청자,오수일,김윤래,박장평,부기원 江原大學校附設 體育科學硏究所 1986 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.11

        Try to find a scheme for activation to College Physical Education, this Report informs the various kinds of Survey and process those were projected for improvement of management methods on Cultural Physical Education in Kang Weon National University. From experimentally carried out "Sports events Choosing System" not as usual be inforced "Total practical Skill System", Following Positive effects and sujestions were Presented; 1. "Sports events choosing system" gave birth to more students' interesting and more voluntary participation to the sports events they chose, and sports skill and instruction level was elevated due to charge of expert according to each sports events. This system would be managed continuously hereafter for it related to life sports. 2. This System needs to closed cooperations between College and Community, for the facilities of community are utilized by college. 3. To complete the plan for activation of college Physical Education, additionally, the successional study ; namely "autonomous extracurricular sports activity" should be excuted hereafter.

      • KCI등재

        유절기 조기 상실 후 공간 상실

        최병재,한연선,김성오,이종갑 大韓小兒齒科學會 2002 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.29 No.3

        유치에서의 조기 상실은 부위에 따라 주된 원인이 다르다. 구치부의 조기 상실은 주로 치아우식증에 의해 일어나지만, 전치부에서 나타나는 조기 상실의 대부분은 유아가 서고 걷는 것을 배울 시기에 외상을 받아 유발되며, 다발성 우식증 등에 의해서도 일어날 수 있다. 유치의 조기 상실시 치열궁 길이 감소가 나타날 경우에는 계승 영구치의 맹출을 방해하여 영구치의 총생, 매복 및 치열궁 비대칭 등을 유발할 수 있으므로, 공간 유지에 대한 고려가 필요하다. 유구치가 조기 상실된 경우에는 인접치아의 근심 또는 원심 이동으로 공간 상실이 유발되므로, 공간유지장치의 장착이 필수적이다. 그러나, 유절치의 경우에 있어서는 치아간의 접촉이 긴밀하거나 총생이 있는 유치열이 경우와 유견치의 맹출 전에 유절치가 상실된 경우에는 공간 상실이 일어날 수 있으나, 그 이외에 치간 공간이 있는 유치열이 경우, 유견치의 맹출 후에 유절치가 상실된 경우에서는 공간의 상실이 거의 없는 것으로 알려져 있다. 따라서 유절치 조기 상실 시에는 주로 공간유지 목적보다는 심미, 발음장애, 치아결손부분으로의 혀내밀기 등의 구강습관 방지 등의 목적으로 장치의 장착이 권장되어져 왔으며, 유절치 조기 상실시 공간 상실 문제에 대한 증례보고 또한 많지 않다. 본 증례들은 연세대학교 치과대학병원 소아치과에 내원한 환자에게서 유절치의 조기 발거로 인해 장기적 관찰 결과 공간 상실이 유발되었기에 이를 통하여 유절치 조기 상실시 공간 상실 가능성에 대해 보고하고자 한다. The primary cause of missing teeth vary depending on the region. The loss of posterior teeth is mainly due to dental caries, whereas that of the anterior teeth occur primarily due to trauma at the age of standing and walk-ing and secondarily from the rampant dental caries. Particularly, reduction of the arch length in the cases of premature loss of primary teeth may compromise the eruption of succedaneous permanent teeth. This may result in crowding and impaction of the permanent teeth, and asymmetry of arch, thus a careful consideration for space maintenance should be made in such cases. Space maintainer is required in the case of premature loss of primary posterior teeth, because space loss result from the approximate and centrifugal movement of the neighboring teeth. Generally, in the case of primary in-cisor, space loss occurs when 1) tooth contact is relevant, 2) crowding in primary dentition is present, and 3) a primary incisor is lost before the eruption of primary canine. Contrarily, in the case of primary dentition with in-terdental space, space loss will not be observed, mostly when a primary incisor is lost after the eruption of pri-mary canine. Thus, using a space maintainer in cases of premature loss of primary incisor has been introduced primarily not for the purpose of space maintaining but for an aesthetic purpose, prevention of parafunctional oral habits such as tongue thrust, and of pronunciation. Additionally, few case studies have been reported of space loss in cases of premature loss of primary incisor. This study is to report cases of the space loss following the premature loss of primary incisors observed in chil-dren.

      • KCI등재

        1994년도 法醫剖檢 통계분석

        서재관,김종열 大韓法醫學會 1995 대한법의학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        This is a statistical observation by authors based on the data of so called unusual death brought to this institute for medicolegal autopsy by all of law enforcement agencies in Korea in the year of 1994. This report aims to reveal the facts on various causes of unusual death in Korea. The following are the summary of results, 1. The total numbers of autopsy made for the unusual deaths were 2,123 cases, of these 1,576 cases were males and 547 cases were females. 2. Violent deaths were 1,380 cases (65.0%), natural deaths were 657 cases (30.9%), and unknown cases were 86(4.1%). 3. For deaths due to injuries, blunt object injuries were the leading ahead. 4. Asphyxial deaths were 340 cases, 16.0 percents of the total and drowning were 139 cases showing the biggest number among the asphyxial deaths. 5. Deaths from abnormal temperature and electricity were death due to fire, burning, hypothermia, heatstroke and electrocution. 6. There were 5 cases for starvation 7. Infanticides were 8 cases, 0.4 percent of the total number. 8. For the death due to intoxication, 236 cases (11.1%) were recorded and the biggest number among these was CO intoxication. 9. For the natural death, 657 cases, 30.9 percents of the total were recorded and the death due to the disease of the cardiovascular system was taking the most of the total number with 323 cases. 10. Cause of death unknown due to negative autopsy and to the severe decomposition of the body were 86 cases, 4.1 percents of the total number

      • 회동호의 수질과 식물플랑크톤

        손진언,이영식,김상구,류동춘,정종문,류재익 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1995 硏究報告 Vol.18 No.1

        Environmental factors of Quality were Temperature, pH, DO, COD, NH₄^(+)-N, No₂^(-)-N, NO₃^(-)-N, PO₄^(3-)-P, transparency and Chl-a. The values range were 3.3-31℃, 7.0-9.3, 8.0-16.8mg/l, 2.9-6.5mg/l, 0.0l-0.8mg/l, 0.0l-0.15mg/l, 0.8-3.7mg/1, 0.01-0.l7mg/l, 0.5-2.0m, 3.1-49.8mg/l, respectively. The phytoplankton are identified as 170taxa, and the order of appearing frequency is as following; Chlorophyceae, Bacillaripphyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Dinophyceae. The causative species of red tide were identified as Microcystis aeruginosa, Trachellomonas hispida, Ceratium hirundinella,' Peridinium, Melosira italica, Staurastrum dorsidentiferum var. ornatum. Minimum Standing crops of algae cell was 728 cell/ml at point 4 on December and Maximum Standing crops of algae cell was 4.68×106 cell/ml at point 2 on August. Dominance species are Cyclotella glomerata and Microcystis aeruginosa during winter to spring season and summer to autumn.

      • KCI등재

        미맹출 유규치에 관한 증례

        한연선,최병재,김성오,이종갑 大韓小兒齒科學會 2002 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.29 No.3

        치아의 맹출은 치아가 구강내 교합평면에 도달하여 기능적인 위치를 차지할 때까지의 치아 이동 및 골조직 내에서의 발달로 이루어지는 생리학적인 양상으로 이해되어진다. 그러나 치아가 정상적으로 맹출해야 하는 시기를 지나서도 골조직 내에서 맹출하지 않을 수 있으며, 이러한 치아를 매복치라 일컫는다. 이러한 치아 매복의 주된 요인은 국소적인 것으로 악궁내 공간부족, 치아 위치 이상, 과잉치, 맹출 경로의 감염, 낭종 및 안면 외상으로 인한 치배의 영향 등이 있다. 또한 쇄골두개이골증, 골다공증 등의 전신적 그리고 유전적 질환도 맹출 장애와 맹출 지연 등과 관련이 있다. 현재까지 매복치의 대부분은 영구치로 보고되었으며 반면에 유치의 매복에 대한 것은 극히 소수에 불과하고, 매복된 유치의 대다수는 제 2 유구치이다. 유치의 매복은 유착에 의해 이차적으로 생긴 저위교합과는 구별되어야 하며, 유치의 매복에 대한 병인은 유치 치배의 비정상적인 발달로 인해 조기에 유착이 일어나는 것으로 추측되어지고 있으나, 아직까지 정확하게 밝혀진 바는 없다. 유치의 맹출 실패로 나타날 수 있는 문제점으로는 계승 영구치 발달 및 맹출 방해, 낭종 형성이나 감염의 발생 등을 생각해볼 수 있다. 본 증례들은 연세대학교 치과대학병원 소아치과에 내원한 환아의 구강 및 방사선학적 검사에서 유구치의 매복이 관찰되었기에 이에 보고하는 바이다. The term 'impaction' is used to designate a tooth which remains unerupted in the jaw beyond the time at which it should normally be erupted. The main causal factors are local (lack of space, ectopic positions of teeth, supernumerary teeth, cyst, the occurrence of infectious process in the eruption path, traumatic facial injury etc.). Systemic and genetic disorder, however, may have primary failure of eruption and retarded eruption as additional symptoms (cleidocranial dysplasia, osteopetrosis etc.). Most cases of impacted teeth reported in the literature are of permanent teeth. The absence of primary teeth occur rarely whereas impaction of second primary molars is more numerous than all other impactions. Impaction due to primary failure of eruption must be distinguished from the secondary infraocclusion. The eti-ology of impaction of primary teeth is probably related to early ankylosis of primary teeth, but it is not clear. Failure of eruption of primary teeth cause a number of complications, such as interference with develop-ment and eruption of succedaneous teeth, formation of cyst, and damage to adjacent teeth. This study is to report cases of primary failure of eruption in the primary dentition.

      • KCI등재

        Efficacy and Safety of Fexuprazan in Patients with Acute or Chronic Gastritis

        Kim Gwang Ha,Choi Myung-Gyu,Kim Jin Il,Lee Soo Teik,Chun Hoon Jai,Lee Kook Lae,Choi Suk Chei,Jang Jae-Young,Lee Yong Chan,Kim Jae Gyu,Kim Ki Bae,Shim Ki-Nam,Sohn Chong Il,Kim Sung Kook,Kim Sang Gyun,J 거트앤리버 소화기연관학회협의회 2023 Gut and Liver Vol.17 No.6

        Background/Aims: Fexuprazan is a novel potassium-competitive acid blocker that could be of benefit to patients with gastric mucosal injury. The aim of this study was to assess the 2-week efficacy and safety of fexuprazan in patients with acute or chronic gastritis. Methods: In this study, 327 patients with acute or chronic gastritis who had one or more gastric erosions on endoscopy and subjective symptoms were randomized into three groups receiving fexuprazan 20 mg once a day (q.d.), fexuprazan 10 mg twice a day (b.i.d.), or placebo for 2 weeks. The posttreatment assessments were the primary endpoint (erosion improvement rate), secondary endpoints (cure rates of erosion and edema and improvement rates of redness, hemorrhage, and subjective symptoms), and drug-related adverse events. Results: Among the patients, 57.8% (59/102), 65.7% (67/102), and 40.6% (39/96) showed erosion improvement 2 weeks after receiving fexuprazan 20 mg q.d., fexuprazan 10 mg b.i.d., and placebo, respectively. Both fexuprazan 20 mg q.d. and 10 mg b.i.d. showed superior efficacy to the placebo (p=0.017 and p<0.001, respectively). Likewise, both fexuprazan 20 mg q.d. and 10 mg b.i.d. also showed higher erosion healing rates than the placebo (p=0.033 and p=0.010, respectively). No difference was noted in the edema healing rate and the improvement rates for redness, hemorrhage, and subjective symptoms between the fexuprazan and placebo groups. No significant difference was noted in the incidence of adverse drug reactions. Conclusions: Fexuprazan 20 mg q.d. and 10 mg b.i.d. for 2 weeks showed therapeutic efficacy superior to that of placebo in patients with acute or chronic gastritis

      • Proliferation Not Apoptosis as a Prognostic Indicator in Retinoblastoma

        Kim, Chong-Jai,Chi, Je G.,Choi, Hyung-Soo,Shin, Hee-Young,Ahn, Hyo-Seop,Yoo, Young-Seok,Chang, Kwang-Yul 가톨릭대학교 2000 Bulletin of The Catholic Research Institutes of Me Vol.28 No.-

        The balance between proliferation and cell death is the major determinant of tumour growth. We analysed the proliferative and apoptotic indices (PI and AI, respectively) of 33 children with retinoblastoma. 'PI and AI were assessed by immunohistochemistry for Ki-67 antigen and TUNEL staining, respectively. The mean PI was 21.0+/-21.1%, and higher PI was associated with more advanced tumour stage (P<0.0001) and poor clinical outcome (P<0.05). Patients in whom amplified N-myc oncogene was found (n=6) determined by the multiplex polymerase chain reaction tended to have a higher PI (37.6+/-27.2%) than those without amplified N-myc (n=27; PI=17.3+/-18.1). A PI value of over 40% was clearly associated with an unfavourable prognosis. The AI, however, did not correlate with any of the other variables analysed. The findings suggest that proliferation, but not apoptosis, is of critical significance in retinoblastoma biology. PI, as determined by the Ki-67 antigen labeling index, seems to be a relevant histopathological parameter that can predict the clinical outcome of retinoblastoma. (Virchows Archires 434(4):301-5, 1999)

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