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      • KCI등재

        개선된 영상 질 지표에 기반한 그레이 영상의 이진화

        권순학(Soon H. Kwon) 한국지능시스템학회 2020 한국지능시스템학회논문지 Vol.30 No.3

        영상의 질을 평가하는 대표적인 측도로 엔트로피와 평균밝기오차 절대값 등이 있다. 일반적으로 엔트로피는 영상의 세세한 부분에 대한 표현 정확도를 나타내는 곳에 사용되고, 평균밝기오차 절대값은 전체 영상에 있어서 밝기 변화를 나타내는 데 주로 사용되고 있다. 이 이외에도 최근 Kwon은 엔트로피나 평균밝기오차 절대값이 임계화를 위한 측도로서는 의미가 있으나 절대적 기준이라는 보장은 없다고 지적하고 새로운 영상 질 측도를 제안하였다. 본 논문에서는 Kwon이 제안한 영상 질 측도가 갖는 문제점을 검토하고 이를 바탕으로 개선된 영상 질 지표를 제안하고 이를 그레이 영상의 이진화 과정에 적용한다. 끝으로, 9개의 시험 영상에 대하여 컴퓨터 모의실험을 수행하여 기존 기법, 즉 오츠 기법 및 Kwon의 영상 질 평가 측도와의 정량적 그리고 정성적 성능 비교 및 검토를 통하여 제안된 지표의 효용성을 보인다. As the most representative measures evaluating for the quality of images, there are entropy and absolute mean brightness error(AMBE), and etc. In general, entropy is used to measure the richness in details of the image and the AMBE mainly used for providing a change in the image global appearance. In addition to these, Kwon recently proposed a new image quality measure(IQM) on the basis of assumption that even though the entropy and AMBE are good indexes for thresholding of images but not absolute ones. In this paper, we propose an advanced image quality index(AIQI) based on Kwon’s IQM and apply it to binalization of gray images. Finally, the effectiveness of AIQI is demonstrated by quantitative and qualitative performance comparison with results obtained by the computer simulation on well-known nine test images with those of Otsu’s method and IQM-based method.

      • 영리법인의 조세지원 유효성에 관한 연구

        권순철,권순창 慶北大學校出版部 2004 經商論集 Vol.32 No.1

        The main object of this thesis is to analyze the effectivness tax-supporting system using the concept of effective tax rate. From the previous research & tax law, here I analyze the relation between 6 variables and tax burden. From the tax law, export rate, R&D, capital-intensity variables, and from the previous research, firm size, debt ratio, the rate of profit growth variables are selected. Using the tax burden & the variables selected above, following basic model is designed. ETR=α+β_(1)ED+β_(2)CI+β_(3)RD+β_(4)SI+β_(5)DR+β_(6)PG+ε ED:dependence of export CI: capital intensity RD: R & D ratio SI:firm size DR:debt ratio PG:ratio of profit growth As a result of the test on listed corporates, industrial sector reggression, and it's ANOVA, following conclusions are summarized. 1. As a result of regression on listed corporate, it has been proved significant debt ratio, ratio of profit growth on controlling varaibles. Also, it showed significant R & D ratio, export dependence on tax support variables 2. The tax-supporting system on listed corporate has a significant result. Among the variables, especially R&D variables is most frequently used by listed corporates. 3. Indirectly, It shows that the listed corporates of our country smooths it's income

      • KCI등재

        松皐 權寧玉 硏究

        權純烈 한국고시가문학회 2005 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.15

        Songgo Kwon Yong-Ok soothed his anger through poems under the rule of Japanese Empire and devoted his life educating his pupils to prepare for a new age. Also He didn't think about studying in Japan even though it would lead to successful life. He also refused to move to Manchuria to escape from the oppression of the Japanese Empire. He settled down in this area and lived with the nation like pine trees. Songgo's life shows well how conservative intellectuals prepared for and responded to the future of the nation in the age of the fetters. Songgo's life made a difference of the history of Korean spiritual civilization under the rule of Japanese Empire. Therefore, studying about him will be able to provide aid in the study of confucian life under Japanese rule and how to pursue it into the new century.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Plant Breeder’s View on H5N1

        SoonKwon Kim 한국육종학회 2008 한국육종학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        International conferences to block the spread of Avian bird flu occurred in Beijing, 2006 and others warned of the seriousness of the H5N1 strain. The meetings succeeded in generating billions of dollars from USA, EU and World Bank. Migratory birds seem to play a major role in the spread of the aggressive strain globally from Asia to Europe and Africa. Experiences of tolerance breeding of maize (Zea mays L.) for four decades against 20 biotic stresses suggest that the prime cause of the occurrence of H5N1 strain was due to the human beings’counter‐efforts against nature. Excessive use of chemicals (spray and injection) in the commercial poultry farms had created high selection pressure on virus. The new strain had mutated for survival. Attempting to eliminate the virus by chemicals for 100% control is a dangerous way to control biotic stresses. This can create more aggressive strains. A solution would be to build up tolerability of the commercial animals against the virus. Improvement of poultry cage environments and respect for nature must be integrated. Potential foes must be watched.

      • 자궁내 태아사망의 임상적 고찰

        이권해,이정재,조현철,이석민,이임순,이해혁,김권대,이순곤,남계현 순천향의학연구소 1999 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.5 No.2

        Objective: This study was designed to evaluate diagnosis and complication, prognosis during clinical study of cases of intrauterine fetal death. Methods and materials: This is a clinical study of 56 cases of the intrauterine fetal death among 8064 deliveries at Seoul Sunchunhyang university hospital during 5 years from January, 1994 to December, 1998. Results: The incidence was 0.7%. The age distribution of mothers was 18 - 44 years and was highest in the 25 - 29 years range(46.4%). The parity was the most highest in the nulliparous group(51.8%). The most common gestational weeks was 20 - 28 weeks gestational period(46.4%), and most common presentation was cephalic(73.5%). The most common weights of the intrauterine fetal death was from 5,00gm to 1,000g(48.2%). The mode of the most common delivery was the induction of delivery(57.2%). The etiologic factors were: unknown(42.9%), preeclampsia(17.9%), chorioamnionitis(14.3%), congenital anomaly(12.5%), abruptio placenta(7.1%), cord complication(3.6%), placenta previa, death of one for twin. There were 2 cases of maternal complication(DIC, Uterine atony). Conclusion : Intrauterine fetal death should be diagnosised early and treated properly to reduce risk of the maternal complication.

      • KCI등재

        <남궁선생전>의 거리 두기와 전언적 특성

        권복순(Kwon, Bok-soon) 한국어문학회 2017 語文學 Vol.0 No.135

        This article attempts to investigate the reading experiences of “The Story of Master Nam Kung” by focusing on how the narrative effectively conveys the core message, while maintaining the distance between the narrator and readers. During the process, I will be focusing primarily on the relationship between the readers and the story. In the story, there are many characters, however, the two main characters are considered important in my analysis. Though Master Nam Kungdu is the protagonist of the story, we should not ignore the significance of Elder Kwŏn (Kwon Changno), who appears in various episodes and scenes in the work. In analyzing the relationship between the narrator and the implied audience, I found that in the beginning the story is conveyed in “explanatory method,” but later it is changed to an “illustrational method.” Therefore, the distance between the narrator and the targets become closer as the story unfolds. Also, the perspective also undergoes changes from a subjective view to an objective view. By employing such devices, the story is adapted to represent the Daoist ideology. Although the story is in a written form, it was originally in oral literature. After the years of oral transmission, the story was settled in a form of written script. Therefore, the story is easy and rhythmical to read aloud. In addition, the story is presented with the layers of repetitive elements, and the storyline is easy to remember. On the other hand, in the scene where Elder Kwon and Master Nam encounter a devoted hermit, the author describes the hermit as a special character. In the mid Choson, when the Daoist and Buddhist ideologies were weakened, the author Ho Kyun attempted to take on Nam Gungdu’s voice to present his view on Taoism. There have been debates on whether the story is fictious or based on reality. However, it is found that the author actually met Nam Kungdu in person. The author not only recreates a historical character of Nam Kungdu, who has integrated the views on Confucianism, Buddhism and Daosim, but it also introduces the syncretic mode of indigenous thoughts and ideologies, as viewed in the preface “Nanlangbi” (鸞郞碑).

      • KCI등재

        국립한글박물관 소장 『가곡원류(歌曲源流)』(고태진 필사본)의 특성과 계보

        권순회 ( Kwon Soon-hoi ) 한국고전문학회 2016 古典文學硏究 Vol.50 No.-

        국립한글박물관에 소장되어 있는 『가곡원류』 이본 한 종을 소개한다. 1888년(무자년) 12월 1일 한양 반송방(盤松坊)에서 고태진이라는 무반(武班)이 필사한 가집이다. 이에 `고태진 필사본`이라고 하여 여타 『가곡원류』 이본과 구분하기로 한다. 필사본 1책, 총 77장(표지포함) 규모이다. 남창 529수, 여창 189수, 대가(臺歌) 1수, 기타 2수 등 총 721수가 수록되었다. 남녀창 사설 모두 국한문을 혼용해 표기하였다. 표지의 제명은 좌측 상단에 흐릿하게 “醉花弄”이라고 적혀있고 그 이하는 지면(紙面)이 벗겨져 일부 글자가 결락된 상태이다. 뒤쪽 표지안쪽 여백에는 “醉花弄月篇” 이라고 제명이 거듭 적혀 있는데 후대 소장자들이 결락 부분을 보충해서 기록한 것이다. 이러한 형식의 제명은 다소 생소한데 유사한 사례가 1888년 편집된 『詩歌』(권순회 소장)에서도 확인된다. “취월탐행조”라고 하였다. 10면과 11면 사이에 한 장이 결락된 사실이 발견된다. 사설9수 분량이다. 장정(裝幀) 상태를 보면 결락의 흔적이 전혀 포착되지 않는데 그 원인은 분명하게 파악되지 않는다. 한바탕의 편제를 보면 『가곡원류』계 가집들과 달리 남창 28곡, 여창 19곡과 남녀 병창으로 부르며 한바탕을 마무리하는 대가(臺歌) 1곡으로 구성되어 있다. `이삭대엽`의 악곡명이 보이지 않는데, 악곡명이 기록된 부분이 결락되었기 때문이다. 남창에서 `농가`, `계락`이 빠져 있고, `얼락`이 `우락`보다 앞에 배치된 사실이 주목된다. `얼락`과 `우락`의 악곡명은 필사한 후 여백에 추록된 것으로 파악된다. 그런데 자세히 보면 `우락`에 수록된 사설들도 모두 `얼락`에 해당하는 것들이다. 이 부분은 실제로는 `만횡`과 `얼락`만으로 구성되어 있는 것이다. 그렇다면 남창에 실제 수록된 악곡수는 27곡인 셈이다. 있어야 할 `농가`, `계락`, `우락` 사설 100여 수가 모두 결락되어 있는 것이다. 『가곡원류』 다른 이본에 비해 100여 수가 적게 수록된 이유가 바로 여기에 있다. `?終唱臺`에 <태평가>뿐만 아니라 두 작품이 더 실려 있는데 이들은 `대가(臺歌)`로 불린 사실이 없다. 주로 시조창으로 불린 작품들이다. 필사자가 선호하던 작품을 임의로 추록한 것이다. 여창 계면조 `계락`에 수록된 “거년에”(692번)도 유사한 경우이다. 여창에서 한 작품을 두 개의 악곡에 중복 수록한 사례가 2건 발견된다. <장진주> `대(臺)`로 불리는 “空山落木”이 `편삭대엽`, 여창 `두거`로 불리던 “옥우에”(545번)가 `이삭대엽`에 수록되어 있다. 이들 역시 추록된 것들로 저본을 필사하면서 필사자의 취향을 반영한 흔적들이다. 가집의 서지, 악곡 편제 및 사설 특성에 대한 고찰을 통해 『가곡원류』(고태진 필사본)이 『가곡원류』(연대본), 『가곡원류』(구황실본), 『가곡원류』(박씨본)과 긴밀한 이본 관계라는 사실을 파악했다. 논의 결과 『가곡원류』(고태진 필사본)과 『가곡원류』(박씨본)은 『가곡원류』(연대본)을 저본으로 삼아 재필사한각기 다른 판본이라는 사실이 드러났다. 그리고 『가곡원류』(고태진 필사본)에서 『가곡원류』(구황실본)이 파생된 사실을 파악함으로써 그 계보적 맥락을 밝혔다. I introduce a different version of Gagokwonryu housed in The National Hangeul Museum. The military nobility Go Tae-jin transcribed it in Dec. 1, 1888 at Hanyang, Bansongbang. So, it has been called `Go Tae-jin manuscript` and distinguished from other different version of Gagokwonryu. It is one manuscript and consists of 77 pages(including its cover). The total number is 721, 529 poems of Namchang(sung by men), 189 poems of Yeochang(sung by women), a poem of Daega (臺歌), and two other poems. All Saseol are written by Chinese characters with Korean. Title on the cover, “Chwihwarong(醉花弄)” is written blurredly in upper left corner, and some words are deleted because paper peeled off below the title. Title, “Chwihwarongwolpyeon(醉花弄月篇),” is written again on the inside margin of the rear cover. It was supplemented by later private lenders. Unfamiliar with this title, similar case was found Siga(housed by Kwon Soon-hoi) edited in 1888, called "Chwiwoltamhaengjo." Omission of the first movement is found between the 10th page and the 11th page, Saseol 9 poems long. Condition of the binding is perfect because original manuscript was transcribed as it was. List of Hanbatang consists of 28 Namchang, 19 Yeochang, one Daega, sung by men and women, different from a kind of Gagokwonryu. There is no `Isakdaeyeop` because the starting part of `Isakdaeyeop` was included at the deleted part. `Nongga,` `Gyerak` are omitted from the part of Namchang, and `Eolrak` is placed ahead of `Woorak.` It is worthy of notice. Name of the music of `Eolrak` and `Woorak` is found to be written on the margin or blank space after work of transcription. However, on a closer view, all Saseol included in `Woorak` conform to `Eolrak.` This part actually consists of `Manhoeng` and `Eolrak.` If so, the number of music included actually in Namchang is 27. 100 Saseol of `Nongga,` `Gyerak,` and `Woorak` were omitted. That`s why it includes less, almost 100 poems. Two works are included successively after Taepyeongga in `Gyeoljongchangdae.` There was no fact that they were sung as `Daega.` They were mostly sung as Sijochang. Transcribers` preferred works were transcribed. It is similar with "Geonyeonae(No. 692)" included in `Gyerak` of Yeochanggyemyeonjo. Two cases that a work was included at two musics are found. “Gongsannakmok(空山落木)” referred to Jangjinju `Dae` is included in `Pyeonsakdaeyeop,` and "Okwooe(No. 545)" referred to Yeochang Dugeo is included in `Isakdaeyeop.` Transcribers` preferred works were transcribed, too. It is clear that Gagokwonryu(manuscript of Go Tae-jin) is closely related to Gagokwonryu(Yeondae ed.), Gagokwonryu(Guhwangsil ed.), and Gagokwonryu(Parkssi ed.) as a different version. Among these works, old version is Gagokwonryu(Yeondae ed.), and it is the original script of manuscript of Go Tae-jin. And it is found that manuscript of Go Tae-jin is that of Gagokwonryu(Guhwangsil ed.) Gagokwonryu(Parkssi ed.) that original text was lost shows a similar aspect with manuscript of Go Tae-jin. Judging from this, genealogical context(Yeondae ed.→manuscript of Go Tae-jin or Parkssi ed.→Guhwangsil ed.) is clearly evident.

      • KCI등재

        저해음의 비음화 : 음운론 및 음성학적 접근 Its Phonology and Phonetics

        안현기,권순석,김기열 대한언어학회 2000 언어학 Vol.8 No.1

        Ahn, Hyunkee, Soon-Suk Kwon, and Ki-Yeol Kim. 2000. Obstruent Nasalization: Its Phonology and Phonetics. Linguistics 8-1, 27-38. This paper discusses a Korean phonological rule, Obstruent Nasalization--i.e., an obstruent is phonologically nasalized when followed by a nasal. As is well known, this rule is productively prevalent in Korean, but not in English. Within the Optimality Theoretic framework, the difference in this phonological pattern between the two languages is well captured by means of adjusting the dominance relationship between two constraints (markedness and faithfulness constraints). This constraint-based explanation, however, doesn't suffice our question of why the phenomenon is phonetically natural in Korean, but cross-linguistically rare. To this question, we will provide one possible answer by suggesting that the markedness constraint is phonetically oriented due to a phonetic constraint on laryngeal feature juxtapositions. (Kyung Hee University)

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