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      • KCI등재

        2003년 5월의 연무 관측시 에어로졸의 기상·물리·화학 특성

        임주연,전영신,조경미,이상삼,신혜정 한국대기환경학회 2004 한국대기환경학회지 Vol.20 No.5

        Severe haze, mist, and fog phenomena occurred in the central part of Korea during 15~25 May 2003 resulted in poor visibility and air quality. When these phenomena occurred, Korean peninsula was under the effects of anticyclone. The atmosphere was stable, and wind speed was so weak. Under this meteorological conditions, air quality was worse and worse. The characteristics of aerosol in Seoul, Incheon, and Gosan (Jeju) during this period are investigated from the PM_(10). TSP concentrations and aerosol number concentrations. Concentrations of PM_(10) and TSP measured at KMA increased upto 176 and 230㎍/㎥ on 22 May 2003, respectively. Aerosol number concentrations of size range from 0.82 to 6.06 ㎛ increased in Seoul on 17, 19, and 21~24 May 2003, and the concentrations of NO₂ and SO₂had maximum value of 0.165 ppm at Gwanak Mt. and 0.036 ppm at Guro-dong on 23 May 2003, respectively. Result from analysis on heavy metal elements showed high concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu, and Cd during 20~24 May 2003. This event is examined by comprehensive analyses of synoptic weather conditions, satellite images, concentrations of suspended particles and air pollutants, and heavy metal elements.

      • KCI등재

        과학적 관찰과 규칙성 발견 활동에서 나타나는 감성단어 유형과 과학 지식 생성력과의 관계

        권용주,신동훈,한혜영,박윤복 한국과학교육학회 2004 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 첫째, 학생들이 과학적 관찰 및 규칙 발견 활동을 수행할 때 나타나는 과학적 감성 단어의 유형과 빈도, 강도를 분석하고, 둘째, 과학 지식 생성력과 과학적 감성지수(ISE)와의 상관관계를 밝히는 것이다. 이를 위해 연구에서는 먼저 선행 연구를 고찰하여 과학적 감성을 정의하고, 효과적인 지식 생성 활동을 위해 겨울눈과 화석 관찰, 씨앗과 암석 분류의 4개의 과제를 개발 하였다. 연구대상은 교원양성대학교 4학년 학생 161명으로 하였다. 피험자들은 각 과제를 수행하면서 인지적 사고과정과 느낀 과학적 감성을 기록하고 형용사 이모티콘 척도 용지에 자신의 감성 강도를 나타내었다. 연구 결과, 관찰 활동에서는 '흥미-수용-사랑-거부'의 순으로 감성유형이 나타났고, 규칙성 발견 활동에서는 '흥미-거부-수용-기대'의 순으로 감성유형이 나타났다. 각각의 감성 단어 빈도는 감성 강도와 통계적으로 상관관계가 있었다. 과학적 감성 빈도(FSE)와 과학적 감성 강도(SSE)를 곱한 과학적 감성지수(ISE)는 과학적 감성능력을 나타내는 하나의 지표로서 과학 지식 생성력과 높은 정적인 상관관계를 가진다. 개별적인 과학적 감성 지수에서는 '수용-사랑-슬픔-흥미'순으로 과학 지식 생성력과 정적인 상관관계를 나타낸다. The purposes of this study were to analyze types of scientific emotion word and to investigate the relationship between the ISE(Index of Scientific Emotion) and the ability of science-knowledge generation in subjects' scientific observation and rule-discovery. The subjects were asked to perform four scientific tasks. The tasks were developed that are suitable for scientific observation and rule-discovery. In performing tasks, the subjects were asked to describe their generated science-knowledge and scientific emotion through self-report questionnaire, performing each task. The strength of their scientific emotion was also measured using adjective emoticon check lists. In subjects' scientific observing, they showed 33.3% of interest emotion which was the biggest, 15.0% of acceptance emotion, and 11.3% of love emotion, respectively. In scientific rule-discovering, types of emotion were shown as 23.8% of interest, 21.5% of disgust, and 10.8% of acceptance, respectively. In addition, ability of science-knowledge generation was significantly correlated to ISE.

      • KCI등재

        치태에서 분리된 Streptococcus mutans에 대한 서양산 고추냉이(Armoracia rusticana) 뿌리 추출물의 향균효과

        김혜경,박호원,신일식,이주현,서현우 大韓小兒齒科學會 2008 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.35 No.2

        천연항균제의 개발에 대한 관심이 날로 증가하는 가운데,다수의 연구들에서 Escherichia coli. Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Aspergillus parasiticus, Helicobacter pylori 등 다양한 세균들에 대한 서양산 고추냉이의 항균 효과가 밝혀 진 바 있다. 서양산 고추냉이가 치아우식증의 원인균인 Streptococcus mutans에 대해서도 항균성을 나타낸다는 보고가 있으나,아직까지 구강내에서 분리된 임상분리균주를 대상으로 한 연구는 미진한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 사람의 구강내에서 분리 및 동정된 Streptococcus mutans에 대한 서양산 고추냉이 뿌리 추출물의 항균 효과를,대표적 항균제인 클로르헥사딘과 비교하여 알아보고,Streptococcus mutans 표준균주에 대한 서양산 고추냉이 뿌리 추출물의 효과와 비교하고자 하였다. 항균 효과를 평가하기 위해 최소억제농도와 최소살균농도를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 본 연구에서 Streptococcus mutans 임상 분리균주와 표준균주에 대한 서양산 고추냉이 뿌리 추출물의 최소억제 농도는 각각 평균 0.083∼0.25% (833.33∼2500 ppm), 평균 0.25%(2500 ppm)으로 나타나,두 종류의 균주에 대한 항균 효과에는 뚜렷한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 2. 서양산 고추냉이 뿌리 추출물은 0.083∼0.25%의 농도에서 콜로르헥사딘(0.0021∼0.0041%)과 대등한 항균 효과를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. Recently interesting in development of antimicrobial agent from natural origin has been increased in these days. Many studies have been reported antimicrobial effect of Horseradish(Armoracia rusticana) root extracts against various microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio parahaemolyticu, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Aspergillus parasiticus, Helicobacter pylori. The main component related to antimicrobial activity in horseradish is well known as allyl isothiocyanate(AIT). In this study, we investigated the antimicrobial effects of Horseradish(Armoracia rusticana) root extracts against Streptococcus mutans isolated from human dental plaque, Streptococcus mutans reference strain and compared with that of chlorhexidine. Horseradish root extracts and chlorhexidine were tested to determine their minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration(MBC). The result of this study can be summerized as follows: 1. Horseradish root extracts showed antimicrobial effect against both S. mutans isolated strain and reference strain, their MIC were respectively 0.083∼0.25% (833.33∼2500 ppm), 0.25% (2500 ppm). Horseradish root extracts showed antimicrobial effect against S. mutans isolated strain at same or slightly lower concentration compared with MIC of reference strain. 2. 0 083∼0.25% horseradish root extracts showed similar antimicrobial effect with chlorhexidine (0.0021∼0.0041%).

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 의류쇼핑성향과 청바지 구매 시 점포선택

        박혜정,신은주,정혜영 한국의류학회 2004 한국의류학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        The purposes of this study were to classify shopper types based on clothing shopping orientations and to identify the differences in store selection criteria and demographic characteristics by shopper types. The questionnaire was administered to female and male undergraduate and graduate students living in Seoul. Of 330 returned questionnaires, 319 were used in the statistical analysis which were factor analysis, cluster analysis, x²-test, and One-way ANOVA. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Clothing shopping orientations had six factors: recreational shopping, name conscious shopping, economic shopping, fashion oriented shopping, convenience shopping, and individualistic shopping. Cluster analysis identified that clothing shopping orientations had four groups: recreational cluster, individualistic cluster, demanding shopper cluster, and convenient brand conscious shopper cluster. 2) Clothing shopping orientations were significantly different in relation to the demographic characteristics such as gender, major field of study, expenditure on clothing, pocket money, and family income level. 3) Store selection criteria had five factors: service quality, physical store environment, sales personnel, shopping convenience, and other attractions. 4) There were significant differences in physical store environment, shopping convenience, and other attractions according to the shopper clusters.

      • KCI등재후보

        환기정도에 따른 수술실용 신발 종류가 수술실 오염에 미치는 영향 : How to Choose Suitable Shoes?

        남경동,정혜선,박영신,원진희,주미자,성화신,이지혜,이병희,조경숙,배재춘 한국의료QA학회 2000 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Background : Various types of protective footwear have been used to minimize bacterial contamination in operating rooms. In recent years, debate has arisen concerning the need for use of such protective footwear. This study was designed to provide useful data about choosing shoes most suitable for the surgical environment. Methods : Between November, 1999 and January, 2000, we performed this experimental study by comparing effect of three types of shoes (i.e., disposable shoescover, operating room-restricted shoes, and ordinary shoes) on bacterial contamination of operating rooms equipped with two different ventilation systems (i.e., high air-change, low air-change) respectively. Data were collected during two-hour sham operations in which subjects and their activities were strictly standardized. Bacterial flora were sampled from the study area floor and air colony-counts were measured. Results : In experiments involving high air-change ventilation system, there was a significant difference of floor contamination between three types of shoes, but no difference of air contamination. Under low air-change system, there was a significant difference of both floor and air contamination between three types of shoes. Conclusion : The results show that protective footwear would be unnecessary in the operating room with high air-change ventilation system, but it is important to choose suitable shoes carefully under low air-change system. Therefore, the use of outdoor shoes can be considered under high air-change system, but it would seem sensible to apply their first use in less bloody operations at the day surgery center or out-patient department to prevent transfer of body fluid into the outside environment.

      • KCI등재후보

        푸드뱅크 기탁식품의 안전성 확보를 위한 HACCP 제도 적용

        김철재,박현신,배현주,이지해,양일선,강혜승 한국식생활문화학회 2002 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the problems arising from the actual conditions of the Foodbank, and to implement the HACCP system as a solution in terms of increasing the safety of donated food within the Foodbank. In order to apply HACCP system, the entire Foodbank working process such as preparation, collection, transportation, division, and distribution was considered and analyzed to decide the application point for CCPs. Donated foods mainly consisted of processed foods, raw materials, lunch boxes, and cooked foods from mass catering establishments, which dominated over the others in terms of quantity. Cooked foods were divided into three groups based on menu-types and processing methods. Temperature, pH, and aw were measured on cooked foods, and Total Plate Count, Coliforms, E. coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and E. coli O157:H7 were conducted in order to apply a HACCP plan. Form these experiments, temperature, pH, and aw of donated food were likely contributed to microbial growth. Donated foods before HACCP implementation showed high numbers in terms of total plate count and Coliforms, both well over the acceptable standard levels. By setting the CCPs on maintenance of donated food below 10℃ and using a 75 ℃ reheating method, microbiological hazard levels were able to be controlled and lowered. From these results, it is concluded that in order to guarantee food safety, foods donated to the Foodbank must not only maintain a reasonable level of initial microbiological growth, but also must be handled properly through time and temperature controls within the Foodbank system. Furthermore, in terms of implementing the HACCP plan within the Foodbank management structure, basic food safety and sanitation measures, such as reheating facilities and various cold chain systmes such as refrigerated vehicle for food transportation are importantly needed. The training and education of Foodbank personnel and management in areas such as awareness of hygiene and safe food handling and practice are also required and necessary.

      • KCI등재후보

        천연염색 의류에 대한 소비자 반응 및 소비자 특성

        홍나영,유혜경,이주현,석혜정,신혜성,김찬주 服飾文化學會 2003 服飾文化硏究 Vol.11 No.3

        The main purpose of this exploratory research was to examine the characteristics of consumers who patronize natural-dyed clothes and their perceptions regarding natural-dyed clothes. Thirty three participants who have worn natural-dyed clothes were interviewed for the study. They were asked about styles and price of natural-dyed clothes they owned, their evaluation on them, and the lifestyles of themselves. Existence of subculture among the interviewes and its characteristics were also probed. The results indicated that natural-dyed clothes are relatively high-priced, mostly of modified hanbok style, and became popular in recent years. Interviewees frequently mentioned uniqueness and comfort as the main benefits of natural-dyed clothes, and expressed dissatisfaction regarding color fastness, easy care and problem of coordination. The consumers of natural-dyed clothes appeared to have strong preferences for environment conservation and Korean traditional culture. They also seemed to form a subcultural group who have commonality in their involvement in Korean cultural activities, mainly tea ceremony.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Identification of Tumor Suppressor Loci on the Long Arm of Chromosome 5 in Pulmonary Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma

        Shin, Ju Hye,Kang, Shin Myung,Kim, Young Sam,Shin, Dong Hwan,Chang, Joon,Kim, Sung Kyu,Kim, Se Kyu Elsevier 2005 Chest Vol.128 No.4

        <P>BACKGROUND: A recent cytogenetic analysis of non-small cell lung cancer revealed hot-spot regions for deletion on the long arm of chromosome 5 and suggested the existence of putative tumor suppressor genes in that region. However, similar studies on genetic alterations in large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) have been very limited. To our knowledge, this is the first report to screen for the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and to examine the location of putative tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 5q in LCNEC. OBJECTIVES: To identify tumor suppressor loci on chromosome 5q in LCNEC by microsatellite analysis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Microsatellite instability and LOH in tumor and normal tissue samples from 13 patients with LCNEC, who had undergone surgical resections, were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction using a panel of 19 microsatellite DNA markers spanning chromosome 5q. RESULTS: LOH was found in all of the 13 tumors (100%) in at least one informative marker tested. The following four common minimally deleted regions were noticed on chromosome 5q: 5q14.3-q21.1; 5q22.2-q23.1; 5q23.3-q33.2; and 5q35.1-q35.2. Three of 13 individual tumors (23.1%) exhibited shifted bands for at least one of the tested microsatellite markers. Shifted bands occurred in 6 of 224 loci (2.7%) tested. CONCLUSION: These data suggest the presence of at least four tumor suppressor loci on chromosome 5q in LCNEC, and further investigations into cloning candidate tumor suppressor genes are warranted.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Personality Types of Korean Reproductive Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

        ( Shin Hye Chung ),( Je Yeon Lee ),( Kyung Ah Jeong ),( Hye Sun Chung ),( Eun Ju Lee ),( Ju Young Lee ),( Hye Won Chung ) 대한산부인과학회 2011 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.54 No.11

        Objective The aim of this study was to compare personality types between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients and women with normal menstrual cycle. Methods A total of 2,311 Korean women aged 15-39 was recruited. After initial screening, 131 women were excluded who had polarity index under 45. The study subjects were divided into PCOS patients (n=833) and women with normal menstrual cycle (n=1,347). Selfadministered questionnaire surveys, somatometry, blood test and transvaginal or transrectal ultrasound test were performed. By using Myers-Briggs Types Indicator (MBTI) personality types including characteristic index, function and temperament were also assessed. Results There was no signifi cant difference in the frequency of personality types between the patient and control groups. Among 16 MBTI subtypes, the extraversion-sensing-thinking-judgement type was the most common in both groups, 25.69% in PCOS patients and 24.51% in control group. In analysis of the judgement-perception index, the perceiving type was predominant in PCOS patients (30.73%) than control group (25.09%) with a statistical signifi cance ( P=0.013). The average testosterone level in women with the extroversion type was 53.43 ± 20.13 ng/dL, which was signifi cantly higher than women with the introversion type (51.58 ± 18.60 ng/dL). Conclusion Higher frequency of the perception type is typical feature in PCOS patients. Hyperandrogenism is closely related to the extroversion type of personality.

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