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      • KCI등재

        아버지의 학력, 자녀양육에 대한 부부 일치도 지각 및 다중지능과 유아의 다중지능과의 관계 연구

        장영숙,노운서 한국영유아보육학회 2004 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.39

        본 연구는 아버지의 배경변인인 학력과 직업, 아버지의 심리적 변인인 아버지가 지각한 자녀양육에 대한 부부일치도, 그리고 아버지의 다중지능이 유아의 다중지능 발달에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 살펴보았다. 연구결과, 아버지의 학력에 따라 음악 지능과 신체 운동 지능 영역을 제외한 여섯 영역의 유아의 다중지능 발달에 차이가 있었으며, 아버지의 직업에 따라서 유아의 다중지능 발달은 차이를 보이지 않았다. 또한 음악지능, 논리수학지능, 언어지능, 대인관계 지능, 개인이해 지능, 자연탐구 지능에서 자녀 교육에 대해 부모간의 의견이 일치한다고 아버지가 지각할 때. 유아의 다중지능이 통계적으로 유의미하게 높게 나타났다. 유아의 다중지능의 여덟 영역과 아버지의 다중지능의 여덟 영역간의 상관관계를 살펴본 결과, 모든 영역에서 아버지의 다중지능과 유아의 다중지능 간에 매우 유의미한 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다. This research analyzed how young children's multiple intelligences(MI) is related to their fathers' education, perception on couple's agreement for parenting style, and multiple intelligences(MI). Subjects were 259 preschool children and their fathers in Kwangju. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression. The results of the study were as follows: First, young children's multiple intelligences showed significant differences according to father's education in the six areas of multiple intelligences, which is logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, spatial intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence. Second, young children's multiple intelligences showed significant differences according to fathers' perception on couple's agreement for parenting style in the following five areas: musical intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence. Third. correlation analysis between children's multiple intelligence and fathers' multiple intelligence showed that eight areas of intelligence were significantly correlated each other. In addition, young children's intelligence in each area of multiple intelligences was associated with their fathers' intelligence in that area.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국인의 영어 이름 사용실태와 작명 방식 변화에 대한 영어의 영향

        채서영(Chae Seo-young) 한국사회언어학회 2004 사회언어학 Vol.12 No.2

        Chae, Seo-young. 2004. Use of English Names and Changes in Korean Naming Conventions. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 12(2). Many college students and young graduates in Seoul Korea have additional English first names. They obtained one in English classes because Korean names are believed to be too difficult to pronounce or memorize for foreign teachers. This phenomenon is strikingly parallel to the situation in Hong Kong. On the other hand, interesting evidence of simplification in naming is found: some young Koreans, especially females, have names with an international flare and hence do not need English names. When the older and younger generations are compared, the coda complexity of their first names is significantly reduced: the youngest generation (6 and under) showed far less complex coda compared to those of the oldest generation (65 and older). The most interesting aspect of this study is that the naming conventions reflect the language situation of Korea and women are in the van.

      • KCI등재

        스페인어의 전치사 de("of") 구문에 관하여

        서소영 대한언어학회 2000 언어학 Vol.8 No.1

        Seo, So Young. 2000. Constructions of the preposition DE("OF") in Spanish. Linguistics 8-1, 255-274. There has been a hypothesis of the predicate Movement in the generative grammar recently relating to the construction of the preposition DE/OF. In this paper, we tried to reanalyze basically the preposition DE/OF as a type of the copular, applying the syntactic phenomenon which appear in the SN, for example, the Movement of the predicate from the SC, to the constructions possessives TENER/HAVE. (Chonbuk National University)

      • 청소년의 가정생활환경이 의류 상표지향성에 미치는 영향 연구 : 16~24세 여성을 중심으로

        서영복,이명희 誠信女子大學校 生活文化硏究所 2009 生活文化硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the value system and material environment on consumers' brand orientation of clothes, and to understand how brand orientation, value system at home, and the motive for selecting a brand name are interrelated. As research method, questionnaire surveys were conducted on 498 high school and college girls in Seoul. Variables for home environment included status aspiration, materialism and traditionalism. Brand orientation was assessed based on brand involvement and brand loyalty. Variables for brand-selection motive included the place of a store, impulsive buying, and eight clothing attributes. Consumer groups were classified into four groups based on brand orientation, using brand involvement and brand loyalty median values: highly involved and loyal, highly involved and disloyal, less involved and loyal, and uninterested. The highly involved and loyal group showed a high level of status aspiration and traditionalism, belonged to a higher social class and had higher-educated parents. They took brand fame into much consideration when buying clothes. Additionally, this group paid much attention to the quality, fashion trends and comfort of the clothes, had a high level of expenditure on clothing and shopped for clothes mostly at department stores. The uninterested group showed a low level of status aspiration and traditionalism, belonged to the middle social class, and had lower-educated parents. Also, they took less consideration of clothing attributes, spent less money on clothing and did their clothes shopping at traditional markets and wholesale stores. The variables with the most amount of influence on brand involvement were in the order of social class, age, traditionalism and status aspiration (R²=.083). The variables with the most amount of influence on brand loyalty were found to be in the order of social class, age, traditionalism and materialism (R²=.090). Therefore, the most important variables for the clothing brand orientation of young females were social class, age and traditionalism at home.

      • KCI등재

        (연구논문) 부산 영도(절영도), 신라왕실목장

        서영교 ( Seo Young-kyo ) 부산광역시 시사편찬위원회 2017 항도부산 Vol.33 No.-

        710년 경 김유신의 손자 允中은 聖德王에게 絶影山馬 1필을 하사받았다. 그 말의 생산지 絶影島였고, 그곳에 신라 왕실목장이 존재했다는 것을 암시하고 있다. 절영도 목장은 신라사신이 왜국으로 향하는 항구에 위치했다. 통일 후 신라가 일본에 증여한 품목 가운데 말과 노새 등이 간간히 보이고 있어, 일본으로 향하던 신라 사절들이 절영도 목장에 들렸던 것을 알 수 있다. 절영도 목장은 지리상 신라왕경과 가장 가까운 섬 목장이었고, 가장 먼저 조성된 섬 목장이었을 가능성이 높다. 그 운영 경험은 신라의 섬 목장 확대에 영향을 주었다. 『신당서』 신라전에는 宰相家들이 일반적으로 섬에 목장을 두고 있었다고 기록하고 있다. 백제와 고구려를 멸망시킨 신라 문무왕은 669년에 174개 목장을 왕실·관청·진골귀족들에게 재분배했다. 846년 9월 중국에서 신라를 거쳐 일본으로 귀국하던 승려 圓仁의 일기에 신라 왕실·宰相의 섬 목장이 보인다. 후삼국시대에도 절영도는 명마 산지로서 명맥을 유지하고 있었다. 926년 甄萱이 王建에게 절영도의 ?馬 1필을 선물했다. 총마의 이미지는 8세기 당나라 詩人杜甫의 ?馬行에 나온다. 총마는 중앙아시아 大宛의 품종 汗血馬라고 한다. 신라에 키가 큰 말이 존재했다는 기록이 있다. 『속일본기』 716년 6월 조를 보면 일본의 관리 馬史伊麻呂 등이 新羅國紫驃馬 2마리를 천황에게 헌상했는데 어깨높이가 5척 5촌(165cm)에 이른다고 한다. 중앙아시아산 종이 아니면 그 정도의 크기가 되기 어렵다. 『史記』 大宛列傳에 大宛의 馬는 ??을 좋아하여 그 말을 들여온 漢武帝는 그것을 중국에 심었다고 한다. 『삼국사기』직관지 內省 조를 보면 신라왕실의 ?? 목초지 4곳이 보인다. 신라왕들은 진골귀족들의 말보다 키 크고 다리가 긴 絶影島의 ?馬를 탔던 것으로 보인다. The Han Chinese were also strongly attracted by the tall and powerful horses ("heavenly horses") in the possession of the Dayuan(大宛) According to the Shiji(『史記』), grapes and alfalfa(??) were introduced to China from Dayuan following Zhang Qian`s embassy: "The Dayuan people love their wine and the horses love their alfalfa. The Han envoys brought back grape and alfalfa seeds to China and the emperor for the first time tried growing these plants in areas of rich soil. Later, when the Han acquired large numbers of the "heavenly horses" and the envoys from foreign states began to arrive with their retinues, the lands on all sides of the emperor`s summer palaces and pleasure towers were planted with grapes and alfalfa for as far as the eye could see." Even in the Tang era "heavenly horses" is popular in China. Poets are constantly praised "heavenly horses" at the end. The horse was introduced into Silla, and alfalfa seeds to here. Alfalfa was grown from four ranches in the Silla capital. Pusan Young-do Island where the Silla Royal Family Ranch feed heavenly horses. The horses are carried on the capital. The King Seongdeok gift the horses to the Grand son of Kim Yu-shin. A lot of jealousy over the Case of the royal family who had a many pony horse. The horse was tall horse that they are not owned. The Silla Royal Family ranch is in the 10th century maintains a reputation. The Second Beakje King Jin-won gift the heavenly horses that produced there to Korea King Wang-keon. The king Jin-won has had a change mind it back. About here is constantly by songs in future generations.

      • KCI등재

        蒼耳子의 IC - 2 細胞에 대한 抗알러지 效果에 關한 硏究 ( 2 )

        徐榮培,崔永奉,李龍求,李永喆 대한본초학회 2002 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.17 No.1

        This study was carried out for the purpose of knowing the effect from anti-allergic action of B cells and the IC-2 mast cells the extraction from Xanthii Fructus(EXF). In order to know the effect of the cytotoxicity from extraction of Xanthii Fructus, we had to examine the safe density of EXF on lung fibroblast cells of the mouse (mLPCs). We also attempted to resolve the relationship cytotoxicity. The effect was on the organization of cytokine gene expression from the increas and divorce of the B cells and allergic acting by EXF, we found it necessary to examine the IC-2 cells and B cells. We examined the histamine release of IC-2 cells by ELISA method, we also examined the effect of EXF on the increase and divorce of the B cells by ^3H-thymidine uptake method. We then analyzed the release of IL-4, IgE and nitric oxide (NO). The results are as follows : 1. EXF did not show cytotoxicity against mLFCs. 2. According to the inspection on the effect on IC-2 cells gene expression by EXF, we found out the following results: EXF reduced IL-4, IL-6, GM-CSF, TNF-α gene expression and histamine release of IC-2 cells. The EXF inhibited signs of inflammation IC-2 cells.

      • KCI등재

        네모나프라이드의 유효성 및 추체외로 부작용 : Haloperidol 및 Risperidone과의 자연관찰적 개방형 비교연구 A Naturalistic Open Comparative Study with Haloperidol and Risperidone

        서영수,김용관,신동환,공보금,이정구,박정환,윤성환,정치영,이상경,김영훈 대한생물치료정신의학회 2001 생물치료정신의학 Vol.7 No.2

        Objectives : This open prospective study was performed in order to evaluate the efficacy and extrapyramidal adverse effects of nemonapride in the schizophrenic patients, and was compared wit one of typical antipshchotics. haloperidol and one of atypical antipsychotics, risperidone. Methods : Thirty male and female schizophrenic patients(DSM-Ⅳ) were treated for 12 weeks with haloperidol(n=10), risperidone(n=10) and nemonapride(n=10). The overall efficacy was assessed at baseline, 1st week, 2nd week, 4th week, 8th week, and 12th week by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia(PANSS). Also the overall safety was assessed in the same time period by the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale(ESRS). Results : There were no significant differences in PANSS scores(total, positive, negative, and general psycho­pathology subscale) among haloperidol, risperidone, and nemonapride groups, Treatment responders, defined as at least 20% reduction of baseline total PANSS score, were achieved by 8 patients(80%) in haloperidol group, 10 patients(100%) in risperidone group, and 8 patients(80%) in nemonapride group. And there were no significant differences in ESRS total scores among haloperidol, risperidone, and nemonapride group. Inter-group comparison among haloperidol, risperidone and nemonapride group, as assessed by the ESRS, revealed no significant differences in the shifts to the maximum score, 9.4(±9.4), 6.2(±8.4), and 11.3(±8.1) respectively, and also revealed no significant differences in the mean time reaching the maximum score, 4.5(±4.5) week, 7.8(±4.8) week, and 4.6(±4.4) week, respectivily. Conclusion : There wee no significant differences in the efficacy and extrapyramidal adverse effects among haloperidal, rispecridone and nemonapride groups. These results suggest that nemonapride was as efficacious and safe in he treatment of schizophrenia, as well known and widely used antipsychotics, haloperidol and risperidone.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Duty Drawback on Export Promotion in Korea: A Comparative Analysis of the Simplified Fixed Drawback and the Individual Drawback Seo-Young Lee a a Department of International Trade, Mokwo

        Seo-Young Lee 한국무역연구원 2019 무역연구 Vol.15 No.4

        Purpose - This paper examines the effectiveness of the duty drawback system in the promotion of export in Korea In particular, this study analyzes and compares the effects of individual drawback and simplified fixed drawback types of duty drawback. Design/methodology/approach - The empirical analysis examined how the simplified fixed drawback and the individual drawback of duty drawback affected export supply. To analyze the independent variable, an export supply equation was formed using variables such as values of duty drawback, export relative price, and domestic demand pressure. The study began with tests of the stationarity of time series data. The unit root tests showed that all concerned variables were non-stationary. Accordingly, the result of cointegration test showed that the tested variables are not cointegrated. Findings - The empirical evidence using the first differenced data shows that the provision of individual drawback and simplified fixed drawback types of duty drawback by the government does have a significant effect on increasing the export supply of Korea. In other words, the empirical evidence shows that the duty drawback scheme of Korea contributes to export promotion. Research implications or Originality - The analysis of the effect of export promotion by type of drawback is a research topic that has not been attempted in previous studies. The results of this study will provide sufficient basis for the policy implications in the operation of the duty drawback system. Therefore, this study can provide important policy implications in terms of export promotion and efficient allocation of resources, as well as improving the system of duty drawback system, which is an exceptional export subsidy system that can be legally operated under the WTO system.

      • A Study on the Dyeing of Ramie Fabric Treated with Medicinal Plant IV. The Natural Dyeing on Ramie Fabric Using Mentha arvensis Herba

        Seo,Young-Nam,Shin,Gil-Man 한국자원식물학회 2002 Plant Resources Vol.5 No.3

        This study was performed to investigate the effect of Mentha arvensis Herba extract on the treatment of chromaticity and colorfastness. Mentha arvensis Herba has been used as a Korean medicine. It is effective in headache and stress. It is also good as a aphtha and in treating cold. In the long history of Korea, dyeing has been applied for a means representing the grace of natural and inner esthetic consciousness of man. Vegetable dyes give us such great benefits, diversified color, but no pollution. And ramie fabric has distinctive features such as beautiful brilliance, elegance, and strong durability. So, it is regarded as a special product of Korea traditionally. These studies were carried out to treat with acetate iron, dichloride copper and alum with a mordant to ramie fabric. The ramie fabric was died with Mentha arvensis Herba extract. The results of experiment showed as follows: First, the chromophoric degree was the highest in acetate iron but not distinction in another mordants. Second, the light colorfastness was the highest in non treated and dichloride copper, but alum was the lowest. Third, the discoloration was alum and dichloride copper showed first grade in washing colorfastness. Abrasion colorfastness was not significant in this test. According the previous results, Mentha arvensis Herba has an efficiency in removing aphtha and in treating cold. So it is considered that Mentha arvensis Herba can be applied effectively to headache and stress.

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