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      • KCI등재

        계사구문들에서 명사구 이동에 관하여

        서소영 한국서어서문학회 2000 스페인어문학 Vol.16 No.1

        En general, las co'pulas han sido definidas como puros nexos o como elementos de soporte de los rasgos flexivos de La oracio'n, Sin embargo, si tenemos en cuenta que las co'pluas se comportan de modo excepcional y diverso segu'n las lenguas, y si observamos los feno'menos sinta'cticos peculiares de las construcciones copulativas, nos damos cuenta de la necesidad de redefinir las co'pulas de analizar las estructuras copulativas de modo diferente, El objetivo principal de sate trabajo consiste en aclarar las propiedades de las co'pulas y en analizar los feno'menos sinta'cticos caracteri'sticos de las oraciones copulativas, Nuestros ana'lisis se han producido esencialmente en el seno del marco teo'rico deL minimismo (Chomsky, 1995, 1998a y b). A partir del ana'lisis de la inversio'n del SD predicativo (Moro, 1991, 1993), hermos intentado aclarar las propiedades que definen a las co'pulas, frente a los verbos de ascenso como paiecei, Respecto a estas cuestiones, hemos demostrado que las co'pulas se deben diferenciar del resto de verbos le'xicos, tanto de Los verbos principales, como de los verbos auxiliares, Frente a los verbos le'xicos, eL verbo copulativo se considera como una categori'a funcional.

      • KCI등재

        스페인어의 전치사 de("of") 구문에 관하여

        서소영 대한언어학회 2000 언어학 Vol.8 No.1

        Seo, So Young. 2000. Constructions of the preposition DE("OF") in Spanish. Linguistics 8-1, 255-274. There has been a hypothesis of the predicate Movement in the generative grammar recently relating to the construction of the preposition DE/OF. In this paper, we tried to reanalyze basically the preposition DE/OF as a type of the copular, applying the syntactic phenomenon which appear in the SN, for example, the Movement of the predicate from the SC, to the constructions possessives TENER/HAVE. (Chonbuk National University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스페인어 상적 접어 구문에 관한 통사적 고찰

        서소영 국제언어문학회 2017 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.37

        스페인어 상적 접어 se는 문에 출현함으로써 완료 의미를 부여해주는 문법 요소로 정의되어왔다. 의미적 측면에서 언급한 접어는 학자들에 따라 ‘완료상 (Perfective Aspect)’ 개념 혹은 ‘event’ 개념 등으로 설명되어 왔다 (Rigau, 1994, De Miguel & Fernández, 2000). 이러한 접어 se는 통사적 측면에서 간접 목적격 대명사에 해당되는 요소로서 "수혜자’ 논항에 해당된다는 분석 혹은 4형식 구문을 유도한다는 분석이 제시되어 왔다 (Rigau, 1994, MacDonald, 2016). 그러나 문에서 상적 접어 출현에 영향을 주는 다양한 요인들을 살펴볼 때 이러한 통사적 분석 역시 문제점을 드러낸다. 기존 분석이 제시하는 문제점에 근거하여 본 연구에서는 스페인어 상적 접어 se와 한국어의 목적격 조사 ‘을/를’간의 상응 관계를 설정할 것을 가정하고자 한다. 이러한 분석은 기본적으로 상적 접어 se와 직접 목적어 간의 연계성 설정 개념에 근거한다. 우리의 분석 내에서, 스페인어의 상적 접어는 ‘특정성’ 의미 자질을 수반하는 형태소로 정의된다. 이러한 스페인어 상적 접어 se의 의미적, 통사적 특징을 보다 분명하게 살펴보기 위해 본 연구에서는 상적 접어를 수반하는 부정 명사구 전위 구문 역시 분석하고자 한다. The aspectual clitic SE in Spanish has been defined as an aspectual class marker or event semantics. This aspectual clitic SE is related to perfective structures. In the sentences without the aspectual clitic SE is permitted the presence of an in-adverbial or a for-adverbial. But in the presence of the aspectual clitic mentioned, the for-adverbial is ungrammatical. This ungrammaticality of a for-adverbial is an indication that the aspectual SE is an aspectual element or event structure. That is to say, the in-adverbial is accepted and grammatical. In the transitive constructions with the aspectual SE, the direct object requires the presence of the determinant, thus this object cannot be a bare noun, This paper proposes that the Spanish aspectual SE used in certain transitive construction corresponds to the korean particle "ul/ rul".

      • KCI등재

        스페인어의 ‘N + de + N’ 구조에서 나타나는 명사 생략 현상에 관한 연구

        서소영 한국언어과학회 2014 언어과학 Vol.21 No.2

        In Spanish, DP headed by the definite article can undergo nominal ellipsis if the preposition DE (of) introduces the remnant element like ‘N + de + N’. It seems that the possibility of having nominal ellipsis is related to the null subject parameter (Torrego, 1987). Torrego supposed that the definite article in Spanish is able to retain the person, number and gender features necessary to license (via government) an NP pro. But this type of approach cannot explain restrictions on NP-ellipsis, since that ellipsis leads to ungrammaticality when some other prepositions are involved. The purpose of this paper is to examine the properties of the constructions ‘N + de + N’ with the definite article. It is supposed that the definite article, in Medieval Spanish, induces the movement of the element nominal to the Specifier, whereas, in Modern Spanish, it isn't possible. (Chonbuk National University)

      • KCI등재

        스페인어 ‘ser’ 수동 구문에 관한 고찰

        서소영 현대문법학회 2022 현대문법연구 Vol.116 No.-

        The verb SER in Spanish has been defined as a copulative verb and corresponds to a verb that derives a attributive sentence. In these constructions, the verb SER is understood as an syntathe subject and the attribute as a conjunction and expresses the Tense features. The verb SER is also used in passive phrases and these constructions is semantically and syntactically different from the attributive sentence. In this study, we intend to analyze the passive syntax with SER. In this study, the syntactic characteristics of the passive constructions with SER in Spanish will be reviewed, and previous analyses of these constructions will be considered. Based on this considerations, we will suppose that the passive meaning is based on the Event features of the verb (Past Participle). And it is assumed that these Event features are derived from the Lexicon. In our analysis, these passive constructions are derived from Lexical-Syntax (Harley 1995). .

      • KCI등재

        스페인어 수동 구문 파생과정에 관한 연구

        서소영 대한언어학회 2020 언어학 Vol.28 No.2

        The Spanish language has three forms of passive constructions. Being one way of using the passive voice in Spanish, the passive SE constructions are used with nouns conjugated in the third-person singular and third-person plural forms. In passive construction with SER, ESTAR, the object or person receiving the action of the verb is followed by a form of the SER/ ESTAR and a past participle. Moreover, when the agent is stated, the preposition POR follows it. Throughout this paper, we will argue that the passive constructions with SE correspond to the passive with SER and the passive with ESTAR. These passive constructions contain the aspectual features. However, the SE is different from the SER and the ESTAR in the following point: POR-agent does not appear in the constructions with SE but shows up in the passive with SER and the ESTAR. Hence, without a doubt, POR-agent plays a crucial role in distinguishing the SE from the SER and the ESTAR. We will suggest that the SE is derived from the Lexical Syntax in sense of Harley (1996). The passive SE is located at the EVENT head in Lexical Syntax. From this point of view, the passive SE can be distinguished from the impersonal SE. 스페인어에는 접어 se, ser+pp, estar+pp 와 같은 다양한 수동 형태가 존재한다. 먼저, 접어 se는 행위자를 주로 결여함으로써 비인칭 se와 동일한 용법으로 이해되기 쉽다. 또한 ser+pp, estar+pp 구문 역시 보어 구문과 형태적으로 유사하므로 일반 보어구문으로 분석되는 성향이 있다. 그러나 스페인어 수동 구문의 통사적, 의미적 속성을 고찰해볼 때 이러한 관점은 문제점을 지닌다. 본 연구에서는 스페인어의 다양한 수동 구문 형태를 재 분석하고 고찰하고자 하는 데 목적을 둔다.

      • KCI등재

        From Influence to Confluence : Positioning the History of Pre-Modern Korean Medicine in East Asia

        서소영 대한의사학회 2010 醫史學 Vol.19 No.2

        This article surveys studies focusing on pre-modern Korean medicine, which are both written in English and analyzed primary sources up to 1876. Overall, the history of pre-modern Korean medicine is an unknown filed in Anglophone academia. Yung Sik Kim’s, James Palais’s, and Carter Ecart’s problematization of the nationalist framework of Korean scholarship partially explains the marginality of the field. Addressing these criticisms, this review argues that pre-modern Korean medicine’s uneasy task lies in both elaborating Korea’s own experience of medicine, while simultaneously avoiding making the “Korean” category itself essential. Korean narratives of premodern medicine need to go beyond the mere territorilalization of Korean medicine against its Chinese, Japanese, or Western counterparts, thereby to tackle the field’s own boundary of research objects. The existing scholarship in English responds to this challenge by primarily examining the way in which Korea has shared textual tradition with China. Sirhak scholars’ innovation in medicine, visual representation of Tongŭi bogam, Korean management of epidemics in the eleventh century, and Korean indexing of local botanicals, engages not only native achievements, but also the process of modifying medicine across geographical and political boundaries. More to the point, the emerging native narratives, although written in Korean, are implicitly resonant with those currently present Soyoung Suh : From Influence to Confluence 제19권 제2호(통권 제37호) 225-254, 2010년 12월 │253in Anglophone academia. Taking “tension,” “intertextuality,” and “local traits” as a lens, this article assesses a series of current research in Korea. Aiming to go beyond appeals for a “distinctively” Korean experience of medicine, the future study of Korean pre-modern medicine will further elucidate confluences of different flows, such as “Chinese and Korean,” “universal and local,” “center and periphery,” and “native and foreign,” which will eventually elucidate a range of Korean techniques of creating a bricolage in medicine.

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