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      • KCI등재

        백석 시와의 연관성을 통해 본 오장환의 초기시 : 인간을 위한 문학의 옹호와 선택적 부정의 양상

        장만호(Jang Man-Ho) 한국시학회 2009 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.25

        This paper aims at finding a relationship between Oh Jang-hwan's poetry and Baek Seok's poetry, clarifying Oh Jang-hwan poetry's thematic consciousness, and characterizing the inner logic of Oh Jang-hwan's early poetry. This kind of work helps finding out the logical reasons for the complex aspects of Oh Jang-hwan's early poetry. A desirable poem for Oh Jang-hwan is the one that reveals a poet's emotion, opinions, and visions. The 'sentimentalism' for him is the emotion that a true person has to feel when he confronts with the real life and the natural effect of the contents over the forms. On the one hand, Oh Jang-hwan's criticism for Baek, Seok is caused by this kind of reason. On the other hand, Oh tries to find Baek Seok poetry's good points, the characteristics of returning family and hometown and refinding a value of the present reality and the future directionality. The thematic tendency of Oh Jang-hwan's early poetry is perceiving the past with the present perspective and narrating the past with the vision for future. This kind of tendency is embodied in <Jongga [the head family]>. However, Oh Jang-hwan does not reveal his commentary and critical attitude in the poems depicting the low class whom he empathizes or feels sympathy. This kind of tendency proves that Oh Jang-hwan's critical voice is not his own voice but an intentional one resulted by his poetic theory. The reason why he shows a critical attitude in his many poems in spite of this tendency is that he thinks criticizing the old customs, the false consciousness and the deceptive attitude of the Yangban [the upper class], human alineation of the capitalistic society, and the small businessmen is more important than sympathizing with the lower class. This kind of attitude tells that Oh Jang-hwan does not deny all aspects of the contemporary reality and tradition but negate them selectively differentiating between the objects of negation and the objects of empathy. The reason why the critical poems are more visible than the empathizing poems is that the object of denial is the structure of reality itself.

      • KCI등재

        식민과 해방; 두 "탑" 사이의 거리 -발굴 작품을 중심으로 본 오장환의 해방기 시-

        장만호 ( Man Ho Jang ) 민족어문학회 2011 어문논집 Vol.- No.64

        이 논문은 오장환의 해방기 시문학에 관한 연구이다. 해방 후 발간된 『病든 서울』을 중심으로 한 해방기 시편들과 필자가 새롭게 발굴한 월북 이후 오장환의 시를 통해 해방에서 월북에 이르는 오장환의 시적 이력과 정치적 행보 사이의 연관성을 파악하고자 하였다. 특히 필자가 찾아낸 오장환의 시 「탑」과 번역시 「튀스터-氏」, 한효의 오장환 관련 평문은 해방을 맞이한 순간부터 월북에 걸친 시기의 오장환의 시를 이해하는 데 새로운 시각을 제공할 것으로 기대한다. 오장환은 식민지 시기의 행적에 대한 철저한 자기반성을 일회성의 차원에서가 아니라 지속적으로 수행하고 있었고 이 점에서 오장환의 자기반성은 새롭게 조명될 필요가 있다고 판단된다. 그의 해방기 시편들은 피식민의 역사를 건너 온 한 시인의 자기반성과 머뭇거림을 당대 어느 시인보다 선명하게 보여주고 있으며, 이를 바탕으로 한 ``개아적(個我的) 진정성``을 보여주고 있었다. 월북 후 오장환은 「탑」을 발표하는데 이 시는 식민지 시기 「絶頂의 노래」와 상호 참조적인 성격을 보여주고 있다. 그는 「탑」을 통해 새로운 세계에 대한 희망과 다짐을 노래하였지만 북한 내에서 이 시는 봉건적이며 재래적인 시라는 비판을 받게 된다. 두 시의 대상인 ``탑``의 거리는 오장환 개인에게 있어 피식민의 억압으로부터 새로운 세상을 기약하고자 한 바람의 거리였지만, 해방기 시문학사로 보면 해방기 남과 북, 또는 정치와 시의 거리를 보여주는 것이기도 하다. This paper examines the relationship between Oh, Jang-hwan`s career as a poet and political practices from the liberation to detection to North Korea through his poems of the liberation period in ``Byeong-deun Seoul``(Diseased Seoul) published after the liberation and poems written after his detection to North Korea, newly unearthed by the author. Especially, his poem ``T`ap``(Pagoda) and translated poem ``Mister Twister`` newly unearthed and Han, Hyo`s criticism related to Oh, Jang-hwan are expected to offer new perspectives on the understanding of Oh`s poems. It seems that Oh, Jang-hwan had been thoroughly and consistently reflecting on his whereabouts in the colonial period not as a one-off thing and in this respect, we needs to shed new light on Oh`s self-reflection. His poems in the liberation period much more clearly showed self-reflection and hesitation of a poet who had passed the history of colonized nation than any other poets in that period and displayed ``individual sincerity`` based on this. After detection to North Korea, Oh wrote ``Pagoda``, which showed the cross-referential characteristics with poem ``Song of Zenith`` written in the colonial period. He expressed his hope and promise for a new world in poem ``Pagoda``, however, it was criticized as feudal and conventional in North Korea. To Oh, Jang-hwan, the distance between two ``Pagodas``, objects of poems, was the distance of his hope and promise for a new world, free from the suppression due to the colonization, but it also showed the distance between South and North Korean, or politics and poetry in the liberation period from the perspective of poetic history back then.

      • KCI등재

        부정의 아이러니와 환멸의 낭만주의

        장만호(Jang Man-ho) 한국비평문학회 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.32

        Oh, Jang-Hwan is the poet who demonstrated the contemporary social reality and its contradictions obviously through his literary practice living through the Japanese colonial period, the emancipation and the division. Oh, Jang-Hwan’s perspective covers such a broad range as the denial of old customs, a firm belief in progress, the criticism on the capitalistic modern urban civilization, a decadent experience of sailing, an ambivalent emotion on his hometown, which is regarded as an exceptionally broad spectrum comparing his contemporary poets. This paper aims at grasping an inner logic that can explain Oh, Jang-Hwan poetry’s heterogeneous and contradictory characteristics, which are produced by its complex and various aspects. The inner logic is the doubleness of Oh, Jang-Hwan’s consciousness of denial, in other words, an irony emergedby negating both reality and self and the attitude of romantic disillusionment. First of all, this paper analyzes that Oh, Jang-Hwan’s consciousness of denial is expressed with the double aspects. Oh, Jang-Hwan is the poet who revealed a strong interest on the social reality. While he wrote poems that sympathize the lives of the low-class, he also created the poems that criticize the social reality. They negate tradition and old customs and criticize their fakeness. When this consciousness of the denial is toward his interiority, Oh, Jang-Hwan’s poems reveal the artificial pose and the decadent aspects. This paper regards the double negation and the contradictory attitude as the conspicuous characteristics of Oh, Jang-Hwan’s early poetry and named it as ‘the Irony of Denial.’ Second, this paper analyzes the characteristics of Oh, Jang-Hwan’s early poetry as the transformation from the romantic disillusionment to lyricism. This paper named this character as the ‘Romantic Disillusionment’ in that the emotions of self disillusionment are expressed with the romantic spaces. The frequent expressions in this early period such as ‘tears,’ ‘regret’, ‘sorrow’, and ‘death’ are the results of the lyric attitude that poetic subject inevitably had to arrive after getting through the disillusionment.

      • KCI등재

        해방기 시의 공간 표상 방식 연구

        장만호(Jang Man-ho) 韓國批評文學會 2011 批評文學 Vol.- No.39

        이 글은 해방기 시에 형상화된 공간의 양상을 고찰하여 해방기 시문학에 나타나는 공간 표상을 살피고자 하였다. 이를 통해 당대의 현실 상황이 시적 주체의 인식과 상상력을 통해 어떻게 변용되는가를 살펴보고자 한 것이 이 논문의 목적이다. 해방공간의 서울은 식민지 시기의 ‘경성’이 지녔던 식민성을 재삼 확인하는 공간이며, 새로운 역사와 국가를 정립해야 하는 시발점으로 인식되었다. 대표적으로 오장환과 임화는 ‘서울’을 과거의 삶에 대한 반성과 ‘다가올 미래’에 대한 실천적 의지의 장으로 표상한다. 그러나 이후 다른 시인들의 시에서 서울은 구체적 공간성을 상실하고 ‘사건’이 발생한 ‘현장’으로 등장하거나 해방된 조선의 당대 현실을 제유하는 것으로 표현된다. 서울이라는 ‘해방기의 중심 공간’은 그 실감과 구체성을 상실하고 사건의 배경으로 등장하거나 하나의 관념적인 대상으로 성립되는 것이다. 서울이라는 공간이 시적 주체들이 삶을 영위하고 사회 · 정치 제도의 변화에 직간접적으로 관여하는 실제적인 공간이었다면 아시아, 소련, 미국 등의 공간은 일정 부분 지리학 및 언론 매체를 통해 습득한 간접 지식을 바탕으로 형상화된 ‘상상’의 공간이라 할 수 있다. 직접 체험하거나 거주하지 못한 장소나 공간을 문학적 대상으로 포섭하고자 할 때 필연적으로 개입되는 것이 시인의 상상력과 그 장소 및 공간의 특징들이다. 이런 점에서 이 공간들은 시적 주체의 상상력과 문화, 문학, 지리, 역사 등 실제 공간에 대한 예비적인 지식과 정치적 지향의 총체라고 할 수 있다. 박인환, 임화, 김기림 등은 아시아, 소련, 미국의 문화적 아이콘들을 호명하고 나열함으로써 해당 국가(공간)을 형상화하고 있는데, 나열의 방식을 통해 공간을 표상한다는 점에서 이 시들의 공간 표상 방식은 다분히 ‘환유적’ 방식에 기대고 있다고 할 수 있다. This paper aims to examine the spatial representation in poems by investigating the aspects of space in poems of the liberation period. Through this, it will look into how the reality of the period was transfigured with perception and imagination of the poetic subject. During the liberation period, Seoul was the space where people reconfirmed coloniality once Kyungseong had and had to be the starting point for the establishment of new history and nation. Oh, Jang-hwan and Im, Hwa represented Seoul as the space of self-reflection of the past life and practical will for the coming future. In poems of other poets after them, however, Seoul lost the concrete spatiality and was described as the site of events or as the synecdoche of the liberated Joseon’s reality. Seoul, the central space of the liberation period, lost its reality and concreteness and was appeared as the background of events or became an ideological object. While Seoul was the real space where poetic subjects lived their lives and directly and indirectly related to the change of social and political systems, Asia, the Soviet Union, the United States of America were imagined spaces formed with indirect knowledge attained through geography and mass media. When spaces or places where the poet has never been to or lived in were to be included into literary world, the poet's imagination and features of the spaces and places are necessarily intervened. In this respect, these spaces could be called as the whole of poetic subjects’ imagination, preliminary knowledges on real space such as culture, literature, geography and history, and political orientation. Park, In-hwan, Im, Hwa, Kim, Gi-rim embodied those nations(spaces) by calling and listing cultural icons of Asia, the Soviet Union and the United States of America. In that they represented spaces with enumeration, the way of spatial representation in their poems seems to be relied upon metonymic method.

      • KCI등재

        최남선 창가의 문화정치학과 『소년』 계몽기획의 이중적 구도

        장만호(Jang, Man-ho) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.46

        이 글은 최현식의 『최남선·근대시가·네이션』(소명출판, 2016)의 서평이다. 저자는 이 책을 통해 근대·계몽의 주체(최남선, 근대 매체)와 근대·계몽의 내용(네이션 기획), 근대·계몽의 문학적 형식(근대시가)을 살피고 있다. 최남선과 근대시가, 네이션의 삼각구도를 통해 최남선의 문학 및 문화 기획과 문학 양식의 문제를 검토하고 있는 셈이다. 이 서평은 크게 두 가지 관점에서 이 책을 읽고자 한다. 2장에서는 최남선의 철도창가와 근대 투어리즘의 관계에 대한 저자의 논의를 소개하고 그 특징을 파악하고자 한다. 저자는 최남선이라는 ‘문제’를 그 시기적 추이에 따른 변모를 기본축으로 삼으면서도, 대상 작품들과 그 주제나 창작 시기, 매체적 상동성·상사성을 지닌 대상들을 지속적으로 호출한다. 「경부텰도노래」에 대해서 오오와다 다케키의 「만한철도창가」를, 근대계몽기 한양의 모습에 대해 일제의 시각인 ‘경성’의 표상을, 「세계일주가」에 대해서는 이케베 요시다카의 「세계일주창가」를 호명한다. 이 과정에서 영향 관계가 밝혀지고, 창가의 공통적 특질이 드러나며, ‘문명국이며 제국주의 국가’ 일본의 기차와 ‘문명국이 되고자 노력하는 조선’의 기차가 실어나르는 문명과 역사, 심상지리의 차이가 구별된다. 3장에서는 『소년』의 계몽기획이 중요한 변화를 겪고 있다고 보는 저자의 논리를 따라가고자 한다. ‘소년’을 호출하고 ‘신대한’의 건설을 계획하던 최남선의 계몽기획은 당연히 좌절될 수밖에 없었고, 이에 ‘신대한’이라는 국민국가를 대신할 새로운 이념형의 찾을 필요가 있었다. 저자는 ‘신대한’을 대체한 것이 바로 ‘대조선’이라고 보았다. ‘신대한’이란 국민국가의 수립은 현실과는 무연한 욕망임을 깨달은 최남선이 문화 담론을 통해 그 활로를 개척할 수 있는 민족으로 전환한 결과가 ‘대조선’의 호출이었다는 것이다. 저자의 논리에 따르면 시조의 등장이란 이처럼 ‘대조선’의 정신을 앙양하고 민족의 기원과 영광을 상징하는 ‘대황조(단군)’를 기림으로써 ‘국가 만들기’에서 ‘민족 지키기’로 방향 전환한 최남선식 계몽기획의 필연적 결과였던 셈이다. This writing is a Choi, Hyun-sik’s book review on Choi, Nam-sun Geondaesiganation(Published by Somyung, 2016). Through this book, the author examines the subject (Choi, Nam-sun, modern media), content (Nation Planning) and literary expression form (Modern poem) of modern enlightenment. He reviews on the issues of literature, culture planning and literary form of Choi, Nam-sun through the triangular structure of Choi, Nam-sun Geondaesiganation. The book review is largely divied into two perspectives. Chapter 2 introduces author’s discussion on the relationship between Choi, Nam-sun’s railway song and modern tourism to idenfiy its feature. Chapter 3 follows the author’s logic of that enlightened planning of Boy is going through major changes to observe the characteristic and meaning of this book.

      • 유지-이완기법과 냉치료가 지연성 근육통에 미치는 효과

        김종만,박장성,김원호,신헌석,김연중 한국전문물리치료학회 2000 한국전문물리치료학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Despite research to treat delayed onse muscle soreness(DOMS), no effective treatment has been reported. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a hold-relax technique and cryotherapy on DOMS. Thirty-three subjects were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: control, hold-relax technique, or hold-relax technique and cryotherapy. DOMS was induced in the non-dominant biceps muscle through repeated eccentric contractions. Resting elbow joint position, flexion and extension(universal goniometer), pain(Visual Analogue Scale; VAS), and WBC count(blood analysis) were measured one hour before DOMS was induced and 24, 48, and 72 hours after DOMS was induced. The data were analyzed by repeated measure of two-way ANOVA. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1) While analysis showed no significant differences between groups in relation to resting elbow joint position, there were significant differences over time, especially at 24, 48 hours after DOMS was induced compared with resting elbow joint position before DOMS was induced. 2) While analysis showed no significant differences between groups in relation to range of flexion, there were significant differences between rage of flexion before DOMS was induced and range of flexion 72 hours after DOMS was induced. 2) There were no significant differences between groups or over time in relation to range of extension. 4) While analysis showed no significant differences between groups in relation to VAS, there were significant differences over time in different hours. 5) There were no significant differences between groups or over time in relation to WBC count. 6) There were no interactions between groups or over time in all variables. This results suggested that hold-relax technique and cryotherapy were not effective to reduce DOMS.

      • KCI등재후보

        석면폐증 1례

        이영수,장태원,유호대,정만홍,이용환,서지영,허 방,이재성 大韓産業醫學會 1999 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Asbestosis is the disease of pulmonary fibrosis caused by the inhaled asbestos fibers, and could be diagnosed clinically, in the case of exposure history to asbestos is proved, by clinical symptoms of dyspnea or dry cough, physical examonation findings, and the radiographic features. But many othder inorganic dusts would show similar findings in the chest radiogram and sometimes the exposure history is obscure, so for the exact diagnosis of asbestosis lung biopsy is needed. In Korea, there have been some reports of survey in the workplace where asbestos is handled or of asbestos related diseases. This is a case report of asbestosis with accompanying pleural plaques, who had the occupational exposure to asbestos for 30 years and the consistent clinical, radiographic and pathological findings in the lung tissue obtained by the videoscope assisted thoracoscopic biopsy(VATS).

      • CGI 프로그램에서 클라이언트와 서버의 자동화된 상태정보 전달

        최준용,유진호,장종표,방만원 木浦大學校 情報産業硏究所 1997 情報産業硏究誌 Vol.5 No.-

        The HTTP Protocol composed of WWW's client/server model is unconnected and not keep state, so, there is one connection for one request. In this condition, it has no guarantee to memory which is needed in sequential processing, and HTTP Protocol has no choices to transfer the information from client to server's CGI or the information exchange. This paper uses the word 'key' instead of this 'state information'. We studied the key which creates automatically the HTML document for data search hierarchically in WWW environment and to confirm applied this to multimedia order and sale system of agricultural and marine products.

      • KCI등재

        초음파 기관지 내시경으로 진단한 기관기관지 골연골형성증 1예

        이천우,옥철호,정만홍,장태원,임성경,조은주,이신준,이혜원,구상건,천봉권 고신대학교 의과대학 2011 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.26 No.2

        Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica (TO) is a rare benign disease of unknown etiology characterized by accumulation of calcium phosphate in the submucosa of large airways and benign proliferation of bone and cartilage resulting in nodular formation. We report a case of tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica diagnosed by Endobronchial ultrasonography in a 56-year-old man. Chest Computed Tomography revealed thickening of tracheal and bronchial wall, and multiple nodules through whole trachea. Endobronchial ultrasonography showed numerous submucosal nodules with hetero-echogenecity in the third and fourth layers. Histopathological examination revealed nonspecific bronchitis with squamous metaplasia and metaplastic ossification. We confirmed tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica. The patient's symptoms were successfully treated with antibiotics and oxygen supplyment. endobronchial ultrasonography can helpful diagnosis in tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica.

      • 殘留應力을 考慮한 鎔接材의 疲勞龜裂 進展擧動에 關한 硏究

        최병기,이을호,국중민,기준호,임선빈,정장만 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 2000 機械技術硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        The effect of welding residual stress on the initiation and propagation of fatigue crack is investigated so as to study the fatigue behavior in welding residual stress field. Especially, the relation between welding residual stress and fatigue crack opening behavior is investigated and the redistribution of residual stress as a fatigue crack propagates is examined. Following results are obtained. 1) In case of the load range is constant, as the stress ratio is changing to 0.1, 0.33, 0.5 the propagation life is constant but the growth life decreases. And than, when maximum load or minimum load is constant, as the stress ratio increases the growth life and propagation life increase. 2) The fatigue crack propagations rate da/dN appears to accelerate when the stress intensity factor range ΔK is less than 15MPa-m^1/2. 3) The residual stress that is appeared by welding decreases after cutting. 4) Fatigue crack propagation ratio is affected by tensional and compressible residual stress at the initial time, but it's similar to the original in the more than 20mm of crack length.

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