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        양주 노고산(老姑山) 독재동(篤才洞)의 장소성과 역사문화경관 해석

        노재현 ( Jae Hyun Rho ),김화옥 ( Hwa Ok Kim ),이정한 ( Jung Han Lee ),박주성 ( Joo Sung Park ) 한국전통조경학회 2015 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구는 경기도 양주시 장흥면 삼하리 독재동 바위글씨와 노고산의 장소성에 주목하여, 이곳의 경관 및 장소특질을 고찰하고 바위글씨에 담긴 경관의미를 추론함으로써 노고산과 독재동 계곡의 역사문화경관적 함의를 밝히고자 한 것으로 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 삼각산은 조선왕조 6백년 도읍지의 주산(主山)이며 오악(五嶽)을 이루는 중앙의 성산(聖山)으로, 노고산은 삼봉산(三峰山)즉 삼각산의 우람한 세봉우리를 향배하는 의미공간으로서 그 장소성이 획득된다. 더불어 노고산은 조선의 정기를 상징하는 삼각산을 가장 완벽하게 조망할 수 있는 ‘망삼각산(望三角山)’의 절대 시점장이다. 독재동 계곡에 산포(散布)된 다수의 바위글씨는 미수 허목의『고양산수기』의 내용을 현현(顯現)하기 위한 행위이자 경물로 재생산된 산물이다. 그리고 추사 필적의 몽재(夢齋)는 중의적(衆意的) 표현이 읽혀지는 바위글씨로, 먼저 글자 그대로의 뜻인 ‘꿈꾸는 집’ 이지만 내면적 의미는 “한낮 몽상(夢想)도 바탕을 깊이 헤아려 보면 정당성이 확보된다.”는 의미로 ‘몽재거사’로 알려진 성재(性齋) 허전(許傳)의 『몽재집(夢齋集)』서(序)의 내용으로 보아 성재의 독재동 거주와 관련된 징표로 추정된다. 또한 몽재라 쓴 바위 하단의 갑자(甲子)·경오(庚午)·무술(戊戌)·갑인(甲寅) 등의 간지(干支)는 추사와의 교유관계가 있는 1804년 5월생 유생(儒生)의 사주팔자로 판단된다. 노고산과 독재동 계곡은 삼각산을 조망하는 장소일 뿐 아니라 송월재·성재 등 미수의 학통을 계승한 기호지역의 남인학자의 공통된 장구지소로써의 응집력을 보여준다. 또한 이곳에 각자(刻字)된 추사체와 미수체(전서체) 바위글씨는 우리나라 서예사의 큰 흐름을 함축적으로 보여준다는 측면에서도 매우 의미 깊은 역사문화경관이다. This study was focused on the placeness of Nogosan Dokjae-dong and rock inscription located in Jangheung-myeon, Yangju-si, Gyeonggi-do. The purpose was to reveal the implication of Nogosan and Dokjae-dong Valley in terms of Historic cultural landscape by considering the characteristics of the place and its landscape, and inferring the significance of the letters engraved on the rock. The result is as follows.10)Samgaksan is one of the five famous mountains in Korea. It is the sacred mountain that stands behind the capital city of the Joseon Dynasty that lasted for 600 years. On the other hand, the placeness of Nogosan is significant since it was the place where people used to bow low to the three great summits of Samgaksan. Furthermore, Nogosan was the perfect place to view Samgaksan that represented the Joseon spirit.Many letters were engraved on the rocks around Dokjae-dong Valley by Misu(眉수) Heo Mok(許穆) as part of his memories to describe his experience in the mountain and became a scenery. Chusa(秋史) Kim Jung-Hee(金正喜) also engraved letters of ``Mongjae`` on the rock that contains a double meaning. Literally, it means ‘a dreaming house’ However, it also implies that even just a daydream is significant in a way. These letters are presumed to be the signs that are related to Sung-Jae(性齋) Heo Jeon(許傳)’s experience in Dokjae-dong since the letters were part of his famous book title. Below these two letters, Chusa also engraved letters that describe the sexagenary cycle including the year of the rat, horse, dog, and tiger. They are regarded as the letters that describe the fate of Chusa’s friend, a scholar born in May 1804. Nogosan and Dongjae-dong Valley are very significant in terms of historic cultural landscape as a viewpoint to see Samgaksan; and a place that cherishes the traces of Misu and shows common values and cohesiveness of well-known scholars of the Joseon Dynasty including Song Wol-Jae(松月齋) and Sung-Jae as a of Gihonamin(畿湖南人). The engraved letters of Chusa and Misu also implicitly demonstrates the major trends of Korea’s calligraphy history.

      • KCI등재
      • Scale Invariant Feature Transform을 이용한 눈동자 영역 추출

        정재진,황의성,주동현,김두영 동아대학교 정보기술연구소 2006 情報技術硏究所論文誌 Vol.14 No.1

        This paper is the eye region which is used with confirmation element of face image it uses the SIFT and it extracting method proposes. The eye region image where becomes model and it composes the keypoint descriptor which is a SIFT result of the input image which it will extract. It uses the keypoint descriptor which and creates it composes a each feature vector, and the judgement where affine transform should have existed on after two feature points which adjusts with each other, against the feature point field which confront above half as the case eye region where the with each other same affine transform will exist it judged. There is not a test result learning process, more quickly recognition method of existing methods than the possibility of getting the result which extracts the region it was.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        수학자 보재 이상설(李相卨)의 근대자연과학 수용 -『백승호초(百勝胡艸)』를 중심으로-

        이상구 ( Sang Gu Lee ),박종윤 ( Chong Yun Park ),김채식 ( Chae Sik Kim ),이재화 ( Jae Hwa Lee ) 한국수학교육학회 2013 수학교육논문집 Vol.27 No.4

        본 논문은 한국 근대수학교육의 아버지 이상설(李相卨, 1870-1917)이 자연과학―물리학―에 기여한 내용을 다루고있다. 이상설은 ?수리(數理)?를 쓴 시기를 전후하여, 같은 시기에 붓으로 총 8면에 걸쳐 『백승호초(百勝胡艸)』라는이름의 고전물리학 원고를 써서 남겼다. 분석결과 이 책의 원전은 1879년에 동경제대 의학부 교재로 발간된 『물리학(物理學)』이다. 이상설은 『백승호초』에서 먼저 개념을 정의하고, 일상에서 나타난 대표적 현상을 선록하여 한문으로번역하였고, 『물리학』의 전체 분량에서도 특히 ‘통유성(通有性)’에 중점을 두고 설명하였다. 동양에서 서양의 수리과학이 들어와야만 말할 수 있는 ‘질량보존의 법칙’, ‘타성(惰性, 관성)’과 같은 고전물리학의 중요개념을 포함하는 내용이 19세기 말에 이미 이 책에 소개된 것으로 보아 이상설은 당대의 다른 저술에서 보기 힘들 정도로 당시 일반물리학의 최고수준의 원서를 통해 최신 정보를 수용하고 전파하기 위하여 노력하였음을 볼 수 있다. Sang-Seol Lee(1870-1917) wrote a manuscript BaekSeungHoCho(百勝胡艸) in the late 19th century. BaekSeungHo-Cho was transcribed in classical Chinese from the 1879 Japanese book Physics(物理學) by Teizo Ihimori (1851-1916). Sang-Seol Lee, a famous independence activist, is also called Father of the Modern Mathematics Education of Korea,because of his early contribution to the modern mathematics education in the 19th century. In this paper, we introduce contents of his manuscript BaekSeungHoCho for the first time and discuss the significance of this book. Also, we show his constribution on the introduction to modern physics in the late 19th century Korea.

      • 토지감정평가를 위한 GIS 공간분석 활용에 관한 연구

        성춘자,박재국 남서울대학교 2005 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        The use of GIS function in appraisal value of land generates value appraisal factor and spatial analysis. With it, we can expect the following benefits during the appraisal value of land task. First, through the GIS information collection, generation, and transformation function, it allows us to acquire the various appraisal factor for appraisal value of land and minimize the field data collection. Second, it allows us to explore the plural utilization of appraisal value of land through the evaluation of land location and spatial relation. Even the GIS spatial analysis application is an early phase among the appraisal task, it is expected that it will contribute greatly to the land appraisal task information activities and effectiveness acquisition


        한국인 두개안면골 성장변화 : 16.5세에서 18.5세까지

        성재현 대한치과교정학회 1995 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.25 No.5

        정상교합자의 사춘기 이후의 두개안면골 성장변화를 평가하기 위하여, 16세와 18세에 촬영한 연속 두부X선규격사진을 분석하였다. 대상은 남자 19명과 여자 14명이였으며 이들의 평균연령은 16.5세와 18.5세이였다. 관찰기간동안에 남자는 상,하악골, 두개저, 저,후방안면높이에서 통계적으로 유의한 증가가 있었으나(P<0.05), 여자에서는 하악골길이 (Ar-Gn, Ar-Go) 그리고 전,후방안면높이에서만 유의한 증가가 있었다(P<0.05). 그러나 이 기간 동안 성장량은 여자에서는 전 계측항목에서 1mm이하 였으며, 남자에서는 전체 하악골길이(Ar-Gn)는 2mm, 하악체길이(Go-Me), 하악지길이(Ar-Go), 전,후방안면높이(Na-Me, S-Go)는 1mm∼1.54mm였고, 나머지 항목은 1mm이하의 증가를 보였다. 또한 이 기간 동안에도 남자에서는 하악골경면각(SN/Mp)이 -0.61˚로 유의하게 감소하여 하악골의 전방으로 닫히는 변화가 있었다(P<0.01). 종합하면 본 연구기간동안에 여자는 비록 일부 항목에서 통계적으로 유의한 증가가 있었으나 그 양이 미미하여 임상적으로 그 변화를 인지할 수 없을 정도였으나 남자에서는 하악골과 관련된 부위에서 상당량의 증가가 인정되었다. Postpubertal craniofacial growth changes were assessed from serial lateral cephalograms taken at which subjects were 16 and 18 years of age. The sample consisted of 19 male and 14 female subjects with no previous orthodontic treatment who had normal occlusion. The craniofacial growth changes of these samples during this study period might be summarized as follows. 1. Significant increase in mean maxillary and mandibular length, cranial base length, posterior and anterior facial height were observed at the age period studied in male(P<0.05), however, in female significant increase was observed only mandibular length(Ar-Gn, Ar-Go) and anterior and posterior facial height(P<0.05). 2. Total growth increment of all measurements were below 1mm in female, but in male, total mandibular(Ar-Gn) growth increment was 2.0mm and those of mandibular tody length, ram length, posterior facial height, and anterior facial height were 1 to 1.54mm and the others were below 1mm. 3. A closing, forward rotation of the mandible occured with a significant decrease in mandibular plane angle of 0.61˚in male(P<0.01). 4. Summarized the findings, even though statistically significant growth changes in some dimensions of female were observed, the amount of growth change were very small, however, in male the growth changes of some dimensions associated with mandible were significant and considerable amount.

      • KCI등재
      • 한의약 컨텐츠를 가미한 강원도 리조트형 웰니스 프로그램 제안

        유준상, 권보인, 이재형 상지대학교 한의학연구소 2023 尙志韓醫論文集 Vol.11 No.1

        Objectives: As interest in wellness tourism is increasing in Korea, we sought to propose a program with Korean Medicine Contents for eight resorts in Gangwon-do, which has forests and marine resources. Methods: The authors visited eight designated resorts in Gangwon-do, observed the facilities, and interviewed the people in charge. Questions and answers were asked and answered in the form of a questionnaire regarding any deficiencies in the interviews. Afterwards, the contents were analyzed and a Korean Medicine program suitable for each resort was proposed. Results: A total of 17 Korean Medicine Programs were proposed, of which the meditation/yoga program and diet/drink program tailored to each constitution were proposed to be applicable to all 8 resorts. The rest were proposed considering each resort's facilities, environmental characteristics, and main product programs. Conclusions: It appears that the ‘meditation/yoga program’ and ‘constitutional diet and beverage development’ sectors are programs that can be commonly carried out by all facility companies, and for this purpose, the Sasang constitution test and Korean medicine measurement within the resort in Gangwon-do are used to create a program linked to this. In addition, we believe that efforts to improve the program through verification of efficacy will be necessary in the future

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