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        복합유기용제에 노출된 조선소 도장작업자에서 발생한 파킨슨증후군

        조민희,류향우,김은아 大韓産業醫學會 2009 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        배경: 유기용제 노출에 의해 파킨슨증후군이 유발되었다는 사례들은 국외에서 다수 보고되어왔고, 그 기전을 밝히는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있으나, 아직까지 국내에서는 이에 대한 보고사례가 없었다. 산업안전보건연구원에서 심의된 직업병 사례 중, 복합유기용제에 만성 노출 된 조선소 도장작업자에서 파킨슨증후군이 발생한 사례가 있어 이에 대한 산업의학적 평가 및 고찰을 보고하고자 한다. 사례: 53세 남자근로자가 약 13년간 조선소에서 스프레이 및 웃 도장작업과 선체파워작업을 하다가 특검결과, 중등도 인지기능장애를 보여 유기용제에 의한 만성독성뇌병증을 진단받았다. 작업환경측정 결과 및 과거의 열악한 작업환경을 생각해볼 때 복합유기용제에 의한 과다노출이 상당했을 것으로 추정되었다. 근로자의 과거력 상 특이사항은 없었으며, 지능검사 및 심리검사 결과, 경도의 인지 기능 감퇴와 우울 및 불안소견을 보였고, SPECT 소견에 서는 왼쪽 측두엽 말단부에 경도의 관류 감소 소견을 보였다. MRI에서는 뇌실주위 및 피질하 백색질의 소혈관의 허혈성 변화 외에는 특이소견이 없었다. 신경전도검사상 양측 수근관 증후군 및 신경뇌병증, 말초신경장애 등 으로 진단받아 계속 치료를 받아오던 중 왼쪽 팔다리가 어둔해져오고 운동완만, 경축 등이 있으면서, 왼손의 떨림 현상이 발생하여 파킨슨병 의심 하에 도파민 약물로 치료하였으나 효과가 없었다. 이상의 임상소견과 직업력을 근거로 이 환자는 유기용제에 의한 파킨슨증후군으로 진단받았으며, 양쪽 심부 뇌 자극술을 시행하여 손떨림은 덜해졌으나 운동완만은 호전되지 않았다. 3년 후인 현재, 환자는 왼손 떨림이 오른손으로 진행하는 등 계속적인 악화양상을 보이고 있다. 결론: 이 사례는 환자가 유기용제에 의한 만성독성뇌병증으로 진단된 지 수년 후 파킨슨증후군이 나타난 경우 로, 약 13년간의 유기용제 노출력 및 노출평가를 볼 때 유기용제에 과다노출 되었음을 추정할 수 있었다. 또한, 환자의 임상양상은 파킨슨병에 가까웠으나, 유기용제로 인한 독성뇌병증의 정신 증상이 다른 증상보다 선행하여 나타났고, 중요한 진단기준인 레보도파 약물 치료에는 반응이 없어 파킨슨병과는 차이가 있었다. 망간에 의한 파킨슨증후군의 경우 주로 바닥핵이 손상되어 파킨슨병과 구별되는 임상증상을 보이는 것과 달리, 유기용제의 경우 바닥핵 뿐 아니라 흑색질도 관여된다는 보고와 함께 뇌 백질의 손상도 동반되는 것으로 알려져 파킨슨병과 감별이 어렵다. 따라서 이 환자는 유기용제 독성으로 인한 파킨슨증후군일 가능성이 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 현재 유기용제와 파킨슨증후군의 정확한 발생기전은 알 수 없으나 유기용제 노출 근로자의 신경질환 예방을 위해서는 유기용제에 의한 중추신경독성과 파킨슨증후군의 관련성에대한 활발한 역학적 연구가 필요하다. Background: It is well-known that organic solvents can cause various neurologic toxicities, and in particular, it had been reported that Parkinson's syndrome can be caused by organic solvents. Case report: A 53-year-o1d man who had worked for 13 years as a shipyard spray and brush painter and manifested with moderate cognitive disorder and was diagnosed with chronic toxic encephalopathy. We can assume he had had considerable exposure to organic solvents considering the estimates of the amounts of organic solvents in his work place. He had no specific medical history. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) showed mild cognitive deficit, depression, and anxiety. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) indicated a slightly decreased flow at the edge of the left temporal brain area, while T2 brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) showed no specific signs except for ischemic changes in small vessels in the periventricular and subcortical white matter. He was also diagnosed with both carpal tunnel syndrome and peripheral neuropathy through a neuroconductive study. Several years later, he developed progressive bradykinesia and rigidity and, later, resting tremors in the left hand. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and treated with dopaminergic agents, but there was no effect. After that, he was given deep brain stimulation, both. As a result, his tremor is improved, but, the rigidity remained. Three years later, He has continuously received dopaminergic therapy, but, he complains about tremors in both hands and more greatly reduced cognitive function. Conclusion: In this case, we assumed by patient's work history and exposure estimates that he was exposed to excessive levels of organic solvents. The clinical symptoms of this patient were very similar to those from Parkinson's disease, but the psychological symptom appeared earlier than the other Symptoms and there was no response to dopaminergic agents. We conclude that this case is likely Parkinson's syndrome caused by organic solvents.

      • KCI등재
      • 스포츠 현장에서 사고 분쟁해결을 위한 법적 구조 및 그 효용성 분석

        박형상,육조영,김우규,이재봉,유관호,이무연,박태민,이신언 한국스포츠리서치 2005 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.16 No.2

        1. The purpose of this study is to reflect reality of sports to legal structure. This author classified types of sports related accidents as match accidents, school accidents, leisure and living sports accidents. Out of such accidents common factors such as 'the provider of virtue' and 'user' could be deduced and this author reviewed what kinds of obligations must be shouldered by these people respectively. In particular this author stressed the fact that disproportionate emphasis is placed on malfeasance in disposition of dispute over the sports accidents. Malfeasance is a method for seeking relief through money after the accident. However default in an obligation enables supplementary completion when it is not performed or imperfectly performed. Thus if object which must be performed is providing safety then it is possible to secure safety prior to accident. Furthermore at such time mistake of the debtor can not become a factor. For this reason this line of thinking has the following merits: (1) In comparison with constitution of malfeasance default of an obligation has long prescription. It seems that such fact was a motivation for saving obligation for safety consideration by making it fall under the principle of faith. (2) Default of an obligation is not an obligation for ordinary attention which is cause of malfeasance but it takes up issue with obligation for attention required for performance. Game organization, sponsor and spectators etc. shares certain sense of identity and are demanded to have manners. As method for evaluation of such relationship of faith it may be possible to impose a special kind of obligation for attention and it will be close to constitution of default of an obligation. (3) Imposing obligation for provision clarifies that such responsibility belongs to game organizations promoting sports to which anyone can participates or to national or public organizations, sponsor, schools which induced such sports as a part of its educational programs, installer who made people use it as leisure facility or person in charge for its management. (4) It is also applicable to umpires, players or spectators who use field of sports. It is possible to reflect reality whereby these people specifically relate themselves to sports. In consequence it will be possible to make people feel the necessity of expanding the principals of sports from 'doers' to 'watchers.' (5) The obligation of provision is an obligation under the principle of faith therefore mutual negotiation may be expected to clarify such fact. It may be also evaluated by effectuation of users' self-determining right. 2. If the above mentioned structure is provided then, although it is limited to sports, students who are subjects of instruction, seminar attendants, and furthermore players who finished games may be obligated to bear responsibility for safety consideration under the principle of faith. Accordingly level of relief for considerable number of victims may be increased as cases of treating even borrowed materials as default of obligation being expanded. 3. As scope of responsibility becomes more clearer it will be possible to prevent disputes while securing more safety as rules and regulations become more clearly enacted or new contract is signed or existing contract is revised.

      • 인트라넷 환경에서 E-R Diagram에 기반한 Interactive Form Generator의 설계 및 개발에 관한 연구

        김형미,조미선,승현우 서울여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1998 자연과학연구논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        Currently, considerable work has gone into the construction of the Intranet which utilizes the advantages of the World-Wide Web and enables the enterprize to easily accomodate the huge amount of information and work already built. In this paper, we propose an interactive forms database query language which enables users to build their queries visually and naturally in the 'fill-in-the-blank' manner. The previous forms interface like Oracle Forms are static in the sense that forms are already set in the templates, while the proposed forms interface is dynamic since users are able to create their own forms from the E-R(Entity-Relation-ship) Diagram. We also propose an E-R Diagram Generator upon which the forms templates are built.

      • 악성종양환자와 정상인이 발성한 모음의 좁은대역 스펙트럼값의 상관계수와 절대차이합 비교

        양병곤,왕수건,조철우,김형순,김은지,권순복 한국음성과학회 2003 음성과학 Vol.10 No.4

        The objective of this study was to examine two new parameters by which we could screen people with malignant vocal folds. The new parameters were the difference sums and Pearson correlation coefficients between adjacent pairs of intensity level matrices of narrow-band spectra. Audio files from the Korean Disordered Speech Database were analyzed by Praat, a speech analysis softWare, to obtain matrices of 400 intensity levels at 16 time points of each sustained vowel spectra. We limited our study to 12 normal subjects and 20 patients with malignant vocal folds who recorded at least three Korean vowels at a sound-proofed booth in Busan National University Hospital. Results indicated that the average coefficients of the abnormal subjects were much lower than those of the normal subjects while the average difference sums of the patients were much higher than those of the normal ones. Also, we found that the degree of the malignancy of the vocal folds was related to the coefficients and sums. However, some subjects at the initial stages of cancerous vocal folds yielded almost comparable coefficients and difference sums to those of the normal speakers. Further studies on larger databases will be desirable to set certain criteria or threshold levels for screening people with vocal fold diseases.

      • 말라리아 환자 32예의 임상적 고찰

        정용희,백일현,김태형,김영식,이우인,서환조 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        목적 : 삼일열 말라리아는 국내에서 1986년 이후에는 박멸된 것으로 알려졌으나 1993년 이후 증가하는 양상을 보이고 있다. 이에 말라리아의 임상적 고찰을 통하여 이 질환을 이해함에 있다. 방법 : 1991년 1월부터 1999년 10월까지 반복적 고열과 오한을 주소로 본 병원에 내원하여 말초혈액 도말검사에 의해 말라리아 감염으로 확진된 32예의 환자에 대해서 후향적으로 조사하였다. 결과 : 1991년부터 1999년 10월까지 총 32명의 환자의 연도별 발생빈도는 각각 1991년에 1명, 1996년에 1명, 1997년에 3명, 1998년에 13명, 1999년에 14명이었다. 월별발생빈도는 7월과 8월에 집중적으로 발생하였다.(46.9%) 환자의 거주지는 경기 연천과 파주에 주로 분포되었다(53.1%). 성별발생분포는 32예의 환자중에 여자가 5명, 남자가 27명으로 남자가 더 많았다. 발병연령은 22세에서 87세까지 분포되었고 20-30대에 많이 발생하였으며 20대가 가장 많았다. 군인 및 제대자가 17명(59.4%)에 해당하였으며, 제대자의 평균 제대후의 기간은 10개월 정도였다. 가장 흔한 임상증상은 발열 및 오한이었다.(100%) 비장종대 및 간장종대는 각각 26명(81.3%), 3명(9.4%)에서 관찰되었다. 검사실 소견은 평균적으로 WBC 5.317/㎕, 혈색소 12.5±7.1g/㎗, 혈소판 78,906.3±68391.4㎕, GOT/GPT 43.7±26.7/49.6±57.3 IU/ℓ, Total bilirubin 1.6±0.9㎎/㎗를 보였다. 말초혈액 도말검사상 모두 P. vivax였다. 치료는 hydroxychloroquine과 primaquine의 치료에 잘 반응하였다. 결론 : 말라리아는 7월과 8월에 한국에서 호발하는 중요한 급성 열성 질환으로 조기 진단 및 치료에 보다 관심을 기울여야 할 것이다. Background : In Korea malaria has been rare, but since reemergence of indigenous vivax malaria in 1993, the number of cases of malaria have recently increased. We analyzed the cases of malaria who were treated in Kyung-Hee University College of Medicine with regard to define the clinical characteristics of malaria. Methods : We retrospectively analyzed of 32 cases of malaria admitted to Kyung-Hee University Hospital between 1991 and 1999. Malaria was diagnosed by peripheral blood smear. Results : Among a total of 32 cases, the number of yearly incidence of 1991, 1996. 1997, 1998 and 1999 were 1,1,3,13,14 respectively. It demonstrated the high incidence especially between July and August. The most patients (53.1%) resided in Yeonchon and Pajoo. Among them, 5 cases were female and 27 cases were male. The age distribution ranged from 22 to 76 year old. The high incidence of age was between 20's and 30's. Military solidiers and ex-soldiers are 17 cases(59.4 %). The most frequent symptom was fever and chills (100%). Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly were also observed in 81.3 %(26 of 32) and 9.4 %(3 of 32) respectively. The laboratory findings were WBC 5.317/㎕. Hb 12.5±2.1 g/dl. platelet 78,906±68,391.4/㎕. GOT/GPT 43.7±26.7/49.6±57.3 IU/L. LD 678.3±50.1 IU/L. total bilirubin 1.6±0.9mg/dl- The all cases were treated suscessfully with hydroxychloroquine and primaquine. There were no central nervous system complications and pulmonary edema. Conclusion : Malaria is one of the important acute febrile illness with the high incidence between July and August.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 당뇨병 환자에서 발생한 기종성 신우신염 1례

        이형우,조철규,이현우,이헌주,조인호,원규장,김영수,이찬우,윤경우,윤현대 영남대학교 의과대학 1993 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.10 No.2

        저자들은 당뇨병 환자에서 발생한 기종성 신우신염을 내과적 치료와 응급 신적출술로 성공적으로 치험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a necrotizing renal infections characterized by intrarenal and occasional perirenal gas production. Although uncommon (89 cases in the literature), it occurs almost exclusively in diabetic patients (87% of the cases). Prompt and aggressive management is required to salvage these patients. We describe a recent case of a diabetic woman with emphysematous pyelonephritis due to E. Coll, successfully managed with unilateral nephrectomy.

      • KCI등재

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