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      • Aspegillus nidulans 에서 정단성장이상 돌연변이주의 세포벽 구조 분석

        정윤신,한갑훈,한동민 원광대학교 생명공학연구소 1997 생명공학연구소보 Vol.5 No.1

        To investigate the effects of the cell wall on the pigmentation and branching in Aspergillus nidulans, the chemical composition and ultrastructure of cell wall in wild type (FGSC4), null pigmentation mutant (NPG, WX17) and suppressor of the null pigmentation mutation (SU-NPG, SU602) have been examined. The rate of protoplast formation of NPG and SU-NPG was faster than that of wild type, suggesting that cell wall structure of NPG and SU-NPG should be modified. Through the chemical analysis of cell wall it was found that the colorless phenotype of null pigmentation mutant was due to the lack of melanin in the hyphal wall. The amounts of alkali-soluble fraction, in which major component is thought to be glucan, in the cell wall extract of NPG and SU-NPG were less than that of wild type. The lack of melanin and glucan in the mutant hyphal wall might be the reason why the cell wall of mutants was more readily hydrolyzed than that of wild type when treated with the cell wall lytic enzyme Novozyme 234. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) revealed that the most outer layer of conidia wall peeled off in NPG and SU-NPG on the 6th day from the complete of conidiation. And also SEM showed that hyphal growth and branching were developed not very well in NPG and SU-NPG. Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) showed that the plasma membrane was crenulated in wild type conidia, but that of NPG and SU-NPG was not. TEM also represented that the hyphal wall in SU-NPG was thicker tha/#n that of wild type and NPG. Also, tips were round-shaped in SU-NPG, but not in NPG and wild type. These results from electron microscope indicated that the ultrastructure of cell wall of mutants was modified.

      • KCI등재

        A 14-year-old male with rhabdomyolysis associated with psychogenic polydipsia and hyponatremia

        정윤신,최윤하,하지현,유은경,백소현,정모경 대한소아응급의학회 2023 대한소아응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        Rhabdomyolysis associated with psychogenic polydipsia and hyponatremia is a rare condition that can cause substantial morbidity and mortality. We report a 14-year-old boy with psychogenic polydipsia who experienced recurrent hyponatremia and subsequent rhabdomyolysis. Treatment involved intravenous fluids and restriction of oral water intake. This case emphasizes the importance of early recognition and management of this condition. The possibility of rhabdomyolysis should be considered in patients with hyponatremia who have myalgia.

      • KCI등재

        Aspergillus nidulans 색소결핍 억제돌연변이주의 세포벽 미세구조

        정윤신 한국생명과학회 2004 생명과학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        To investigate the effect of the cell wall on the pigmentation and branching in Aspergillus nidulans, ultrastructure of cell wall in suppressor mutant of the null pigmentation (SU-NPG, SU602) has been examined. Scanning electron microgrphs (SEM) revealed that the most outer layer of conidia wall peeled off in SU-NPG on day 6 from the complete conidiation. They also showed that hyphal growth and branching were not well developed in SU-NPG. Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) showed that the plasma membrane was not crenulated and the hyphal wall was thick in SU-NPG. These results indicated that the ultrastructure of cell wall in SU-NPC might be modified. Cytochemical analysis showed that the cell wall in SU-NPG was differentiated into Cl, C3, C2 and C4 layer in conidia and H1, H3, H2 and H4 layer in hyphae. C3 layer and H3 layer existed in SU-NPG. The increment of the diameter in SU-NPG hyphae might be caused by the thickness of H3 layer. These results suggest that SU-NPG may have an immature but the differentiated structure for the pigmentation in cell wall. A. nidulans의 색소결핍 억제돌연변이주(Suppressor mutant of the null pigmentation; SU-NPG)의 세포벽 구조가 색소형성 및 균사분지에 미치는 영향을 조사하여 다음의 결과를 얻었다. SEM으로 세포 표면구조를 관찰한 결과, 완전배지에서 배양된 SU-NPG의 분생포자벽은 최외각 층이 6일 째부터 박리되었으며, 균사생장이 저조하였다 TEM으로 관찰한 결과, 균사 세포벽은 매우 두꺼워졌다. 이러한 전자현미경관찰 결과는 이들 돌연변이주의 세포벽 구조가 NPG 및 야생형의 그것과는 다르다는 것을 시사한다. 균사에 탄수화물 염색을 한 후, 세포화학적 미세구조를 관찰한 결과, 분생포자벽은 C1, C2, C3와 C4 층으로 되어 있었고, 균사 세포벽은 H1, H2, H3와 H4층으로 되어 있었다. 이러한 C3층과 H3층은 세포분화 시 색소형성 및 균사 분지형성에 필수적인 세포벽 구조임 을 시사한다. SU-NPG는 FGSC4에서와는 다르게 비정상적인 균사생장을 하였지만, 색소결핍 돌연변이를 억제하는데, 이는 SU-NPG의 균사 세포벽에는 H3층이 형성되었으며, 세포벽 형성과정은 정상적으로 진행되기 때문으로 사료된다.

      • Inhibition Mechanism in Cellular Immune Response by PUVA Treatment

        Bae, Sung Ho,Yun, Yun Sin,Chung, Hun Taeg 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1988 圓光醫科學 Vol.4 No.1-2

        정상 C3H/HeN마우스의 국소부위에 PUVA처리 후 접촉감작 물질인 DNFB(2, 4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzen)을 도포시 접촉성 과민반응이 그 부위에 감작시킨 경우에만 감소(국소억제)를 보인 반면에 PUVA를 전신적으로 처리시에는 DNFB의 도포부위에 관계없이 접촉성 과민반응을 전신적인 감소(전신적인 억제)를 보였다. 국소적으로 PUVA처리후 얻은 마우스의 임파절을 입양 면역시킨 동종의 마우스의 접촉 감작반응은 감소되었고, 전신적으로 PUVA처리후 감작시킨 마우스의 임파절을 입양 면역시킨 마우스의 접촉 감작반응은 정상이엇다. 이러한 결과는 PUVA처리시 마우스에 있어서 접촉성 과민반응의 감소에는 두 가지 서로 다른 기전이 있는 것으로 사료된다. 즉, 첫째, 국소억제는 면역반응의 afferent phase를 차단(afferent blockade)시틴 것으로 사료된다. 이러한 현상은 indomethacin의 투여에 의해 접촉 감작반응이 회복되지 않은 것으로 사료된다. 둘째, 전신적인 PUVA처리후 나타난 전신적인 접촉 감작반응의 억제는 임파절내의 기능세포가 면역반응부위로 이동하는 것을 방해(efferent bolckade)하는 것과 관련이 있는 것으로 사료된다. 이로써 indomethacin 투여 후 PUVA 처리시 마우스에 있어서 전신적인 접촉 감작반응은 회복됨을 알 수 있었다.

      • Evidence that Glucocorticosteroids Modify the Immune Response by Altering the in vivo Migratory Patterns of Lymphocytes

        Kim, Sang-Jun,Chung, Yun-Shin,Kang, Kyoung-Sook,Chung, Hun-Taeg 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1986 圓光醫科學 Vol.2 No.2

        강력한 항염효과를 지닌 부신피질 호르몬은 면역반응을 抑制하지만 정확한 작용 機轉은 아직 밝혀지지 아니하였다. 이에관한 과거 대부분의 연구는 부신피질 Hormone 제제가 지닌 免疫細胞에 대한 직접 효과를 주로 관찰하였지만, 本 연구에서는 부신피질 Hormone이 임파구 재순환 운동에 미치는 효과를 관찰하였던 바 흥미있는 결과를 얻었다. 부신피질 호르몬의 하나인 Dexamethasone은 임파구나 조직의 혈관 내피 細胞에 영향을 주어 免疫反應을 抑制시키지만, 免疫反應에 직접 참여하는 임파구에는 직접적인 영향을 미치지 아니하였다. Dexamethasone을 순종 마우스에 투여하였을때 동종의 정상 임파구의 役原 감작장소로의 이동이 현저히 감소 하였고, 또한 지연성 과민반응 정도로 임파구 이동 감소와 평행한 감소를 보였다. 이와는 대조적으로 Dexamethasone을 투여한 마우스에 동종의 임파구를 정맥내에 주사하였을 경우 골수로 이동하는 임파구의 수가 정상 마우스에서 보다 3배이상 증가하였다. 또한, Dexamethasone 소량이 계속적으로 분출되게 장치된 controlled drug delivery system을 이용하여 투여하였을 경우 임파구 이동에 미치는 같은 효과가 약량을 100분의 1로 감소시켜 투여하였을 때도 관찰되었던 바 약물을 대량으로 단독 투여하였을 시 보다 계속적으로 소량을 투여할 경우 약량을 대폭적으로 감소 시킬 수 있다는 사실을 시사하는 결과로서 앞으로 임상적 응용이 기대되는 것으로 사료된다. Glucocorticosteroids have proven capable of suppressing both developing and ongoing immune responses via mechanisms that are not fully understood. Most investigations into the mechanisms of glucocorticosteroid-mediated immunosupression have examined the direct effect of these agent on the lymphocyte itself. In this paper, we have analyzed the effects of glucocorticosteroids on the lymphocyte receptive capacity of lymph nodes and bone marrow in mice. These effects appear to be mediated via reversible changes in the capacity of steroid-treated vascular endothelial cells to interact with normal lymphocytes, and are both dose and time dependent. The most striking effects on lymphocyte localization were observed in mice given microgram quantities of glucocrticosteroids over a 6-day period via a continual release pellet. The direct exposure of lymphocytes to these drugs in vitro was shown to have no effect on their subsequent localization potential in vivo. Futher studies revealed that the ability of antigen-sensitized effector lymphocytes to localize into sites of antigen deposition was also markedly depressed in mice pretreated with glucocorticosteroids.Therefore steroids also appear to have effects on tissue associated endothelial cells which prevent the localization of sensitized effector lymphocytes into sites of active inflammation. Our observations have potential clinical implications, both in understanding the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticosteroids more fully, as well as suggesting that low-dose continual-release steroid administration may result in enhanced immunosuppression.

      • Aspergillus nidulans에서 NSD 돌연변이주의 분리 및 분석

        한동민,한유정,김지현,장광엽,정윤신,정재훈,채건상 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1994 基礎科學 Vol.17 No.-

        Several mutants which never underwent to sexual development(NSD) of Aspergillus nidulans were analyzed genetically and physiologically. They were divided into two groups according to their characterisitics of asexual development after release from aeration block. The mutants in first group proceeded asexual development immediately after removal of aeration block, while those in second group did 10 hours or more later. The NSD mutants were separated into 4 complementation groups, nsdA, nsdB, nsdC and nsdD. The nsdA and nsdD genes were linked to AcrA1 on linkage group II and pabaA1 on linkage group I, respectively. The mutant alleles were all recessive to wild type allele in heterokayon state. The mutants did not developed cleistothecia on any of carbon sources, except NSD208 which developed cleistothecia on lactose.

      • KCI등재후보

        백서에서 분리된 췌도의 인슐린 분비에 미치는 Morphine과 Naloxone의 효과

        전기엽,최호,박명철,유재성,정윤신,김환규,최영숙,이학송 대한내과학회 1990 대한내과학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        This study evaluated the effect of morphine and naloxone on the biphasic insulin secretion of the perifused isolated rat pancreatic islets. The peirfusate was Krebs-Ringer solution, which contained 10m㏖/L glucose and 1.145m㏖/L calcium, and the flow rate was 1.5㎖/min. The results were as fallows: 1. The infusion of 1㎍/㎖ morphine caused a significant decrease in the first-phase and total insulin secretion of the diabetic rat islets only. It caused no significant change in the insulin secretion of the normal pancreatic islets. This suggests the possibility that 1㎍/㎖ morphine causes a greater increase in the outward potassium conductance of the diabetic pancreatic islets than that of the normal pancreatic islets. 2. The infusion of 1㎍/㎖ naloxone caused a significant decrease in total insulin secretion, both of the normal and diabetic pancreatic islets. Therefore, it suggests that the opioid system has some control function over the release of insuline by the pancreatic islets. But a small controversy exists concerning the regulatory function of the opioid system upon the insulin release of the pancreatic islets, so further study must be conducted to fully evaluate its function.

      • KCI등재

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