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      • KCI등재

        만경강 수질의 미생물학적 분석

        박문국 ( Moon Kook Park ) 한국환경생물학회 1985 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The distribution of microbial indicators of water quality in the Mankyung River was studied along with the analysis of physicochemical factors. Samples were taken from the surface water of 9 sites every three month from October, 1983 to July, 1984 and analyzed. There existed gradual increase in temperature along the downstream. All sites showed similar pH values ranged from 6.6 to 6.8. The oxygen content of river water decreased gradually as it flows through the urban center and industrial area of Chonju city. Annual average value of BOD was found to range from 0.8 to 2.6ppm at the upper streams and from 20.1 to 36.5ppm in the area of urbon center. The annual average population densities of total bacteria counted on nutrient agar medium were in the range of 2.3×10 exp (2) to 3.3×10 exp (6) CFU/㎖ depending on the sites. The water near the urban center and industrial area showed the highest density of total bacteria. The total coliform and fecal coliform counts by MPN method were in the range of 1.3×10 exp (3) to 2.0×10 exp (6) MPN/100㎖, 6.0×10 to 1.3×10 exp (5) MPN/100㎖ respectively. The patterns of their distribution in the 9 sampling sites were similar to that of total bacteria. The fecal streptococci was not discovered in the upper streams and at the sites near urban center its annual average density ranged from 2.1×10 CFU/㎖ to 2.3×10 exp (2) CFU/㎖. The annual average count of Salmonella and Shigella was in the range of 1.5 to 5.7×10 CFU/㎖ and that of yeast was 9.5×10 exp (4) CFU/㎖.

      • KCI등재

        전주천의 코로백터 분포

        박문국 ( Moon Kook Park ) 한국환경생물학회 1985 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The distribution of caulobacters in Chonjucheon was investigated. Samples were taken from the surface waters of three sites of Chonjucheon. The three sampling sites were found to have different levels of water pollution. For the enumeration of caulobacters in natural waters, MPN method was tested and found to be useful. The caulobacter counts by MPN method were 7.9×10 exp (2) MPN/㎖ at site 1, 1.1×10 exp (3) MPN/㎖ at site 2, 1.1×10 exp (4) MPN/㎖ at site 3 and the proportion of caulobacters among chemoheterotrophic bacteria was found to be inversely related to the total heterotroph counts. 66 isolates of caulobacters were obtained from the three sites. 50% of the total isolates was bacteroid type; 21% was vibroid type; 14% was subvibroid type; 15% was fusiformis type. The isolation frequency of fusiformis type was much higher at site 3, where wastewater of Chonju Industry Complex enters, than the other sites. And in enrichment cultures for the isolation of caulobacters from site 3 were occasionally found abnormally long filamentous cells of caulobacter.

      • KCI등재

        Caulobacter의 세포(細胞)의 형태(形態) 및 기능(機能)의 분화(分化)에 대한 염소 및 염소화합물의 영향(影響)

        김치경,박문국,염곤,Kim, Chi-Kyung,Park, Moon-Kook,Yum, Kon 한국현미경학회 1982 Applied microscopy Vol.12 No.1

        Caulubacter is distinctive in the morphology and replication and ubiquitous in the biosphere, especially in every type of aquatic environment. In water and waste-water treatment processes, chlorine and chlorine compounds have been used as a main disinfectant throughout the world. Therefore, Caulobacter in the waters should be affected by chlorination of the waters. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of the disinfectants on Caulobacter cells and on the developmental processes of the cells. The Caulobacter swarmer cells were disinfected by chlorine at pH 7.0 minutes of the reaction with 2.0 mg/l of infected at pH 10.0. The swarmer cells treated with 2.0 or 4.0 mg/l of chlorine for 15 minutes lost their flagella and were observed by electron microscopy to be damaged on their cell surfaces, discharging some cellular materials. When the chlorinated swarmers and untreated control samples were recultivated in fresh PYE broth medium, the control swarmers multiplicated exponentially after one-hour lag phase, whereas the chlorinated swarmers extended the lag phase to about four hours. During the extended lag phase, the cells were proved by electron microscopy to be grown and be in predivisional step, but no swarmer cell was found. When the stalked cells were chlorinated, almost all the cells were observed to have their stalks broken and some cellular materials discharged. In those samples recultivated, many cells differentiated to possess an abnormally elongated stalk with several crossbands on it. This suggests that the chlorine-shocked Caulobacter cells can develope to abnormal morphology in water environments which they can survive and regrow in.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 ‘공통과학’의 교과내용 및 교과서 분석

        이광호,최종범,박문국,조규성,Lee, Gwang-Ho,Choi, Jong-Bum,Park, Moon-Kook,Cho, Kyu-Seong 한국지구과학회 1997 한국지구과학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        제6차 교육과정 개편에 따라 1996학년도부터 고등학교에서 가르치고 있는 '공통과학'과목의 교과 내용과 7종의 교과서를 대상으로 교과서 구성 체계 및 단원별 내용의 양적 분포, 교과 내용의 구성, 탐구 활동의 내용, Schwab의 탐구 활동 수준 분류, 부록의 구성, Slayer & Bay의 목적군을 이용한 분석, Romey의 정량적 분석 등을 실시했다. 교과서의 구성 체계는 모든 교과서가 교육부가 제시한 원칙에 크게 벗어나지 않았다. 교과서의 총 면 수는 7종의 교과서가 $471{\sim}519$면으로 구성되었고 '물질', '힘', '생명', '지구' 단원간의 배분을 적절히 유지하였으며 특히 통합 단원의 의미가 있는 '에너지'와 '환경'단원을 비중 있게 다루고 있다. '공통과학'은 통합 과학의 의미를 살리려는 의도는 엿보이나 아직도 교과 내용이 화학적 통합을 완전히 이루지 못하고 있다. 우리가 일상 생활에서 부딪히는 문제들을 주제로 그 원인과 과정을 밝히는 방법으로 구성하는 것도 하나의 대안일 것이다. 교과서에서 사용하고 있는 탐구 활동의 종류는 11가지 인데 대부분 '자료해석', '실험', '조사', '토의' 등이 많이 사용되었다. 탐구활동 중 실험은 96.1%가 Schwab의 탐구 요구 수준의 제1수준에, 3.9%가 제2수준에 해당하였고, 제3수준에 해당하는 실험은 없었다. 교과서의 부록은 총 26종이 제시되어 있는데 모든 교과서가 '교과서 내용 풀이'를 포함하고 있고 기타 특정 분야에 편중되는 등 다양한 자료를 담지 못하고 있다. Slayer & Bay가 제시한 종합 연구의 목적군을 이용해 분석한 결과 교과서의 내용이 대부분 학문적 준비에 치우쳐있다. 그러나 '환경' 단원의 경우는 사회적 필요에 따른 내용을 상당히 포함하고 있다. Romey의 정량적 분석 결과는 문장, 그림 및 도표, 장 끝의 질문, 학생의 학습 활동 수 등이 $0.4{\sim}1.5$ 사이의 값으로 학생 참여를 적절히 유도하는 발견 지향적 인 것으로 조사되었다. 그러나 장의 요약은 본문 내용을 반복하는 내용으로 구성되었다. 이와 같이 공통과학 과목은 새로운 현대 사회에 부응하는 교과 목표와 체계를 지향하고 있지만 아직도 통합과학으로서의 내용과 체계를 완전히 갖추고 있지 못할 뿐만 아니라 현재 사용되고 있는 7종의 교과서가 교육 목표를 충분히 반영하지 못하고 있다. 따라서 교사의 역할이 더욱더 중요하게 되었다. The contents of high school 'Common science' textbooks was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Seven common science textbooks were selected and its contents, structure, inquiry, activities, appendix and its characteristics were investigated, and analyzed using the Goal Clusters of Project Synthesis and Romey's indices of text evaluation were calculated. The contents of each unit are not much different among textbooks because they are written according to the curriculum ordinance and textbook guidelines of the Ministry of Education. The textbooks was consist of $471{\sim}519$ pages. It was distribute similarly among the chapter of 'materials', 'forces', lives' and 'earth'. The chapter of 'energy' and 'environment' was treat significantly. The contents and structure of common science is a mere physical consolidation. I make an alternative plan that a topic form. Inquiry activities used in the textbooks are 11 type, however most of that is interpretation of data, experiment, survey and discussion. Ninety six percents of the experiment, belong to the 1st level, four percents of that belong to the 2nd level of the Schwab's inquiry level and there are no activities of the 3rd level. Little attention is given to Goal Cluster I, II, IV in the common science textbooks currently employed. Its content should be broadened to include all Goal Clusters of Project Synthesis. Homey's indices representing the degrees of student involvement. are $0.57{\sim}1.14$ for sentence analysis, $0.60{\sim}1.67$ for figure and diagram analysis, $0.67{\sim}1.50$ for analysis of questions at chapter ends, respectively, student activity per page investigated being $0.6{\sim}0.9$. But chapter summaries cease to repeats the conclusions of the chapter also it be rather formally and inattentively written.

      • KCI등재

        말로락틱 발효에 적합한 토착 Lactobacillus plantarum 분리

        허준,이찬미,박문국,정도연,엄태붕,Heo, Jun,Lee, Chan-Mi,Park, Moon Kook,Jeong, Do-Youn,Uhm, Tai-Boong 한국미생물학회 2015 미생물학회지 Vol.51 No.2

        말로락틱 발효(MLF)은 유산균의 말로락틱 효소(Mle)에 의해 malic acid가 lactic acid로 전환되는 과정으로 와인 제조에 널리 사용된다. 전통 발효 식품으로부터 54개의 유산균을 분리한 다음 MLF 특성을 가진 균주를 선발하기 위해 Lactobacillus plantarum mle 유전자 서열의 보존 영역에 대한 primer 쌍을 제작했고, PCR을 통해 이 유전자를 함유한 4 종의 균주를 선발하였다. 선발된 균주들의 16S rRNA 염기서열과 생화학적 특성, rec gene 영역의 PCR을 수행하여 동정한 결과 Lactobacillus plantarum으로 모두 동정되었다. 1,644 bp로 구성된 이들 mle 유전자의 분석 결과 JBE60 균주의 염기 서열은 JBE150, JBE160, JBE171 균주들과 96.7%, 아미노산 서열로는 99.5%가 일치했다. 에탄올 저항성을 확인한 결과 JBE60 균주가 10% 에탄올에 대한 저항성이 가장 높았다. MLF 활성을 확인한 결과 이들 균주는 평균 43%의 malic acid 감소를 보였으며 균주 간 분해율은 비슷했다. 이러한 결과로부터 JBE60 균주가 와인용 MLF 종균으로 이용 될 수 있을 것으로 보인다. The malolactic fermentation (MLF), which is widely used in winemaking, is the conversion of malic acid to lactic acid conducted by the malolactic enzyme (Mle) of lactic acid bacteria. In order to select the strains with MLF among 54 lactic acid bacteria isolated from the traditionally fermented foods, we designed a primer set that specifically targets the conserved regions of the mle gene and then selected four strains that harbor the mle gene of Lactobacillus plantarum. All strains were identified as L. plantarum by analyzing the 16S rRNA sequences, biochemical properties, and the PCR products of the recA gene. From comparison of the mle gene sequences consisting of 1,644 bp, the nucleotide and amino acid sequence of strain JBE60 correspond to 96.7% and 99.5% with those of other three strains, respectively. The strain JBE60 showed the highest resistant against 10% (v/v) ethanol among the strains. The strains lowered the concentration of malic acid to average 43%. Considering the ethanol resistance and conversion of malic acid, the strain JBE60 is considered as a potential starter for the malolactic fermentation.

      • 酵母의 形性質細胞 形性과 2μm-DNA, plasmid의 分離에 關하여

        張光燁,朴文국 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1985 基礎科學 Vol.8 No.1

        The roles and functions of 2㎛ DNA plasmid which is an important element for the research on the molecular genetics of yeasts are still unknown. When the protoplast or spheroplast is produced from yeast, its intracelluar DNA can be easily isolated. The conditions for the production of protoplast from yeast were determined in this study. Aming the factors that affect of the production of protoplast are kinds and concentrations of osmotic stabilizers, growth phase of cells, and enzymes for lysis of cell wall. Six hundred mM of KCl or 1 M of Sorbitol was most efficient for pottoplast formation as osmotic stabilizer, The cells of mid-late exponential phase were well formed to protplasts, DNA plasmid was determined with agarose gel electrophoreis.

      • 효모의 접합과정에 관여하는 유전자의 연구

        장광엽,박문국,정봉우 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1991 基礎科學 Vol.14 No.1

        효모의 mating과정의 기작을 연구하기 위하여, α pheromone의 수용체를 coding하는 유전자인 STE2가 결여된 균주로 하여금 mating을 할 수 있게 하는 61개의 돌연변이를 획득하였다. 이들은 상보성시험과 연관시험 결과 3개 군의 유전자에 속했는데, 3개 군을 CDC70, CDC72 및 CDC73 이라고 명명하였다. 얻어진 돌연변이는 제한 온도에서는 세포분열이 start 단계에서 정지되는 온도 감수성이며 STE2 유전자 결여를 억제하는 능력을 보여 주었는데, 이는 유전자 CDC70, CDC72, CDC73 의 생성물이 수용체로부터 전달되는 signal의 중간 전달 물질이라는 사실을 가리킨다. In order to elucidate and characterize the signal transduction pathway(s) whereby yeast cells respond to mating pheromone, we have isolated mutants which are able to conjugate in the absence of the alpha-factor receptor. Sixty-one suppressors of a ste2-deletion mutation which also confer a ts conditional "start" arrest phenotype have been subjected to genetic analysis. The mutants could be assigned to three complementation groups designated CDC70, CDC72 and CDC73, which are unlinked to each other as well as to the previously identified start genes. Quantitation of mating ability of the cdc70, cdc72 and cdc73 mutations in a ste2-deletion background gives levels ranging from 0.1% to 0.3% of wild type, depending on the allele and the gene. The results indicate that the signals from mating pheromone might be mediated by the CDC70, CDC72 and CDC73 products.

      • Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against Clostricium botulinum type B toxin

        Park, Moon-Kook,Jung, Hyun-Ho,Chung, Gook-Hyun 전북대학교 유전공학연구소 1989 遺傳工學硏究所報 Vol.2 No.1

        Clostridium botulinum type B toxin was purified by sequential steps of colunm chromatography with DEAE-Sephadex, Sephadex G-200, Sephacryl S-300, and DEAE-Sephadex. Monoclonal antibodies against type B toxin were prepared by fusion of myeloma cells SP2/O-Ag14, with spleen cells from the BALB/c mice immunized by type B toxoid. Growing hybridoma cells were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and two cell lines, B2 and B3, wre cloned by limiting dilution The two monoclonal antibodies reacted with heavy chain of the toxin and B3 highly neutralized the toxin.

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