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      • KCI등재

        양계초(梁啓超)의 국학(國學)과 ‘중국철학’의 형성

        김우형 고려대학교 철학연구소 2020 철학연구 Vol.0 No.61

        This article sheds light on how Liang Qi-chao (1873~1929) envisioned “Chinese philosophy” through the research of national learning (guoxue 國 學). For the first time in the history of Chinese philosophy, he tried to form a “Chinese philosophy” that contrasts with Western philosophy with a consistent stance until the end of his life. He presented a methodology that revealed the characteristics of “Chinese philosophy” through comparison with Western philosophy, and ultimately aimed at integrating it with Western philosophy. Liang Qi-chao maintained his position of being critical of Han learning (hanxue 漢學, philological research of Qing Dynasty) but favoring Song Neo-Confucianism (songxue 宋學). Based on this perspective, he embodied his project of “Chinese philosophy” by interpreting the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724~1804) in a subjective way. In addition, he emphasized the ancient origin and the practical characteristic of self-cultivation of “Chinese philosophy” through his criticism of Hu Shi (1891~1962). Liang Qi-chao insists that the study of “Chinese philosophy” should be developed in a way that uncovers the specificity of Chinese thinking from the perspective of national learning, but embraces epistemology from the standpoint of not rejecting scientific knowledge. In conclusion, Liang Qi-chao’s project of “Chinese philosophy” can be evaluated as an original and pioneer one to launch modern Chinese philosophy including contemporary new Confucianism, and has great implications not only for Chinese philosophy researchers but also for East Asian philosophy researchers. 이 논문은 양계초(梁啓超, 1873~1929)가 자국 학술 사상에대한 연구로서의 국학(國學)을 통해 ‘중국철학’을 어떻게 구상했는지 조명해 보았다. 그는 철학사상 최초로 말년까지 일관된 입장을 가지고 서양철학과 대비되는 ‘중국철학’을 구성하고자 노력하였다. 그는 서양철학과의 비교를 통해 ‘중국철학’의 성격을 드러내는 방법론을 제시하였고, 궁극적으로는 서양철학과의 통합을 목표로 삼았다. 또한 그는 한학(漢學)에 대해 비판적으로 보되 송학(宋學)을 선호하는 입장을 유지했다. 이 같은 관점에 입각하여 그는 칸트(I. Kant, 1724~1804) 철학을 주체적으로 해석함으로써 ‘중국철학’적 구상을 구체화했다. 또한 그는 호적(胡適, 1891~1962)에 대한 비판을 통해 ‘중국철학’의 기원과 실천적수양론이라는 특성을 강조하였다. 양계초는 ‘중국철학’의 연구가 국학의 관점에서 중국 고유의 특색을 발굴하되, 과학적 지식을 배척하지 않는 입장에서 인식론을 포용하는 방식으로 나가야 한다고 보았다. 결론적으로, 양계초의 중국철학적 기획은 현대 신유가를 비롯한 근현대 중국철학을 개출(開出)한 독창적이고 선구적인 철학으로서 평가할 수 있으며, 중국철학 연구자들뿐만 아니라 동아시아 철학 연구자들에게도 시사하는 바가 크다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        A Local Economic Development Strategy: Evidence from Traditional Market DistrictsTraditional Market Districts

        김우형,김현 한국중소기업학회 2013 기업가정신과 벤처연구 Vol.16 No.1

        This research focuses on the Korean government’s strategy for nurturing specialized markets to revitalize the traditional business district. After a Special Act for Nurturing Traditional Business District of parliament was enacted in 2004, the Korean government is pushing ahead with a project for nurturing public markets to support various types of markets by selecting them according to a focus strategy. The public markets project, for which the government provides financial support and management consultants, aims to convert the local traditional business districts into modern-style supermarkets with up-to-date facilities, as traditional business districts are now less popular than their competitors, which include large discount stores. The research was conducted to analyze strategies for revitalizing traditional business districts looking particularly at problems with support, and the effects of government support. We carried out empirical analysis to verify how government-sponsored policy effects targeted local consumers. Empirical analysis indicates that of the nine selection variables used with regard to retail stores, five variables influence customer satisfaction significantly. In terms of so-called hardware, the presence of convenient transportation, parking facilities, modernized market facilities, and buildings have a positive influence on customer satisfaction. In terms of so-called software, the quality and price levels of products and the kindness of merchants influence customer satisfaction. We suggest that government-led sustainable traditional market support policies, which are aimed at the revitalization of local economies are very useful. This research focuses on the Korean government’s strategy for nurturing specialized markets to revitalize the traditional business district. After a Special Act for Nurturing Traditional Business District of parliament was enacted in 2004, the Korean government is pushing ahead with a project for nurturing public markets to support various types of markets by selecting them according to a focus strategy. The public markets project, for which the government provides financial support and management consultants, aims to convert the local traditional business districts into modern-style supermarkets with up-to-date facilities, as traditional business districts are now less popular than their competitors, which include large discount stores. The research was conducted to analyze strategies for revitalizing traditional business districts looking particularly at problems with support, and the effects of government support. We carried out empirical analysis to verify how government-sponsored policy effects targeted local consumers. Empirical analysis indicates that of the nine selection variables used with regard to retail stores, five variables influence customer satisfaction significantly. In terms of so-called hardware, the presence of convenient transportation, parking facilities, modernized market facilities, and buildings have a positive influence on customer satisfaction. In terms of so-called software, the quality and price levels of products and the kindness of merchants influence customer satisfaction. We suggest that government-led sustainable traditional market support policies, which are aimed at the revitalization of local economies are very useful.

      • KCI등재

        주자와 율곡의 성학(聖學) 비교: 철학적 차이와 근대성

        김우형 (사)율곡학회 2019 율곡학연구 Vol.39 No.-

        This paper tries to compare the sage learning of Zhu Xi 朱熹 and Yulgok 栗谷 focusing on such themes as the concept of cognition (jigak 知覺), the Human Mind (insim 人心) and the Moral Mind (dosim 道心) as the contrary contents of cognition, and the implication of the change of temperament (byeonhwa gijil 變化氣質) in cultivation theory. According to Zhu Xi, cognitive function is formed by the combination of gi 氣 (material force) and li 理 (principle), and the contents of cognition are divided into the Human Mind originated from the sense perception of body and the Moral Mind as the self-awareness of the imperative of moral nature. If there is a conflict between the Human Mind (or selfish desire) and the Moral Mind, one should select the latter to control the former. For this reason, gyeong 敬 (concentrating) as the method to cultivate the subjectivity and will is emphasized. The changes of temperament mean that only the biased aspect of the temperament, which can interfere with moral choice, is mitigated. In the case of Yulgok, libal (理發, the manifestation of principle) is denied and the cognition is explained only in terms of gibal (氣發, the manifestation of material force) as an empirical act on external objects. The Human Mind and the Moral Mind are not derived from the two opposing sources of gi (psycho-physical energy) and li (moral nature) but are determined according to whether or not the intentive calculation (意 ui) of mind can head for the social norms in the psychological process of thinking. In the light of the regulations prescribed by the sages, ordinary person should consider whether the content of cognition is in conformity with the regulations. However, the most important effort should be put into the practice to correct the biased temperament and cultivate a good temperament. The effort to change one’s own temperament is a constant practice to raise his temperament to the same level as a sage, just as a technician is constantly training himself to become a master. 본고는 주자와 율곡의 심성론에 있어 지각(知覺) 개념과 그 내용으로서 인심(人心) 도심(道心) 개념, 그리고 수양론에 있어 기질(氣質)의 변화(變化)가 지니는 함의를 중심으로 양자의 성학(聖學)을 비교하였다. 주자에 있어 인지 기능으로서 지각은 기와 리의 결합에 의해 형성되며, 지각 내용을 기준으로 형기(形氣, 신체)에 근원한 인심과 성명(性命, 도덕성)에 대한 자각으로서의 도심으로 구분된다. 인심과 도심의 갈등 상황이 일어날 때는 도심을 선택하여 인심을 통제해야 한다. 이런 이유로 주체의식과 의지를 기르는 경(敬)의 수양법이 강조된다. 기질의 변화는 도덕적 선택을 방해할 수 있는 기질의 편향된 측면을 완화시킨다는 의미를 지닌다. 한편, 율곡의 지각 개념에 있어 리발(理發)은 부정되며 외부 사물에 대한 경험적 발동으로서의 기발(氣發)로써 설명된다. 인심과 도심은 형기와 성명의 두 대립적 근원에서 비롯되는 것이 아니라, 의(意)라는 생각하고 헤아리는 심리적 과정에서 도의(道義)를 위하느냐 형기를 위하느냐에 따라 결정된다. 일반인은 성인이 규정한 예법에 비추어 지각내용이 그에 부합하는지 여부를 따져서 궁리(窮理)해야 한다. 그러나 가장 중요한 공부는 치우친 기질을 교정하고(矯氣質) 좋은 기질을 배양하는(養氣) 실천공부이다. 변화기질 공부는, 마치 기술자가 명장(名匠)이 되기 위해 부단히 노력하고 훈련하는 것처럼, 자신의 기질을 성인의 기질과 같은 상태와 수준으로 높이기 위해 끊임없이 노력하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국의 에너지자원 전략과 한국의 통상전략

        김우형 한국동북아학회 2012 한국동북아논총 Vol.17 No.4

        21세기 들어 에너지자원의 중요성이 높아지자 각국 정부는 경쟁적으로 에너지자원 확보를 위해 노력하고 있다. 중국정부도 2000년 중반부터 희토류 수출제한 정책을 통해 생산량, 가격을 통제하고 있다. 그래서 본 논문은 우리나라 경제의 선진화를 위해 희토류가 꼭 필요한 원료라는 인식하에 이에 대처하기 위한 우리나라의 통상전략을 제시하였다. 본 논문은 우리나라가 선택할 수 있는 통상전략으로 한-중 FTA 및 한-중 투자보장 협상 시 희토류 관련 관심 사항을 협상에 반영하는 방안을 제시하였다. 그러나 희토류 문제를 근본적으로 해결하기 위해서는 우리나라 스스로 대체 에너지개발, 수입선 다변화 등을 통한 자체 노력이 필요하다. As the importance of energy resources has increased, each government has made efforts to secure energy resource. The Chinese government has implemented policies to tighten its control on the production and price of rare earth elements since the mid-2000's. Therefore, we suggest a trade strategy that recognizes the fact that rare earth elements are essential raw materials for achieving an advanced economy. We propose that when we are negotiating for Korea-China FTA and investment promotion and protection agreement between Korea and China, we need to consider our concerns for rare earth elements as our optional trade strategy. However, we have to put forth the necessary effort to solve fundamentally the rare earth element dependency through the development of alternative sources of energy and multilateral trade.

      • KCI등재

        良知와 지성적인 덕: 牟宗三 철학의 덕 인식론적 전망

        김우형 한국중국학회 2012 中國學報 Vol.66 No.-

        This article is intended to elucidate the philosophical significance of Mou Zongsan’s (牟宗三: 1909-1995) moral metaphysics. He inherited the topics of Confucian Modernity and metaphysics of virtue from his teacher Xiong Sili (熊十力: 1885-1968). In the beginning he devoted himself to the epistemological investigation in order to resolve the problem of Confucian Modernity. Mou’s dialogue with Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) originated in this motive. However, in his hermeneutic working related to panjiao 判敎 (classification of teachings) of Sung-Ming Neo-Confucianism, the ontological mode of thinking internalized in his consciousness led him to his own conception of autonomy that was different from Kant’s. This made him criticize Zhu Xi (朱熹: 1130-1200) and Kant for the same reason. In the end, he failed to discover the sprout of Confucian Modernity. His "two-tired ontology" (兩層存有論) influenced by Martin Heidegger’s (1889-1976) ontological interpretation of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason was basically not harmonized with the ethics of autonomy that he sought after. Therefore, the philosophical significance of his thought can be found in the early phase of “theory of liangzhi’s self-negation” (良知坎陷說) as the epistemic approach to virtue. From the beginning, he wanted to open the door of science and democracy in China on the basis of Wang Yang-ming’s (王陽明: 1472-1529) concept of liangzhi. However, as his conception worked exclusively within practical level, Mou had to adopt the concept of "self-negation" which implied the mediated and twisted (曲折) method to apply liangzhi to theoretical level. Notwithstanding, because moral mind is basically unified with cognitive mind, and all the processes of self-negation are accomplished by its self-sufficiency, liangzhi is a form of intellectual virtue implying both moral and epistemic. In this sense, Mou’s earlier theory of liangzhi’s self-negation is foreseeing the recent trend of virtue epistemology. Given that he tried to explain the acquisition and definition of knowledge in terms of liangzhi as intellectual virtue and that he found out the unity or parallelism between ethics and epistemology, his theory deserves to be highly appraised as the pioneering achievement of virtue epistemology.

      • KCI등재

        Comparative analysis of skin color in breast reconstruction using pedicled transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps

        김우형,최준호,김광석,이삼용,황재하 대한미용성형외과학회 2022 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.28 No.1

        Background A recent concern in breast reconstruction procedures is skin color mismatch of the pedicled transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM) flap. With the goal of objectively quantifying the skin tone of the TRAM flap donor site, contralateral breast, and flap, a comparative study was conducted. Methods This study was conducted in July 2021, included 17 patients who received delayed breast reconstruction via TRAM flaps from January 2016 to December 2020 with at least 12 months of follow-up. Melanin levels and redness values of the flap, abdomen, and contralateral breast were measured in patients using a skin pigmentation analyzer. Furthermore, in 20 healthy women in their 40s to 60s, measurements were made of the abdomen, as well as breast. Results The contralateral breast had lower mean melanin and redness than the abdomen. The flaps had slightly higher melanin levels than the contralateral breasts. The flaps tended to have higher redness values, but the difference was not significant. The difference between the flap and abdomen was significant for melanin, but not redness. Preoperative radiotherapy did not affect skin tone. The upper abdomen showed lower melanin and redness than the lower abdomen. Conclusions The breast had a brighter skin tone than the abdomen. The upper abdomen showed brighter skin tone than the lower abdomen, and the area used as the donor site of the TRAM flap presented the same tendency. In the process of TRAM flap engrafting, the melanin level of the tissue decreases, and the redness value tends to increase slightly compared to the contralateral breast

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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