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      • 북한소설 『군바바』에 나타난 ‘민족의식’

        박태상(Park Tae-Sang) 동북아시아문화학회 2007 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.- No.-

        『Gunbaba』, written by Kim Hye-sung, a rising writer of North Korea, is a historical long-novel which is remarkably highlighting the characteristic of the independence and nationality of our people by standing a Josun military officer as a hero with a historical background of Josun which was dotted with a long spell of national ordeal such like the residence of the Japanese supervising Agent in 1906, the dismission of the Korean army in 1907, the Special Envoys of Hague, and the deposition of King Gojong. 『Gunbaba』 has a framwork of latitude of longitude of supporting characters such like Jock-song, Kwon Ki-hong, Kim Hui-sook, Yang Seol-hee, and Lee around a hero, Nam Sang-duk, a main character. This work is, so to speak, based on ' the First People of Josun', the ideology of 'nationalism', which was stressed by Kim Jeong-il, the chairman of the defence committee after he came to the force. This ideology was functioned as the driving force that caused the writing tendency such like the realistic works of the historical theme that were in great vogue in the North Korean society. Especially in one point, this work gives fun to the readers that it focuses on the nationalism by describing the various types in the decadent stage to the Japanese colonialism of the various kinds of characters, who had collaborated with the Japanese Imperialists in many ways, such as Kim Tae-jin, Lee Wan-yong, and Park Young-hyo of the day it shows. First of all, Nam Sang-duk, the hero, is actually described as a person with many troubles in the work. Nam Sang-duk, who graduated first from the Senior Military Academy and got appointed to a platoon commander of the Josun army, was continually playing a role as a trouble-maker. Without regard to his soldiership, he is engaged into some trouble between 'Cheongcheon Pub' which is operated by Kwon Soon-sil, his friend Kwon Ki-hong's elder sister and 'Sakura Coffee Shop' which is operated by a Japanese, Yoshiko and he is behind bars and then is released. In fact, it seems that the writer has intention in his mind that Nam Sang-duk, his hero, kept his foot in the trouble to make him <a sensible person>. Besides, the hero, Nam Sang-duk, deeply impressed by the Drive for National Debt Compensation of Yang Ki-tak, organized the Danyeonhoe in his Josun army and raised money to participate in the Drive for National Debt Compensation. Moreover, going on his way, he found a boy dying hit by the new train which first showed in Seoul and hurry to the doctor's office carrying him on his back and gave some portion of the fund for the Drive. After all, these activities of him seem to include the writer's purpose not only to show the patriotism of Nam Sang-duk but also to reveal the falseness and the oppression of the Japanese Militarism through the victim by the train, which is propagandized as the symbol of modernization and the point of the modem civilization which is propagandized by the Japanese Imperialism. Another one, Park Sung-hwan, the battalion commander, heard the news of the painful outcries of Yang Sung-hwan who had known the reality of the dismission of Josun army ordered by the Emperor' false will being forced by Lideungbakmun and his pro-Japanese Lee Wan-young, killed himself by a pistol. Nam Sang-duk, the hero, hearing the gun-sound and witnessing the scene of the suicide, dashed to the common soldiers, stimulated them, and resisted in arms. Nam Sang-duk, determined to die and with a bundle of explosive, rushed to the city gate where the Japanese machine-gun position and the fortress were lined up with and died a heroic death raising the morale of the rebel forces. These gallantry and intrepidity come to the victory in the end and they transfer to the esthetical category of 'heroism' and 'nobility' which the North Korean esthetics categorized. In 『Gunbaba』, there appears a peculiar assistant, Park jwa-su, who is set up a very

      • Development of a Mobile Application, "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", for Identification of Plants in Bukhansan National Park

        Kim, Sang-Tae,Lee, Seung-Yeon,Kim, Seung-Chul,Byun, Hye-Won,Lee, Sang-Tae,Kim, Mu-Yeal,Hong, Seok-Pyo,Chung, Young-Jae,Park, Ki-Ryong,Lee, Chung-Hee,Lee, Joong-Ku,Heo, Kyeong-In,Lee, Ji-Ye,Lee, Eun-Je National Science Museum of Korea 2011 Journal of Korean nature Vol.4 No.3

        We developed the educational purpose mobile application, named "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", aiming for easy identification of wild flowers for students and visitors in the park. When visitors find a flower or part of plant in the park, visitors can search for its name utilizing the pictures and characters provided in their own smartphone mobile devices or tablet PCs. The application provides pictures of wild flowers in the park and character-based searching system based on 12 diagnostic features (e.g., growth form, leaf arrangement, flower symmetry, petal color, petal number, sepal number, etc). We adopted the complete floristic survey of Chung and Lee (1962) and added species that we confirmed their distribution in the park during the development of this application. In summary, number of vascular plants in this park was estimated to be 428 taxa including 100 families, 280 genera, 327 species, 1 subspecies, 50 varieties, and 5 formas. We provided a total of 588 pictures representing 358 taxa and each taxon includes multiple pictures in many cases. Included identification quizzes can be an efficient educational tool as well as fun activity for students and visitors who are learning plant species in Korea. Our next step will include GPS function in the application for indicating visitor's location and for providing previously reported sites of the species that we interested in the map of the park. The future application which includes GPS function will be a valuable tool for the monitoring of rare plants, plant researches related to the climate changes, etc. We currently provide Korean iPhone version only, and English version and both of android versions will be serviced soon.

      • 太谿穴의 臨床 活用에 대한 文獻考察

        구성태,송문영,강정묵,김용명,박보라,이은석,홍정아,김경식,손인철 한국전통의학연구소 2003 한국전통의학지 Vol.13 No.1

        Literally, the mean of Tae-gye is highest brook. And on the basis of the acupuncture theory, Tae-gye point is the Soo earth point and source point of the Kidney Channel as well. In addition, Tae-gye point is one of the Yang-Returning Nine points. We were trying to study bibliographically on the Tae-gye point because Tae-gye point can be used very broadly across the symptoms in the theoretical aspect described above. As a results, we found out that according to the classical books of acupuncture, Tae-gye point is entering point of the Meridian Water as a source point and can be used at both Kidney-Sufficient Syndrom and Kidney-Deficient Syndrom. And Tae-gye can be applied to the disease of kidney or bladder that is urogenital symtoms, Also, Tae-gye is an useful option of tooth-ache, asthma, indigestion, constipation, edema etc whose cause is related with decrease of Kidney ki.

      • KCI등재

        자유주제 : 해방 후 박태원 역사소설 연구

        박태상 ( Tae Sang Park ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2012 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.39

        구보 박태원은 상당히 매력적인 작가이다. 매력적인 이유는 모더니스트로서 근대문명에 경도되는 현상을 보이면서 도시공간에 관심을 기울이다가 역사적인 공간의 확장성으로 눈을 돌렸다는 점 때문이다. 다른 하나는 초기와 달리 일제 강점기 말기부터 ``고전적인 가치``를 추구했으며, 그러한 전통 중시의 역사관이 민중사관으로 나아가 리얼리즘적인 방향으로 선회를 했다는 점 때문이다. 즉 자신의 문학의 일관성을 크게 훼손하지 않으면서도 새로운 창작공간의 확보에 성공했다는 점이 큰 매력인 것이다. 이러한 억압과 압제의 순간에도 창작의 자유를 모색하는 치열한 작가정신은 요즈음 이론으로 볼 때 탈식민주의 담론이나 해체주의 담론으로의 해석이 가능하게 유도한다. 해방 직후에 발표한 「춘보」, 『홍길동전』, 『고부민란』, 『군상』을 텍스트로 하여 스피박 등의 이론에 따른 새로운 분석을 시도했다. 우선 「춘보」를 통해 박태원은 모더니스트에서 본격적으로 리얼리스트로 변모하게 된다. 우선 이 작품은 구보 특유의 장거리문장이 사라지고, 대화체의 문체를 사용하고 있는 것이 특징이다. 또 대조법을 구사하며 ``소문``이라는 에피소드를 장치하고 ``꿈`` 처리를 함으로써 긴장을 고조시키는 구비문학적 전통기법을 구사하고 있다. 한마디로 「춘보」에서는 구보문학의 전형적 틀인 ``공간``처리를 역사적 공간으로 이동시킴으로써 탈식민주의적 해체담론을 모색하고 있는 것이 특징이다. 구보의 『홍길동전』은 ``하위주체에게 말 걸기``라는 점에서 커다란 의미를 지닌다. 그것은 보조인물로서 역사에서는 등장하지 않는 음전이와 조생원이란 허구적인 인물의 창조를 통해서 시도된다. 『고부민란』에서 작가 구보의 역사관은 전봉준이 진두에 나서지 않았더라도 이러한 고부민란은 한번은 있고야 말았을 것이라는 태도를 보인다. 따라서 『고부민란』의 예술적 가치는 양반 토호들의 학정에 참을 수 있을 만큼 참았던 민중계층이 불같이 일어날 수밖에 없었던 분노의 항거의 필연성에 대해 상세하게 서술하고 있다는 점에 있다. 한편 살아 숨쉬는 생명럭을 지니는 장임손과 신돌석이라는 민중계층의 전형적 인물을 창조해낸 것이 『군상』의 문학사적 가치라고 할 수 있다. 『군상』에서는 무대를 서울로 옮긴 주인공들의 활약을 통해 지배층의 수탈과 횡포에 희생되는 민중계층의 고통과 참혹한 삶이 그려진다. 특히 작가 구보가 근대로의 전환을 앞서 이끌었던 중인 계층을 소설 공간에 끌어들이면서, 모순된 시대상황에 희생될 수밖에 없는 존재에 귀를 기울이고 존중하려는 노력을 보인 것은 스피박이 언급했던 ``윤리적 개별성``을 부여했다는 점에서 큰 의미를 둘 수 있다. 작가의 창조적 상상력이 빛을 발하는 지점이다. Gubo Park Tae-won is quite a charming writer. His charm comes from the fact that he was interested in the urban space showing his tendency to the modern civilization as a modernist and then turned his spotlight to the scalability of historical space. Another one comes from the fact that contrary to his earlier years he has dealt with the subject of the ``classical value`` since late Japanese-colonial era and then turned to the realistic tend through the popular view of history. It`s a great attraction that he has succeeded in getting the new creative space not so much losing the consistency of literature. Viewed in the nowaday theory we can infer the discourse of decolonization or de-construction from the spirit of the writer who sought hard for the freedom of creation even at the moment of those oppression and tyranny. He tried new analyzing method in the texts of「Chunbo」,「Story of Hong Gil-dong」,「Riot of Gobu」, and「The Populace」 according to the theory of Spivak. First, through「Chunbo」Park Tae-won fully turns to the realist putting off modernist. Moreover, the characteristic on this work is that long-length sentences, which are unique to Gubo, disappears and then conversational style appears. This work also uses syncrisis and introduces original technic of oral literature which raises tension by setting up the episode, so-called, ``rumor`` and by weaving the ``dream``. In「Chunbo」, in a word, it`s the characteristic that it seeks a discourse of deconstruction in decolonization by moving the ``space`` treatment which is the typical frame of Gubo`s literature to the historical space. Gubo`s「Story of Hong Gil-dong」has great meaning in its ``telling subalterns``. It is realized through creating fictional characters such like Eumjeoni and Saegwon Joe as supporting actors. In「Riot of Gobu」, the writer Gubo`s historical view shows strongly that people`s riot of Gobu was expected to take place one day without Jeon Bong-jun`s lead. So the artistic value of「Riot of Gobu」is that the inevitability of the resistance of fury into which people rose up after the intolerable years of the tyranny of the noble landed proprietors was described in detail. Meanwhile, the value of history of literature of「The Populace」is that it has created the typical characters of the populace such like Jang Im-son and Shin Dol-seok who live alive in vivid description. In sequence, through the activities of heroes who moved their grounds to Seoul, there were described the agony and miserable lives of the populace who were sacrificed under the exploitation and oppression by the ruling class. Especially, his efforts that bringing the middle-class, who lead the days prior to the transition to modern times, to the space of novel, the writer Gubo tried to listen to and pay attention to the lives who were doomed to fall a sacrifice to the contradictory situations of the time, are significant in that he granted ``ethical haecceity`` that Spivak mentioned to them. It`s the point that the author`s creative imagination glitters.

      • KCI등재

        근린공원 환경의 만족도가 신체활동과 건강에 미치는 영향 - 창원시 성산구와 의창구를 대상으로 -

        박경훈,이우성,김태환,김은정,Park, Kyung-Hun,Lee, Woo-Sung,Kim, Tae-Hwan,Kim, Eun-Jung 한국조경학회 2014 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.42 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 경상남도 창원시를 대상으로 근린공원 환경에 대한 만족도가 신체활동과 건강증진 목적의 공원이용횟수와 체질량지수(BMI)에 의한 건강수준에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것이다. 설문조사는 창원시 성산구와 의창구 도심지역에 분포하는 8개 근린공원의 이용자와 그 주변에 거주하는 429명의 주민들을 대상으로 실시하였고, 설문분석은 근린공원 환경에 대한 만족도가 신체활동과 건강에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 일대일대응 선형회귀분석을 활용하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면, 공원을 이용하지 않는 주된 이유는 시간적 여유의 부족, 공원까지의 이동거리와 소요시간, 공원 내 이용시설의 부족 등이고, 공원을 이용하는 주된 이유는 공원까지의 접근성, 걷기 또는 산책, 휴식시설, 수목이나 그늘, 운동공간의 다양성 등으로 나타났다. 공원 이용자의 경우, 공원에서 걷기나 산책을 가장 많이 하고, 주 2회 이상 평균 10분 정도 걸어가서 1시간 정도 운동을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 공원과 그 주변의 물리적 환경 중에서 집에서 공원까지의 거리와 이동하는 가로 환경에 대한 만족도가 높았고, 공원 내 수공간이나 볼거리 등에 대한 만족도가 낮게 나타났다. 다음으로, 운동목적의 공원이용 여부, 공원이용시간, 공원이용의 만족도와 건강증진 효과, 공원까지의 거리, 따른 건강증진 효과만이 유의수준 10% 이내에서 상호관련성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 향후에도 공원의 신체활동과 건강 증진 효과에 대한 실증적 사례노약자들의 공원이용 편이성 등이 유의수준 5% 이내에서 신체활동과 건강증진 목적의 공원이용횟수에 긍정적인 영향을 보였고, 체질량지수와는 공원이용에 를 지속적으로 축적해 나갈 필요가 있으며, 이를 통해서 각종 개발용도로 전환되거나 그 면적이 축소되고 있는 도시지역의 공원 및 녹지공간을 보전 확대시켜 나가고, 신체활동 및 건강증진 장소로서의 기능을 제고하기 위한 공원계획 설계 요소를 도출하는데 근거 자료를 제공하는 것이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of satisfaction in neighborhood park environments located in the Changwon-si of Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea, on physical activity, the number of parks used for health improvement, and health levels based on Body Mass Index(BMI). Accordingly, a survey was conducted of 429 nearby residents and users of eight neighborhood parks located in urban areas of Seongsan-gu and Uichang-gu in the Changwon-si. The correlation between the environmental perception of neighborhood parks and physical activity and health, which was observed in the survey results, was analyzed using one-by-one linear regression analysis. By summarizing the study results, it was found that the primary reasons for avoiding park use were lack of time, time and effort required to reach the park(i.e., distance from the park), and lack of facilities within the park. Conversely, the primary reasons for using the park included accessibility, walking or strolling, leisure facilities, trees or shade, and diversity in exercise areas. In the case of park users, walking or strolling was the most common activity in the park. On average, park users walked to the parks for 10 minutes and exercised for an hour at least twice per week. With respect to the physical environment of the parks and surrounding areas, park users showed a high level of satisfaction with the distance between their houses and parks and the street environment. On the contrary, they exhibited low levels of satisfaction with water spaces and sightseeing within the parks. Subsequently, it was shown that the number of people using the parks for physical activities and health improvement was positively influenced(within a 5% significance level) by the intent to use the park for exercise, time spent in the park, satisfaction with park use and health improvement, distance to the park, and the convenience of using the park for the elderly. However, only the health improvement gained from park use was found to exhibit a correlation with BMI at the 10% significance level. Continuous accumulation of practical case studies on physical activities in parks and their health improvement effects is required. Through this, park spaces that are under the threat of reduction or elimination owing to various development plans can be conserved and expanded. Furthermore, such case studies can be used to provide data as the basis for deriving park plans and designs that improve parks' functions as sites of physical activity and health improvement.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인 폐확산능 정상예측식의 임상적 유용성과 정확성

        나승원 ( Seung Won Ra ),박태선 ( Tai Sun Park ),홍윤기 ( Yoon Ki Hong ),홍상범 ( Sang Bum Hong ),심태선 ( Tae Sun Shim ),임채만 ( Chae Man Lim ),이상도 ( Sang Do Lee ),고윤석 ( Youn Suck Koh ),김우성 ( Woo Sung Kim ),김동순 ( Dong 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2008 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.64 No.2

        연구배경: 폐확산능을 해석하는 데 필요한 정상예측식으로는 한국인을 대상으로 하여 박 등이 개발한 식(박 식)이 있으나 아직 외국 정상예측식을 많이 사용하고 있다. 이에 국내에서 많이 사용하는 외국 정상예측식인 Burrows 식과 박 식의 임상적 유용성과 정확성을 비교하고자 하였다. 방법: 1. 임상적 유용성 연구; 2006년 7월부터 12월까지 6개월간 폐확산능검사를 시행한 환자 중 두 식을 각각 정상예측식으로 적용하였을 때 폐확산능 해석이 다른 276명(대상군 A)을 대상으로 하였다. 대상군 A에게 두 식을 각각 적용하였을 때 폐확산능 해석과 임상적 판단과의 일치도를 비교하여 임상적 유용성을 평가하였다. 2. 간질성폐질환 진단의 정확성 비교; 2001년부터 2006년까지 폐조직검사를 시행하여 확진된 간질성폐질환군과 서울아산병원에서 모집한 정상군을 대상으로 하여 정상예측식으로 두 식을 각각 적용하였을 때 폐확산능 해석의 정확도를 비교하였고, 두 식이 차이가 나는지 맥니머의 카이스퀘어 검정을 하였다. 결과: 1. 임상적 판단과의 일치도 비교; 276명을 임상정보를 토대로 폐확산능을 예측하여 분류한 결과 정상 54명, 감소 220명, 불분명이 2명이었다. 예측식으로 박 식과 Burrows 식을 적용하였을 때 임상적 판단과 일치하는 환자는 각각 78%와 22%이었다(p<0.001). 2. 간질성폐질환 진단의 정확성 비교; 박 식은 민감도 90.1%, 특이도 100%이었고 Burrows 식은 민감도 64.2%, 특이도 100%로 민감도가 통계학적으로 유의하게 박 식이 높았다(p<0.001). 결론: 우리나라 정상예측식인 박 식이 외국 정상예측식인 Burrows 식을 정상예측식으로 적용하는 것보다 임상적 유용성이나 간질성폐질환 진단의 민감도에서 더 우월하였다. 향후 폐확산능검사의 정상예측식으로 박 식을 사용해야 할 것으로 사료된다. Background: Park et al. developed the Korean reference equation for the measurement of diffusing capacity in 1985. However, the equation has not been widely used in Korea and foreign reference equations have been popularly used. We intended to compare the clinical usefulness and the accuracy of the the Korean reference equation (Park`s equation) with that of the foreign equation (Burrows` equation) that is commonly used in Korea. Methods: 1. Evaluation of clinical usefulness; Among 1,584 patients who underwent diffusing capacity (DLCO) at the Asan Medical Center from July to December 2006, group A subjects included 276 patients who had different interpretations of DLCO in trials employing Burrows` equation and Park`s equation. Clinical assessment was decided by consensus of two respiratory physicians. In order to evaluate the clinical usefulness of Burrows` equation and Park`s equation, agreement of clinical assessment and DLCO interpretation were measured. 2. Evaluation of accuracy; Group B subjects were 81 patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) and 39 normal subjects. The 81 ILD patients were diagnosed following a surgical lung biopsy. The accuracy of diagnosing ILD as well as sensitivity and specificity were evaluated according to the use of the reference equations (Burrows` equation and Park`s equation) for DLCO. Results: Agreement between clinical assessment and interpretation of DLCO was 22% for the use of Burrows` equation and 78% for the use of Park`s equation. The sensitivity and specificity of the Burrows` equation for diagnosing ILD were 64.2% and 100%. The sensitivity and specificity of the Park`s equation for diagnosing ILD were 90.1% and 100%. The sensitivity of the Park`s equation for diagnosing ILD was significantly higher than that of Burrows` equation (p<0.001). Conclusion: The Korean reference equation (Park`s equation) was more clinically useful and had higher sensitivity for diagnosing ILD than the foreign reference equation (Burrows` equation). (Tuberc Respir Dis 2008;64:80-86)

      • 12M의 고해상도 360° 카메라를 사용한 주차장의 14면 주차 상태 판단 프로그램

        이영지(Young-Ji Lee),이희열(Hee-Yeol Lee),고태영(Tae-Young Ko),곽동훈(Dong-Hoon Kwak),김재형(Jae-Hyung Kim),김주호(Joo-Ho Kim),오승진,이태윤(Tae-Yoon Lee),박상민(Sang-Min Park),이승호(Seung-Ho Lee) 대한전자공학회 2019 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.6

        In this paper, we propose a program to identify 14 parking status in a parking lot using a high resolution 360° camera of 12M. The proposed program consists of three steps: Match with plane image, parking area detection algorithm, and discrimination of parking using learning method. Tests on a model car to evaluate the program to identify 14 parking status in a parking lot using a high-resolution 360° camera of 12M showed 100% accuracy for both parking and double parking. Therefore, the effectiveness of a program to identify 14 parking status in a parking lot using a high-resolution 360° camera of 12M proposed in this paper has been proved.

      • KCI등재

        주차원단위 산정 모형 개발에 관한 연구 -광주광역시 공동 주택 아파트를 대상으로-

        권성대,고동봉,박제진,하태준,Kwon, Sung-Dae,Ko, Dong-Bong,Park, Je-Jin,Ha, Tae-Jun 대한토목학회 2014 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.34 No.2

        도시의 급격한 팽창과 함께 주택부족 현상이 나타나게 되자, 정부는 주택부족 문제 해결을 위해 대규모 택지개발을 통하여 주택보급을 확대시켰다. 이러한 현상으로, 공동주택은 우리나라 전체 주택의 83% 수준을 유지하고 있고, 그 중 아파트가 차지하는 비중은 50%로 꾸준한 증가 추세를 보이고 있다. 이로 인해 아파트의 경우 입주민들의 승용차 보유 증가에 따른 아파트 단지 내 주차공간 부족문제 등 제반 주차 관련 문제가 발생하고 있다. 특히, 주차계획대수 수립 시 교통영향평가의 주차수요예측 중 전용면적을 고려한 주차원단위 산정 방법은 기존 계획보다 세대수는 증가하여도 전용면적이 작아지면 계획주차대수는 감소하는 것으로 나타나, 보다 현실적인 주차원단위 산정이 필요한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 공공주택 아파트를 대상으로 현실에 적합한 주차원단위를 산정하고자 한다. 현장조사 및 설문조사를 실시하고, 구득자료에 대한 분석을 수행함으로써, 기존 교통영향평가의 주차원단위 산정 문제점을 도출하였다. 또한, 주차수요예측에 영향을 미치는 요인 선정을 통해 주차원단위 산정모형을 개발하였다. 마지막으로 실제 조사된 아파트 주차원단위 자료를 통해 기존 교통영향평가의 주차원단위 산정과 본 연구에서 제시한 주차원단위 산정모형을 비교 분석하였다. 향후 본 연구에서 개발된 주차원단위 산정모형은 주차장법 기준 정립은 물론 보다 현실적인 주차수요예측 수행에 적극 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. The rapid expansion of cities led to the shortage of housing in urban areas. The government compensated for this shortage through large scale residential developments that increased the housing supply. The supply of condominium apartments remains above 83% of the entire housing supply, and the proportion of apartments are at a steady increase, at about 50%. Due to the increase, illegally parked cars resulting from the shortage of parking spaces within the apartment complex have become increasingly problematic as they block the transit of emergency vehicles, and heighten the tension among neighboring residents in obtaining a parking space. Especially, the future residents are considered to plan the parking based on the estimated demand for parking. However, the parking unit method utilized to estimate the parking demand accounts for the exclusive use of space, which is believed to be far from the parking demands in reality. The reason for this discrepancy is that, as the number of households decrease, and area of exclusive space is expanded, the planned parking increases. On the other hand, when the number of households increase, and the area of exclusive space is reduced, the planned parking decreases, thus methods to recalculate the parking units based on estimated parking demand is an urgent concern. To estimate the parking units based on condominium apartments, this study first examined the existing research literature, and appointed the field of investigation to collect the necessary data. In addition, field study data and surveys collected and analyzed, in order to identify the problems underlying parking units, and problems regarding the current traffic impact assessment parking unit calculation method were deduced. Through identifying the influential factors on parking demand estimates, and performing a factorial analysis based on the collected data, the variables were selected in relation to the parking demand estimates, to develop the parking unit estimate model. Finally, through comparing and verifying the existing traffic impact assessment parking unit estimate against the newly developed model using collected data, a far more realistic parking unite estimate was suggested, reflecting the characteristics of the residents. The parking unit estimate model developed in this study is anticipated to serve as the guidelines for future parking lot legislature, as wel as the basis to provide a more realistic estimate of parking demands based on the resident characteristics of an apartment complex.

      • KCI등재후보

        광조사 방식이 복합레진의 중합과 누출에 미치는 영향

        박종진,박정원,박성호,박주명,권태경,김성교 大韓齒科保存學會 2002 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.27 No.2

        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of light irradiation modes on polymerization shrinkage, degree of cure and microleakage of a composite resin. VIP^™ (Bisco Dental Products, Schaumburg, IL, USA) and Optilux 501^™(demetron/ Kerr, Danbury, CT, USA) were used for curing Filtek^™ Z-250(3M Dental Products, St. Paul., MN, USA) composite resin using following irradiation modes: VIP^™ (Bisco) 200mW/cm^2 (V2), 400mW/cm^2 (V4), 600mW/cm^2 (V6), Pulse-delay (200 mW/cm^2 3 seconds, 5 minutes wait, 600mW/cm^2 30seconds, VPD) and Optilux 501^™ (Demetron/Kerr) C-mode (OC), R-mode (OR). Linear polymerization shrinkage of the composite specimens were measured using Linometer (R&B, Daejeon, Korea) for 90 seconds for V2, V4, V6, OC, OR groups and for up to 363 seconds for VPD group (n=10, each). Degree of conversion was measured using FTIR spectrometer (IFS 120 HR, Bruker Karlsruhe, Germany) at the bottom surface of 2 mm thick composite specimens. V2, V4, V6, OC groups were measured separately at five irradiation times (5, 10, 20, 40, 60 seconds) and Or, VPD groups were measured in the above mentioned irradiation modes (n=5, each). Microhardness was measured using Digital microhardness tester (FM7, Future-Tech Co., Tokyo, Japan) at the top and bottom surfaces of 2mm thick composite specimens after exposure to the same irradiation modes as the test of degree of conversion(n=3, each). For the microleakage test, class V cavities were prepared on the distal surface of the ninety extracted human third molars. The cavities were restored with one of the following irradiation modes: V2/60 seconds. V4/40 seconds, V6/30 seconds, VPD, OC and OR. Microleakage was asessed by dye penetration along enamel and dentin marigns of cavities. Mean polymerization shrinkage, mean degree of conversion and mean microhardness values for all groups at each time were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Duncan's multiple range test, and using chisquare test for microleakage values. The results were as follows: ·Polymerization shrinkage was increased with higher light intensity in groups using VIP^™(Bisco) : the highset with 600mW/cm^2, followed by Pulse-delay, 400mW/cm^2 and 200mW/cm^2 groups. The degree of polymerization shrinkage was higher with Continuous mode than with Ramp mode in groups using Optilux 501^™ (Demetron/Kerr). ·Degree of conversion and microhardness values were higher with higher light intensity. The final degree of conversion was in the range of 44.7 to 54.98% and the final microhardness value in the range of 34.10 to 56.340. ·Microleakage was greater in dentin margin than in enamel margin. Higher light intensity showed more microleakage in dentin margin in groups using VIP^™ (Bisco). The microleakage was the lowest with Continuous mode in enamel margin and with Ramp mode in dentin margin when Optilux 501^™ (Demetron/Kerr) was used.

      • Analysis of monitoring Road-kill in Odaesan National Park

        Sang Jin Lim,Ki Yoon Kim,Woo Chan Lim,Hyeong Woo Ji,Baek Soon Choi,Tae Il Kim,Hyo Nam Kim,Ji Hong Min,Hey Ri Kim,Eui Kyeong Kim,Yung Chul Park 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2017 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.11

        We surveyed mammalian roadkill at the National Route 6 (Jin-gogae to Songcheon, 18㎞) and a local road 446 (Odaesan National Park office to Sangwon-temple, 12㎞) in Odaesan National Park. Data of the surveys were analyzed by year, month, and species. Roadkills of 226 individuals were found at the survey areas. Of them, the road-killed 131 mammal individuals, 44 bird individuals, 40 reptile individual and 11 amphibian individuals were found during the survey period. High ratio of the road-kills was observed in mammals than the other animals. Among mammalian species, high ratio of the road-kills was observed in squirrels. There were road-kills of three endangered species, containing otters, yellow-throated marten and leopard cats. According to the analyses of annual road-kills, roadkills of 104 cases were occurred and highly frequent in 2014, following by roadkills of 81 cases in 2015, and then those of 41 cases in 2016. Most ases of the roadkills occurred in summer (June to September). The results will contribute to establishing management for reduction of roadkill in Odaesan National Park.

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