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        The Effects of the Features of a Digital English Story for EFL Elementary School Learners

        Im,Kyung-Bin 한국영어어문교육학회 2014 영어어문교육 Vol.20 No.1

        This study investigated various features of a digital English story for EFL elementary school children concerning supportive effects of digital English stories such as pictures, animations, narration and interactive features. If digital English stories have more effective features for learning, it could help the learners more successfully. The major purpose of this study is to analyse the effects of various features of digital English stories to design more supportive digital English stories for children's language learning in an EFL situation. In this study, a digital English story was selected and 52 4th year elementary school students were participated for the experiment. The experiment was designed to find out the effects of various features of the digital English story on learning. The children's performance was evaluated and their opinions were collected through test, observation, and survey. Although it was very hard to decide which feature is connected to which learning result, it seems evident that the overall effect of the digital English story on learning English was statistically meaningful in relation to the results of the test and the survey.

      • KCI등재

        응급구조사 수습 과정에 대한 고찰

        정경임,황정연 대한응급의학회 1993 대한응급의학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        We performed this study to evaluate the efficacy of Emergency Medical Technician Education in a designated Facility. This article is the statistical analysis of which the results were obtained from the first trial of Emergency Medical Technician Training program by EMS instructor at Emergency Department, Wallace Memorial Baptist hospital in Pusan from Jun 28 to July 10, 1993. The results were as follow : 1) On sexual distribution of students, male was 57.6% and female was 42.4%. On age distribution, between 30-39 year-old age was 64.7% average age was 33.5 year-old. 2) The geographic distribution of their address was 57.6% in Pusan, the remainders in Kyung-nam, Kyung-buk, and Che-ju in order. 3) The average bed size of the hospital in which they served was 375 beds. 4) The students working in Emergency Room was 42.4%, the other was 57.6%. 5) There were 53.3% students who have the license for nurse-aid and 46.7% registered nurses. 6) The period of students clinical experience was for 101.8 months (about 8 years) in average, and their career in emergency room was for 38.1 months(about 3 years). 7) In the lecture, 91.1% of the students answered that they were content with the lecture qualities or that it was sufficient to learn. In learning the skills, 73.5% of the students replied they were content with the quality to teach the skills or it was sufficient one. Especially male students as a nurse-aid had the better results for the acquisition of the skills than the female registred nurse. 8) 57.6% answered their lecture time was short, 42.1% was proper. Most students were satisfied with the time length of their curriculum, but 26.5% of the students wanted to have more than 12 weeks of education couse. Most of them replied the proper size of the class must be below 20 students per class. 9) They answered the lectural time per a learning item was plenty in 72.0% of the students, not in 28.0%, and skill acquisition time per a learning item was appropriate for 41.4% of the participants, not for 58.6%. They answered the education materials were plenty in 85.3% and not in 11.8%. 10) The written tests showed normal distribution curve through the 4th written test and the results of the final written examination was 98.5 points in average. 11) There was very high correlation(co-efficient : 0.6234) between the 3rd and 4th written test and relatively high correlation between the 3rd and final test and between 4th written test and the skill tests. 12) The female students got the higher points than the male in the written test, but no significant differences of the points in the skill testing according to the participants sex. 13) The registered nurses made the better points in the written test compared to the nurse-aids, but statistically there was no significant difference in the skill testing. To develop better education program for EMT the counterplans on the basis of above results can be established as belows. 1) It will be necessary to ensure professional people who aquired the sufficient training and experience for emergency treatment and to look for legal basis. 2) The sufficient training for EMT is wanted and both starting education and continuing education needs to be focused. 3) The education program for EMT has to be varied according to its charateristics of qualification. 4) the special education program for lecturer for EMT is needed. 5) Each Medical and Education organization should work on the entire education course achieve its standardization of time length, content, methods and level. 6) The positive attitude of government is needed to solve the problems which happen with the current system of Emergency Medicine. It will be necessary to stipulate the items relevant to Emergency Medicine in the law.

      • KCI등재

        독일어 영어 동사구조 및 형태의 통계적 비교

        김순임,송경안 한국독일어교육학회 1998 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.3 No.-

        Beim Lernen der Fremdsprache wird der Transfer der schon erwor-benen oder erlernten Sprache vorausgesetzt. Um Deutsch als zweite Fremdsprache effektiv zu lernen und zu lehren ist es notwendig, die lexikalische Struktur des Englischen, das bei uns als erste Fremd-sprache fungiert, zu kennen. Denn normalerweise denkt man, daβ die lexikalische Struktur der beiden Sprachen sehr ahnlich waren, weil sie historisch gesehen aus der gleichen Sprachfamilie, dem Germanischen, stammen. Aber durch den Vergleich der Lexik im Deutschen und Englischen wrid gezeigt, daβ die Struktur der englischen Worter eher dem Franzosischen, einer der romanischen Sprachen, nahesteht als dem Deutschen. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wieweit die Verben der beiden Sprache in der morphologischen Struktur gleich oder unterschiedlich sind. Aus de statistischen vergleichsanalyse einer bestimmten Quantitat von deutschen und englischen Verben Verben stellen sich einige Phanomene Heraus: 1. In der Frequenz des wiederholten Auftretens der Verben zeigne die beiden Sprachen keinen groβen Unterschied und diesbezuglich tritt die durchschnittliche Produktivitat der Verben beider Sprachen fast gleich auf. 2. Im Englischen kommen die zweigliedrigen Verben haufig vor, die den zusammengesetzen Verben des Deutschen entsprechen. 3. In der analyse der zusammengesetzen Verben der beiden Sprachen ergibt sich, daβ die Durchschnittsproduktivtat der Morpheme der englischen Verben niedriger ist als die der deutschen Verben. Das bedeutet, daβ das Deutsche im Vergleich mit dem Englischen aus den relativ wenigen Morphemen viele Verben gestalten kann. 4. Die Morphemkombinationsmoglichkeit der deutchen Verben ist groβer als im Englischen. Das beruht darauf daβ die deutschen Morpheme verschiedene Funktionen haben. Beispielsweise kann ein Verbzusatzmorphem sowohl als Verbstamm, als auch als Grundverb fungieren. Dieses Merkmal bezieht sich auf fast dem gleichen Prozentsatz der durchschnittlichen Produktivitat der deutschen Verben wie beim Englischen. 5. Die Verbaffixe beider Sprachen ahneln sich fast nicht in ihrer Formen. Die Ahnlichkeit der Verbformen von dem Englischen und dem Deutschen betragt 20%, wobei der Prozentsatz der Affinitat zwischen englischen und franzosischen Verben doppelt hoch ist. Aus der Untersuchung konnen wir sagen, daβ sich die englische Sprache auf der lexikalischen Ebene dem Deutschen unahnlich entwickelt hat und daβ diese Tatsache zum Unterricht des Deutschen als zweiter Fremdsprache im Rahmen des Transfers des Englischen auf das Deusche erkannt werden muβ.

      • KCI등재

        레크레이션 공작 프로그램이 학습부진아의 자아개념 및 사회성에 미치는 효과

        국미경 ( Dong Im Chung ),정동임 ( Mi Kyung Kuk ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2001 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.2 No.3

        본 연구는 레크레이션공작 프로그램을 학습부진아에게 적용하여 자아개념과 사회성에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 알아보고자 익산시 Y 초등학교 5학년 아동 가운데 표준화기본학력 평가에서 평균 점수가 60점 미만이며 지능이 정상 범주에 속하는 아동 5명을 대상으로 1회기당 60분씩 총 20회기에 걸쳐서 실시하였다. 그 결과 레크레이션공작 프로그램은 아동별로 상대적인 차이는 있었으나 학습부진아의 자아개념 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으며 주의집중력과 수업태도의 향상 효과도 관찰되었다. 또한 레크레이션공작 프로그램은 아동별차이는 학습부진아의 사회성 향상에도 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 추후연구에서 학습부진아동을 위한 흥미로운 놀이 활동을 통한 자아개념 향상 프로그램의 적극적인 개발과 적용이 요구된다. This paper gives a attention to effect of receration craft program on the affirmative self-concept and social development of low-achieving children. 30 students, the 5th school year in Y elementary school, are sampled at the first time. They have mark which is lower than 60 degree. Next, recreation craft program, which is develed by 4 mens, including Park, Kyung-Suk, is performed for the 5 students who have qutatient lower than 85 in IQ. It take 60 minutes each 1 program. The program is repeated 20 times, bring about the followings. The research findings were as follows: First, recreation craft program gives a good effect on elevation of self-consept in low-achieving children, It help the childeren have physical self-concept, update social self-consept. and emotional self-concept raise attention to lesson, bringing up self-consept in lessons. Personal up-greads are as follows: child C in self-consept in lesson, child E in social self-consept, child A, B, D in physical self-consept, child A,C in emotional self-consept. In addtion, the children are elevated in attention to lesson, giving a favor in class. Second, application of recreation crapt program give a affect on bring-up in society. children C, D, A, B, E are updated in sequence. They are changed from selfish thought to social thought, giving a help for the others. In the above results, the 2 proposals can be given. First, teachers have to lesson, raising positive self-consept for the poor-learned to do their best. Second, teachers have to bring up self-confidence and pride with lesson and human deed practice, driving personal capacity and society.

      • KCI등재

        농촌 지역 마을하수도 유입 하수 특성과 효율 분석

        임지열 ( Ji Yeol Im ),정동기 ( Dong Gi Jung ),길경익 ( Kyung Ik Gil ) 한국물환경학회 2012 한국물환경학회지 Vol.28 No.6

        This study conducted a result analysis on operation of 26 Rural Community Sewage Treatment Plant (RCSTP) newly constructed in Yeong-yang, Bong-hwa and An-dong areas which are located at the uper region of An-dong Dam and Im-ha Dam. Based on operation result, an analysis on characteristics of sewage in each areas and the treatment efficiency of the installed treatment process was conducted. The result of analysis on characteristics of sewage has shown the difference in concentration of the sewage according to area characteristics. Sewage in areas with frequent occurrence of agricultural water and livestock wastewater had high concentration. It is important to select the most suitable treatment process when selecting a treatment process for RCSTP according to properties of sewage in each area. As a result of operation, the disposal efficiency for organic matter and suspended solids was stable with less fluctuation, but the disposal efficiency for nitrogen and phosphorus showed high fluctuation. This signifies that it is necessary to pay attention to operation condition management of aitrogen and phosphorus when operating RCSTP.

      • KCI등재

        화물운송서비스의 아웃소싱전략 및 발전방향에 관한 연구

        임홍상,국우각,강경우 한국로지스틱스학회 2002 로지스틱스연구 Vol.10 No.2

        인천국제공항의 개항과 남북경협을 통한 동북아 물류중심국가로 발전하기 위하여 노력을 기울이고 있는 우리나라는 현재 물류에 대한 관심이 그 어느 때보다 높게 나타나고 있으며, DHL, UPS 같은 국제적인 전문 물류업체는 최첨단 물류정보시스템과 자산을 가지고 적극적인 국내 마케팅활동을 벌이고 있다. 우리나라의 경우 IMF라는 국가적 불황을 겪게 되면서 물류 아웃소싱에 대해 그 인식이 크게 제고되었으며, 과거 규모 위주의 성장을 추구했던 것에서 벗어나 수익성·차별성을 추구하면서 기업을 경영하는 풍토가 조성되었다. 하지만 이러한 특수성은 외국에서 나타난 아웃소싱의 순효과 외에 단순한 구조조정의 수단으로 이용되어 물류기능의 고도화가 이루어지지 않았다는 지적은 우리나라 물류아웃소싱의 방향설정 및 물류전략설정에 있어 많은 관심과 지속적인 노력을 기울여야 한다는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구는 국내 수배송 전문업체의 바람직한 마케팅전략을 세우는데 그 목적이 있었으며, 이를 시장 즉, 화주측면에서 접근하였으며, 로지스틱 판별분석을 이용하여 수배송 아웃소싱을 도입하고 있는 기업과 도입하지 않은 업체에 대해 분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과 물류 정보서비스의 활용 및 선호도가 높을수록, 화물의 시간가치가 높을수록, 공차거리율 및 적재율의 정기적인 측정이 이루어질수록, 제품의 출하빈도가 높을수록, 통행특성에 있어 TL 보다는 LTL 일수록 수배송 아웃소싱을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 국내의 제3자 물류공급업체 및 화물운송업체의 경우 상대적으로 물류정보시스템에 대한 중요도 및 위탁업체와의 상호 호환성에는 그 중요도가 낮은 것으로 나타나 본 연구의 분석결과에 비추어 볼 때 하루바삐 인식의 전환 및 구축이 필요할 것이라 판단된다. Recently, Korea has a great concern of the logistics. Expecially opening of the Incheon International Airport and planning for a major role in logistics in the East-Asia region through improving in inter Korean relation accelerate their logistics concern. Futhermore, international freight delivery service provider such as DHL & UPS sales positively with their state of arts logistics information services and asset. In case of Korea, many company managed from the pursuit of scale economy to focus on a core business and cost saving as recognized for outsourcing of the logistics function when the economy of Korea was under an IMF bailout program. However, their point of view is not by positive effects such as specific competitive power of speciality but used of reshaping in labour force. The objective of this study is build a marketing strategies of freight delivery service in Korea. Particularly, this study is by Logistics Discrimination analysis between those who shipper with outsourced their delivery service and are not. As the result of analyzing outputs from Logistics Discrimination model, those who more used outsourced in freight delivery service when delivery service are the more employing information services related to logistics such EDI etc, handle with higher value of time(VOT) in freight, regularly check up the rate of travels with(without) freight, the shipment is more frequent, and less than truck-load(LTL) in trip characteristics.

      • 고래회충유충증 107례 보고 및 어류감염 실태 조사


        고래회충유충증은 바다 포유동물에 기생하는 고래회충과(科)의 유충이 인체의 소화관 특히 위(胃)와 소장에 침입하여 발생되는 질병으로 범세계적으로 보고되고 있다. 급성복통을 호소하는 환자를 대상으로 바닷고기 생식여부를 조사하고 위내시경을 관찰하여 위점막내로 뚫고 들어가는 고래회충과 유충을 적출하여 동정함으로써 진단하였다. 1989년 6월부터 3년간 남자 60명, 여자 47명의 고래회충유충증 환자를 찾아내었다. 주요 증상은 상복부통, 급성복통, 구토 등이었고, 바닷고기를 생식하고 4시간 내지 1일 이내에 증상이 생겼고, 대부분 1-3일 후 유충을 제거하였다. 위내시경 관찰을 하였더니 유충들은 위의 몸체에서 제일 많이 발견되었고 유충이 침입한 위점막으로 부터 출혈, 부종, 미란 등이 관찰되었다. 적출된 유충 90마리 중 82마리가 고래회충(Anisakis simplex)의 유충이었다. 문진을 통해 확인된 환자가 생식한 어종으로는 조기, 바닷장어, 히라스, 오징어가 많았다. 농수산물센타에서 임의 로 구입한 5가지 바닷고기에서 고래회충과 유충을 조사하였더니 고등어와 우럭에서 검출되었고, 내장 및 복부 근육에서 고래회충(Anisakis simplex)과 물개회충(Pseudoterranova decipiens)의 유충 등이 검출되었다. Human anisakiasis may occur after ingestion of raw marine fish infected with nematode larvae of Anisakidae. Anisakiasis caused by the migration of the larva into the wall of stomach, small intestine and other portion has been reported in Korea. This prospective study was made of all cases referred to parasitological laboratory in Cheju-do between June 1989 and June 1992. Gastric anisakiasis was confirmed if larvae invading the gastric wall were in 30-49 years old. Most of the patients complained acute epigastric pain with history of eating raw marine fish. This symptom usually occurred about 12 hours to 1 day after ingestion of infected marine fish. Edema, erosion or ulcer of the mucosa and hemorrhage from the gastric wall were observed in the involved areas. Ninety larvae removed from the stomach were identified; the larva of Anisakis simplex was the most prevalent species, and the larva of Pseudoterranova decipiens was also detected. The important species of marine fish from which the patients became infected was demonstrated as yellow corvina, sea eel, ling, cuttle fish, yellowtail and others. Five species of marine fish as a possible source of infection were examined, and Anisakis simplex larvae and Pseudoterranova decipiens larvae were collected from the mackerel and rock cod. This study demonstrates that anisakiasis is recognized as a public health problem in Korea.

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