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      • KCI등재

        복부둔상에 의한 간 손상의 임상적 고찰

        홍순찬,최상경,박순태,하우송,이진석,권수인,이영준,정은정,조현언,정광근,임병찬 대한외상학회 2000 大韓外傷學會誌 Vol.13 No.2

        Because of the merit of nonoperative management of blunt hepatic trauma, which is the avoidance of operative morbidity, the use of nonoperative management has been extended. However the indications for such treatment have not been sufficiently determined. To suggest possible criteria for nonoperative management, we reviewed 95 cases with blunt hepatic injuries which were confirmed by abdominal exploration or abdominal CT in Gyeong Sang National University Hospital from January 1992 to October 2000. Of the 95 patients, 38 patients were treated with operation and 57 patients treated with nonoperative management. We analyzed the patients for age, sex, cause of injury, injured organ, injury grade, transfusion amount, and shock on admission, complications and mortality. The results are as follows; 1) The peak incidence of age was in the 3rd decade (20%), and the male-to-female ratio was 3:1. 2) The most frequent injury mechanism was traffic accidents (40, 42%). 3) The most frequently used diagnostic modality was abdominal CT (95 cases) in the nonoperative and the operative group. 4) On the liver injury scale of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST), 13 were grade I, 18 were grade II, 10 were grade III, 13 were grade IV, and 3 were grade V in the nonoperative group ; 1 were grade I, 6 were grade II, 18 were grade III, 8 were grade IV, 4 were grade V, and 1 were grade VI in the operative group. 5) Between the nonoperative and the operative groups, there were significant differences in the systolic blood pressure in the first 8 and 24 hours, transfusion amount, and GOT/GPT level (p$lt;0.05). 6) In comparison of complication, there were 3 cases of heaptic abscess,1 case of intrahepatic hematoma, 1 case of bile leakage, 1 case of rebleeding in operative group (15.7%). There were 2 cases of intrahepatic abscess, 2 cases of intrahepatic hematoma, 4 cases of biloma, 1 case of subcapsular hematoma in nonoperative group (15.7%). In mortality cases, 6patients died in operative group. Among them, 5patiens died from DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) and multiorgan failure, 1patient died from ARDS (adult respiratory distress syndrome) in operative group and 2patients died from hypovolemic shock in nonoperative group. In conclusion, i) nonoperative management may be considered as a first choice in children and adults with blunt abdominal trauma and stable vital signs. ii) Patients with hemodynamically stable hepatic injury 8 hrs after resuscitation, even with an AAST OIS grade 4 injury, may be candidates for nonoperative management.

      • "이순신" 멀티미디어 정보 시스템 설계 및 구현

        이혜정,박원환,박두순 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2000 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is service system development which enables to carry out the mission of preserving worldwide Korean cultural relics, internationally to contact the informations about our country's cultural relics on the Cyber space, to make atmosphere that makes it possible to appreciate them, and to provide information service by performing mutimedia service which is related to Soon-sin Lee using Virual Reality. For that, creating Virtual Reality information and Video Informaion which is related to Soon-sin Lee, especially Gubooksun by using Virtual Reality technique, 3-Degree image manufacture technique, animation manufacture technique, video manufacture and service technique and Internet/Web technique, and then manufacturing and storing them in the digital data type, and carry out Information Service through connecting the system of serving these informations with the Information SuperHighway

      • KCI등재후보

        한국윤리학회: 회고와 전망

        박정순 ( Jung-soon Park ) 한국윤리학회 2015 윤리학 Vol.4 No.1

        한국윤리학회는 한국철학회의 분과학회로서 1980년 초반에 창설되어 지금까지 지속적으로 학회를 유지하고 학술 활동을 하고 있다. 초대 회장인 서울대 철학과 김태길 교수로부터, 1991년 이후 10년간 학회를 맡아 학회를 크게 발전시킨 6대 회장 서울대 철학과 황경식 교수를 거쳐, 2005년부터 9대 회장으로서 5년간 윤리학회에 헌신했던 연세대 철학과 박정순 교수에 이르기까지 그 전통은 면면히 이어져 오고 있다. 한국윤리학회의 첫 번째 공동 탐구 과제이자 담론의 주제는 존 롤즈(John Rawls)의 『정의론』에 의해서 부활된 사회계약론에 관한 것이다. 공동 탐구 모임은 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12월 월례회 방식으로 진행되었고 그 결과 『사회계약론 연구』(한국사회윤리학회 편, 1993)가 출간되었다. 2005년 이후에는 한국윤리학회가 준사단법인 학술단체로 등록되었고, 2년 연속 한국연구재단으로부터 소규모 학회 지원금을 받아 매달 발표회를 진행하였다. 그 결과 『롤즈의 정의론과 그 이후』(황경식, 박정순 외 지음, 철학과 현실사, 2009)를 발간할 수 있었다. 그리고 서울에서 열렸던 2008년 제22차 세계철학자대회의 윤리학 분과에서 우리 학회의 여러 회원들이 발표를 하였고, 또한 분과 좌장으로 참여하였다. 그리고 우리 학회는 한국철학회 산하 다산기념철학강좌와 아울러 한국철학자대회에 참여하고, 나아가서 여러 타학회와의 교류도 증진하였다. 그리고 우리 학회의 미래 연구 과제로서 덕의 윤리 문제, 트롤리 문제가 선도하고 있는 실험윤리학의 문제, 여러 반이론적 윤리학적 경향, 응용윤리 분야 문제, 민주적 시민사회 이론 문제, 행복, 복지, 웰빙에 관련된 문제도 주목해야 할 것으로서 설정하였다. The Korean Society for Ethics was founded in the 1980s under a subsection of the Korean Philosophical Association. From the 1<sup>st</sup> President, Professor Tae-Gil Kim of the Department of Philosophy at Seoul National University, via the 6<sup>th</sup> President, Professor Kyung Sik Hwang of the Department of Philosophy at Seoul National University, to the 9<sup>th</sup> President, Professor Jung-Soon Park of the Department of Philosophy at Yonsei University, the academic tradition and lineage of the Society has been continued without any disruption. The 1<sup>st</sup> com m on research agenda of the Society was on the revived social contract theory proposed by John Rawls. Common research meetings were made usually in March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December. And the result was the publication of The Studies of Social Contract Theories (1993). In the year of 2015, the Society was registered as a semi-incorporated academic association and had got a research fund for a small research study group in two years from Korean Research Funds. In virtue of the Society’s two-year funds, the Society published Rawls and The After (2009). And in the 22<sup>nd</sup> World Congress of Philosophy, many members of the Society made presentations and took a role as a chair-person in Ethics and Social Philosophy Sections. Our Society has been involved with Dasan Memorial Lectures arranged by The Korean Philosophical Association, and also with Korean Philosophers’ Conferences, and also with the exchanges of the other philosophical societies. For the future agendas, our Society pays special attention to the problem s of virtue ethics, experimental ethics led by trolley problem, various anti-theoretical ethics trends, applied ethics, democratic civil society theories, and happiness, welfare, and well-being.

      • 우리나라 상차림의 영양적 평가

        김영순,이정희,오순덕,김수현,이정민,남택수,박태식,천유정 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 2002 保健科學論集 Vol.28 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the current nutritional problems owing to the increased consumption of westernized food in Korea and also was conducted to compare the nutritional characteristics of Korean traditional meal with those of the Western diet in similar serving size. The results obtained from nutritional evaluation are as follows: 1. The percentage of calories represented by carbohydrate: lipid: protein was 65:15:20 respectively for Korean traditional meal (Table setting of 3 Chop) therefore these ratios meet the dietary recommended allowances for Koreans. 2. Nutrient values of Korean traditional 3-Chop were shown to be better balanced than those of Western diet when the nutrients of the two types of diet were estimated by similar serving sizes and calories. 3. Compared to the Korean traditional meal, most fast foods were nutritionally imbalanced especially in that most of them showed higher amounts of fats. These results show that Korean traditional meals supply ideal nutrient intakes in contrasts to the westernized diet, therefore much work remains in developing a variety of menus and standard recipes for Korean traditional meals according to the changes in diet trends as well as emphasing the importance of Korean traditional meals as part of an ideal, well-banlanced diet.

      • KCI등재

        Notes on bird species newly recorded in Korea

        Kim, Hwa-Jung,Kim, Dong-Won,Hur, Wee-Haeng,Jang, Byoungsoon,Lee, Yun-Kyung,Kwon, In-Ki,Park, Jong-Hyun,Park, Jong-Gil,Kang, Chang-Wan,Kim, Eun-Mi,Choi, Soon-Kyoo,Kim, Han-Kyu The National Institute of Biological Resources 2020 Journal of species research Vol.9 No.4

        A total of 527 species of birds have been recorded in Korea. We summarize the records of three genera and six species that have been newly reported in Korea, discovered through the avian monitoring programs carried out by The National Institute of Biological Resources from 2013 to 2016. These six newly recorded species are; Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris), Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis), Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola), Black-winged Kite (Elanus caeruleus), Mongolian Lark (Melanocorypha mongolica) and Crested Myna (Acridotheres cristatellus). One Ring-necked Duck was observed on March 23, 2014 in Jungrangcheon Stream. One male Lesser Scaup was recorded on February 24, 2014 in Gyeongpoho Lagoon. A male bufflehead was first seen in Yeongrangho Lagoon on January 26, 2013. The Black-winged Kite was first observed on January 23, 2013 at the Gangseo Wetland Ecological Park. One Mongolian Lark was also recorded on May 11, 2016 and May 12, 2017 in Marado Island. The Crested Myna was first observed on April 20, 2016 in Seomando, Island.

      • KCI등재후보

        개에서 이중 결찰법을 통한 동맥관 개존증의 완치 예

        윤헌영,정순욱,박희명,박철,정만복,김준영,한현정,황민,노병국,박상혁,장하영,박정윤 한국임상수의학회 2004 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        A ten months old, female Yorkshire terrier weighing 2.88 kg referred to veterinary teaching hospital of college of veterinary medicine, Konkuk University because of syncope, cough and dyspnea. First hematological and serum chemical test revealed thrombocytopenia, mild anemia, and increase of concentration of ALP (195 U/L). On 57 days later, second hematological and serum chemical test revealed polycythemia, increase of concentration of ALP (211 U/L), and Tchol (387 mg/dl). Right atrium enlargement, main pulmonary artery bulge and cardiomegaly (VHS = 11.5) were observed in radiographic findings. Ultrasonographic images showed both right and left ventricular dilation and turbulent flow between the descending aorta and the main pulmonary artery in color Doppler imaging. ECG showed left ventricular enlargement, SA block, and electrical alternant. Thoracotomy was performed through left fourth intercostal incision under isoflurane anesthesia. Patent ductus arteriosus was double ligated with 1-0 silk. Cough and dyspnea disappeared on 5 days after operation. Turbulent flow was not found in color doppler imaging of ultrasonography on 10 days after operation. Ten months later after the operation, syncope could not exist any more.

      • KCI등재후보

        대량의 각혈로 사망한 장티푸스 1예

        한상우,유진홍,권순석,김성훈,박지찬,홍은정,최경성,박용완,장준희,안지원,박유경,강지영,박상미,신완식 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.5

        We experienced a 25 year-old male patient with typhoid fever complicated with massive hemoptysis. Pulmonary complication in typhoid fever is very rare and to our knowledge, there has been no report of hemoptysis as a main cause of death with this disease. We herein report a rare case of typhoid fever.

      • 一部大都市地域 靑少年의 成長發育·最大成長發育年齡·相關性과 回歸直線方程式에 대한 類似縱斷的 硏究

        朴正煥,朴淳永,柳東俊 慶熙大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        The authors intended to study by semi-longitudinal research method, the physical status of 329 high school students in urban area ( male ; 164, female ; 165) who had born during the period from March 1 in 1970 to February 28 in 1971. The results are as follws ; 1. Physical growth and development Body height showed the first - step linear development and body weight showed second - step linear development, but relative body weight showed third - step linear development, but relative body wight showed third - step linear development and female excelled male at second - step development. The intersecting ages between male and female were the age 9.5 - 12.5 in case of body height, the age 10.5 - 12.5 in case of body weight, the age 10.5 - 13.5 in case of relative body weight respectively. During these periods, female excelled male in growth and development, but after these periods, male excelled female . 2. Maximum growth age of physical growth and development In case of body height, maximum growth ages were 12.63 for female, which shows that MGA of female appeared about 2.8 years earlier than that of male. In case of body height, maximum growth ages wore 12.63 for male and 9.82 for female, which shows that MGA of female appeared about 28 years earlier than that of male. 3. The stanadard body weight of the Korean youth In case of 6 years of age group, correlation coefficient of r=+0.685 ( p<0.001 ) for male and of r=0.658( p<0.001 ) between body height and body weight was found, from which respective linear regression equation of body weight and body height was established for male and female as follow ; Male : Y ( Body weight )=0.391 X ( Body height )-25.47 (Sy. x=±1.89) Female : Y ( Body weight )=0.336 X ( Body height )-19.48 (Sy. x=±1.75) Similar regression equations of body weight and body height were found all age groups from 6 to 17 years old listed in table 5.

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