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      • KCI등재

        20세기 독일 드라마에 나타난 성 담론

        장은수 세계문학비교학회 2002 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        Anfang der 90er Jahre erlebte der Genderdiskurs eine Wende. Judith Butler leitete mit ihrem Buch 『Gendertrouble』(1991) einen Paradigmenwechsel in der feministischen Theoriediskussion ein. Butlers These, dass alle Aussagen u¨ber Identita¨t, Ko¨rper und Geschlecht diskursiv bestimmt seien, stellte Annahmen u¨ber eine natu¨rliche Markierung der ko¨rperlichen Geschlechtlichkeit radikal in Frage. Nach ihrer Auffassung ist der Ko¨rper keine dem kulturellen Prozess vorangehende Identita¨t, sondern vielmehr eine Konstruktion, die “erst in und durch Markierung der Geschlechtsidentita¨t ins Leben gerufen wird”. In der deutschsprachigen Literatur erregte das Thema “Geschlechtertausch” bereits in den 80er Jahren großes Aufsehen im Rahmen der feministischen Bewegung. Der Genderdiskurs bleibt aber nicht nur auf den feministischen Kreis beschra¨nkt. Man kann auch in den literarischen Diskursen der letzten Jahrzehnte beobachten, wie sich gerade im Riss von Ko¨rperbild und Ko¨rper die gewohnten Maßsta¨be individueller Identita¨t auflo¨sen, die im theatralen Raum der neuzeitlichen, bu¨rgerlichen Epoche geschlechterspezifisch festgehalten wurden. Heiner Mullers Theaterstu¨ck 『Hamletmaschine』bietet sich als Beispiel dafu¨r an. Hamlet ist hier einer der Intellektuellen, die nur noch neue rhetorische Wendungen zelebrieren. Hamlet, der sich im radikalen Ru¨ckzug aus der ma¨nnlichen Ordnung verschließt, bezeichnet sich als Maschine. Demgegenuber steht die Frau, Ophelia, die sich nicht mehr der Unterdru¨ckung unterwirft, im geschichtlichen Diskurs der Rache. In 『Hamletmaschine』wird die Frau vom Opfer zur Ta¨terin: Die sanftere Ophelia wird mit der ra¨chenden Elektra gleichgesetzt. Sie hat aufgeho¨rt, sich selbst zu to¨ten. Die Frau geht aus der Gefangenschaft hinaus auf die Straße. Der Aufstand der Frau geschieht nicht im Zeichen der Vernunft und der Aufkla¨rung. Er ist spontan, gewaltta¨tig, extrem destruktiv. Der Text 『Hamletmaschine』folgt in seinem Aufbau pra¨zise dem Muster der ungleichen Symmetrie der Geschlechter. Den 5 Akten des Dramas entsprechen 5 Teile, die Mann und Frau in gleicher Anzahl zugeordnet sind. Im ersten und vierten Akt tritt Hamlet auf die Bu¨hne, im zweiten und im fu¨nften Ophelia, im dritten, also im mittleren Teil beide. Aber die spiegelbildliche Struktur des Dramas zeigt keine friedliche Ordnung. Im 3 Akt, “Scherzo”, versucht Hamlet, eine Frau zu werden. Hier scheint eine Hoffnung zu schimmern, mit der weiblichen Revolution das Kontinum der Geschichte, ihre reine Wiederholung der Gewalt und Unterdru¨ckung abzeichnet, zu unterbrechen. Was am Ende folgerichtig eintritt, ist eine “Eiszeit”. In der Schlußszene steht die schweigende Ophelia genauso ohnma¨chtig wie die Ma¨nner dem Rad der Geschichte gegenu¨ber. Wenn Hamlet auch Ophelias Kleider anzieht, um aus seiner Rolle als ohnma¨chtiger Intellektueller auszusteigen, findet hier keine wirkliche Verwandlung statt. Denn aus dem Kleidertausch erfolgt kein Geschlechtertausch, solange sich der Mann keine weiblichen Eigenschaften aneignet. Mu¨llers Versuch, die Revolution der Frauen als Notbremse der rasenden Geschichte darzustellen, scheitert, weil er sich von seinem ma¨nnlich gepra¨gten Geschichtsbild nicht befreien kann. Er sieht Zersto¨rung und Gewalttat als einzige Mittel der Revolte. Die Geschichte wiederholt sich, wenn Frauen genauso wie Ma¨nner mit Gewalt vorgehen. Im heutigen Genderdiskurs, wo die Grenze zwischen naturbestimmten Geschlechtern verneint wird, klingt die Kampfansage der Frauenfiguren gegen die herrschende Ma¨nnerwelt etwas veraltet. Wichtiger wa¨re die Suche nach einer friedlichen Welt, welche vielleicht erst durch die Belebung der Weiblichkeit gegru¨ndet werden kann, die in Frauen und in Ma¨nnern vorhanden ist.

      • KCI등재

        하수슬러지의 전처리가 슬러지의 생분해성에 미치는 영향

        장은수,최영균,김형수,염익태 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.5

        Effects of alkaline, ozone, and combination of alkaline and ozone pretreatments on the biodegradability of sewage sludge were investigated. Solubilization efficiency in terms of SCOD production was higher in the order of the sludge treated with both alkali and ozone, alkali, ozone. Alkaline pretreatment was performed at pH 12 for 3hr and ozone dosage was 0.02 or 0.05 gO₃/gSS. When the sludge was treated with ozone without alkali addition, the solubilization efficiency increased with the ozone dosage. Batch tests were conducted using activated sludge as a seed and pretreated sludge as a feed. The highest biodegradability could be obtained when the sludge was treated with both alkali and ozone. Biodegradability of the pretreated sludge showed linear relationship with the solubilization efficiency, suggesting that the solubilization efficiency be a useful index to evaluate the biodegradability of the pretreated sludge. Production of carbon dioxide during the batch tests also indicated that the alkaline followed by ozone pretreatment showed the highest efficiency for the biodegradability of the sludge.

      • KCI등재후보

        밀도 기반의 k-최근접 질의 처리

        장인성,한은영,조대수 한국지리정보학회 2003 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.6 No.4

        공간 데이터베이스 관리시스템에서 제공하는 공간 질의는 많은 디스크 참조와 CPU 처리시간을 필요로 한다. 이 중에서 k-최근접 질의는 많은 디스크 참조를 요구하는 질의로써 지금까지 많은 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 트리 구조의 색인을 사용하는 k-최근접 질의 처리방법은 조건을 만족하지 않는 노드를 가지치기 기법을 사용하여 노드 방문횟수를 줄인다. 그러나 이 방법은 가지치기 과정에서 불필요한 디스크 참고가 발생하여 성능을 저하시키는 단점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 가지치기 기법 대신 주어진 k개의 최근접 객체가 존재할 영역을 미리 예측함으로써 디스크 참조횟수를 줄이는 방법을 제시한다. 이 영역을 예측하기 위해서 본 연구에서는 데이터 분포에 대한 밀도를 이용하였다. 실험에 의하면 이러한 방법은 기존의 가지치기 기법을 이용한 방법에 비해서 최고 22%, 평균 7% 정도의 디스크 참조횟수의 감소 효과가 있음을 알 수 있다. Spatial database system provides many query types and most of them are required frequent disk I/O and much CPU time. κ-NN search is to find κ-th closest object from the query point and up to now, several κ-NN search methods have been proposed. Among these, MINMAN distance method has an aim not to access unnecessary node by adapting pruning technique. But this method accesses more disks than necessary while pruning unnecessary nodes. In this paper, we propose new κ-NN search algorithm based on density of object. With this method, we predict the radius to be expected to contain κ-NN objects using density of data set and search those objects within this radius and then adjust radius if failed. Experimental results show that this method outperforms the previous MINMAX distance method. This algorithm visit less disks than MINMAN method by the factor of maximum 22% average 7%.

      • KCI등재후보

        Mycobacterium intracellulare에 의한 요추부 척추염 1예

        장은영,김미영,김정욱,송은희,백관미,정용필,성흥섭,김미나,김양수,우준희,이상호 대한감염학회 2007 감염과 화학요법 Vol.39 No.3

        비결핵성 미코박테리아에 의한 척추염에 대한 증례 보고가 국내에서는 아직 없었다. 저자들은 기저질환이 없는 환자에서 M. intracellulare에 의한 척추염을 rpoB 유전자에 대한 PCR-RFLP 방법을 통해 진단하였고 수술적 치료와 3제 병합 항균 요법으로 성공적인 임상 경과를 보인 1예를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. We report a case of vertebral osteomyelitis due to Mycobacterium intracellulare in a 60-year-old man without predisposing conditions. He was successfully treated with surgical excision of the inflamed tissue and combined antimycobacterial therapy consisting of clarithromycin, ethambutol, and rifampin. In this case, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP) based on the rpo B gene of cultured isolates allowed rapid identification of M. intracellulare. Although very rare, nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) should be suspected as a causative pathogen of vertebral osteomyelitis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of vertebral osteomyelitis caused by NTM reported in the Korean literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        일부 소규모 시계조립 사업장의 상지 누적외상성장애의 유병률

        장은철,김현주,권영준,박시복,이수진,송재철 大韓産業醫學會 2000 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        목적 : 단순 반복작업을 하는 시계조립 사업장 근로자를 대상으로 상지 누적외상성장애의 자각증상 유병률과 상지 누적외상성장애 유병률을 파악하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 인구학적 특성, 상지의 자각증상, 사회심리적 요인은 자가 설문지법으로, 인간공학적 특성은 점검표를 이용한 면담법으로 조사하였다. 상지의 자각증상 조사와 사회심리적 요인은 각각, N10SH (1993) 설문지와 Karasek(1979)의 Job strain model을 번역하여 조사하였다. 상지 누적외상성장애 판정은 의사가 작업 현장에서 직접 환자 면담과 이학적 검사를 수행한 후, 연구에서 규정한 증례정의에 의해 수행하였다. 수집된 자료는 x2 teat와 exact test로 단별량 분석을 하였고, 이중 의미있는 변수와 위험 인자로 알려진 변수들로 다중 로지스틱 회귀분석을 시행하였다. 결 과 : 대상자들의 자각증상 유병률은 54.2 %였고, 부위별로는 목 34.9 %, 손/손목 31.3 %, 어깨 30.1 %, 팔/팔꿈치 18.0 %순이었다. 상지 누적외상성장애의 유병률은 45.8 %였고, 근막동통증후군이 26명으로 가장 많았고, De Quervain씨 병 8명, 수부/전완부의 건염 및 건활막영 8명, 수근관 증후군 5명, 이두건염 5명, 척골 신경병증 5명, 내상과 염 4명, 외상과염 2명, 경추 디스크 질환 2명, 흥곽 출구 증후군 1명순으로 나타났다. 단변량 분석시 자각증상 유병률은 작업부서 중 완성 부에서, 상지 누적외상성장애 유병률은 여자와 완성 부에서 통계학적으로 유의하게 높았다. 다중 로지스틱 회귀분석 결과 완성부와 근무긴장도가 높은 군이 상지 누적외상 성장애와 통계학적으로 유의한 결과를 보였다. 결 론 : 이 연구에서 상지 누적외상성장애 유병률은 45.8 %으로서 저강도의 단순 반복작업을 하는 시계조립 사업장 근로자에서도 누적외상성장애의 위험이 있는 것으로 생각된다. 또한, 사회심리적 요인과 작업 부서별 공정 및 환경이 유병률에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인으로 생각되며, 향후 이들에 관한 다양한 연구가 진행되어야 할 것이다. 산업보건 현장에서는 시계조립 사업장과 같이 저 강도의 단순 반복작업을 위주로 하는 사업장에 대한 지속적인 관심과 각 사업장별 위험요인을 파악하여 적절한 예방 및 관리 대책을 세워야 할 것이다. Objectives : The prevalence of cumulative trauma disorders of upper extremities mons watch assembly workers in small-scaled industry was studied. Methods. In 83 workers at five watch assembly factories, symptoms and psychosocial questionnaire, ergonomic Interview, physical examination were conducted. Results : Prevalence of self-reported symptoms was 54.2% and neck 34.9%, wrist/hand 31.3%, shoulder 30.1%, elbow/arm 18.0% by anatomical site. Prevalence of cumulative trauma disorders was 45.8%. Most common disease was myofascial pain syndrome (31.3%). The other diseases were De Quervain disease (9.6%), tenosynovitis/tendinitis at wrist/hand (9.6%), bicipital tendinitis(6.0%), fat. epicondylitis(4.8%), meIn. epicondylitis(2.4%), and cervical disc disease(2.4%). As result of ergonomic interview, repetitiveness was 79(98.8%). There were no differences in the prevalence of self-reported symptoms and cumulative trauma disorders for age, sex, marital status, duration of work In the study, The significant factors of cumulative trauma disorders were occupational task and psychosocial stress in the study. The prevalence of cumulative trauma disorders in high strain group was hlgher (68.4%) than other three groups. The prevalence of self-reported symptoms and cumulative trauma disorders in assembly task was higher (70.0%, 64.0%) than other two tasks. Conclusions : Prevalence of self-reported symptoms was 54.2%, prevalence of cumulative trauma disorders was 45.8% in watch assembly workers. In this study, factor related to self-reported symptoms was occupational task and factors relaxed to cumulative trauma disorders were occupational task and psychosocial stress. This results suggest that differences of ergonomics and environment in occupational task cause differences of prevalence of self-reported symptoms and cumulatlve trauma disorders.

      • 뇌하수체 종양 제거술 시행 후 뒤늦게 발생한 횡문근 융해증과 동반된 중추성 열

        장제혁,최규남,김일환,노은지,김윤정,유충헌,고정해,박봉수,김태균,권민정,이순희,박정현 인제대학교 2008 仁濟醫學 Vol.29 No.-

        Body temperature is controlled by thermoregulatory center of the hypothalamus. We report a case of 24 years old man with central fever. He was subjected to a partial excision of pituitary tumor compressing optic chiasm four years ago. He has received hormonal therapy for panhypothyroidism after removal of pituitary tumor. And He received gamma knife operation for partially contrast-enhancing masses in suprasellar and both hypothalamic areas that is probably postoperatively remnant or recurrent tumor of pituitary adenoma. One year after gamma knife operation, he presented with a febrile syndrome of unknown origin including rhabdomyolysis. All usual investigations proved negative. We diagnosed him as central fever with rhabdomyolysis. He received medical ICU care with cooling bed, ice pack. And his symptom improved. Postoperative hyperthermia may result following resection of the pituitary tumor. When central fever is suspected taking note of past history, a quick recognition of course of fever can help reduce the using of unnecessary antibiotics and hospital stay.

      • KCI등재

        2급 응급구조사의 성인외상환자에 대한 처치의 적절성 평가

        장문수,어은경,김상현,김창섭,송근정,박한규,유지영,최동섭 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        In Korea, EMT have two classified subgroup of first and second degree : EMT-P, and EMT. For the beginning, authorization of the first EMT was made in this year through the EMT educational program. There are 8 items which EMT can perform the treatment without the supervision by a physician. But there was no previous report of pertinent assesment of treatment performed by the EMT. There upon authors have conducted review of assessment done by the EMT in EC setting, and proposed the following treatment application can be used by EMT at the field of accident. The study materials include adult trauma patient older than 15 years, and sustained trauma within 48 hours before visiting Ewha University DongDaeMoon Hospital Emergency Deparment. The duration of study was from Apr. 1 1995 to Aug. 31 1995. the study was conducted by 5 certified EMT. The EMT's performance was evaluated by the attending Emergency Medicine physician. The result were as followings ; 1. Among the total 5532 ED visiting patients during the study period, 1267 were adult trauma patients who recieved treatment within 48 hours of injury. 2. Among 1222 out of 1267 patients have completed performed survey. 3. Male to female ratio was 2.6 : 1, age distribution was from 15 to 87 years old and mean age was 34.6 years old. 4. The MOI showed : MVA (33.1%), blunt trauma (29.9%), slip down (16.8%), penetrating injury(15.4%), and miscellaneous (5.7 %), burn (3.1%), falling down injury(2.9 %), bite injury(1.1%) in order. 5. There were 437 cases of survey completed by the EMT. For assessment of mental status of 3 different method : AVPU, 5 scale mental status and GCS, were correlated with EM physician with 99.1%, 98.6%, 97.7 %, respectively. 6. For 320 out of 437 cases of survey completed, 319 patients recieved treatment by the EMT within 30 minute and 1 patient between 30 to 60 minute of an ED arrival. 7. For those 437 cases of survey completed, 266 patient (60.9%) had adequate treatment and 54 patients (12.4%) had inadequate treatment. 67 patient (15.3%) did not received treatment but it was adequate inway, and 50 patients (11.9%) did not received treatment even though patient required treatment. In cases of adult trauma patients, EMT's mental status assessment was correlated with EM physician's assessment. But treatment done by EMT without the supervision of EM physician was adequate only in 76.2 %. Therefore, continuous education and assessment of treatment performed by EMT in needed to improve field treatment by EMT future.

      • 인체 자궁암 세포에서 천연 성분이 P-당단백질의 활성에 미치는 영향

        정수연,고은정,김나형,성민경,장정옥,이화정 이화여자대학교 약학연구소 2005 藥學硏究論文集 Vol.- No.15

        Multidrug resistance (MDR) of cancer cells is, at least in part, associated with the overexpression of P-gly-coprotein (P-gp). Many studies hve demonstrated that natural compounds obtained from fruits, vegetables, teas and medicinal plants may modulate P-gp activity. The objective of the present investigation was to examine the effect of seven natural compounds on the P-gp activity in human uterine sarcoma cell line, MES-SA/DX5. Daunomycin uptake was significantly increased by biochanin A and silymarin (p<0.0001) whereas it was reduced by morin (p<0.01). The efflux of daunomycin from the cells was significantly inhibited by biochanin A, morin, cephalotaxine, berberine (p<0.05) and silymarin (p<0.0001). Biochanin A, berberine and silymarin significantly decreased IC_(50) value of daunomycin (p<0.05) while morin increased it (p<0.05). These results suggest that some natural compounds such as biochanin A and silymarin may inhibit P-gp funciton and can by developed as MDR reversing agents to improve the efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs when administered concomitantly.

      • 지문 융선의 방향성 특징추출을 위한 영상 처리

        김은영,양영수,강진석,김장형,최연성 제주대학교 공과대학 첨단기술연구소 2002 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.13 No.2

        In this paper, it was presented that broadly delivered scanner devices can also used in fingerprint recognition process and then modified existing steps of fingerprint image processing. First, using the adaptive binary method, that effect was certified already, increased the effect of the results. And then, applying table mapping methods that looks for elements from look-up table, decreased the processing time, too. Finally, it was presented that ridge-direction characteristics extracted from these processes can used effectively in the area of fingerprint recognition system.

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