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      • 가족과 건강의 상호관련성에 관한 문헌고찰연구 : 가족-건강 연구에서의 주요 쟁점을 중심으로

        차승은 水原大學校 2012 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        이 연구는 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 건강문제와 가족의 상호관련성에 대한 탐색이다. 기본적으로 건강문제는 지금까지 생리학적 모델에 근거하여 이루어졌고, 건강과 관련이 있는 특성에 대해서도 대부분 유전적 특성, 세균이나 박테리아와 같은 질병유발요인을 중심으로 분석되어 왔다. 최근들어 생심리사회적 관점이 대두되면서 사회적 요인, 그중에서도 가족특성에 대한 분석이 이루어지고 있다. 다만, 기존연구들에서 가족은 다른 사회적 관계망(혹은 지원) 변수들 중 하나로 취급되거나 혹은 통제변인으로 활용되는 것을 관찰할 수 있다. 그러나 가족환경은 건강문제가 초래되는 가장 직접적인 환경이자, 개인적 요인들이 여과되는 중간계적 특성을 지니고 있다는 점에서 건강과의 연계에서 보다 심도있는 분석이 필요하다. 이 연구는 지금까지 건강과 가족을 살펴본 국내외 주요 연구들을 고찰하면서, 지금까지 밝혀진 이른바 ‘가족효과’의 실체를 파악하고, 앞으로 건강관련 연구에서 가족을 어떻게 다루어야 하는지에 대한 실마리를 풀어보고자 하는 목적에서 수행되었다.

      • 당뇨병과 동반된 화농성 간농양의 임상상 및 예후인자

        오은숙,강무일,이원영,오기원,임동준,이소영,이정민,고승현,김성래,안유배,손현식,윤건호,차봉연,이광우,손호영,강성구 대한당뇨병학회 2000 임상당뇨병 Vol.1 No.1

        연구배경: 감염질환은 혈관질환과 함께 당뇨병의 중요한 사망원인의 하나이며, 혈당조절이 불량할수록 감염 빈도가 증가됨은 잘 알려져 있다. 간농양의 발생이 있어서도 당뇨병은 중요한 기저질환 중의 하나이다. 일반적으로 간농양의 가장 흔한 원인균은 Escherichi coli라고 알려져 있으나, 최근 당뇨병을 가진 간농양 환자에서 Klesiella pneumoniae의 검출이 증가되고 있다. 또 최근 연구에 의하면 K.pneumonie가 간농양의 가장 흔한 원인균이며, K. pneumoniae에 의한 간농양은 K.pneumoniae 이외의 균주에 의한 간농양보다 당뇨병과 밀접히 관련되어 있다고 보고된 바 있다. 이에 저자들은 간농양 환자를 대상으로 당뇨병환자의 빈도를 알아보고, 그 원인균 및 특징을 비당뇨병 환자들의 경우와 비교해 보고자 하였다. 방법: 1992년 1월부터 1999년 6월까지 방사선학적 검사 혹은 수술에 의해 간농양이 확인되거나, 경피적 천자나 수술을 통한 배농액 배양, 혹은 혈액 검사에서 원인균이 증명된 182명의 환자를 대상으로 후향적 임상고찰을 실시하였다. 결과: 화농성 농양을 가진 167명의 환자(남:94명, 여:73명)중 당뇨병을 가진 환자는 54명 (남:30명, 여:24명)으로 32.3%를 차지하였다. 환자의 평균나이는 당뇨군에서 62.1 ± 13.4세, 비당뇨군에서는 55.1 ±15.5세로 당뇨군에서 높았으며(p=0.0021), 남녀간의 평균나이 비교 시 두 군 모두 여성의 나이가 의미있게 높았다. 비당뇨군에 비하여 당뇨군의 경우 저알부민혈증의 빈도와 aspartate transaminase가 증가되어있었다. 원인균주는 K. pneumoniae (당뇨군54%, 비당뇨군 39.1%), E. coli(당뇨군 17.5%, 비당뇨군 18.8%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus viridans, Enterococcus 순이었으며 두 군간의 의미는 차이는 없었으나 K. pneumoniae의 경우 다른 균종에 비해 단독감염의 빈도가 높았다(82.8%). 사망률은 당뇨군에서 16.7%, 비당뇨군에서 7.1%로 당뇨군에서 의미있게 높았으며(p=0.019), 당뇨군에서의 사망환자는 모두 패혈증이 동반되어 있었다. 당뇨환자의 사망군은 생존군에 비해 당뇨병 이환기간이 길고 혼합감염의 빈도가 높았다(p=0.046). 검사실 소견에서는 총 빌리루빈 및 알카리성 포스파타제의 증가가 관찰되어 있었다. 결론: E. coli가 간농양의 주된 원인균이라는 기존 보고와는 달리 당뇨군과 비당뇨군 모두 K. pneumoniae가 간농양의 주된 원인균이었다. 또한 당뇨 유병기간이 길고 당뇨조절이 불량한 환자에서 혼합감염이며 총 빌리루빈 및 알카리성 포스파타제의 증가등과 같은 위험인자가 존재할 경우 사망률이 증가될 수 있으므로 이들 군에서는 적극적인 치료가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. Background: Liver abscesses are commonly associated with underlying disease, particularly diabete mellitus. The number of the liver abscesses caused by Klebslella pneumoniae in diabetic patient has been increased in Korea nowadays. This study was conducted to clarify the clinical presentation and prognostic factors of pyogenic liver abscesses, especially in diabetic patients and to determine the proportion of K. pneunomiae as a pathogen in liver abscess in Korea. Methods: Medical records of 167 patients treated for pyogenic liver abscess from January, 1992 through June, 1999 were reviewed retrospectively in detail. Major Pathogenic organism, clinical manifestations, prognostic factors, the importance of diabetes mellilus as an underlying disease and its effect on clinical features and prognosis were analyzed. Results: Among 167 cases of pyogenic liver abscess, underlying diabetes mellitus was present in 32.3%. The mean age of patients was 62.7 13.4 years in diabetic liver abscess group and 55.1 15.5 years in non-diabetic liver abscess group. Most liver abscesses were cryptogenic in origin or secondary to the billary tree diseases. The clinical presentations among the two groups were not significantly different. When compared to patients without diabetes, patients with diabetes had significantly higher proportions of hypoalbuminemia and elevated aspartate transaminase level. The most common organism of the pyogenic abscess was K. pneumoniae in both groups. Percutaneous drainage of the abscess with appropriate antibiotics was the most commonly used therapeutic modality in liver abscess. The mortality rate of diabetic liver abscess is 16.1 % and 7.1% in nondiabetic liver abscess. Complications, especially septicemla, were found more frequently in patients with diabetes than in patients without diabetes (64.8% vs 28.3%, septicemia : 31.5% vs 9.7%). The factors influencing mortality in the diabetic liver abscess were disease duration, mixed infection, presence of septicemia, elevated bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase. Conclusions: In contrast to prior report that the E. coli was the most common pathogen in liver abscess, we found that K. pneumoniae was the most common organism cultured in liver abscess. Diabetic patients have more complications and higher mortality than patients without diabetes. Early detection and proper treatment are needed to improve the outcome for diabetic patient with liver abscess.

      • 서울 시내 일부 대학생의 성지식과 성태도에 관한 연구

        김보배,노은경,박서영,박영,오승희,전영란,차현진,윤희상,김수지,이자형 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2004 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.38

        This study surveyed and analyzed comparatively college students-knowledge' attitude, was to cultivate the right knowledge and attitude on sex, and serve the foundational data for the suitable sex education. The purpose of the study was to identify and examine: 1) students; sexual knowledge and sexual attitude; 2) the differences between variables of gender, age, and self-perceived sexual knowledge in relation to sexual knowledge and sexual attitude; and 3) the relationship between sexual knowledge and sexual attitude. For this study the questionaires were given to 300 students from five different universities located seoul areas. the questionaires were collected Jenuary 8th to 15th in 2004. Two hundred and nigty one samples were analyzed for the study. The adapted SKAT(saxual knowledge & attitude test; Lief & Reed, 1986) was used to determine sexual knowledge and the students' sexual attitude. Collected data were analyzed statistically by means of percentage, t-test, ANOVA test, and pearson correlation analysis with SPSS 12.0 package program. The main results of this analysis are as follows: Participants consisted of male(48.1%) and female(51.9%) which were mainly between the ages of 21.25(71.8%) with an age range of 19 to 30. Knowledge of sexual disease was scored highest of 92.4%, and konwledge of the knowledge of the male and female's anatomy was the lowest at 60.9%. The respondents' level of sexual attitude was tolerant as on average 3.66(on the basis of 5) Relating to the items, the respondents' score of the sexual curiosity was 4.16, sexual behavior 3.85, self-consolation 3.81, aborthon 3.23, virgine 3.19, extramarital experiences 3.17. There were no significant differences in sexual knowledge between male and females, between younger and older students, residence, sexual experience, and how students mainly obtained their sexual knowledge. But a significant difference was also found religion in their sexual attitude(p<.005). In addition, results showed the relationship between sexual knowledge and sexual attitude(P=0.332).

      • KCI등재

        한국 중년기 남녀의 건강상태 및 건강 관리 행동 : 성별, 연령집단별 차이를 중심으로 Focused on Gender and Age-group Differences

        한경혜,이정화,Ryff. C.,Marks. N.,옥선화,차승은 대한가정학회 2003 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.41 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the health status and health behavior of middle-aged Korean men and women. Even though there has been increased concern about extremely high mortality rate of Korean middle-aged men and mental health problems of middle aged women, there is a dearth of empirical studies which examine the health status and health behavior of middle-aged men and women in Korea. This study atternpts to frll these gaps. Data gathered from 1,667 men and women aged between 30-59 are analyzed to examine the level of physical health, mental health, perceived health and health behavior and to explore the gender and age group differences in these aspects. The results show that there exist gender difference and age group difference in health status: Women are less healthy than men and as age increased health status declined. Women at their 50s are least healthy and most unhappy suggesting age and gender interaction in health status. There exist a gender difference in health behavior: Mne have regular check-ups more frequently than women and exercise more. These results are discussed in terms of the gender difference in the experiences, social roles and life styles over the life course.

      • [Family Problems and Counseling] Looking through the Timetables

        Seung-Eun Cha 가정과삶의질학회 2011 한국가정관리학회 학술발표대회 자료집 Vol.2011 No.5

        This study attempted to estimate the level of perceived time pressure (PTP) in Korean society, to link perceived time pressure and time usage among busy and rushed people, and to indentify the possible association that account for time pressure. I employed the gender perspective in order to reveal the dynamics and complexity of perception ot time pressure in the population. The sample of study came from the 1999nd 2009 Korean Time Diary Data which have been collected by Korean National Statistical Office (KNSO). From the original data, I have selected sample of second shift family (men and women those who were married, have kids and working at the present) living in metropolitan area (including Seoul and 6ajor urban city areas in Korea). Dependent variable was time pressure measured in one item question with 4-likert scale. Gender was main focus in this study. Socio-demographic factors and the amount of time in work/family role and other relevant time variables were considered as well., The results of the study showed us that working mothers perceived more time shortage compared to working fathers. Results from the Ordered Losidtic Regression model showed that, even though there were similarities in the impact of relevant factors, men's time pressure were more tightly linked with their work role and social status, while women's time pressure were responsive to both their role as a mother and as a worker. Nowadays, Korean working mothers and fathers are facing double jeopardy of combining their role of work and family. Their level of time pressure, as well, is converging toward, "never enough" phase. However, the reality is that men and women still traverse through different time path, which may create severe conflict to synchronize each other. Policy implication and detailed suggestions were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Social Acceleration vs. Slowdown

        Seung-Eun Cha,Jooyeoun Suh 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2017 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.46 No.1

        This study investigates the recent 10-year trend of “Perceived Time Pressure (PTP)” in Korean society, considered to have experienced “compressed modernity.” Also this study attempts to identify the potential social factors that explain this trend. Analysis of Korean Time Use Survey (KTUS) data of 2004, 2009 and 2014 revealed that PTP rose between the years 2004 through 2009, and then fell in 2014. Results of ordered logistic regression revealed that social determinants on PTP differed by year. Having young child (10-year-old and less) in the household was not considered to be a time-pressing factor in 2004, but it seemed to affect PTP in 2014. Five-day workweek was not associated with PTP in 2004 but it was one of the main factors associated with the lowering of PTP in 2014. According to Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition analysis, between 2004 and 2009, the coefficient change was the main driver that explained the increase in time pressure. However, between 2004 and 2014 the change in coefficient (the effect of such characteristics) as well as the change in endowment contributed to a decrease in time pressure; such changes can be partly charted by differences in time use patterns. Another important finding was that those who are more educated, and with more income experienced huge drops in PTP as compared to those with less education and income. The results indicate that the benefits of five-day workweek policy or the boom of leisure activity did help to release time pressure of individuals, yet such benefits were mostly enjoyed by certain groups in the society.

      • KCI등재

        The Corrosion Study of Al Current Collector in Phosphonium Ionic Liquid as Solvent for Lithium Ion Battery

        Cha, Eun-Hee,Mun, Jun-Young,Cho, E.-Rang,Yim, Tae-Eun,Kim, Young-Gyu,Oh, Seung-M.,Lim, Soo-A,Lim, Jea-Wook The Korean Electrochemical Society 2011 한국전기화학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        A room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) based on trihexyl (tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide ([$(C_6H_{13})_3P(C_{14}H_{29)}$] [TFSI];P66614TFSI) was synthesized and analyzed to determine their characteristics and properties. The bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (TFSI) anion is widely studied as an ionic liquid (IL) forming anion which imparts many useful properties, notably electrochemical stability. Especially its electrochemical and physical characteristics for solvent of lithium ion battery were investigated in detail. $P_{66614}$ TFSI exhibits fairly low conductivity (0.89 mS $cm^{-1}$) and higher viscosity (298 K: 277 cP; 343 K: 39 cP) than other ionic liquids, but it exhibits a high thermal stability (over $400^{\circ}C$). Especially corrosion behavior on Al current collector was tested at room temperature and further it was confirmed that thermal resistivity for Al corrosion was highly increased in 1.0M LiTFSI/$P_{66614}$-TFSI electrolyte comparing with other RTILs by linear sweep thermometry.

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