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      • KCI등재

        한중 인문유대 담론과 방향에 관한 고찰

        張豪峻),장호준(Chang Ho Jun 대한중국학회 2015 중국학 Vol.51 No.-

        This article examines the discourses and directions of the Korea-China Initiative for People-to-People and Cultural Ties (PCT) for which the Presidents of Korea and China signed in June 2013. The Initiative has gained public attention because Korea and China, which share cultural commonalities through the long history of mutual exchanges, employed humane and cultural resources in the diplomatic policies in an effort to substantiate the Korea-China Strategic Cooperative Partnership. Despite its successful initialization, however, differing views on the PCT have emerged in regards to the notion of cultural ties/communities and the substances of cultural commonalities. This article, based on a review of the political contexts the two countries reached the agreement, critically examines the differing nuance and positions regarding the Initiative. It pays special attention to the Chinese contexts where traditional cultures, usually represented with Confucianism and Chinese characters, are actively employed as political, ideological and diplomatic devices. In addition, examining the Chinese strategies regarding PCT and foreign policies, this article quests for balanced, reciprocal directions of the Initiative.

      • KCI등재

        Crisis to Opportunity: The Role of Consumer Awareness in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) during the COVID-19 Pandemic

        장호준,석준희,김종대 한국마케팅학회 2024 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.26 No.1

        In the uncertainty fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have emerged as key strategic responses by firms. This study explores the impact of M&As on acquirers' firm value, utilizing a firm-level panel dataset from SDC Platinum. Empirical evidence recognizes the potential negative impact of transaction value in M&As and the pandemic's effect on market volatility that may occasionally exacerbate the adverse influence on acquirers' firm value. The findings indicate that effective marketing strategies, such as enhancing consumer awareness through increasing advertising expenditures, can counterbalance these influences, particularly during uncertain times. This study accentuates the importance of adaptability and a responsive marketing approach in managing M&As during a global crisis. It provides valuable perspectives on consumer awareness in strategic decision-making, offering insights for both academic and business communities and focusing on actionable strategies for navigating the global market turmoil transformed by COVID-19.

      • KCI등재

        초국적 경제 교류와 동북아 정치의 역학 : 북·중 접경 도시 단둥의 사례

        장호준 국민대학교 중국인문사회연구소 2021 중국지식네트워크 Vol.18 No.-

        The North Korea-China(NK-C) border region, including Dandong, is a fluid space where capital, goods, and manpower move differently depending on international political situation and dynamics. This article, paying attention to the characteristics of border city, which serves as a bridge and gateway to trade, examines how various economic activities seeking profit maximization have been affected by the international political changes in Northeast Asia. In particular, it analyzes the impact of international political measures related to security threats on consigned processing trade and labor utilization between North Korea and China, and examines the contradiction between economic transnationalism and political nationalism. Around 2000, as the political relationship between the two Koreas was softened, the triangular trade in which North Korea, China, and third countries including South Korea participated spread in the NK-C border region. The consigned processing trade, in which third countries’ capital maximizes profits by utilizing North Korea's labor force directly or through Chinese brokers, has been systematized. In 2010, when the 5.24 measures blocked South Korean companies from doing business with North Korea, Chinese companies, which were looking for inexpensive labor due to domestic manpower shortage, began to dominate the consigned processing trade with North Korea. In the area of processing deal such as clothing, some companies from third countries, including South Korea, continued their business with North Korea in an informal manner through Chinese brokers. After North Korea's fourth nuclear test in 2016, the high-intensity sanctions adopted by the UN Security Council have reduced consigned processing trade in the NK-C border region in its surface. However, in labor-intensive industries such as clothing, transnational economic exchanges through informal methods including smuggling and illicit hiring are still prevalent. The intensive political sanctions stemming from the peculiarity of Northeast Asia have withered the overt flow of capital, goods and manpower between the two countries, and in turn led to the economic informalization in the border region. This economic informalization shows that the transnational division of industries has been structured in the border region in diverse ways. 단둥을 비롯한 북한-중국 접경 지역은 초국적 경제활동이 활발히 일어나는 유동적인 공간이자, 국제정치적 상황과 역학관계에 따라 자본, 상품, 인력의 이동 양상이 달라지는 탄력적인 공간이다. 이 글에서는 북·중 교역의 교량이자 관문 역할을 동시에 담당하는 북·중 접경 도시의 특성에 주목하여 이윤 극대화를 추구하는 여러 경제활동이 동북아 국제정치 상황의 변화에 따라 어떻게 굴곡을 겪어왔는지를 살펴본다. 특히, 군사·안보 위협 관련 국제정치적 조치가 북·중 간 위탁가공 무역과 노동력 활용 방식에 미친 영향을 분석하여 초국가주의적 경제 논리와 국가주의적 정치 정향이 모순적으로 교차하는 양상을 검토한다. 2000년 무렵 남북 화해 분위기가 조성되면서 북·중 접경지역에는 북한, 중국, 한국 및 제3국이 참여하는 삼각무역 형태가 확산하였다. 한국 등의 자본이 직접 또는 중국 중개상을 거쳐 북한의 저렴한 노동력을 활용하여 이윤을 극대화하는 위탁가공 무역이 체계화되었다. 2010년 5.24 조치로 인해 한국 기업의 대북사업 길이 막히자, 인력난으로 인해 저렴한 노동력을 찾던 중국 기업이 대북사업의 주도권을 확보하였다. 의류 등 위탁가공 영역에서는 한국 등 제3국의 일부 기업이 중국 중개상을 끼고 비공식적 방법으로 대북사업을 지속하였다. 2016년 북한의 제4차 핵실험 이후 UN안보리가 채택한 고강도 제재조치는 북·중 접경지역의 위탁가공 무역을 표면적으로는 크게 위축시켰다. 그러나 의류 등 노동집약적 산업 분야에서는 밀수, 비합법적 체류 등 비공식적인 방법을 통한 초국적 경제 교류가 여전히 성행하고 있다. 이러한 경제 비공식화 현상은 이윤 추구 및 극대화를 위한 자본의 흐름이 동북아의 특수성에서 비롯된 정치적 조치에 막혀 음성화한 결과라 할 수 있다. 상품과 인력 흐름의 관문인 접경 도시 지역에서의 경제 비공식화 현상은 그만큼 초국적 분업체계가 구조화되고 있음을 간접적으로 보여준다.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 글로벌 강소기업의 성공요인에 대한 사례 연구: IT 산업 분야를 중심으로

        장호준,고영희 한국국제경영관리학회 2014 국제경영리뷰 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 2008년 이후 이어지고 있는 글로벌 경기둔화 속에서도 유럽 전체 평균 성장률의 2배에 달하는 높은 성장을 이어가고 있는 독일 경제에서 큰 역할을 하고 있는 ‘미텔슈탄트 (Mittelstand)’ 즉, 중소기업들 중에서도 히든 챔피언(hidden champions)이라고 불리는 기업들 의 성공요인이 무엇인지, 그리고 그러한 성공요인들이 한국경제에서 중추적인 역할을 하고 있는 IT 산업분야의 강소기업들에게도 적용되고 있는지를 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해서 선행 연구를 바탕으로 주요 성공 요인을 틈새시장에의 집중화, 글로벌 지향, 고객 지향과 끊임없는 혁신 등의 전략 관련 요인과 최고경영자의 기업가정신, 지식, 경험 및 네트워크 등의 무형자산과 강력한 목표지향성 등의 최고경영자 관련 요인 등 7가지 요인으로 정리하였으며, 사례연구를 통하여 이러한 성공요인들의 유기적인 실행이 한국 IT 분야에서 중소기업으로 출발해서 세계시장에서 독보적인 점유율을 가진 글로벌 강소기업으로서 성장한 7개 기업 모두에게 필수적인 역할을 했다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통해 국내 기업을 중심으로 한 글로벌 강소기업들에 대한 연구와 정의를 보다 체계화하고 특히 국내 중소기업들이 글로벌 시장에서 뛰어난 성과를 거두기 위한 주요 요인 및 전략을 제시함으로써 더 많은 글로벌 강소기업의 출현을 통해 한국 경제의 경쟁력 제고에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This paper explores in depth Germany’s Mittelstand, small and medium sized enterprise (“SME”) that are playing an essential role in driving the growth of the German economy allowing the country to grow at twice the rate of the EU average despite the global slowdown since 2008. By studying Mittelstand, otherwise known as the hidden champions, this paper identifies the key success factors and verifies whether such factors are found in Korean companies in IT industry, a country’s key industry that has been instrumental in driving the growth of the Korean economy. Based on the major preceding research, seven factors have been identified as key factors to success and they largely fall under two categories–strategic area(Focus on narrow market, global orientation, customer orientation and continuous innovation) and management area(Entrepreneurship, intangible assets (knowledge, experience and network) and ambitious goals). The study of seven Korean IT companies reveals that companies successfully transform into small but globally competitive enterprises despite their humble beginning when all of the aforementioned factors come into play organically. The purpose of this paper is to help more Korean SMEs gain a deeper penetration into the global market and boost their competitiveness through innovation by presenting 1) an in-depth analysis on hidden champions centering on Korean companies, 2) a more structured and refined definition of such companies, and 3) key factors and strategy that drove a successful outcome. Ultimately, the paper aims to help more SMEs to replicate such success thereby enhancing the competitiveness of the Korean economy.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 정신분열병 환자의 안구추적운동 이상과 COMT 유전자의 Val108/158Met 다형성의 연합 연구

        장호준,문현일,이연정,김임렬,이인상,서한길,김기훈,신태민,박병래,신형두,한선호,한상우,우성일,Jang, Ho Joon,Moon, Hyun-Il,Lee, Yeon Jung,Kim, Im-Yel,Lee, In-Sang,Seo, Han-Gil,Kim, Ki-Hoon,Shin, Tae-Min,Park, Byung-Lae,Shin, Hyung Doo,Han, Sun 대한생물정신의학회 2008 생물정신의학 Vol.15 No.4

        Objectives : We investigated the association of Val108/158Met polymorphism on catechol-O-methyl transferase(COMT) gene with smooth pursuit eye movement(SPEM) abnormality in Korean schizophrenia patients. Methods : We measured SPEM in 217 Korean schizophrenia patients(male 116, female 101) and divided them into two groups, one was a good SPEM function group and the other was a poor SPEM function group. Then we analyzed Val108/158Met polymorphism on COMT gene. We compared the differences of genotype and allele distributions of the polymorphism on COMT gene between the two groups. Results : The natural logarithm value of signal/noise ratio(Ln S/N ratio) of the good SPEM function group was $4.39{\pm}0.33$(mean${\pm}$s.d.) and that of poor SPEM function group was $3.17{\pm}0.71$. There were no statistically significant differences of age and male/female ratio between the two groups. There were no significant differences of genotype or allele distributions of the Val108/158Met polymorphism on COMT gene between the two schizophrenic groups. Conclusions : The results suggest that Val108/158Met polymorphism on COMT gene is not related to SPEM function abnormality in schizophrenia.

      • KCI등재후보

        글로벌 히든챔피언 스마일게이트의 성공요인 분석: “크로스 파이어”를 중심으로

        장호준,고영희 한국전문경영인학회 2015 專門經營人硏究 Vol.18 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine, games key success factors of Smilegate, a developer of game, playing a pivotal role in the contents industry. Smilegate has achieved unparalleled success through global expansion into 80 countries and generated KRW 1 trillion of annual revenue. The case study has confirmed that coherent execution of success factors identified in previous study-focusing on the specific area of games, making inroads into the Chinese market to dominate the market in advance, tailoring products to Chinese users based on thorough research and continuous innovation, the CEO’s entrepreneurship with his invaluable assets of knowledge and expertise in the game market and his bold and ambitious goal to grow the company into the world’s top game company, has played a critical role in stepping up as a global hidden champion. This study aims to provide the useful guidance on key success factors and strategies required for companies which have started as small domestic companies to achieve remarkable results in the global market by focus strategy, and thus expected to contribute to forming new sprouts of global hidden champions.

      • KCI등재

        직무 만족-불만족에 대한 결정요인으로서 인지된 혁신성 수준의 역할에 대한 연구 : 텍스트 마이닝 기법의 활용

        장호준,서교원,김종대,한윤지,송승연,박기완 서비스마케팅학회 2022 서비스마케팅저널 Vol.15 No.1

        The present research aims to identify factors affecting employees’ job satisfaction in the financial industry, as domestic credit card issuing companies require innovative job performance, mainly due to rapid changes in digital payment systems. Focusing on the perceived innovativeness, we examine whether consumers’ expectations about the factors determining job (dis)satisfaction vary depending on the external corporate image. To do so, we collect data by web-crawling texts from a job review site, Jobplanet. Among various machine learning techniques, frequency analysis, hierarchical clustering, and regression analysis are used to derive insight into internal marketing. The results show that employees expect high relational (vs. transactional) compensation for companies with high (vs. low) innovative brand images. When such expectations are not fulfilled adequately, employees experience job dissatisfaction. The present study indicates that the importance of job satisfaction factors depends on the firm’s brand image, which is critical to the related literature. And our results can contribute to managers and marketers in the industry who design the internal marketing strategy to improve job satisfaction. 본 연구는 신속한 결제수단의 변화로 인해 경영 혁신이 요구되는 국내 카드 발행 기업을 중심으로 금융기업 내 직원 만족도에영향을 주는 요인을 파악한다. 구체적으로 브랜드가 가진 혁신성 이미지에 따라 내부 직원의 직무 만족-불만족 요인이 어떻게달라지는지를 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 기업평가 사이트 웹 크롤링(web crawling)을 통해 잡플래닛(Jobplanet)에게시된 내부직원들의 텍스트 평가 자료를 수집하고, 텍스트 마이닝을 이용한 빈도 분석, 계층적 군집 분석, 그리고 회귀 분석을시행하였다. 연구 결과, 보수적 이미지의 기업에 비해 혁신적 이미지를 가진 기업의 직원들은 관계적 보상과 거래적 보상 중전자에 대한 기대가 상대적으로 높았으며, 이러한 기대의 차이가 기업 평가에 유의미한 영향을 준다는 점을 확인하였다. 즉, 직원들은 기업의 인지된 혁신성 수준에 따라 기대하는 보상이 충족될 때 직무 만족도가 높았던 반면, 충족되지 않을 경우 직무불만족이 높아지는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 기업이 가진 브랜드 이미지에 따라 직무 만족도 결정 요인의 중요도가 달라질수 있다는 사실을 규명하고, 이를 텍스트 마이닝 기법으로 도출하였다는 점에서 직무 만족도를 향상시키기 위한 내부 마케팅문헌에 기여하였다. 또한, 내부 마케팅을 효과적으로 디자인하기 위한 기업 실무자들에게도 유용한 시사점을 제공하였다.

      • KCI등재

        A Case of Embolization Seen in Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformationin a Patient with Osler-Rendu-Weber Syndrome

        장호준,김민석,김송이,한정규,김용진,오병희,재환준 대한심장학회 2006 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.36 No.12

        Osler-Rendu-Weber Syndrome or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is characterized by telangiectasiaof the skin and of the mucous membranes and intermittent bleeding from vascular abnormalities; in about20% of the patients pulmonary arteriovenous malformation is present. Pulmonary arteriovenous malformationis a congenital anomaly in the lung which causes shunting of venous blood in the pulmonary artery to systemiccirculation, resulting in cyanosis, polycythemia and clubbing. Recently we experienced a case of multiple pulmonaryarteriovenous malformation associated with the telangiectatic change of the cerebral artery in a 16-yearoldmale patient, which was confirmed by pulmonary angiography. (Korean Circulation J 2006;36:820-822)

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