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      • 中韓 兩國 文化의 相互作用關係 및 그 影響 : 儒學(儒敎)을 예로 하여

        趙宗正 단국대학교 퇴계학연구소 1995 退溪學硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        총괄적으로 말하여 중한 양국은 문화의 영원이 동일하고 예로부터 '동양의 국자의 나라', '예의의 나라"라는 미칭을 가지고 있습니다. 양국 인민은 수천년에 걸치는 정신적 왕래 과정에서 특색이 있는 동양문화를 공동으로 창조하였으며 동양문명을 위해 커다란 공헌을 하였습니다. 오늘날 역사는 이미 새로운 시기에 들어섰고 21세기는 곧 도래하게 되는데 중한 양국은 전통문화의 정화를 흡수하고 전통문화를 개조, 전화시키는 문제에 직면하고 있습니다. 이 면에서 중한 양국 학자들은 협조를 강화하고 상호작용하고 촉진하면서 현대화에 적응하는데 요구되는, 각자의 민족적 특색이 있는 현대문화를 창조하기 위해 공동으로 노력하여야 할 것입니다. 이 과정에서 중한 양국 문화의 상호 작용은 지난 역사적 시기에서와 마찬가지로 동부 아시아의 현대문명의 면모에 계속 영향을 주게 될 것입니다.

      • KCI등재
      • 신생중소기업 종합지원을 위한 창업보육센터의 육성방안 : 중앙정부 및 지방정부의 역할을 중심으로 Focusing on the Roles of Central and Local Governments

        배종태 한국항공대학교 경영연구소 1994 경영연구 Vol.1 No.1

        Business Incubators(B1s) can enhance the success rate of new small firms by providing the office space at cheaper rent, pooling many initial investments and offering advise, consulting services and perhaps financing packages that reduce many early stage risks. Therefore, the establishment of BIs can be a good policy measure t o the local governments because BIs can create many benefits such as creating new firms and new jobs and revitalizing local economy. The purposes of this study are i) to identify and propose policy directions for the promotion and diffusion of BIs at the macro, national and regional level to be implemented by central and local governments at the era of local autonony, and ii) to suggest management practicesfor the effective operation of BIs a t the micro and incubator level to be implementedby BI managers. The result shows that the role of local governments as BI investors andthe role of local universities as BI operators are very important for the successful implementation of BI mechanisms for the regional economic and technological development. Also it is emphasized that "planned" and "phased" approaches for the nationalwide diffusion of BI systems are very required. Within BIs. managers should provide tenant firms with higher quality support along the full support cycle such as entering, incubating and graduating BIs of tenant firms. Some other policy and managerial issues are also discussed.

      • 地下穀物貯藏施設의 提案을 위한 實驗的 硏究

        金鍾仁,金泰雄 계명대학교 산업기술연구소 1991 産業技術硏究所 論文報告集 Vol.14 No.2

        This study was carried out to get some basic data in preventing loss of stocked grains, through the adequate control of indoor climate in the storehouses leading to the recommandation of underground crop storage model. Indoor temperature as well as humidity and air current in the established storage(1st Class Grain Storage) and in the experimental model were measured to the effect that comparison between the two be studies with ease. The measurement was carried out from April 11, 1982 through November 20, 1982. As a result, a new underground crop storage model is recommanded by the authors.

      • 페미니즘 문학과 인문과학의 정신 : Am Beispiel des Prinz-Amgiad-Marchens in 『Traumnovelle』 쉬니츨러의 『꿈의 노벨레』서곡:"암기아트 왕자"

        백종유 동의대학교 인문과학연구소 1996 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.1 No.-

        Die vorligende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, sich einen Uberblick uber einen Themenkreis : ‘feministische Literaturtheorie und geisteswissenschaftliche Autgabe’zu verschaffen. Zu berucksichtigen ist dabei ein ‘Prinz-Amgiad-Marchen’ das als die Rahmenerzahlung zur 『Traumnovelle』 Arthur Schnitzlers(1862-1931) fungiert. Das Prinz-Amigiad-Marchen als Eroffnungsszene ist aber unvollstandig dargestellt, und zwar so fragmentarisch, daβ nicht nur der Ansatz der Handlung, sondern auch deren Ablauf offen bleibt. Dises Undestimmbarkeit der Eroffunugasszene sollte eine Leseaktivitat des Lesers erwecken, wobei die vielfalt der dadurch aufzulosenden Assoziations ketten von groβer Bedeutung ist. Die erste Halfte dieser Arbeit beschaftigt sich damit, einen rezeptionsasthetischen Komplex dieser vielfaltigen Assoziationsketten zu rekonstruieren. Bei einem fluchtigen Lesevorgang konnte eine vorschnelle Assoziation ausgelost werden: Prinz Amgiad ware ein Reprasentant der mannerorientierten Gesellschaft und stunde auf der Heimfahrt zum Palast eines Kalifen. Aber diese oberflachliche Assoziationskette bricht sich sofort ab, well er zugleich als ein Opponent der patriarchalischen Gesellschaft anzusehen ist. Falls der Prinz gegen seine unvermeidliche Heimkehr ware, erlitte er sogleich den bitteren Tod. Mit der feministischen Literatur bennent man diejenige Literatur, die bewuβt Partel fur die Interessen der Frauen nimmt, gegen weibliche Diskriminrung und Sexismus opponiert, auf die Emanzipation von patriarchalischen Zwangen zielt und zielt und konsequenterweise von Frauen geschrieben ist. Um diese Leitgedanke der ‘Feministischen Literatur’Kritisch abzufragen, wird in der zweiten Halfte der Arbeit die schicksalhafte Situation Amgiads rekonstruiert und ausgewertet. So komme ich u.a. zu folgenden Resultaten, die vielleicht auch fur die Orientierung der geisteswissenschaftliche Aufgabe der feministischen Literatur nutzbar sind : a) Innerhalb einer patriarchalischen Gesellschaft sind nicht nur die Frauen, sondern auch die Manner als ein Opfer anzusehen. b) Wenn die geisteswissenschaftliche Aufgabe darin besteht, die Erkenntnis fur ein besseres Zusammenleben zu gewinnen, ist der o.g. Ansatz der feministischen Literatur mehr oder weniger frauenorientiert. c) Die Interesse der Frauen und der Manner mussen deshalb nicht voneinander getrennt behandelt werden, - wie es bei der feministischen Literaturtheorie aber auch bei der traditionellen Geisteswissenschaft der Fall sein kann -, weil die Fran-Mann-Beziehung als ein unabdingbarer Boden des menschlichen Zusammenleben, ja als eine konkrete Grundlage fur eine zwischenmenschliche Utopie angenommen werden mussen.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 금융구조 변화의 실태분석

        이종수,신동완,장재우 한국국제농업개발학회 2004 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.3

        This study aims at analysing China's financial structure change concerning financial instruments, financial institutes and its affecting factors. Since early 1980's, China has entered into 4 stages of reforming financial system coping with market-oriented economic deregulation and liberalization. As results of adiusting the chinese finance system, some features can be summarized as follows; First, banking system of Central Bank of China and other national commercial banks has been extended to various non-banking finance system such as investment trust companies after 1983. Second China's financial assets and installment deposits has increased rapidly to RMB 15,222 billion yuan in 1996 from RMB 3,417billion yuan in 1978 with the growth of the national economy and change of national income structure. Third, there has been increasing finance activities throuth developing various financial commodities and loan systems. Such successful innovation of finance structure seems resulted from the changing financial resource distribution system, ownership structure, profit redistribution, macroeconomic arrangements, and governments' tacit supports.

      • KCI등재

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