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      • KCI등재

        Lonely Negative Words in English and Korean

        Miran Oh 한국영어학학회 2015 영어학연구 Vol.21 No.2

        Oh, Miran. 2015. Lonely Negative Words in English and Korean. English Language and Linguistics 21.2, 83-100. Cross-linguistically, some words are used only in a negative sense. In this paper, these Lonely Negative Words (LNWs) in English and Korean are investigated through descriptions of their origins and real usages. As for English, the LNWs with negative affixes do not have positive counterparts (e.g., disgust, disappoint, incessant, etc.). In this case, either the positive forms never existed or vanished gradually. On the other hand, the meanings of Korean LNWs are interpreted as negative regardless of the presence of the negative elements (e.g., cayswu-eps-ta/cayswu, cwuchayk-eps-ta, etc.). This difference between the use of English and Korean LNW may be due to the syntactic difference of each language’s negative elements. The negative affix in English LNWs together with the stem composes one single word, whereas the negative predicate itself in Korean LNWs composes an independent constituent. Therefore, extracting the positive form without negation is more difficult in English. The current paper aims to introduce and compare the LNWs in English and Korean. This research points out an interesting fact that in some existing words, only the negative meanings survive.

      • KCI등재

        이인칭 서사의 시점 연구

        이미란 ( Lee¸ Mi-ran ) 현대문학이론학회 2021 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.86

        이 논문은 이인칭 서사가 기존의 시점 이론의 틀 안에서 어떻게 해명이 되는지를 바네트/버먼/버토의 시점 분류를 토대로 살펴 보았다. 서사 구조의 수준에서 발생하는 서사의 ‘인칭’은 서술의 주체가 아닌 서술의 대상이다. 이인칭 서사의 시점은 서술자가 스토리 안에 있는 경우, 일인칭 서사의 시점 구조와 유형이 같으며, 서술자가 스토리 밖에 있는 경우는 삼인칭 서사의 시점 구조와 유형이 같다. 따라서 이인칭 서사에서 서술자가 스토리 안에 있는 경우는 주인공 시점, 주변인물 시점, 메타픽션적 서술자의 시점 유형으로 나누어 볼 수 있고, 서술자가 스토리 밖에 있는 경우는, 전지적 시점, 선택적 전지 시점, 객관적 시점으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 이인칭 서사의 시점이 일인칭, 삼인칭 서사의 시점과 구조와 유형이 동일한데도 90년대 이후의 소설에서 이인칭 서사가 빈번하게 등장하는 연유는 포스트모더니즘이라는 시대정신과 이인칭 대명사의 관계적, 호명적 성격이 작가에게 새로운 서사의 영토를 제공했기 때문으로 보인다. Narrative ‘person’ operating at the level of a narrative’s structure is not the narrator, but the ‘person’ the narrator speaks about. This paper surveys how second-person narrative is explained in the existing point-of-view theories on the bases of Barnet/Berman/Burto’s point-of-view classification. The structure of point-of-view and type in second-person narrative is the same as that in first person narrative when the narrator is in the story, and as that in third person narrative when the narrator is in the outside of the story. Thus, the point-of-view types, when the narrator is in the story in second person narrative, can be divided in the narrator as a major character, the narrator as a minor character, and the metafictional narrator. And those when the narrator is in the outside of the story can be divided in the omniscient, selective omniscient, and objective. Even though the structure and types of viewpoint in second-person narrative are the same as that of the first-person and third-person narratives, the reason for the frequent appearance of second-person narrative in the novels after 1990s seems to that the spirit of the times of postmodernism, and the relational and apostrophic nature of second-person pronouns can provide the auther with new narrative territory.

      • KCI등재

        포스트 코로나 시대, 대학 글쓰기 교육을 위한 ‘멀티디바이스 기반 글쓰기 교육 시스템’ 활용 연구 - 경주 소재 D대학의 교과/비교과 운영 사례를 중심으로 -

        손미란 ( Son¸ Mi-ran ) 한민족어문학회 2021 韓民族語文學 Vol.- No.93

        코로나19 이후 2020년 대학가는 비대면으로 거의 모든 수업이 진행되었다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 그리고 교양 글쓰기 또한 비대면으로 진행됨에 따라 비대면 교육에 대한 연구 결과도 짧은 시간 동안 쏟아져 나왔다. 지금 우리에게 필요한 것은 코로나19 이후, 포스트 코로나에 대응하면서 다양한 플랫폼을 활용한 교육 방법을 개발하는 것이다. 코로나19 이후의 글쓰기 교육은 디지털 리터러시를 활용한 방법으로 발전되어야 한다. 이때 본고가 제시하는 방법은 반응형 웹을 기반으로 다양한 디바이스에 최적화된 ‘멀티디바이스 기반 글쓰기 교육 시스템’을 활용한 글쓰기 교육이다. 모바일 환경이 일상이 된 지금에 PC 기반 온라인 클리닉의 유용성이 떨어진 건 분명한 사실이다. 그러므로 다양한 디바이스 환경에 최적화된 시스템을 적용한 클리닉을 개발하고 수업 내에 활용하는 교수법에 대한 고민은 꼭 필요하다. 코로나19 이후의 글쓰기 교육의 방향을 고민하면서 코로나로 인해 급격히 빨라진 온라인 기반 교육 환경을 강의실 안으로는 어떻게 끌어올 것인가. 여기에 대한 하나의 방안으로 본고는 ‘멀티디바이스 기반 글쓰기 교육 시스템’을 활용한 글쓰기 교육 방법을 제시했다. 그리고 실시간 화상 강의로 진행된 교과와 동영상 기반 온라인 강의로 진행된 비교과의 사례를 살펴봄으로써 그 유용성을 확인하였다. Not all classes at universities were contact-free in 2020 after the emergence of Covid-19. With untact liberal arts writing, results of studies on untact education were poured out in a short period of time. What we need now is to develop untact education methods using diverse platforms, coping with the post-corona age. Writing Education after Covid-19 must develop using digital literacy-based methods. At this point in time, this paper suggests writing education using ‘multi device-based writing education system’. Now that mobile environments are ordinary, it is certain that PC-based online clinics are less useful. Therefore, it is really required to develop clinics using systems suitable for various device environments, and think about teaching methods of applying these to classes. As a solution for the question on how to apply ordinary online environments to lecture rooms in writing education after Covid-19, this paper suggests writing education using ‘multi device-based writing education system’. The ultimate purpose of this study is to identify the usefulness of such system by examining curricular cases of real-time video lectures and extra-curricular cases of video-based online lectures.

      • KCI등재

        재정착난민 멘토링을 통한 멘토 경험에 관한 연구

        이미란 ( Lee¸ Mi-ran ),이윤정 ( Lee¸ Yun-jung ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2021 교육문화연구 Vol.27 No.4

        본 연구는 재정착난민 멘토링 사업에서 멘토들을 대상으로 멘토링 경험을 살펴보고 이를 분석하여 재정착난민 멘토링이 나아가야 할 방향과 제안점을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 G시에 거주하는 재정착난민의 멘토 7명을 대상으로 2020년 6월부터 8월까지 심층 면담 하였고, 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 재정착난민 멘토들은 외국 생활 경험과 외국인의 접촉 경험으로 인해 멘토링에 참여하기 전부터 이주민을 향한 관심과 열린 마음을 가지고 있었으며 꾸준한 자원봉사를 통하여 섬김과 베풂을 실현하는 삶을 지향하고 있었다. 둘째, 재정착난민 멘토들은 재정착난민인 멘티에게 한국인의 따뜻한 정을 전달하였고 멘티들의 언어의 장벽과 정서적 어려움을 함께 극복해 나갔으며 멘티들이 자립할 수 있도록 끊임없이 교육하고 격려하였다. 그러나 멘토들은 멘토 역할에 대한 막막함, 동료 멘토와 소통 부재, 멘티와의 갈등 그리고 무관심한 운영기관으로 인해 어려움을 겪었다. 셋째, 재정착난민 멘토들은 멘토링을 통하여 무의식적으로 내재되어 있던 난민에 대한 부정적인 인식이 재정착난민에 의해 재발견을 하게 되면서 개선할 수 있었다. 또한, 멘토들은 멘티들이 많은 어려움 속에서도 한국 사회의 구성원으로 열심히 살아가는 모습을 보면서 자기 성찰과 반성을 하게 되었으며, 지속적인 만남을 통해 멘티들을 이웃이나 친구 또는 가족으로 생각하게 되었다. 넷째, 재정착난민 멘토들은 보다 나은 재정착난민 멘토링을 위해서 가정 단위 멘토 선발, 멘토의 사전 교육 실시와 매뉴얼 개발, 그리고 정기적인 회의와 감독관 필요를 제안하였다. 또한, 지역 사회 내의 위탁 기관 구성이 필요하며, 멘토링 진행 기간에 따라 멘티들의 수요에 맞는 멘토링으로 전환이 필요하다고 하였다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 제언을 하면, 첫째, 재정착난민인 멘티를 연구 참여자로 선정하여 멘티의 경험에 대한 연구를 시도해 볼 수 있을 것이다. 둘째, 1차 시범 사업과 2차 시범 사업의 재정착난민이 한국에 재정착하기 전에 생활한 환경이 상이하기 때문에 한국 생활 적응에도 차이가 있을 것으로 생각되므로 1차 시범 사업과 2차 시범 사업의 재정착난민의 한국 생활 적응에 대해 비교 분석하는 연구를 제언한다. The purpose of this study is to examine the activities and experiences of mentors in the resettlement refugee mentoring programs implemented while accepting resettlement refugees by the government, and to present the directions and suggestions for resettlement refugee mentoring programs and policies. 7 mentors who have been mentoring for the resettlement refugees residing in G-city were interviewed from June to August 2020 for this study, and the results of the study are as follows. First, the mentors of resettlement refugees already had open minds and interests in immigrants before participating in the mentoring programs due to their overseas experience and the opportunities meeting foreigners. Second, the mentors conveyed that Koreans have a warm affection for mentees in the program, overcame the language barriers and emotional difficulties with the mentees together, and constantly educated and encouraged the mentees to stand on their own feet. However, the mentors suffered from a lack of experience about their role, the absence of dialogue with the mentees, conflicts with the mentees, and indifference of operating organizations. Third, the mentors experienced their own changes through mentoring. The negative perception of refugees that the mentors unconsciously had, have been became more positive through learning more about the resettled refugees lives. By observing how the mentees have come to adjust and gradually become a part of Korean society after overcoming all the difficulties they had faced, and by continuously interacting with them, the mentors were able to develop close relationships with the mentees. Fourth, the mentors proposed additional measures such as selection of mentors on basis of home unit, prior training and development of mentor’s manual, and the need for regular meetings and professional advisors for better quality mentoring. Mentors also suggested that it is necessary to employ staff dedicated to mentoring and to organize a foster organization, and the necessity to provide different kinds of mentoring based on the needs of mentees according to their mentoring period. This paper makes the following suggestions based on these findings. First, only the opinions of mentors on the resettled refugee mentoring program are included in this study. Therefore, research on the mentees of the program would provide an insight on the experiences of resettled refugees in follow-up studies. Second, as the refugees in the first and second pilot programs come from different environments prior to arriving in Korea, they would have different experiences in adapting to Korea. A comparative analysis of refugees' adaptation to life in Korea is suggested.

      • KCI등재

        Expressions indéfinies en français et en coréen -du point de vue de la généricité partitive-

        Miran Kim-Gautier 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2019 프랑스어문교육 Vol.64 No.-

        Les expressions indéfinies sont en général connues pour ne pas être aptes à exprimer la généricité en français et en coréen. Avant d'aborder les expressions indéfinies des deux langues, nous avons vu que la particule ‘ga’ peut être aussi comptée parmi les marqueurs génériques en coréen. Les déterminants indéfinis certains, plusieurs et quelques constituent un nouveau paradigme des déterminants pour atteindre la généricité. En principe, les déterminants indéfinis ne sont pas aptes à la reprise par ça. Nous avons examiné la possibilité de l'interprétation générique de ces expressions partitives et ensuite avons analysé quelques aspects du quand et du comment elles peuvent se combiner avec le pronom ça. L'adjectif indéfini ‘eotton’ et les numéraux indéfinis ‘yeoreo’ et ‘myeot’ ont encore plus de difficulté à exprimer la généricité. Mais nous avons essayé de trouver leur possibilité de l'interprétation générique et d'analyser leur particularité syntaxico- sémantique dans le cadre de la généricité partitive.

      • KCI등재

        Analyzing Co-occurring Errors of Adult L2 Learners in Speaking and Writing PDTs

        Miran Seo,Sunmee Chang 한국영어어문교육학회 2020 영어어문교육 Vol.26 No.1

        This study was conducted to determine whether South Korean L2 adult learners’ errors in speaking and writing co occur. It also focused on answering whether Picture Description Task (PDT) can elicit enough language production to analyze errors in both speaking and writing. Eleven university students participated in the study completing ten paired sets of PDTs. The order of speaking and writing tasks was switched and different pictures were used throughout every set of PDT. The most common errors found in speaking and writing PDTs were the use of determiners, verbs, and prepositions respectively. The speaking errors outnumbered writing errors but the types of errors in speaking and writing appeared very similar along with the smaller language features of each category. This confirmed that whether it is speaking or writing, determiners, verbs, and prepositions are the three most common areas where L2 learners commit errors. The participants showed low level of confidence in speaking and more errors were made whenever a speaking description was given first. This suggests in PDTs teachers can lower learners’ L2 anxiety by presenting writing tasks first. PDTs practically activated L2 productions and made the comparison between speaking and writing outputs possible.


        Mixed sulfate-reducing bacteria-enriched microbial fuel cells for the treatment of wastewater containing copper

        Miran, Waheed,Jang, Jiseon,Nawaz, Mohsin,Shahzad, Asif,Jeong, Sang Eun,Jeon, Che Ok,Lee, Dae Sung Pergamon Press 2017 Chemosphere Vol.189 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have been widely investigated for organic-based waste/substrate conversion to electricity. However, toxic compounds such as heavy metals are ubiquitous in organic waste and wastewater. In this work, a sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB)-enriched anode is used to study the impact of Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> on MFC performance. This study demonstrates that MFC performance is slightly enhanced at concentrations of up to 20 mg/L of Cu<SUP>2+</SUP>, owing to the stimulating effect of metals on biological reactions. Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> removal involves the precipitation of metalloids out of the solution, as metal sulfide, after they react with the sulfide produced by SRB. Simultaneous power generation of 224.1 mW/m<SUP>2</SUP> at lactate COD/SO<SUB>4</SUB> <SUP>2−</SUP> mass ratio of 2.0 and Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> of 20 mg/L, and high Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> removal efficiency, at >98%, are demonstrated in the anodic chamber of a dual-chamber MFC. Consistent MFC performance at 20 mg/L of Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> for ten successive cycles shows the excellent reproducibility of this system. In addition, total organic content and sulfate removal efficiencies greater than 85% and 70%, respectively, are achieved up to 20 mg/L of Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> in 48 h batches. However, higher metal concentration and very low pH at <4.0 inhibit the SRB MFC system. Microbial community analysis reveals that <I>Desulfovibrio</I> is the most abundant SRB in anode biofilm at the genus level, at 38.1%. The experimental results demonstrate that biological treatment of low-concentration metal-containing wastewater with SRB in MFCs can be an attractive technique for the bioremediation of this type of medium with simultaneous energy generation.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> SRB enriched MFC system was developed for investigating heavy metal removal. </LI> <LI> Ten successive batches for voltage generation showed excellent reproducibility. </LI> <LI> Maximum copper tolerance concentration in the biological anodic chamber was 20 mg/L. </LI> <LI> Among SRB, <I>Desulfovibrio</I> (38.1%) was the most abundant genus at the anode. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of SQ3R Instruction on Learners’ Self-Efficacy and Reading Ability in College Academic Reading

        Miran Yang,Kyunghye Kim 한국외국어교육학회 2016 Foreign languages education Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of the current study is to present a class model of SQ3R instruction, which consists of 5 stages of reading strategy, Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review for foreign language learning and to investigate its effects on learners’ self-efficacy and their reading comprehension. Five reading steps of reading strategy were instructed associated with skill practices, annotating, note-taking and summary outlining. A total of 23 students in a college academic reading class participated in the study. Students’ self-selected academic reading materials were used for the course. Reading self-efficacy survey and the academic reading part of IELTS practice test were conducted before and after the instruction. Student products such as annotated texts and reaction writing as well as portfolios were collected and analyzed. The survey and academic reading test results indicated that the learners’ reading self-efficacy and their reading ability were improved and that the students seemed to have gained more confidence in academic reading.

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