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        Backchannelling in deutschen und koreanischen Telefongesprächen − ein gesprächsanalytischer Ansatz

        ( Kook¸ Ji-yeon ) 한국독일언어문학회 2021 독일언어문학 Vol.- No.92

        언어적 의사소통에서 발신자, 수신자, 맥락, 정보 등과 같은 요소들도 중요하지만, 화자가 말을 할 때 청자가 경청하고 있는지의 여부도 중요하다. 청자는 화자의 발화에 대해 관심이 있다거나 듣고 있다는 것 혹은 자신이 그 대화에 참여하고 있다는 등의 표시로 ‘응’, ‘어’, ‘음’, ‘맞아’, ‘그래’ 등과 같은 청자신호를 보낸다. 이러한 청자반응신호는 면대면 대화에서뿐만 아니라 전화 대화에서도 나타나지만, 전화 대화라는 유형적 특성상 매우 중요하다. 왜냐하면 면대면 대화에서는 화자의 표정이나 몸짓 등이 함께 작용하지만, 음성이나 말로서만 이루어지는 전화 대화에서는 결정적인 역할을 하기 때문이다. 특히 청자반응은 개별 언어마다 달리 나타나기 때문에, 본 연구에서는 한국어와 독일어의 전화 대화에 나타난 청자반응신호의 공통점과 차이점을 살펴보고자 했다. 이를 위해 독일과 한국 전화 대화 코퍼스를 추출하여 각 언어의 청자반응을 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과 두 언어 간 청자반응의 수행양상이 어떻게 달리 나타나는지를 고찰할 수 있었다. 빈도수 측면에서는 두 언어 간의 차이가 잘 나타나지 않았으나, 청자 반응 신호의 유형별 비교는 가능했다. 그 중 주목할 만한 것은 한국어 청자의 경우 독일어 청자에 비해 상대방이 발화하는 일부나 발화 전체를 그대로 따라서 반복하는 표현을 보다 선호했으며, 독일어 청자들은 한국어 청자에 비해 상대방의 문장을 완성하는 경향이 더 두드러지는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 청자반응신호 양상 연구는 문화 간 이해를 위한 소통지식 향상과 제2외국어로서 언어를 배우는 독일어 학습자나 한국어 학습자가 상호 소통을 할 때 오해를 최소화 할 수 있다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다고 볼 수 있다. Diese konversationsanalytische Studie widmet sich den Typen, Formen und der Frequenz von Backchannels in deutschen und koreanischen Telefongesprächen. Auf der Basis von 21 Telefonaten (12 deutschen aus dem FOLK-Korpus des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache und 9 koreanischen aus dem Sejong-Korpus für gesprochenes Koreanisch des Nationalen Instituts der Koreanischen Sprache) wurde das Backchannelling-Verhalten der Gesprächsteilnehmer kontrastiv untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dokumentieren Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede: Bezüglich der prozentualen Verteilung der Typen von Backchannels machen kurze verbale Äußerungen in beiden Sprachen den größten Anteil aus. Der Typ ‘Bitte um Klärung’ bildet in beiden Korpora den zweitgrößten Anteil, Lachen als Backchannel den drittgrößten. Während koreanische Hörer den Typ ‘kurze Nachformulierungen’ präferieren, wurden bei den deutschen Hörern eher der Typ ‘Satzvervollständigungen’ bevorzugt. Hinsichtlich der Frequenz von Backchannels pro Token bestand kein wesentlicher Unterschied, so dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer durch Frequenz verursachten Fehlinterpretation zwischen Deutschen und Koreanern geringer als mit anderen Kulturen ist.

      • 여자 테니스 선수의 양손 백핸드 스트로크 동작시 상지의 근전도 분석

        유국종,서국웅,윤양진,이훈식,정미라,서국은 한국운동역학회 2000 한국운동역학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        This study analzed AEMG, muscle activity duration time, peak value and work load of six high school student players, three college student players, three business team players in order to analyze Arm's EMG when they play games with two-handed backhand stroke. The instruments of measuring EMG are muscle tester ME3000p. And measured parts of muscle are the triceps brachii, biceps brachii, brachioradialis and flexor carpi radialis of body left and right arm. The following is the result according to the analysis of raw data and statistics. 1. The AEMG of trained group was higher than the untrained. In both groups AEMG of right arm was higher than left one. And AEMG of forearm was higher than upperarm. The order of high AEMG among the trained is as followed ; right biceps brachii, left brachii, right brachioradialis. Among the untrained ; right brachioradialis, left brachioradialis, biceps brachii. 2. The muscle activity duration time of the trained group was totally shorter than the untrained. In both groups muscle activity duration time of the right arm was shorter than the left one. As to trained muscle activity duration time of upperarm is shorter than the forearm. Contrarily, as to untrained muscle activity duration time forearm is shorter than the upperarm. The order of short muscle activity duration time among the trained is as followed ; right biceps brachii, triceps brachii, left flexor carpi radialis. 3. The peak value of trained group was higher than the untrained. In body groups peak value of the right arm was higher than the left one. As to the trained the peak of the upperarm is higher than the forearm. Contrarily, as to the untrained, the peak value of the forearm was higher the upperarm. The order of high peak value among the trained is as followed ; right biceps brachii, left biceps brachii, right brachioradialis. Among the untrained, right brachioradialis, left biceps brachii, brachioradialis.

      • Preparations of microencapsulated PCMs-coated nylon fabrics by wet and dry coating process and comparison of their properties

        Koo, K.,Park, Y.M.,Choe, J.D.,Kim, E.A. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company 2009 Polymer engineering and science Vol.49 No.6

        <P>To analyze the thermal insulation effect in textiles, waterproof, and breathable nylon fabrics PCMs microcapsules (PCMMcs) were prepared by wet and dry coating processes. The morphology, water vapor permeability (WVP), water penetration resistance (WPR), and peel strength of the PCMMcs-coated fabrics were characterized. At the same time, DSC was used to measure the thermal insulation properties of the PCMMcs-treated fabrics as a means of testing the thermal storage/release capacity according to their phase change temperature. The result showed that the heat storage capacity of the PCMMcs-treated fabrics prepared by wet coating was noticeably better than that of the PCMMcs-untreated samples, whereas the PCMMcs treatment had an insignificant effect on the heat capacity of the fabrics prepared by the dry coating process. From the SEM analysis, it was found that the PCMMcs were physically unstable during the dry coating process, so, they could not be observed. Also, the WVP, WPR, and peel strength were found to decrease with increasing PCMMcs contents. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2009. © 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers</P>

      • Changes of functional ionotrophic receptor subunits in rat hippocampus following transient global ischemia

        Ko, Ok,Jung, Yong Wook 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2002 東國醫學 Vol.9 No.2

        허혈 후 해마세포내 칼슘의 유입과 증가기전은 아직까지 알려져 있지 않다. 그러나 허혈해마에서의 이온지향성 NMDA 수용체와 AMPA수용체 아단위의 변화는 많은 양의 칼슘이 흥분성연접을 통해 신경세포내로 유입될 수 있다는 가능성을 제시한다. 따라서 본 실험은 일시적 허혈 후 초래되는 해마신경세포의 세포손상정에 AMPA와 NMDA 수용체의 구성단백질의 변화를 관찰하였다. 일시적 허혈 모델은 280∼320 gm의 Sprague-Dawley종의 숫 흰쥐를 이용하여 50㎜Hg의 저혈압을 초래 후 10분간 양쪽 온목동맥을 결찰하여 제작하였으며 AMPA 수용체의 GluR2 아단위와 NMDA 수용체의 NR2A, NR2B에 대한 단백질 정량분석은 Immunoblot을 이용하였다. 허혈 후 세포손상은 세포골격단백질인 NF200의 분자생물학적 조사를 시행하여 관찰하였다. 일시적 허혈은 해마에 존재하는 이온지향성 수용체의 아단위인 NR2A, NR2B, 그리고 GluR2의 분해를 유도하였으며 특히 GluR2의 현저한 감소는 GluR2-lacking AMPA 수용체의 칼슘지향성 특성을 고려할 때 해마신경세포 손상과정에서 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 생각되며 또한 세포사망의 중요인자인 신경세사단백질200의 분해정도는 AMPA 수용체의 GluR2의 분해와 비례하여 감소하였다. The mechanism by which elevated Ca^2+ enters and concentrates within the hippocampal neurons after ischemia remains unclear. However, one appealing possibility, given the well-documented involvement of NMDA and AMPA receptors in ischemic hippocampus, would involve the up or down-regulation of NMDA and AMPA constituents, which would thereby allow increased amounts of Ca^2+ to enter the vulnerable neuron with each excitatory synaptic event. we tested a potential roles for AMPA and NMDA receptor functional subunits levels in the hippocampus at times after transient global ischemia when neuronal cell damage was observed. Transient global ischemia was performed in male Sprague-Dawley rats (280∼320 gm) and was induced by bilateral carotid artery occlusion for 10 minutes along with a decrease of mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) to 50 ㎜Hg. Immunoblottings were used to assess protein concentration and expression of AMPA (GluR2) and NMDA receptor (NR2A and NR2B) functional subunits. Molecular analysis of ischemic injury was measured with NF200. This study determined that hippocampal NR2A, NR2B, and GluR2 expression in response to the transient global ischemia was decreased compared with sham-operated controls. This data indicate that AMPA receptors lacking GluR2 may play a role in excessive influx of extracellular calcium following ischemia because of GluR2-lacking AMPA complexes have larger. more prolonged calcium conductances than those containing this subunit. We also found that the severity of the NF200 degradation, one of the neuronal death-inducing factors correlated well with the severity of GluR2 degradation.

      • 배기 다기관 형상 변경에 따른 배기계에서의 배기 압력 특성에 관한 연구

        심국상,최민호,김세웅 금오공과대학교 산업기술개발연구원 2000 産業技術開發硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        Exhaust pressure characteristics was described by change of exhaust manifold configurations in the exhaust system. Exhaust manifolds for analysis of exhaust pressure characteristics in this experiments were made and were single, double and conventional type of manifold. The pressure characteristics in the exhaust system were compared and analyzed according to exhaust manifold configurations, measuring positions, engine revolutions and loads. The results show that the peak pressure in exhaust system was decreased as the number of accessories in the exhaust manifold increased and the measuring position of sensor estranged from exhaust valve. And the accumulation of exhaust gas occurred in exhaust manifold was decreased by formulation of pulsating pressure wave than formulation of high pressure wave.

      • K 종합병원의 병원폐기물 관리실태 조사

        임국환,이경옥 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 1998 保健科學論集 Vol.24 No.1

        This study was performed to examine the current management of hospital wastes in K hospital. The contents and amount of hospital wastes were measured and surveyed through documents and interviews. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The amount of K hospital wastes in 1994 was 97,383㎏, and it increased to 103,697㎏ and to 118,186㎏ in 1995 and in 1996 respectively. 2. The total amount of hospital wastes produced by the hospital was 118,186㎏. Medical wastes constituted 25.3% of the total amount 3. The amount of the waste produced by the hospital was largest in December as 12,940㎏ and followed by ll,142㎏ in August and 10,327㎏ in October. 4. Disposable syringes constituted 43.9% of total medical wastes, followed by cotton (23.4%) and injurious things (19.4%). 5. This hospital has two incinerators, which were not operated. All hospital wastes were collected and treated by a licenced waste management company.

      • 통합인문학 평생교육 프로그램 개발을위한입론 : 방송대 트랙제 연계 프로그램을 중심으로

        여국현 한국방송통신대학교 통합인문학연구소 2009 통합인문학연구 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구는 방송통신대학교의 트랙제와 연계 가능한 통합인문학 평생교 육 프로그램 개발의 기본 틀을 제안하고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 통합인문 학 평생교육을 위한 통합,미디어,트랙 시스템 등의 토픽들을 설정하였다. 통합은 두 가지 의미를 지니는데 하나는 서로 분화되고 소통하기 힘든 상태에 있는 각 분과 학문의 통합이며 다른 하나는 파편화되고 고립된 현 대 주체들의 경험과 관점의 통합을 의미한다. 둘째 토픽인 미디어는 교육 환경의 변화에 따라 교육 현장에서 다양하게 사용되고 있는 여러 유형의 뉴미디어들-하이퍼 디지털 미디어,컴퓨터,인터넷,WWW 등-의 교육 적 활용을 의미한다. 트랙 시스템은 제안하고자 하는 프로그램들이 교육 현장,특히 실제 프로그램의 적용 가능성이 큰 방송대학교의 교육 시스템 내에서 실제 활용 가능성을 고려하기 위해 제안되었다. 이러한 토픽들에 기반하여 본 논문에서는 1) 분과 학문의 통합을 지향하는 프로그램 2) 미디어 통합을 지향하는 프로그램 3) 교육 시스템의 통합을 지향하는 프로그램 4) 주제 중심 프로그램 등, 네 가지 유형의 통합인문학 평생교육 프로그램을 제안하고, 방송대학교의 트랙 시스템과 연계하여 실행 가능한 모델 프로그램을 제시하였다. This study aims to propose an argument for developing the programs for the Life-long Education of Integrated Humanities, especially focusing on making an connection with Track System of KNOU. First of all, It is needed to set up the topics for the development of Life-long Education of Integrated Humanities. The topics are Integration, Media, Track System. Integration means two kinds of integration: integration of the academic disciplines which are sub-divided and hard to communicate with, and integration of the experiences and view points of modern subjects who are fragmented and isolated. The second topic, Media, means to consider the change of the educational environment, including the various kinds of new media used in the fields of education—hyper-digital media, including computer, internet and WWW. Track System is presented to try to put the proposed programs to practical use in the field of education especially to the course of KNOU. On these topics, I propose four kinds of programs for the Life-long the divided academic disciplines, (2) Programs towards Integration of media, (3) Programs towards Integration of Educational System (4) Programs focusing on the theme—and present some model programs especially focused on the using possibility in practise through Track System of KNOU.

      • 病院勤務者의 後天性免疫缺乏症에 關한 認識度 調査硏究

        林國煥,金榮煥,金順德,柳樂姬,洪景蘭 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 1991 保健科學論集 Vol.17 No.1

        Recently HIV infection has been increasing in Korea and recognized as one of the serious social problems. In the current situation in which any effective treatment or preventive vaccine for AIDS has not yet been invented, the most important method of control to reduce the chances of HIV infection is through the continuous education about AIDS. Hospital workers are one type of group which are at a high risk for HIV infection and to some degree resposible for the transmission of AIDS. This study was carried out to provide data to help educate hospital workers prevent the AIDS transmission. For this study, 409 workers from 18 hospitals in the Seoul area were asked to answer the questionaire. The results obtained are as follows : 1. Most respondents (97.8%) knew that AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. And 85.6% of respondents knew exactly (71.4%) or roughly (14.2%) about the general characteristics of AIDS. 2 . 68.6% of the respondents knew the route of HIV infection. A lot of people thought that one could be infected by AIDS through utensils, foods, coughing or sneezing. 3. Respondents with high education knew relatively well about the causes of AIDS, compared with those with low education. Males generally understood the characteristics about AIDS better than females. As for the age group, the people in their thirties knew more than those in any other age group. Whereas average income amount, marrige status, or overseas travel experience showed no correlationship with the knowledge about AIDS. 4 . It was observed that males(36.5%) had more experience wity blood donation than females (8.8%) . 83.8% of females thought that they need not take the blood test to be examined for HIV infection, which was higher compared to the 62.3% of males. 5. Mass communication was the main source to provide the information about AIDS for the respondents. Most of the respondents hoped that the hospital where they worked or any other clinic would provide them with more detailed information about AIDS. 92.8% of the respondents insisted that AIDS patients should be isolated to prevent the AIDS transmission.

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