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        10세기 무슬림 철학에 나타난 원자론에 관한 연구

        김요한 ( Kim¸ Jo-hann ) 한국동서철학회 2020 동서철학연구 Vol.0 No.98

        9세기 초반 무슬림 철학적 신학인 칼람(kalām)에 물체, 질료, 운동, 우유성과 같은 철학적 개념들에 대한 논의가 등장했다. 이 개념들은 모두 그리스 철학에 기반하고 있다. 원자(atomon) 개념도 이런 방식으로 무타칼리문에게 전달되었다. 원자론에 대한초기 논의에서 사용된 용어들은 그리스 번역에 기초하고 있다. 원자 개념들은 그리스어 atomon과 adiaireton을 각각 번역한 용어들이었다. 그리고 이 그리스 원자론은 레오키포스와 데모크리토스에 의해서 형성되었다. 그러나 칼람 신학자들은 대부분의 그리스 철학자들과 기독교 교부들이 거부했던 원자론을 수용했다. 이와는 대조적으로 필론과 대부분의 기독교 교부들은 원자론을 거부하면서 그리스 철학의 주요 노선들을 계속 유지해왔다. 그렇다면 무슬림 학자들은 왜 그리스 철학과 기독교 교부철학에서 일반적으로 논박 되었던 원자론을 칼람에 수용했으며 이 그리스 원자론은 어떤 방식으로 자신들의 종교적인 교설로 자리잡게 되었을까? 그것들의 전개 과정은 어떤 것이었을까? 이 물음들과 관련해서 연구자는 이 글에서 중요한 무슬림들의 철학적 문헌들을 살펴보면서 첫번째로 왜 칼람이 원자론을 수용했는지 그 이유를 탐색하게 될 것이다. 두 번째로 칼람의 원자론 수용에 있어서 커다란 논쟁이 되었던 원자의 연장성과 비연장성에 대한논쟁을 살펴볼 것이다. 그리고 왜 그런 논쟁이 생겨나게 되었는지에 대한 이유를 고찰할 것이다. At the beginning of the 9th century, a discussion of philosophical concepts such as objects, matters, movements, and accidents emerged in the Muslim philosophical theology, kalām. All of these concepts are based on Greek philosophy. The concept of atoms was also conveyed to the Mutakalimūn in this way. The terms used in the early discussions of atom theory are based on the Greek translation. The concepts of atom in Muslim philosophy were translated from the Greek words atomon and adiaireton. This Greek atom theory was formed by Leukippus and Demokritus. However, Kalām theologians accepted the atom theory that most Greek philosophers and Christian fathers rejected. In contrast, Philo and most Christian fathers continued to maintain the main lines of Greek philosophy, rejecting atom theory. Why then did Muslim scholars accept the atom theory which was generally refuted in Greek and Christian philosophy, and in what way did this Greek atom theory become their religious doctrine? What was their development process? Regarding these two questions, I am going to explore the reasons why Kalām embraced atom theory, examining important Muslim philosophical pieces of literature in this article. Second, we will look at the debate on the extension of atoms, which has been a major debate in the acceptance of Kalām's atom theory. And we will consider the reasons for why such debate arose.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Causality between Economic Sanctions and Militarized Conflict: A Global Level Analysis, 1945-2014

        Johann Park(Johann Park) 한국자료분석학회 2023 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.25 No.1

        Sanctions and militarized disputes remain two of the most acute forms of interstate hostilities that may destabilize the contemporary interstate system. Although scholars and policy makers have discussed the potential reciprocal relationship between sanctions and conflict, extant theoretical and empirical examinations remain unsatisfactory. Their theoretical arguments are cursory and their empirical evidence is scant. How do sanctions and militarized disputes affect each other? Do more economic hostilities in the world suggest more military hostilities in the world, and vice versa? This study arranges a set of theoretical arguments for the possible causality. Using a VAR-Granger causality test method, it assesses the two-way causality at the macro-global system level for the 1945-2014 period. It also divides the entire data into the Cold War and post-Cold War samples to address a structural break. The results show that sanctions promote militarized disputes but this impact is limited to the post-Cold War era. The impact of military conflict on sanctions is insignificant with the pooled 1945-2014 sample. However, the divided samples reveal the contrasting double-faced effects for militarized disputes promoting sanctions in the Cold War era but discouraging sanctions in the post-Cold War era.

      • KCI등재

        Speckle tracking ultrasonography as a new tool to assess diaphragmatic function: a feasibility study

        Sebastian Johannes Fritsch,Nima Hatam,Andreas Goetzenich,Gernot Marx,Rüdiger Autschbach,Leo Heunks,Johannes Bickenbach,Christian Simon Bruells 대한초음파의학회 2022 ULTRASONOGRAPHY Vol.41 No.2

        A reliable method of measuring diaphragmatic function at the bedside is still lacking. Widely used two-dimensional (2D) ultrasonographic measurements, such as diaphragm excursion, diaphragm thickness, and fractional thickening (FT) have failed to show clear correlations with diaphragmatic function. A reason for this is that 2D ultrasonographic measurements, like FT, are merely able to measure the deformation of muscular diaphragmatic tissue in the transverse direction, while longitudinal measurements in the direction of contracting muscle fibres are not possible. Speckle tracking ultrasonography, which is widely used in cardiac imaging, overcomes this disadvantage and allows observations of movement in the direction of the contracting muscle fibres, approximating muscle deformation and the deformation velocity. Several studies have evaluated speckle tracking as a promising method to assess diaphragm contractility in healthy subjects. This technical note demonstrates the feasibility of speckle tracking ultrasonography of the diaphragm in a group of 20 patients after an aortocoronary bypass graft procedure. The results presented herein suggest that speckle tracking ultrasonography is able to depict alterations in diaphragmatic function after surgery better than 2D ultrasonographic measurements.

      • KCI등재

        문학 텍스트의 환경 변화 : 아우어의 시『Kill the Poem』을 중심으로

        김요한 한국독어독문학회 2004 獨逸文學 Vol.89 No.-

        Computer, Software und Internet vera¨ndern unser Leben und Arbeiten. Sie haben in den letzten Jahren unsere Gesellschaft durchdrungen und sind aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr weg zu denken. Sie vera¨ndern vor allem auch das Schreiben und Lesen so nachhaltig, dass selbst auch Literatur und Kunst nicht unberu¨hrt von ihnen bleiben. Die vielfa¨ltigen Mo¨glichkeiten des Computers und die Digitalisterung machen das neue Medium nicht nur zu einem attraktiven Transportmittel fu¨r jegliche Art van Narration, sondem auch zu einern neuen Kommunikationsmittel fu¨r ku¨nstlerische Experimente. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Verha¨ltniss von neuem Medium und Literatur behandelt, und dabei wird zugleich versucht, den Mo¨glichkeiten der Entstehung einer neuen Literatur nachzuspu¨ren. Das heute dominiercnde Kulturmilieu ist durch den U¨bergang vom analogen zum digitalen informationszeitalter charakterisiert. Multimedia und Netzwerk sind die entscheidenden neuen Pha¨nomene. Das sich wandelnde Medienmilieu vera¨ndert auch den Begriff der Literatur und dabei vor allem den Begriff des Textes, der Analysegegenstand der Literatunvissenschaft ist. Kill the Poem von Johannes Auer bietet ein passendes Beispiel an, wie die Literam in der Zukunft geht, Angesicht der technologischen Entwicklungsgeschwjndigkeit kann man schon jetzt sagen, dass Literaturfomen wie Hypertextliterahir beziehungsweise digitale Literatur das Potential besitzen, sich als neue Literatur zu etablieren und weiter zu cntwickeln.

      • KCI등재

        Model-free Adaptive Optimal Control of Episodic Fixed-horizon Manufacturing Processes Using Reinforcement Learning

        Johannes Dornheim,Norbert Link,Peter Gumbsch 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2020 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.18 No.6

        A self-learning optimal control algorithm for episodic fixed-horizon manufacturing processes with timediscrete control actions is proposed and evaluated on a simulated deep drawing process. The control model is built during consecutive process executions under optimal control via reinforcement learning, using the measured product quality as a reward after each process execution. Prior model formulation, which is required by algorithms from model predictive control and approximate dynamic programming, is therefore obsolete. This avoids several difficulties namely in system identification, accurate modeling, and runtime complexity, that arise when dealing with processes subject to nonlinear dynamics and stochastic influences. Instead of using the pre-created process and observation models, value-function-based reinforcement learning algorithms build functions of expected future reward, which are used to derive optimal process control decisions. The expectation functions are learned online, by interacting with the process. The proposed algorithm takes stochastic variations of the process conditions into account and is able to cope with partial observability. A Q-learning-based method for adaptive optimal control of partially observable episodic fixed-horizon manufacturing processes is developed and studied. The resulting algorithm is instantiated and evaluated by applying it to a simulated stochastic optimal control problem in metal sheet deep drawing.

      • KCI등재

        Free flap thrombosis in patients with hypercoagulability: A systematic review

        Johannes Albert Biben,Parintosa Atmodiwirjo 대한성형외과학회 2019 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.46 No.6

        Background Even with satisfactory anastomosis technique and adequate experience of thesurgeon, flap loss due to thrombosis can still occur due to the patient’s underlying condition. Patients with hypercoagulability due to etiologies such as malignancy, hereditary conditions,and acquired thrombophilia are among those who could benefit from free flap procedures. This review aimed to evaluate the risk of free flap thrombosis in patients with hypercoagulabilityand to identify the most effective thromboprophylaxis regimen. Methods This review was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items forSystematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guideline. The PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Librarydatabases were explored. Types of free flaps, types of hypercoagulable states, thrombosis preventionprotocols, thrombosis complication rates, and flap vitality outcomes were reviewed. Samples from the included studies were pooled to calculate the relative risk of free flapthrombosis complications in patients with hypercoagulability compared to those without hypercoagulability. Results In total, 885 articles underwent title, abstract, and full-text screening. Six articlesmet the inclusion criteria. The etiologies of hypercoagulability varied. The overall incidence ofthrombosis and flap loss in hypercoagulable patients was 13% and 10.3%, respectively. Thethrombosis risk was two times higher in hypercoagulable patients (P=0.074) than in controls. Thromboprophylaxis regimens were variable. Heparin was the most commonly used regimen. Conclusions Hypercoagulability did not significantly increase the risk of free flap thrombosis. The most effective thromboprophylaxis regimen could not be determined due to variationin the regimens. Further well-designed studies should be conducted to confirm this finding.

      • KCI등재후보

        Routes to the synthesis of carbon nanotube-polyacetylene composites by Ziegler-Natta polymerization of acetylene inside carbon nanotubes

        Johannes Steinmetz,이현정,Soyoung Kwon,이동수,Christophe Goze-Bac,Edy Abou-Hamad,김화용,박영우 한국물리학회 2007 Current Applied Physics Vol.7 No.1

        critical carbon dioxide to ll the nanotubes with toluene and then add the ZieglerNatta catalyst. In order to assure controlled polymer-ization inside the nanotube, the catalyst outside is removed before the reaction. The resulting polyacetylene lled nanotubes arecharacterized by1H NMR and scanning electron microscope.

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