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      • KCI등재

        對“掏出”類動詞曆時演變情況的探討 -“掏”對“取”的替換過程、“取”曆時上地位、雙音模式爲主考察-

        한승 한국중국학회 2015 中國學報 Vol.71 No.-

        汉语史上,“掏出”语义场裏主要成员有“掏、取、探、摸”等。新舊詞替換是在汉语詞彙历时上发展的必然趋势。从历时上看,主导词兴替如下:“取”(先秦两汉) — “探”(魏晋南北朝) — “取”(唐代至明代) — “掏”(清代至现代)。本文运用定量分析法,對“掏出”義動詞的历時演變情況进行描写,並且通过定性分析法,就证明了“掏”替換“取”的主要原因。其次、通过对历时上地位高的舊詞“取”和其它词的出现頻率、“取”的内在语义特征及其语法功能等的考察,尋找了在历時上沒產生同義並列式雙音詞的原因。最后、“掏出”類動詞在官話及各方言區域分布情況進行全面考察。

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : "제거(除去)"류(類) 손동작 동사 음절(音節)의 역사적(歷史的) 변화(變化) -"털다"와 "닦다"류(類) 동사 위주로-

        한승 한국중문학회 2015 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.58

        動詞的雙音節化是漢語詞彙在歷時上發展的必然趨勢。一般而言, 從魏晋南北朝以來, 大多單音節詞發展了雙音詞。無數雙音詞當中, 同義幷列雙音詞在歷時上的地位흔高, 尤其在魏晉南北朝至唐五代該用例達到了高峰。從元明淸以來, 幷列雙音詞用例下降, 而動補結構的數量則不斷增多。但是"除掉"類手部動詞(下位槪念"두掉"、"擦拭")在歷時上的變化脫離了常規。在"두掉"類語義揚裏歷時上根本沒存在同義幷列雙音詞;在"擦拭"類語義場裏大量存在幷列雙音詞用例, 타至明淸時期也較前代更爲增加。本文以"두掉"、"擦拭"類手部動詞爲考察對象, 探討了各動詞在歷時上的音節變化和雙音化過程, 以證明在"두掉"詞組裏同義幷列雙音詞沒産生的根本原因;在"擦拭"詞組裏同義幷列雙音詞的構成條件、規律及其動因, 且幷列雙音詞至明淸代沒衰退的原因。此外, 還對"두掉"、"擦拭"類動詞與補語在語義上搭配關系進行探討。

      • KCI등재

        중국어 "놓다"류(類) 동사의 역사적 변천과정 -어휘, 어법의 변천과정 및 쌍음화 과정을 중심으로-

        한승 한국중국언어학회 2015 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.60

        This paper investigates the diachronic evolution of the verbs of place "cuo" (措), "zhi"(置), "an"(安), "ge"(閣), "fang"(放). In ancient time, "cuo"(措)、"zhi"(置) was existed. "zhi"(置) was the main used from ancient time to Song Dynasty. "cuo"(措) was disappeared and "an"(安) was existed in Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties. The new word "fang(放)" emerged in Tang Dynasty and took over "zhi"(置) from Yuan Dynasty up to now. The new word "ge"(閣) emerged in Ming Dynasty But wasn``t the dominant word. This paper also with formation of synonymy coordinate disyllables as the object of the research, described that monosyllabic verb was how to develop a synonymy coordinate disyllables. In addition, In addition, researched the reason why the words for the concept of “Place” often collocate with “xia”(下), the reason they can often enter to “把”字句 Disposal construction. Final, This paper Showed the regional divergence between the South and the North of verbs of “Place”.

      • KCI등재

        語文學部 : 對“?出”類動詞曆時演變情況的探討 -“?”對“取”的替換過程、“取”曆時上地位、雙音模式爲主考察-

        한승 한국중국학회 2015 中國學報 Vol.71 No.-

        漢語史上,“?出”語義場裏主要成員有“?、取、探、摸”等。新舊詞替換是在漢語詞彙歷時上發展的必然趨勢。從歷時上看,主導詞興替如下:“取”(先秦兩漢) - “探”(魏晉南北朝) - “取”(唐代至明代)- “?”(淸代至現代)。本文運用定量分析法,對“?出”義動詞的歷時演變情況進行描寫,?且通過定性分析法,就證明了“?”替換“取”的主要原因。其次、通過對歷時上地位高的舊詞“取”和其?詞的出現頻率、“取”的內在語義特征及其語法功能等的考察,尋?了在歷時上沒産生同義?列式雙音詞的原因。最後、“?出”類動詞在官話及各方言區域分布情況進行全面考察。

      • KCI등재

        마이크로 스탬프를 이용한 Micro-LED 개별 전사 및리플로우 공정에 관한 연구

        한승,윤민아,김찬,김재현,김광섭 한국트라이볼로지학회 2022 한국트라이볼로지학회지 (Tribol. Lubr.) Vol.38 No.3

        Micro-light emitting diode (micro-LED) displays offer numerous advantages such as high brightness, fast response, and low power consumption. Hence, they are spotlighted as the next-generation display. However, defective LEDs may be created due to non-uniform contact loads or LED alignment errors. Therefore, a repair process involving the replacement of defective LEDs with favorable ones is necessitated. The general repair process involves the removal of defective micro-LEDs, interconnection material transfer, as well as new micro-LED transfer and bonding. However, micro-LEDs are difficult to repair since their size decreases to a few tens of micron in width and less than 10 μm in thickness. The conventional nozzle-type dispenser for fluxes and the conventional vacuum chuck for LEDs are not applicable to the micro-LED repair process. In this study, transfer conditions are determined using a micro stamp for repairing micro-LEDs. Results show that the aging time should be set to within 60 min, based on measuring the aging time of the flux. Additionally, the micro-LEDs are subjected to a compression test, and the result shows that they should be transferred under 18.4 MPa. Finally, the I-V curves of micro-LEDs processed by the laser and hot plate reflows are measured to compare the electrical properties of the micro-LEDs based on the reflow methods. It was confirmed that the micro-LEDs processed by the laser reflow show similar electrical performance with that processed by the hot plate reflow. The results can provide guidance for the repair of micro-LEDs using micro stamps.

      • KCI등재

        ‘먹다’류 동사의 역사적 변천에 관한 小考와 그 특징

        한승 중국어문학연구회 2023 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.139

        This paper is about the diachronic evolution of the verbs of “eat”. The verbs of “eat” was “吃(chi)”, “喫(chi)”, “食(shi)”, “饭(fan)”. “食(shi)” was existed in ancient time. that word was the main used until Tang Dynasties. The new word “喫(chi)”emerged in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties and took over “食(shi)” from Tang and Five Dynasties. “喫(chi)” is Variant character of “吃(chi)”. “吃(chi)” first was existed in the Tang Dynasties. however, it's use was in the minority at that time. “吃(chi)” began to increase from the Yuan Dynasties. The reason for the decline of “食(shi)” is that it has been transferred to a noun a lot. The reason why “喫(chi)” had turned into the dominant word from Tang and Five Dynasties that because it was only used as a verb. This paper also researched on the reason why the monosyllabic verb didn't developed into compounding words composed of synonyms and the reason why ‘吃饭’ had developed from verb-object construction to Separable Word. In addition, this paper also with researched on the relationship of verbs of “eat” and ‘幹淨(ganjing)’,‘光(guang)’,‘飽(bao)’ and found the reason why the verbs of “eat” often collocate with it. Finaly, this paper showed the succession relationship of regional use of verbs between the ming and qing dynasties and modern times.

      • KCI등재

        ‘穿着’류 동사의 역사적 변천과정

        한승 한국중국언어학회 2019 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.84

        This paper investigates the diachronic evolution of the verbs of “put on”(“衣“(yi), “服”(fu), “着“(zhuo), “穿“(chuan) ). In ancient time, (“衣“(yi), “服”(fu) was existed. “着“(zhuo)was existed Weijinnanbei Dynasty. “着“(zhuo) took over “衣“(yi) from Weijinnanbei Dynasty to Song Dynasty. “穿“(chuan) was existed Tang five Dynasty. It took over “着“(zhuo) from Yuan Dynasty up to now. Through research, The author found the reason why “衣“(yi), “服”(fu) mian used as a noun in modern times. This paper also researched the relationship of verbs of “put on” and “上(shang)” and found the reason why the words for the concept of “put on” often collocate with “上(shang)”. Final, This paper Showed the regional divergence between the South and the North of verbs of “put on”. 본고는 ‘穿着’류 동사에 관한 논문이다. 역사적 변천과정을 살펴보면 선진양한시기에는 ‘衣’가 주도동사였고, 위진남북조시기부터 ‘着’이 주도동사였으며 당오조시기에 생성된 ‘穿’은 원조시기에 ‘着’을 교체하고 주도동사가 되어 현재까지 계승된 것이다. 현대방언 분포현황을 조사하면서 분포범위가 가장 넓은 ‘穿’이 과거부터 현대까지 계승된 ‘穿着’류의 주도동사임을 입증하였다. 본고에서 ‘衣’와 ‘服’은 과거에는 동사용법이 있었지만 명조시기부터 명사형태소로 전락하여 오늘날까지 계승된 것이다. ‘穿着’류 동사는 역사적으로 동의형태소의 수량이 부족하여 이음절 합성어의 생성은 불가했다. 다만 ‘穿着’류 동사는 보어인 '上‘하고만 자주 결합하여 오늘날 ‘穿上’와 같은 술보구조를 자주 볼 수 있는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘팔다’류 동사의 역사적 고찰과 그 특징

        한승 한국중국언어학회 2022 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.99

        본고는 '팔다'류 동사의 역사적 변천에 관한 것이다. '팔다'류 의미장에 ‘卖’,‘贩’,‘鬻’,‘销’,‘售’ 등의 구성원이 있다. 그 중 ‘卖’는 고대시기부터 현재까지 줄곧 주도동사이다. ‘卖’가 줄곧 절대적으로 우세할 수 있었던 원인을 파악하기 위해 '팔다'류 동사들의 특징들을 섬세히 분석하였다. 본고는 또한 단음절 동사가 여러 이음절 합성동사로 발전하는 과정에 대해 연구했다. 그리고 '팔다'류 동사는 보어 ‘出’,‘给’과 자주 결합하는데 그 이유에 대해서도 밝혀냈다. 마지막으로 최근 갈수록 학계에서 주목받고 있는 언어유형학적 관점에서 '卖'가 능격동사로 활용될 수 있는 조건에 대해 고찰하였다.

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