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      • 우리나라 國民의 環境保健에 대한 意識行態와 이에 影響을 미치는 要因分析

        金武植 대구보건대학 1995 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        This study was conducted from march 20 through April 20, 1993, in order to figure out the factorsaffecting behavior of the people on environmental health. 1,261 people were selected randomly from Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Taejon and Kwangju, Questionnaire forms were prepared and the persons selected were interviewed by trained interviewers. The data collected were analyzed in order to determine factors affecting knowledge, attitude and practice on environmental health in major cities in Korea. The results are as follows ; 1. 511 people(40.5%) were in the age of twenties and 750(59.5%) were 30 years and over. 2. 1019 people(80.8%) had more than 12 year education and 242(19.2%) had less than 9 year education. 3. Of the people interviewed, 425 people(33.7%) were students, 294(23.1%) professionals, 238(23.1%) housewieves, 150(11.9%) sales persons, and 104(12.4%) farmers and Laborers. 4. 20.3% of the people studied were in high income Level, 63.2% middle income level and 5.6% were in low income level. 5. 715 people(56.7%) were married and 522 people(522) were unmarried. 6. The knowledge, attitude and practice levels of the peoplestudied were 55 points. 27.5% of the people got 82 points and over, 46.7% got 50 points, and 25.8% got 33 points. 7. The knowledge level was 68 points which was the highest of KAP and that of attitude was 50 points and practice was 45 points, the lowest. 8. The people who got high KAP score were found not to practice what they know. The people who got lower scores were found to use their knowledge in practical life. 9. Correlation between knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) on environmental health was statistically significant(p<0.001). 10. The levels of KAP on environmental health affected by variables of gender and marital status were statistically significant(p<0.01). 11. Variables of education, occupation, religion and economic status affected the levels of KAP significantly (p<0.01). 12. The levels of KAP on environmental health by variables of health education of environmental health were statistically significant(p<0.001). 13. The levels of KAP of the people on environmental health by demographic variables showed a reverse relation statistically(p<0.001). 14. The levels of KAP of the people on environmental health had correlation with education Level and the KAP level hadcorrelation with knowledge( p<0.001). 15. The KAP levels of the people on environmental health health had correlation with environmental health education(p<0.001). 16. The total variables affecting KAP of the people on environmental health had 14% variance and environmental health education was the highest(β=0.23827), education level was the next(β=0.12442), and economic status was (β=-0.06970), age(β=-0.06710) and print media (β=0.06539). 17. The variables most affecting knowledge level on environmental health was environmental health education(β=0.22611) and the next were age, religion and print media. 18. The variables most affecting attitude of the people on environmental health was environmental education level(β=0.16055) and the next were economic status, religion, print media and gender. 19. The variables most affecting practice on environmental health was environmental health education(β =0.11061) and the next were gender, religion and education level. 20. The variables most affection KAP of the people on environmental health were environmental health education(r=0.2980) and education(r=0.2419) and the next were age, marital status, religion, electronic media, print media, place of birth and gender. 21. The most important variable affecting KAP level of the people on environmental health was education level.

      • 韓國 産業勤勞者의 建康水準과 關聯要因

        崔相復 대구보건대학 1995 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        This study conducted from September I through October 30, 1993, in order to provid the data related to the industrial health policy and the development of health education program and the basic foundation. The data collected were analyzed in order to determine factors affecting knowledge and practice (KP) on health level of industrial workers. 3,396 workers were randomly selected from Kyungki, Inchun, Kwangju, Taejon, Taegu, Ulsan, Pohang, Masan annd Changwon, Questionnaire forms were prepared and the worrkers selected were interviewed by graduate student with the aid of health management. The result are as follows ; 1. Summary A. General property 1) Among 3,396 respondents, 2,475 workers(72.9%) were in the male, 36% were in the age of thirties, 33.9% were in the twenties and 19.7% were in the forties. 2) Of the total, 57.4% were married and 40.5% were unmarried and 54.8% of the total lived in middle level and 43.2% lived in low level of the economic status. 3) 5-9 years of Working period on workers were 33.7% of the total, above 10 years were 26.5% and 1-3 years were 18.9%, 12.3% of the total had graduated college school, 69.3% had senior school and 16.0% had middle school. B. Correlated characteristic and score level of the knowledge and practice(KP) to the health on workers. 1) The knowledge level were 3.08 to 5 points full marks and practice level were 2.79 points which were lower than knowledge level. 2) The score for behavior on health life were 3.73 to 8 point full marks and it seemed to be low grade. 3) As for the general characteristic, It should be noted that the female got the higher score than the male with respect to the knowledge and practice(KP) and the similar tendency observed that the older, a married, the more working period, the more high education workers got the higher score than the other groups. In terms of the score for behavior on health life the male, the older, the more working period, the higher classes workers got the higher score than the other groups. 4) With respect to the general mentality. The workers who obtained the high scorre of satisfaction with work apitude got the high KP score and as for the same tendency observed regarding to the behavior on health life(P<0.01). 5) There was much significant statistically for the workers who obtained the high scorre of satisfaction with work environment got the high KP score (P<0.01). 6) With respect to the contents of eduucation, 5.96±1.62 points were in completed stisfaction and 5.76±1.81 points were in much unsatisfied(P<0.01). 7) There was difference of significence for the fatigue with respect to the dialy work. Fatiguless workers got the 7.05±1.63 points of KP level and very tired got the 6.07±1.94 points(P<0.01). 8) There was difference of significence for the stress. Workers who felt no stress got the 7.05±1.63 points of health KP level and the 3.82±2.07 points for severs(P<0.01). 9) With respect to the behavior on health life, the more satisfaction for the content of education, the higher score of the practice on health level of workers and the same trend observed for the work environment and the work apitude but the opposite trend for the stress and fatigue(P<0.01). C. Score for health KP & behavior on health life by health level 1) The workers who were good for health status with self assessment responded the high score of health KP and of behavior on health life(P<0.01). 2) The workers who were no absence from work place got the high score of health KP and of behavior on health life. 3) The workers who were being visited hospital and pharmacy got the higher score of health KP than the other groups. D. Factors related to health KP level 1) Of the total, 64.9% were in middle class, 30.8% were in high class and 4.2% were in low class as for the haelth KP level of the workers. 2) There was difference of significence statistically between the health KP level and general characteristic such as sex, marital status, working period, economic status. 3) There were difference of significence statistically between the health KP level and work apitude, work environment, stress and fatigue(P<0.001). With respect to the work apitude, of the total, 53.0% were in more and less satisfaction and 22.1% were in completed satisfaction and 24.9% were in much unsatisfied(P<0.01). Completed satisfaction group got the high score for the health KP level than the other groups. 4) With respect to the work environment, of the total, 39.9% were in more and less satisfaction and 16.1% were in completed satisfaction and 44.0% were in much unsatisfied(P<0.01). Completed satisfaction group got the high score for the health KP level than the other groups. 5) Those who -felt stress were 92.8% while the case of non-stress were 7.0%, Non-stress group existed in the high level of the health KP. 6) With respect to the fatigue for the dialy work. 74.4% were in very tired and 24.2% were in usual on the other hand, fatigueless group reported dominantly high KP score. 7) With respect to the contents of education, of the total, 53.3% were in more nad less satisfaction and 30.7% were in much unsatisfied and 16.0% were in completed satisfaction, there were no significant difference between the KP level. E. Factors related to the behavior level on gealth life 1) As for the behavior on health 44.3% of the total were in high class, 40. 7% were in middle class and 14.9% were in low calss. 2) In terms of the score for behavior on health life, the male, the older, the more working period, the higher classes workers got the higher score than the other groups. 3) As for behavior on health life, the workers who reported high class for the more satifaction with work environment and content of education, but for the stress and fatigue with dialy work reproted reversely. F. Factors related to the level on health life 1) As for the health status level with self assessment, 46.3% of the respondents were moderate, 39.4% were good and 14.9% were poor. 2) The workers who got the high score for health status showed the high KP score 3) There were difference significence between KP and absence from work place statistically. 4) There were significant difference in the existence of visits to the hospital or clinic and pharmacy(p<0.001), and in the non-visit group, the level of health KP was high. 5) The better health status and the less absent from work place they become the higher score of behavior with health life they got. 6) Although it could not judge to be directly related the existence of visits to the health of medical institution with the presence of health behavior, on the ground of the higher score for the health KP level, there was statistically significant difference. (P<0.001) G. Correlation between relating factors 1) Correlation between gender, age, working periid, satistaction with work aptitude, satisfaction with work environment, satisfaction with contents of education, stress, fatigue with daily work, economic status and education on health KP was statistically positive significant (P<0.001), on the other hand there was statistically negative significant (P<0.001) for the marital status. 2) Correlation between gender, economic status, education, satisfaction with work aptitude, satisfaction with work environment, satisfaction with contents of education, stress, fatigue with daily work, on behavior on health life was statistically positive significant (P<0.01), on the other hand there was statistically negative significant (P<0.001) for age and working period 3) Correlation between age, economic status, working period, education, satisfaction with work aptitude, satisfaction with work environment, satisfaction with contents of education, fatigue with daily work, health knowledge and practice, health life of on absence from work place was statistically negative significant. (P<0.01) on the other hand there was statistically positive significant(P<0.01) on the other hand there was statistically positive significant(P<0.01) for the marital status. H. Factors related to the health level and behavior level of health KP 1) The variables affecting health KP on general property had 7.3% variance and working period was the highest(β=0.108922), gender was the next(β=0.029891), and age was(β=0.007739), marital status(β=0.031714), and education level(β=-0.053820)(Table Ⅲ-7-3). The variables affecting behavior on health on mentality had 6.4% variance and satisfaction with work apitude was the highest (β=0.105925) satisfaction with contents of education was the next(β=0.055277), and satisfaction with work environment was(β=0.005125). 2) The variables affecting behavior on health on general property had 11.8% variance and education level was the highest(β=0.118380), age was the next(β=0.086498), and gender was(β= -0.020682), marital status was(β=-0.006688) (Table Ⅲ-7-4). The variables affecting health behavior on health KP had8S.0% variance and knowledge was the highest(β=0.020940), health KP was the next(β=0.016034), and practice was(β=0.016034). 3) The variables affecting absence from work place on general property had 12. 7% variance and marital status was the highest(β=0.060172), gender was the next(β=0.021626), and education level was(β=0.031060), age(β=0.037056) and working period was(β=0.093883). (Table Ⅲ-7-5) The variables affecting absence from work place on mentality had 15.5% variance and satisfaction with work apitude was the highest(β=0.098948), satisfaction with contents of education was the next(β=0.071753), and satisfaction with work environment was(J&=0.049044) 4) The variables affecting health KP on visiting hospital and pharmacy had 11.1% variance and health KP was(β=0.023942), practice was(β=0.078889), and knowledge was(β= -0.026393). 2. Conclusion As mentioned before, it was a serious problem that the industrial workers got the fairly low score of health KP and they did not practice what they know. therefore it must establish the industrial policy and develop the education program for workers being practice what they know and cooperate with realting specialist, the management and the government authorities In general behavior level for workers was to 50 to 100 points full marks and it seemed to have low score, therefore being insure the good health on workers by usual practice make sweet home, healthy work place and society, futhermore it must contribute the industrial peace and for fatherland to establish public welfare.

      • 대구지역 일부 근로자들의 산업보건관리에 대한 지식 태도 실천조사연구

        곽오계 대구보건대학 1996 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        우리나라의 산업안전보건법에 의하면 산업장 보건관리, 작업환경, 보건관리자, 근로자 보호를 위한 조항들이 있으나 실제 산업보건사업은 산업장 전반에서 잘 이루어 지지 않고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는 대구지역의 보건관리자 배치가 없이 보건관리 대행업체를 통해 보건관리를 받고 있는 근로자들을 대상으로 하여 산업보건관리에 대한 근로자들의 지식, 태도, 실천의 정도를 파악함으로써 효율적 산업보건관리를 할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하고자 시도하였다.

      • 地域社會發展을 위한 大學의 役割에 關한 硏究

        禹相泰 대구보건대학 1988 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        In the past the basic role of a college was transmission of knowledge. With the accelerated industrialization and urbanization, the diversified society has required expert knowledge. In consequence, the importance of a college, as a center for the community development, has become fully recognized. The input of characteristies of a community, government policies and external incentives brings about, on the part of a college, the conversion of the factors i n accumulation of technical knowledge, facilities and research functions. This leads to the production of many professionals. The output phenomena happens when the in-service training for members of a community is performed and the researches in a college meet the needs of the community. The harmonious conversion of the input-output mechanism guarantees a college to play an important part in the community development. For this are prerequisite the reflection of the basic needs of citizens in college education, the openness of research facilities, and the social service of collegians. The role of a college will be enlarged when a college offers factors and financial sources of mental and physical development for urban societies: the increase in production and the technology for environmental improvement for rural communities, respectively. A college and a community can go hand in hand through industrial-educational cooperation in finance and manpower supply and demand.

      • 專門大學 觀光關係學科 敎科課程 改善에 관한 硏究

        高琴姬 대구보건대학 1986 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        In this study, it is studied that the existing curriculum in junior colleges had many problems in the sense of the curriculum was very disordered and had no charateristics, then this study suggest the rational curriculum in order to solve these Problems. The curriculum of Junior colleges should differ from that of 4 year colleges from the viewpoint of the junior colleges should train middlelevel worker and should make the student to adjust them to the regional society in a short time. So the curriculum of junior colleges also modifies in order to meet these points. Through this study, as pointed out above, several problems and solutions are found as follows. First the existing curriculum has many problems in titles of subjects, so this study attempts to simplify the titles of subjects through the integration of similar subjects and fields. Second, the existing curriculum is far apart from the real job fields because the subjects that tought in junior colleges are theory oriented too much. So this study presents a tentative and job oriented curriculum for improvement of junior colleges teaching programs. Third, for operating the rational curriculum, mang professional faculty members are needed. So this study suggests that the owner of the Colleges should have a positive support and mind in maintaining the faculty.

      • 일부지역 근로자의 안전보건 의식정도

        서순이 대구보건대학 1996 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        근로자들의 안전보건에 대한 인식결여 등으로 산업장에서의 안전보건문제가 그대로 상존하고 있으므로 근로자들의 전반적인 안전보건의식정도를 파악하여 근로자의 건강을 유지·증진시키고자 한다.

      • 高等學生들의 保健에 關한 知識과 實踐程度

        徐順伊 대구보건대학 1988 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze with school student's health Knowledge and Health Practice in high school. In order to obtain information regarding the appropriate answer, a questionnaire was distributed to 534 high school students in Taegu city during the period from March 10 to March 20, 1987, and the result were obtained as following. The Knowledge level on the health was high on the whole and girl students were higher than boy students. The group have high Knowledge level appeared in the practical activity highly. The understanding level on concept of family planning was moderate on the whole and girl students were higher than boy students.

      • X선 촬영인자의 변화에 따른 영상의 주관적인 화질 평가

        권덕문,박명환,김성환,박종삼,이준일,남효덕 대구보건대학 2001 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        In this study, visual recognition of X-ray images were estimated using hawlet charts. The resolution has achieved excellent result when densities of film were 1.0~1.5. The more thickness of object was increase, the more the resolution was decrease, because scattered X-ray were increased. The more distance of object to film was increase, the more the resolution was decrease, because groedel effect. The more focal spot size was increase, the more resolution was decrease, because unsharpness was increase. The more field size was increase and grid ratio was decrease, the more resolution was decrease, because scattered X-ray were increase. As a result, we could to improve image quality by determination of resolution according to Radiography parameters. And, we proved that hawlet charts were useful for estimate of image quality and set up x-ray radiography.

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