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      • KCI등재

        지역시청자미디어센터의 위상 변화에 대한 평가와 정책 제언: <MBC시청자미디어센터>의 사례를 중심으로

        정인숙 ( In Sook Jung ) 한국커뮤니케이션학회 2014 커뮤니케이션학연구 Vol.22 No.3

        이 연구는 스마트 미디어 시대에 지역시청자미디어센터가 지속가능한 발전을 할 수 있는 물적 토대를 가지고 있는지 알아보고자 하는 문제제기에서 비롯되었으며, 조직론적 관점에서 구조적 안정성과 사업성과를 분석하여 결론을 도출하였다. 이를 위해 MBC시청자미디어센터를 사례분석하였으며, 6개 지역 센터에 대한 현지 방문을 통한 관찰, 6개 지역 센터운영자들과의 개별심층인터뷰 및 FGI를 가지는 등 다면적 방법론을 활용하였다. 연구결과 지역시청자미디어센터의 위상이 2천년대 초반에 비해 크게 약화된 것으로 평가할 수 있었으며,스마트 미디어 시대에 지역미디어 거점센터로서의 역할을 수행하기에는 적지 않은 한계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 먼저 구조적 안정성 측면에서 지역미디어센터의 공간안정성이 일부 훼손되고 재원안정성, 장비안정성, 인력안정성이 위협받고 있는 현실이 나타났다. 구조적 안정성이 결여된 상태에서 미디어센터가 나름대로 자생력을 가지고 시청자참여프로그램 측면에서 사업성과를 보여주고 있는 것은 긍정적으로 평가할수 있는 부분이었다. 다만 이러한 사업성과가 주로 제작교육에 치우진 양적 성과라는점에서 스마트미디어시대에 필요한 미디어 능력을 배양하는 데는 근본적인 한계를 노정하고 있다. 이러한 결론을 토대로 법률적 제언을 포함한 정책 제언을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to explain the status change of civil media centers through analysing the structural stability and work performance. The structural stability factor consist of three subordinate concepts : space stability, finance stability, equipment stability and manpower stability. The work performance evaluated the number of public access(PA) programs and the diversity of the center activities. The on-the-spot observation and in-depth interviews intended for the chief of operation officer of the centers were conducted on six provinces ; Jeonju, Masan, Daegu, Chuncheon, Ulsan, and Mokpo. The result shows that the status of the local media education centers have been sharply undermined compared to the early 2000’s and they have limitations to perform the essential roles as a local base media center in the age of smart media environment which demand more advanced user capability and empowerment. Specially, the damage of the structural stability has considerably negative implication in respect of sustainability of local media centers. It could be possible to evaluate that the local media centers gave actual results in the area of the PA program production under even the low structural stability. Though, it has also fundamental limitation that the performance is weighted towards production side, not to diverse activities needed to cultivate the media competence. The findings suggest that the stipulation of legal condition or administrative guidance are required to support the local media center substantially.

      • KCI등재

        SK텔레콤의 CJ헬로비전 인수합병 사례에 대한 정책집행평가 연구

        정인숙(In Sook Jung) 한국언론정보학회 2017 한국언론정보학보 Vol.85 No.5

        이 연구는 SKT-CJ헬로비전 M&A 정책 과정이 절차적 합리성을 충족하면서 제대로 이행된 것인지 집행평가(implementation evaluation)를 하는 데에 목적이 있다. 평가 부분은 공정거래위원회의 기업결합 경쟁제한성 심사 과정과 (구)미래창조과학부가 이행해야 했던 공정위와의 협의, 방송통신위원회와의 사전 동의 절차 부분이다. 관련 문헌 조사와 전문가 심층 인터뷰를 통해 분석한 결과, 공정위의 경쟁제한성 심사가 불합리하게 정책 과정을 지배한 측면이 있으며, 정책 과정을 지배한 실질적 영향력은 법적 모호성과 같은 정책 자체의 요인도 있지만, 법적 권한을 가지지 않은 정부 부처 이외의 외부 요인이 정책집행에 더 강력한 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 그 과정에서 미디어 기업의 인수합병과 관련된 주무 부서인 미래부는 공정위의 결정을 ‘비구속적 협의’를 넘어서는 ‘구속적 협의’ 또는 ‘인허가 대체 협의’로 수용하였으며, 방통위와의 사전 동의를 이행하지 않은 것은 절차상 문제가 있는 것으로 평가되었다. 미디어 기업의 인수합병 정책 과정에서 나타난 잘못된 선례를 되풀이하지 않기 위해 세 가지 정책 개선방안을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to assess whether the SKT-CJ Hello Vision M&A policy process has been properly implemented. It covered two subjects of the evaluation; one is the review process of the competition restriction by Fair Trade Commission(FTC) and the other is the procedure to be followed by the Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT, the former MSIP), which is consultation with the FTC and prior agreement with the Korea Communications Commission(KCC). As a result of the analysis of relevant literature and expert in-depth interviews, it was found that FTC’s competition restriction review unreasonably dominated the policy process and the external influence with the background of President’s power was involved in the policy process. The MSIT, which has the regal authority related to mergers and acquisitions of media companies, accepted the FTC’s decisions with binding consultations without disclosing its own examination criteria or results, and did not implement pre-consent with the KCC. Most experts evaluated the policy implementation as inadequate in legal process. The unreasonable policy process may be primarily due to the ambiguity of the relevant legal provisions. But more importantly, external factors outside government departments that do not have legal authority have dominated policy enforcement. Several policy improvements have been proposed to avoid such misleading precedent.

      • KCI등재

        동료교수활동이 간호학과 신입생의 셀프리더십, 심리역량 및 학업만족에 미치는 영향

        정인숙,Jung, In-Sook 중소기업융합학회 2020 융합정보논문지 Vol.10 No.9

        본 원시실험연구의 목적은 동료교수활동이 간호학과 신입생의 셀프리더십, 심리역량 및 학업만족에 미치는 효과를 파악하기 위함이다. 30분간 12회의 동료교수활동 전후 측정된 설문조사결과를 SPSS 21로 기술통계, t-test, ANOVA와 paired t-test를 시행한 결과, 처치 전후 주관적 학교성적이 낮은 집단의 학업만족과, 토론 선호도가 보통 이하인 집단의 낙관성이 유의하게 증가하였다. 처치 전후 셀프리더십과 심리자본에 유의한 차이가 있었는데(p=.002, p=.044), 심리자본의 하위영역 중 자신감과 복원력이 유의하게 증가되었다(p=.006, p=.015). 결론적으로 동료교수활동은 간호학과 신입생의 셀프리더십과 심리역량을 증가시켰다. 따라서 간호교육과정에서 다양한 형태의 동료교수활동을 적용하는 추후 연구를 제언한다. The purpose of this primitive experimental study was to find the effects of peer teaching on self-leadership, psychological capitals(hereafter, psycap) and learning satisfaction of nursing freshmen. The data measured before and after 12 times peer teaching for 30 minutes were analyzed with SPSS 21 for descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and paired t-test. There were significant increases in academic satisfaction of low subjective school grades group, and in resilience of below average prefer discussion group before and after treatment. There were significant differences in self-leadership and psycap before and after treatment(p=.002, p=.044), confidence and resilience among sub-domains of psycap increased significantly(p=.006, p=.015). Finally, peer teaching have increased self-leadership and psycap of nursing freshmen. Therefore, further studies are proposed to apply various types of peer teaching in nursing curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        이압요법이 암환자의 불면증에 미치는 효능 : 무작위배정, 단일맹검, 위약대조군 연구

        정인숙,김정선,유화승,Jung, In-Sook,Kim, Jung-Sun,Yoo, Hwa-Seung 대한약침학회 2010 Journal of pharmacopuncture Vol.13 No.2

        Background: Auricular acupressure is one of the traditional health care treatments in oriental medicine. Approximately, 30~40% of the cancer patients have said to be suffering from insomnia and half of them having chronic and severe insomnia at the same time. Insomnia caused cancer patients feel more pain, fatigue, depression and anxiety and it sometimes let the power to have the best of cancer pull down. Objective: To investigate how effective the auricular acupressure treatment to cancer patients suffering from insomnia. Methods: We recruited participants from East-West Cancer Center of Daejeon University. Finally, of the people whose age range from 20 to 75, 12 patients who got less than 40 points from the score of Oh's sleeping score (OSS) were recruited. Single-blind, randomized pilot study was performed. The treatment group received auricular acupressure treatment (AAT) on active points and the control group had received sham acupressure treatment (SAT) for five times. Sleep parameters were checked by using OSS and numeric rating scale (NRS). We checked the scale everytime, both before and after treatment. We analyzed the data statistically by using independent T-test, paired T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. (p<0.05) Results: Twelve cancer patients participated in this pilot study and there was no significant difference between control and treatment group. Only 7 of them had completed the whole treatment process, 4 patients of AAT group and 3 participants of SAT. The OSS of AAT group had increased from $34.0{\pm}4.3$ to $39.5{\pm}3.1$ and that of SAT group had increased from $38.3{\pm}3.5$ to $40.0{\pm}0.0$. There was no significant difference between them. The NRS of AAT group had increased from $6.3{\pm}2.9$, $04.8{\pm}2.1$ and that of SAT group had increased from $7.0{\pm}1.0$ to $5.0{\pm}2.6$. No significant difference was observed between them. Conclusion: Although both groups did not show significant differences, most of the experimental participants showed increasing OSS and NRS after treatments. Significant participants' number will be needed in the next study.

      • KCI등재

        케이블TV SO의 지역채널 운영 및 재허가 심사에 관한 연구

        정인숙(In-Sook Jung),정상윤(Sang-Yune Chung) 한국언론정보학회 2011 한국언론정보학보 Vol.54 No.2

        이 연구는 케이블TV SO의 지역채널 운영 현황과 이와 관련된 재허가 심사제도를 분석하는 데 연구목적이 있다. 다른 유료방송 플랫폼과 달리 SO에게만 부여하고 있는 지역채널 편성 의무는 케이블TV로 하여금 상당한 공익성을 담보하도록 요구하고 있지만, 방송시장의 경쟁이 가속화되는 환경 속에서는 이를 지속적으로 유지 발전시키기가 쉽지 않은 구조이다. 방송평가나 재허가제도가 지역채널의 존치를 담보하는 기제로 작용하고 있긴 하지만 실질적인 역할을 하는 데는 한계가 없지 않다. 이러한 문제의식 하에 세 가지의 연구문제를 설정하였으며, 문헌분석, 2차 자료 분석, 전문가 심층인터뷰 등의 방법론을 사용하였다. 연구결과, 지역채널은 SO마다 거의 종일편성이 이루어지고 있지만 순환편성의 비율이 점차 증가하고 있고, 제작비용은 감소하는 추세여서 질적인 측면에서는 퇴행적 조짐을 보이고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 재허가 심사의 방송평가 점수에서 지역채널 운영실적은 그다지 긍정적이지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 지금까지의 지역채널에 대한 정책기조에 변화를 가져올 필요가 있음을 의미한다고 할 수 있으며, 그에 따른 몇가지 정책대안을 제시하였다. This study explores the management of cable local channel and its related issue of renewed license. Programming of the local channel is the special obligation duty on the cable system operators(SO) under the article 70 (3) of the Broadcast Act. The law provides that SO should operate a local channel which produce, program and transmit the local information, a broadcast program guide and the official announcement items etc. under the conditions as prescribed by Presidential Decree. And the article 55 of the Enforcement Decree defines the scope of broadcast program which transmit through the local channels. And the Korea Communications Commission(KCC) grants a renewed licence 3-5 years based on the level of contribution to the development of local community under the article 31 of the Broadcasting Act and the Rules of Broadcast Evaluation. However, the management of local channel does not give the operators real benefit for the investment of a significant cost, and it could be a reason why the local channel programming has not been vitalizing despite of the legal coercion. To solve the several research questions, this study used in-depth interviews with the experts concerned and literature review for the government documents. The result shows that each SO local channel schedule almost 24 hour a day, but much of them is the repeat programming. In addition to that, the outcome reveals that the scale of the cost investment on the local channel is decreasing and the evaluation score of its management is not so positive figures. These result indicates that the policy of the cable local channel needs revised policy alternatives or paradigm on the basis of realistic goals.

      • KCI등재

        방송통신융합과 IPTV 도입에 대한 ‘상황이론’(Contingency Theory)적 접근의 유용성

        정인숙(In-sook Jung) 서울대학교 언론정보연구소 2006 언론정보연구 Vol.42 No.2

        이 연구는 지금까지 IPTV에 대해 논의되어 왔던 이해집단들 간의 입장의 차이와 그에 따른 정책대안을 비교 분석한 뒤, 사회적 합의를 도출할 수 있는 바람직한 대안을 모색하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 Brainard(2004)가 제시한 ‘상황이론’(contingency theory)을 준거틀로 적용하였으며, 정책의 점증주의와 구성원간의 사회적 합의를 중요시하는 상황이론적 접근은 그동안 제시되어 왔던 갈등적이고 대립적인 논의 구도를 지양하고 사회적 합의의 가능성을 마련해줄 수 있는 이론적 토대가 될 수 있다는 가정에 근거하고 있다. This study is to explore the possibility of compromise in the endless controversy over introduction of IPTV(Internet Protocol TV) which have continued for a few years without any results. In Korea, the conflicts on IPTV show very complex, serious and different structure compared to the past. It has double sided conflict structure -one is done between broadcasters and telecommunicators; the other between regulators. Therefore, it is highly difficult to anticipate that the situation is controlled by the policy players themselves, that is broadcasters, telecommunicators, and regulators. In this situation, some argue that an arbitration of government is strongly required. Contingency theory, originated from a leadership theory, contends that there is no one best way of leading and that a leadership style effective in some situations may not be successful in others. In some respects, it is similar to situational theory in that there is an assumption of no simple one right way. Still, contingency theory, especially its compromising characteristics, suggests a clue to solve the present complex disputes over IPTV in Korea.


        신규 백금착물 항암제 KBP31705-C127 , KBP30603-901 의 Clsplatn 및 Carboplatin 과의 약동력학적 동태 비교

        정인숙(In Sook Jung),이주선(Ju Seon Lee),허수정(Soo Jung Huh),김진숙(Jin Sook Kim),진창배(Chang Bae Jin),김동현(Dong Hyun KIm),김명수(Myung Soo Kim),박경수(Kyung Su Park),손연수(Youn Soo Sohn),백형기(Hyoung Gee Back),조양하(Yang Ha C 한국응용약물학회 1996 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.4 No.4

        The present study examined pharmacokinetic profiles of KBP31705-C127 and KBP30603-901, new platinum coordination complexes synthesized as anticancer candidates, in comparison with two well-known platinum-containing anticancer agents, cisplatin and carboplatin in rats. Under sodium pentobarbital anesthesia of male Sprague-Dawley rats, urinary bladder, and femoral artery and vein were catheterized for urine collection, blood sampling and drug injection, respectively. Following i.v, administration of cisplatin (2 ㎎/㎏), KBP31705-C127 (2 ㎎/㎏), carboplatin (20 ㎎/㎏) or KBP30603-901 (20 ㎎/㎏), blood samples were collected at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 and 120 minutes. Urine samples were collected at 1-hr interval for 4 hr. Platinum concentrations in plasma and urine were measured using an inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometer. The plasma concentration-time curves were biphasic for all drugs during the time period studied. Compared with cisplatin, KBP31705-C127 showed similar decay patterns in the alpha- and beta-phases with slightly lower plasma concentrations. Urinary platinum excretion for cisplatin and KBP31705-C 127 was 56 and 52% of the administered dose in 4 hr, respectively. With regard to carboplatin and KBP30603-901, a similar decay pattern was also observed in the alpha-phase. The half life of KBP30603-901 in the beta-phase, however, was much longer than that of carboplatin, which was consistent with the urinary excretion results that 46 and 59% of the administered dose were excreted in the urine in 4hr, respectively. The results suggest that platinum coordination complexes are primarily excreted via the renal route and KBP30603-901 can elicit longer duration of action due to slower renal excretion compared to carboplatin.

      • KCI등재

        지상파방송과 PP시장의 동일시장 획정론에 대한 비판적 고찰

        정인숙(In-Sook Jung) 문화방송 2011 방송과 커뮤니케이션 Vol.12 No.4

        수평적 규제체계의 논리하에서 지상파와 PP를 동일시장으로 획정하자는 주장이 본격적으로 제기되고 있다. 콘텐츠사업자로서는 동일한 기능을 수행하고 있는 양 사업자이지만, 법적 위상이 서로 다르고 비대칭적 규제를 받고 있는 두 사업자를 동일시장 내경쟁관계로 보자는 주장은 타당한가? 이 연구는 이러한 문제의식하에 이루어졌다. 이를 위해 현행 방송법의 비대칭 규제 내용과 규제 근거를 분석했으며, 시장의 경쟁상황이 변화했을 경우를 가정한 정성적 시나리오 플래닝을 실시했다. 분석해본 결과, 국내에서 최초로 실시된 경쟁상황 평가 자료를 토대로 했을 때 두 시장은 독립적인 시장으로 규정할 수 있었다. 또한 규제분석 결과에서도 지상파가 가지는 플랫폼의 가치에 대한 기술차별성이 여전히 존재하고, 그에 따른 차별적 규제는 타당성을 지닐 수밖에 없다는 결론을 내렸다. 다만 소유 및 겸영 규제의 경우 양자 간의 비대칭적 규제의 정도에 대해 좀 더 구체적이고 엄격한 실증적 데이터를 토대로 규제합리성을 재검토할 필요성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 지상파와 PP시장을 동일시장으로 획정하자는 주장은 현재 시점에서는 설득력이 없으며, 종편 PP나 메이저 MPP와 같은 경쟁 가능성 있는 사업자의 시청률과 광고 매출액 변화 추이를 고려해 미래 시점에서 검토해볼 수 있는 안이라는 결론을 제시했다. The market definition provides a framework for competition analysis as a tool to regulate market dominant player and promote fair competition. However, it is not an end in itself but a key step in identifying the competitive constraints. Recently, it is claimed that terrestrial broadcaster and program provider(PP) should be defined as a same market area by some economists. Two entrepreneurs equally provide the contents in the relevant market of broadcasting industry, but they are under the asymmetrical regulation system in the respect of entry barriers, ownership, and content regulation on the Broadcast Law. This paper started to get the answer whether the economic assertion, which is based on logic of the horizontal regulation and general competitive law, has the regulatory validity or rationality in view of the current competition status of Korean broadcasting market. Two research methods were used; comparative analysis of regulation structure on the Broadcast Law and scenario planning methods. The result shows that the terrestrial broadcasting with special platforms needs to be classify as the independent market area different from the PPs as simple content provider. Also, the results of the economic analysis of Korean broadcasting market power conducted by KISDI (Korea Information Society Development Institute) in 2011 suggest that the two markets are independent. This paper implies that asymmetrical regulation between terrestrial broadcaster and PP should be maintained until the assessment of competition status in the broadcast industry shows clear sign which needs swingeing regulatory reform for the two market.

      • KCI등재

        3대 언론학술지에 게재된 방송정책연구에 대한 평가

        정인숙(In-Sook Jung) 한국여성커뮤니케이션학회 2006 미디어, 젠더 & 문화 Vol.6 No.-

        이 연구는 정책연구가 가지는 양면적 가치라고 할 수 있는 ‘학문적 가치’와 ‘실용적 가치’라는 측면에서 방송정책연구들이 현재 어떤 지평 위에 놓여 있는지 메타분석한 것이다. 분석대상은 2000년부터 2005년까지 6년간 발간된 3대 언론 관련 학술지인 『한국언론학보』(44권 1호~49권 6호), 『한국방송학보』(14권 1호~19권 4호), 『한국언론정보학보』(14호~31호)에 게재된 논문들을 대상으로 내용 분석하였다. 분석결과 방송정책논문들은 1990년대에 비해서 양적 및 질적 발전을 가져온 것으로 나타났다. 주제 면에서는 법제 및 정책행위관련 논문과 사업자행위 및 시장성과 관련이 다수를 차지하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이론 면에서는 경제학과의 전략적 제휴 및 접목이 활발하게 이루어지고 있는 것으로 나타나, 선행연구자들의 대안이 현실화되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 방법론적인 측면에서는 문헌연구와 ‘2차 자료를 활용한 통계분석’이 많았는데, 특히 2차 자료를 활용한 통계분석은 정책연구에서 가지는 추세 예측에서의 유용성을 고려할 때 의미 있는 변화라고 할 수 있다. This study is about meta analysis, which focused on the Korean broadcast polity research trend. Meta analysis is said to be useful method in respect that it combines the results of several studies that address a ser of related research hypotheses. Despite of its usefulness, however, it is factual that it has not been tried so often in the history of Korean broadcast policy research, which started in earnest since the late 1980's. For the meta analysis, the published articles from 2000 to 2005 on Korean big three communication journals, Korean Journal of Journalism & Communications Studies (KJJCS), Korean Journal of Broadcasting and Telecommunications Studies (KJBS), and Korean Journal of Communication and Information Studies (KJCIS) were examined. During the six years, a total of 782 articles were published on the big three journals and 157 articles (20.1%) of them were selected as the broadcast policy articles. The selected articles were analyzed in respect of the subject, theory and methodology. The findings of analysis shows that in the subject side, law and policy decision are the most frequently researched topics in the Korean broadcast policy research. Next issue is about entrepreneur activities and market performances. Secondly, the study revealed that various economic theories and approaches have been used differently in the past. Finally, in the methodology side, literature review and secondary data analysis are the most used ones. These results indicate that the Korean broadcast policy researches are progressing both in quantity and in quality compared with the past.

      • 국내 상급종합병원과 종합병원에서의 정맥주입간호실무지침에 대한 태도와 확산정도

        은영(Young Eun),구미옥(Mee Ok Gu),조용애(Young Ae Cho),김신미(Shin Mi Kim),정재심(Jae Shim Jeong),권정순(Jeong Soon Kwon),유정숙(Cheong Suk Yoo),정영선(Young Sun Jeong),정인숙(In Sook Jung),김경숙(Kyeong Sug Kim)이선희(Seon Heui Lee 한국근거기반간호학회 2014 근거와 간호 Vol.2 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the level of attitudes to and diffusion of Intravenous infusion nursing practice guideline in advanced general hospitals and general hospitals in Korea. Methods: The subjects were 41 nurses who were in charge of guideline diffusion in 41 advanced general hospitals and general hospitals. Data were collected between September 25 and November 2, 2014 by mail (return rates: 68.3 %). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOVA with SPSS/WIN 18.0. Results: The average attitude score of guideline among nurses in charge of guideline diffusion were 3.98±0.38 (range 1~5). The average guideline diffusion score and levels of diffusion was 2.26±1.39 (level of “persuasion of nursing knowledge”) for staff nurses, 3.05±0.86 (level of “use sometimes”) for nurses in charge of guideline diffusion, 2.87±0.78 (level of “use sometimes”) for nurse directors. 41.4 % of nursing divisions in 41 hospitals reviewed the intravenous infusion nursing practice guideline, educated the guideline to nurses, and implemented the guideline in clinical practice for guideline diffusion. Conclusion: Study findings indicate that nurses in charge of intravenous infusion nursing practice guideline in hospitals had positive attitude for guideline. The levels of guideline diffusion in hospitals was “persuasion of nursing knowledge” to “use sometimes”. Therefore, the strategies for promoting the diffusion and implementation of guideline in clinical practice in the level of nursing division is needed. Further study of outcome evaluation of guideline implementation will be needed.

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