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      • GDI/PFI 자동차 입자상 물질의 화학적 배출 특성 비교 분석

        이태형 ( Tae Hyoung Lee ),이종태 ( Jong Tae Lee ),김기준 ( Ki Joon Kim ),김정수 ( Jeong Soo Kim ),박성욱 ( Sung Wook Park ),박규태 ( Gyu Tae Park ),조성원 ( Sung Won Cho ),박태현 ( Tae Hyun Park ) 한국액체미립화학회 2014 한국액체미립화학회 학술강연회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        Particulate matter (PM) in the atmosphere has wide-ranging health, environmental, and climate effects, many of which are attributed to fine-mode secondary organic aerosols. PM concentrations are significantly enhanced by primary particle emissions from traffic sources. Recently, in order to reduce CO2 and increase fuel economy, gasoline direct injected (GDI) engine technology is increasingly used in vehicle manufactures. The popularization of GDI technique has resulted in increasing of concerns on environmental protection. In order to better understand variations in chemical composition of particulate matter from emissions of GDI vehicle versus a Port Fuel Injected (PFI) vehicle, a high time resolution chemical composition measurement of PM emissions from GDI and PFI vehicles was conducted at facility of Transport Pollution Research Center (TPRC), National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER), Korea. Continuous measurements of inorganic and organic species in PM emissions were measured using an Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS). The HR-ToF-AMS provides insight into non-refractory PM composition, including concentrations of nitrate, sulfate, hydrocarbon-like and oxygenated organic aerosol, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), with 20 sec time resolution. Many cases of PM emissions during the study were dominated by carbonaceous and sulfate aerosol. An overview of observed PM characteristics will be provided along with an analysis of comparison of GDI vehicle versus PFI vehicle in PM concentration and chemical composition.

      • KCI등재후보

        辛棄疾 隱逸詞에 나타난 莊子사상

        이태형(Tae-Hyoung Lee) 순천향대학교 인문학연구소 2010 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.26 No.-

        辛棄疾 隱逸詞 작품에 보이는 장자의 사상은 크게 '자연에 순응하다', '사물과 나는 하나다', '모든 것은 상대적이다' 등으로 요약할 수 있다. 이 세 가지 사상은 莊子사상의 기본이면서 또한 신기질 은일사를 관통하는 한 맥락이다. 이 세 가지 사상을 조목별로 나누어 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 신기질은 말년에 관직에서 물러나 표천 집에서 은거하면서 장자사상의 핵심인 '자연에 순응하다'의 이치를 터득하여 대자연의 운행에 따라 살아가고자 하였다. 그의 사작품에서 自然에 順應하는 삶을 영위하는 모습들이 엿보이고 있다. 자연에 순응하면서 이치를 깨달으면 생을 탐하고 죽음을 두려워하는 미혹에서 벗어나, 생사에 대한 희구의 정을 버릴 수 있었다. 둘째, 장자는 천지와 함께 하고 만물과 하나가 되는 '사물과 나는 하나다'라는 物我一體의 경지를 제시하였다. 신기질은 생활 가운데 접하는 모든 대상, 즉 사람, 동식물, 무생물과도 일체가 될 수 있었다. 그의 여러 사작품에서 자연의 일부로 존재하면서 물아일체의 경지에 이른 모습을 보여주고 있다. 셋째, 신기질의 일사에는 세상의 모든 존재와 현상을 상대적인 것으로 보고 세상 사람들에게 상대적인 가치를 절대화시켜 평가의 척도로 삼는 어리석음에서 벗어날 것을 깨친 장자의 '萬物齊同' 정신이 들어가 있다. 이것이 바로 도가의 상대주의관으로 차이와 다양성을 인정하는 세계관이다. 이상 신기질 은일사에 보이는 사상은 크게 '자연에 순응하다', '사물과 나는 하나다', '모든 것은 상대적이다' 등 세 가지로 요약할 수 있겠다. 이 세 가지 사상은 장자사상의 핵심사상이면서 또한 신기질 은일사를 관통하는 한 맥락이라 할 수 있겠다. Xin Qi Ji(辛棄疾)'s Ci Poetry aspect in the South Song Dynasty(南宋). He put much value on Zhuang Zi(莊子). He was influenced by Zhuang Zi cultivate oneself morally or religiously of thought. He writing many Retired Ci Poerty(隱逸詞). Especially, He had an inborn talent of art, through the academic cultivation, Morever Xin Qi Ji improved his character and skill especially in using the Authentic Precdents(典故). This paper analyzed the reason and variety that Xin Qi Ji's Retired Ci Poetry was influenced by Zhuang Zi Thoughts. First, He secluded himself in a hometown hermitage. and he adapt oneself to nature(自然), follow the laws of nature. He was argued live in harmony with nature. because from the cultivate oneself morally or religiously point of view this makes sense. Second, he expressed his feeling of transciency. he is free from life and death. also He transcendence both wealth and fame in he world. so he live in free and easy retirement. he is free from the anguish of life. Finally, he is at peace and one with everything. Third, he have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free. He reach the spiritual realm of being delivered from worldly transcendental. So he value all things in the universe diversity. He views human affairs with a philosophical eye. he shout out Zhuang Zi and His Dream of Butterfly and calm himself down. he argued that relativist view and all things equality.

      • KCI등재

        중국과 러시아 문화산업정책 현황과 클러스터 사례

        이태형(Lee Tae Hyoung),권기배(Kwon Ki Bae) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2017 슬라브학보 Vol.32 No.4

        China’s and Russia’s economic growth made affecting its urban, industrial, social, consumption structures and the progress of science and technology. as a new industry and fomat, the policy and practics of cultural industry are currently in the exploration and progress stages. This paper examines and analyzes the various policies that have been enacted and implemented for the support and development of the cultural industry in China and Russia the 21st century. At the same time, we examine how the concepts of ‘culture’ and ‘cultural industry’ work differently in the Western European cultural scene and in the China and Russian way of thinking. Through this, we would like to examine the concept of ‘culture’ that has developed in China and Russia, and analyze how it has had an impact on the development of its cultural industry. We will focus on the present status of the China and Russia cultural industry that is currently in a state of transition. to transfer the perspective on culture from the field of fine arts and creativity to the field of industry and economy, and from the field of enjoyment to the field of investment. As a concrete example of the status of the Beijing and Moscow cultural industry, we will analyze the case of an ‘art platform’ imitating the Western style of ‘culture Industry clusters’, and clarify the differentiation points in the China and Russia cultural industry. We will review the issues that need to be addressed for the proper development of the China and Russia cultural industry in future, and also evaluate the prospects of this industry.

      • KCI등재

        劉熙載《詞曲槪》修辭論 考察

        李泰衡(Lee Tae Hyoung) 인천대학교 인문학연구소 2013 인문학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        《Ci Qi Gai(詞曲槪)》which was witten by "Liu Xi Zai(劉熙載)" in Late Qing Dynasty(晩淸) is a ‘Ci Poetry Theories(詞論)’ works. He is elegant has something to do with the patrician"s escapism in political attitude. He regarded regular rhythm and skills of importance. In addition to, Ci Poetry"s vocabulary was different from common people"s words. ‘Liu Xi Zai(劉熙載)’, Also mentioned he had studied Ci Poetry theories in the South Song Dynasty with Zhang Yan(張炎)’s《Ci Yuan (詞源)》, Shen Yi Fu(沈義父)"s《Yue Fu Zhi Mi(樂府指迷) 》by The inner motives to produce《Ci Qi Gai(詞曲槪)》are Ci Poetry"s refinement since Mid-Southern Song Dynasty and Ci Poetry style"s decline caused by unmusical trend. His Ci Poetry Rhetoric style and he had put it to rights and supplement it. We can see Liu Xi Zai(劉熙載) showed his logical manner to create Ci Poetry Rhetoric. The three standards to produce Ci Poetry Rhetoric mentioned in 《Ci Qi Gai(詞曲槪)》still maintain its pureness in Ci" Poetry style. He describe ‘Ci Poetry Rule(詞法)", "Yin Lu(音律)’, ‘Style(風格)’ in creation of Ci Poetry Rhetoric. He strictly divides Ci Poetry and Poem. Even if it is brief introduction of Ci Poetry, it is contains the important topics to produce Ci Poetry in fields of content, making rule, art and style. It is a essential work to involve the theory and method to create Ci Poetry in Southern Song Dynasty. would avoid the separation between temperament and three sentences.

      • KCI등재후보

        謝惠連의 「雪賦」에 나타난 시공간 이미지 考

        이태형(Lee Tae-Hyoung) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2009 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.23

        謝惠連(397-433)은 남조 송 문학가로, 陳郡 陽夏(지금의 河南省 太康縣) 사람이다. 그는 일생동안 불우했고, 그의 작품에는 항상 그가 정치상에서 실의한 것을 표현했다. 현실의 불만을 은근히 표현하기도 했다. 東晋 문벌정치시대와 劉宋 황권정치시대의 과도기에 살았던 그는 정치적 실패와 좌절을 겪는데 원인은 황권의 강화와 문벌사족의 몰락이라는 시대적 상황과 명문대가 출신의 자긍심에서 비롯된 방일한 처신 때문이었다. 이러한 시대적 불우와 태어나자마자 겪은 부친의 죽음으로 시작하여 戰亂과 권력다툼의 과도기에서 수없이 겪었던 지인들과의 이별과 사별은 고독과 허무의 정서를 낳았다. 이러한 사상은 그의 부 창작에 기본 정서를 이루었으며 현실생활에 적응하지 못한 마음을 자연물에 기탁하여 내면의 불평을 토로하였다. 필자는 본고에서 南朝의 대표적인 賦작가 謝惠連의 「雪賦」 작품을 통해 남조 영물부에서 시간과 공간은 어떻게 형상화되며 형상화 된 이미지는 어떻게 상징화되는지, 아울러 작품 전체에서 시간과 공간의 이미지는 어떻게 구성되는지에 대해 살펴보았다. 사용된 언어와 작품 전개과정상의 구조분석을 통해 시간과 공간을 나타내는 단어가 가지는 다층적 함의를 알 수 있었으며, 각각 이미지가 지니는 상징성은 『詩經』과 『楚辭』 이후 오랜 중국시의 賦比興의 전통에서 점진적으로 획득한 것이라 할 수 있다. 사혜련은 사물을 묘사함에 있어서 자신의 주관적인 감정 내지는 사상을 대상물 속으로 이입시켜 직유, 비유 그리고 연상의 표현 기법을 사용한 것이 특징이다. 또한 시공간 이미지의 구성방식에서 사혜련은 「雪賦」 작품에서 일정한 거리두기를 통해 賦에서 詩적인 긴장감을 획득하고 서정성을 풍부하게 하였다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 또한 시공간 이미지가 거리두기의 특징을 보인다는 사실은 작가의 현실과 이상의 사이에서 끊임없이 괴리가 존재해 왔음을 의미하며 동시에 작가는 시공간의 제한을 초월하고자 하는 욕구와 삶에 대한 강한 애착이 유한함을 초극하고자 하는 의지는 더욱 강렬했다고 볼 수 있다. This study revealed that XieHuilian(謝惠連), the representative writer of Fu(賦) in NanChao Period(南朝) recited YingWuFu(詠物賦) which was expressed and narrated in poetic form through his work 「XueFu(雪賦)」. Especially, I examined XieHuilian expressed how to imagine time and space, how to symbolize formed image and how to organize in the whole of work about the image of time and space. This thesis is expressed the image and the character of mixing method through XieHuilian's work, 「雪賦」. I find various factors of poetic image through this study. I realized that the relationship of image of time and space is very closed through the analysis of XieHuilian's work. Besides, I can find that there are much implication and symbol XieHuilian's 「XueFu」. I get to understand that there are complicated meanings in the words which expressed time and space through the used words and structual analysis of the course of proceeding work. The imagination which each image has was come from a long time tradition of Chinese poetry such as 『詩經』 and 『楚辭』. The way of structural with the image of space and time is appeared to have the sense f distance. I understand XieHuilian's 「XueFu」 acquired poetic seriousness from Fu and showed us abundant lyricism.

      • KCI등재

        단일 Bayer 영상으로 부터 다양한 노출을 가지는 Low Dynamic Range 영상들의 추정

        이태형(Tae Hyoung Lee),하호건(Ho-Gun Ha),하영호(Yeong-Ho Ha) 大韓電子工學會 2011 電子工學會論文誌-SP (Signal processing) Vol.48 No.2

        HDR(high dynamic range) 영상 기법은 일반 카메라에서 획득되는 영상의 LDR(low dynamic range)의 한계를 극복하는 방법을 일컫는다. 일반적으로 이 기법은 카메라의 노출에 따른 단계별 LDR 영상들을 획득하고 통합함으로써 획득된다. 그러나 기존의 연구에서는 여러 번에 걸친 영상획득 과정이 필요하고 그에 따른 고스트(ghost) 현상을 야기한다. 이러한 한계를 극복하기 위하여, 본 연구에서는 센서에서 획득되는 단일 Bayer 영상으로부터 사용자가 요구하는 노출의 LDR 영상을 채널상관성을 고려하여 추정할 수 있는 방법을 제안하였다. 제안된 방법은 먼저 입 · 출력 간의 상관관계를 나타내는 노출(exposure) look-up table(LUT)를 각 채널별로 생성을 한다. 그리고 입력 영상의 평균휘도와 노출을 LUT에 적용하여, 최종 LDR 영상을 위한 새로운 노출을 추정한다. 다음으로 입력 영상의 각 픽셀 값과 추정된 노출을 LUT에 적용함으로써 목적하는 밝기를 가지는 LDR 영상을 추정 할 수 있다. 이 때, 포화된 영역의 경우는 채널의 상관성을 고려하여 추정함으로써 실제 노출로 획득한 영상과의 차이를 줄이는 방법을 제안하였다. 결과영상은 PSNR을 비교하여 정확성을 증명하였으며, 또한 디스플레이를 위하여 톤맵핑(tone mapping)을 적용한 영상을 사용한 비교에서 실제 획득된 영상과 추정한 영상의 차이가 비슷함을 확인하였다. HDR(high dynamic range) imaging techniques supports wider dynamic range than normal images captured from general still camera. These usually need several shots to obtain LDR(low dynamic range) images, causing ghosting artifacts. Accordingly, this paper suggests a method to generate new LDR images from a single Bayer image using Exposure LUT(look-up table) by considering channel dependency. We prior construct exposure LUT for each RGB channel, showing the relationship between input and average output luminance values. In the process, by applying the average luminance of input image and current exposure to LUT, new exposures which are determined by user choice are first estimated. Next, LDR images which are corresponded to new exposures are generated based on each LUT. Saturated areas are improved by considering channel dependency in the last procedure. In the experimental comparison, high PSNR values are obtained between estimated and captured images. Also, we have similar appearance on displayed images.

      • KCI등재

        역사학 : 고려시대 3대 국가음악기관의 분석적 고찰

        이태형 ( Tae Hyoung Lee ) 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2010 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.14

        The inflow of Tang Music through the national interchanges occupied the absolute weight of the whole inflow for tang music in the Koryo. Such inflow of tang music is that song sent both Musicial Institute and musicians to Koryo. During the Koryo period music of the Sung Tang china was actively imported and fostered, especially during the era of three Kingdoms. Music introduced at that time was mainly large scale vocal pieces and widely used for various court ceremories. The introduction of chinese TanGak and Kisaeng and Aak coincides with flowing of confucianism in Koryu at that time. The author conjectures that Koryo to establish the teachings of confucianism through music. The Music Institute of the koryo was reformed. The reformation resulted in the establishment of a couple of organizations, Gyobang and Daeakseo. Gyobangak of song was actively imported during the reign of Munzhong that brought about the formation of Gwanbyeonbang. The formation of Music Institute was completed with two organizations Daekseo and Gwanbyonbang and Gyobang. Daeakseo was a music organization representing the chinese empire, and its main function was to perform Aak at rituals. Gyobang was mainly in charge of teaching Sokak and Gwanbyeonbang. of performing Sokak. The male musicans and changgi who belongs to the musical institute were from low class. The number of changgi was larger than that of other male musicians, and they mainly performed for the rulers. Especially, they served the performance in the royal bangquet. Kisaeng danced and song a song for the king while Akkong played the various instruments.

      • KCI등재

        시대현실을 반영한 사론서 ≪碧鷄漫志≫ 初探

        李泰衡(Tae-hyoung Lee) 중국어문논역학회 2009 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.24

        ≪Bi Ji Man Zhi≫ established a comparatinely complete theoretics system concerning The origin and ontology of Ci poetry in view of philosophical cosmologist genesis and dualism. Wang Zhuo put forward the following Ci Poetry of the Central Ideas. this paper is comprised by two parts. In the first part, The social background and scale master piece of Ci that had mainly probed the sources and evolution of poetry, ci and the southern song dynasty, made the question of their clear to break through then sterotypes of ci the southern song dynasty to live up to ‘Ci for Poetry’ and offered the theoretical proofs for remaining the song like literary traits of ci. In the second part, Ci is divided into two schools types. one is “Grace and Restraints School” Style and the other is “Boldness and Unconstraint School” Style. Wang Zhuo respects “Boldness and Unconstraint School” Style in SuShi’s poems. the viewpoint that served as a cure of disease in the society and his natural attitude to life.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 포스터 : 집단지성을 이용한 교육용 콘텐츠 추천 방법

        이태형 ( Tae Hyoung Lee ),김창석 ( Chang Suk Kim ) 한국컴퓨터교육학회 2011 한국컴퓨터교육학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구에서는 유사한 집단의 학습자를 추출하기 위해 필요한 유사도 계산 방법인 유클리디안 거리점수 계산방법을 이용하여 학습자에게 최적의 교육용 콘텐츠를 추천하는 방안을 제안하여 그 효과성을 보인다.

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