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        안정연 디자인 여성학회 2006 디자인여성학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        아동의 사고력과 창의력의 증진을 위해 다양한 교육 프로그램들이 시행되어 지고 있다 그러나 교육기관을 통해 시행되어 지고 있는 창의력을 위한 획일화된 프로그램들이 아동의 사고를 오히려 제한하고 있지 않나 생각한다. 아른하임(R.Arnheim)은 [시각적사고]에서 모든 사고가 전적으로 관념적 또는 추상적이 아니며, 지각적 성질을 띠고 있고 모든 독창적인 사고는 단계적이고 논리적이지만 이 사고의 상당한 바탕을 지각적 시심상에서 찾을 수 있으며, 언어적 수리적 사고의 상당한 부분은 지각적 시심상에 바탕을 두고 있다고 하였다. 또한 모든 지각은 시각으로 사고되어 진다고 전했다. 이미 1990년대 영 국에서 디자인교육을 의무화 할 만큼 시지각적 사고 교육은 아동의 두뇌발달을 위한 학습원리로도 크게 활용되고 있다 이러한 디자인교육이 교육을 위한 제한된 공간에서 교육되어 지기보다 아동 에게 가장 큰 영향을 주는 공간인 가정에서 경험되어지기를 제안하며, 시각적 자극으로 시각적 사고의 향상 가능성에 대해 고찰함에 대해 연구하고자 한다. Educational institutes are operating various educational programs in an attempt to improve children's thinking power and creativity. Recently, the 3rd new wave is emerging, 'BBVE(Brain Based Visual Education). In his book [Visual Thinking] R. Arnheim said "All thoughts are not absolutely conceptual or abstract, but they have perceptional feature as well. Although all creative thoughts have stages and logic, these thoughts are mainly derived from perceptional poetic sentiment. Also most of linguistic and mathematical thoughts are based on perceptional poetic sentiment." He added "All kinds of perceptions are thought with visual sense". Visual-perceptual thinking education has been used to develop children's brain in the U.K. since 1990s, so design education is compulsory, I would like to suggest that children can experience design education at home, the most influential environment, rather than in a limited space for education. Hence, the purpose of this current study is to examine the possibility of improvement in visual thinking of five-year old children by visual stimuli.

      • KCI등재

        중국문학(中國文學)과 목록학(目錄學)에서의 유서(類書)의 자리

        안정연 한국중국어문학회 2003 中國文學 Vol.40 No.-

        類書是中國文化史上一種特珠的文歡, 是一種分類彙編各種材料以供檢査之用的工具書, 天地· 人物· 典章·制度·禽獸·草木·蟲魚, 以及詩文·辭藻等等, 幾乎無所不包, 內容範圍相當廣泛, 可以說相當于現在的百科全書. 對子中國的學術與文學, 類書在其發展中所起的作用是不可低伯的. 不過, 關子類書的內涵與外延, 學者的意見都不盡相同. 爭論主要集中在兩個方面: 一個是類書的定義問題, ?外一個是古代書籍在類書範圍之中的出入問題, 這兩個問題相互依存, 有著解脫不開的關係. 關子這些問題, 古今的學者業提出了豊富的硏究成果. 但是, 因爲本稿不是專門硏究類書的, 所以在此只能簡略地介紹, 中國古代類書的沿革與古今文人對類書的一些看法. 封建朝廷組織纂修的類書, 在類目的取擔·類目前後順序的安排上, 大多熱費苦心, 具有深意. 通過對其分類方式的考察, 我們可以瞭解當時人的思想觀念, 也可以發現當時人對客觀世界的理解和認識的?匙. 筆者認寫, 古代類書的編撰目的, 槪而言之, 有兩個方面; 其一, 那些在皇帝主持下官修的“包羅萬象”的大型類書, ?們的編撰目的, 明顯在于誇示自己所掌握的學術成果. 而且通過編撰類書, 統治者更要借此進-步穩定自己的權力基礎, 同時懷柔對新王朝不滿的知識分子. 我們看-看那些下令撰修類書的皇帝和他們的成果就可以明白這一點, 魏文帝曹丕和《皇覽》 · 唐太宗李世民和《文思博要》 · 武則天和《三敎珠英》· 宋太宗和《太平禦覽》· 明朝永樂帝和《永樂大典》· 淸朝康熙帝和《古今圖書集成》等等. 他們的共同處在于, 他們的新王朝開創不久, 他們本身也有在良心上過不去的弱點――違背長子繼承的規矩而登上皇位. 在這種情況下, 他們對類書編撰事業的積極倡導, 是崇尙學術, 懷柔文人的一石兩鳥的好伎倆. 其二是由文人所主導的私撰的類書. ?們的編撰目的主要是便于文士作文采擇辭藻·典故. 這種類文·類事型類書到了唐朝大量地問世, 康朝初年, 受南朝文風的影響, 文章仍講求辭藻典故, ?儷文風依舊盛行, 所以供作詩文取材之用的類書, 多編于此時. 現存的《北堂書?》(隋末唐初) · 《藝文類聚》(唐高祖) · 《初學記》(唐玄宗) · 《白民六貼》(唐朝中葉)等唐代類書, 各書體制有所不同, 然而以其編撰目的來說, 是寫了充足辭藻·典故之用, 特別是速成待備應對·科學之用, 這是無可回避的事實.

      • KCI등재

        강강술래가 증폭장치 사용 청소년의 청력손실 자가인지에 미치는 영향

        안정연,허승덕 대한치료과학회 2022 대한치료과학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Objective: Dance improves artistic perfection by continuously practicing many physical activities. Unfortunately, dynamic physical activity may cause inconvenience to the hearing-impaired adolescents who use amplifiers. The aim of this study is to explore changes in self-awareness of hearing loss adolescents who use an amplifier to learn Ganggangsullae, a traditional Korean folk art. Method: 6-girl(14.7±2.07) participated who wear hearing aids and/or cochlear implants. 2 of them had dance experience, 2 of them have aerobic experience, and the other 2 were inexperienced. Hearing handicap inventory for adult (HHIA) was used to measure the degree of self-awareness of hearing loss. Results: The mean HHIA score before and after Ganggangsullae decreased by 0.0267 from 0.573±0.992 to 0.547±1.034. In social adjustment, it decreased by 0.111 from 0.611±1.042 to 0.5±0.993, and in emotional adjustment, it increased by 0.0513 points from 0.538±0.949 to 0.59±1.074. In case of no experience, social adjustment increased by 0.167, and emotional adjustment by 0.308, respectively. In the case of dance experience, social adjustment increased by 0.083, emotional adjustment decreased by 0.231. In the case of aerobics, social adjustment decreased by 0.586, and emotional adjustment increased by 0.077. Conclusion: Despite many physical activities for artistic perfection, Ganggangsullae maintained HHIA stabilization.

      • KCI등재

        임베디드 시스템을 위한 영상 개선 알고리즘 구현

        안정연,이상범,An, Jeong-yeon,Rhee, Sang-Burm 한국정보처리학회 2009 정보처리학회논문지 A Vol.16 No.6

        본 논문에서는 역광 및 어두운 영상에 효과적인 칼라 영상 개선 알고리즘을 제안하고 PXA255 ARM 프로세서 기반 임베디드 리눅스 환경 에 구현하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 기존의 영상 개선 알고리즘 중에서 레티넥스는 역광 및 어두운 영상에 효과적이나 연산량이 많아 임베디드 시스템에서의 구현이 적합하지 못하다. 따라서 레티넥스와 동등한 영상 개선 효과를 갖으면서 연산량이 적어 임베디드 시스템에서 구현 가능한 영상 개선 알고리즘을 제안한다. 제안된 영상 향상 알고리즘은 HSV 색 모델로 변환한 다음 명도 성분과 채도 성분 영상에 각각 영상 생성 모 델과 감마 보정을 적용하여 구현하였다. 또한, 제안한 알고리즘을 PXA255 ARM 프로세서에 최적화 과정을 통하여 연산량을 감소하였다. 정량 적인 방법과 정성적인 방법을 통하여 제안된 알고리즘의 성능을 평가 하였다. 평가 결과 연산량은 감소하였으나 밝기와 명도 대비를 향상시키는 것을 확인하였다. This paper is to enhance a color image running in the PXA255 ARM processor based on embedded linux environments. Retinex is one of the representative algorithm for image enhancement in the previous research. However, retinex is not suitable the run on the embedded system because of its long processing time. So, we proposed the image enhancement algorithm for embedded system, with less quantity of operation and the effect equivalent to retinex. To achieve this goal, we propose and implement the image enhancement algorithm, which utilizes the image formation model and gamma correction to be effective in a back-light and dark image. The proposed algorithm converts the color space from RGB to HSV, and then V and S channels are processed. In order to optimize the proposed method in the PXA255 ARM processor, quantity of calculation is reduced. The performance of the proposed algorithm was evaluated through qualitative method and quantitative method. The results show that brightness and contrast are improved with less quantity of operation.

      • KCI등재

        Building Brand Loyalty through a Facebook Fan Page in the Hotel Industry: Exploring the Moderating Role of Gender

        안정연,최은경,정현우 (사)한국조리학회 2019 한국조리학회지 Vol.25 No.9

        We identify what “perceived value” factors influence consumers’ “attitude toward a hotel Facebook fan page”, test the impact of consumers’ attitude and revisit intention to the fan page on brand loyalty, and evaluate gender’s moderating effect on the relationships between the multi-dimensions of perceived value and consumers’ attitude toward a Facebook fan page. A total of 422 usable data were collected using an online survey, and the hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. The results indicate consumers’ functional, hedonic, and self-expression values have significant impacts on the attitude toward a Facebook fan page; on the other hand, social interaction value is not significant. In addition, gender notably moderates the relationships between the four values and consumers’ attitude toward a Facebook fan page. We suggest ways to improve consumers’ attitude toward a Facebook fan page and brand loyalty utilizing Facebook fan pages as a social marketing and communication tool.

      • KCI우수등재

        근로시간의 판단 기준

        안정연 한국노동법학회 2022 노동법학 Vol.- No.81

        Accurate measurement of actual working hours is essential to accurately calculate the compensation to be provided to employees and protect employee's right to health. To measure working hours accurately, we must know which hours are to be ‘recognized’ as working hours. Meanwhile, the Labor Standards Act (“LSA”) does not provide a clear definition of, or the criteria for determining, working hours. Therefore, the determination of working hours has relied on the interpretation which adopts direction and supervision as the only criterion. In addition, all working hour-related provisions apply to working hours recognized as such under the criterion. The purpose of this study is to examine how we have interpreted the concept of working hours and what criteria have been applied, and whether there are any problems or irrationalities arising out of the interpretation and criteria. Furthermore, it considers how the current LSA and its interpretation could be improved. To this end, the current LSA, as well as administrative interpretations and court judgments thereof, were analyzed to examine the definition of working hours established to date. In conclusion, additional criteria such as ‘work relevance’ and ‘employer benefit’ have been suggested in determining whether the time in question falls under working hours, in addition to the existing criterion (‘direction and supervision’).

      • KCI등재

        <도깨비 터>에 드러난 움직임의 예술적 특성에 관한 연구

        안정연 ( An Joung-youn ) 한국무용연구학회 2020 한국무용연구 Vol.38 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 우리 민족의 민간신앙인 도깨비 설화에 나타난 다양한 인물들의 성격과 현대인과의 유사점을 찾아 이를 예술적 움직임인 창작무용의 소재로 발전시키는 것이다. 중국, 일본, 인도, 러시아 등 여러 나라에서 도깨비 문화가 공존하고 있지만, 우리 민족 특유의 도깨비 설화는 친화성, 토속성, 공동체를 중시했던 한국인의 인간관이 투영되어 있다. 이를 통해 현대인들의 복잡하게 얽혀진 인간관계를 회복하자는 교훈적 의미도 담고 있다. 또한, 인간들이 도깨비를 어떻게 바라보고 있고, 도깨비의 내면은 어떤 모습인지 찾아내어 어떤 성격을 가진 도깨비를 만들었는지, 그 안에 어떠한 도깨비의 역할을 부여했는지 무용 작품에 적용하는 계기를 제공하고자 한다. 무용 작품 <도깨비 터>는 친근한 소재인 도깨비를 활용하여 도깨비와 인간의 모습을 역동적으로 그려내고자 하였으며, 무용창작의 관점에서는, 설화와 안무 창작이 결합한 양상의 효과를 짚어보고자 하였다. The purpose of this study is to express our lives in modern society through the folk beliefs of our nation, which Koreans have known since childhood, through artistic movements that reveal the various characteristics of the goblin. Through this, it was intended to express the didactic meaning to us living in the present age and the restoration of the complex intertwined human relationships of modern people. In addition, it is intended to provide an opportunity to reflect on how humans look at the goblin and what kind of character they create, and what role they have given to them. By using a familiar material, the Dokebi(goblin), we tried to form a consensus with the viewers of the work, and to draw a dynamic relationship between the goblin and human beings.

      • KCI등재

        실업자 미용직업교육훈련에 관한 개선방안

        안정연 ( Jung Yeon An ),김민정 ( Min Jung Kim ) 한국미용학회 2010 한국미용학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Recently we have experienced rapid infomationalization as well as an enormous shock from the financial crisis. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see how the conditions on the vocational training system and its structure in the beauty field are for effective training for the unemployed within the system, find the problems which should be tackled, and set a right direction to improve the training system for the unemployed. The summary of the results is as follows. First, the unclear criteria of the vocational training system for the unemployed have diversified structures of systems in each institution despite the same contents. Second, it is necessary to allocate proper hours in the trainees` classes to improve efficiency of the training. Third, the ratio of trainers to trainees is not appropriate to improve the vocational ability of the trainees. Fourth, the survey revealed that the trainees are not satisfied with the training environment, which they are influenced. Thus, the system of training program should reflect their complaints to construct a concrete and systematic framework of the program.

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