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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Effect of Timing of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist Administration for Ovarian Protection in Patients with Breast Cancer

        신재준,최영민,전종관,이경훈,김태용,한원식,임석아 한국유방암학회 2020 Journal of breast cancer Vol.23 No.3

        Purpose: This study was performed to investigate the effect of the interval between the start of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) and the start of chemotherapy on ovarian protection in patients with breast cancer. Methods: This was a prospective observational cohort study that included 136 patients with breast cancer below 40 years who received GnRHa during chemotherapy for fertility preservation. Plasma anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels were measured before chemotherapy (baseline) and after chemotherapy. Subjects were divided into 3 groups according to the interval between the start of GnRHa and the start of chemotherapy for analysis: 1–6 days, 7–13 days, and ≥ 14 days. The ratio of the post-chemotherapy AMH value to the baseline AMH (pcAMH) at each time point were compared among the 3 groups. Ranked analysis of covariance was used for statistical analysis, adjusted for age, body mass index (BMI), and the existence of polycystic ovaries (PCOs). In addition, recovery of ovarian function (AMH ≥ 1 ng/mL) at 12 months was evaluated. Results: The median age of the patients was 32 years. There was no difference in the baseline AMH levels among the 3 groups (mean ± standard error: 5.0 ± 0.4 ng/mL [1–6 days], 5.3 ± 0.7 ng/mL [7–13 days], and 8.1 ± 1.3 ng/mL [≥ 14 days]; p = 0.250). The pcAMH at 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months were not significantly different among the 3 groups (p-values were 0.332, 0.732, 0.830, 0.148, and 0.393, respectively). In multivariate analysis, young age (p = 0.024), low BMI (p = 0.013), and the existence of PCO (p = 0.015) were predictors for AMH ≥ 1 ng/mL at 12 months. Conclusion: There was no difference in the ovarian protective effect according to the difference in the timing of administration of GnRHa.

      • KCI등재

        한일청구권협정 민간신용 ‘3억$+α’의 도입과정과 한일관계(1966~67)

        신재준 효원사학회 2023 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.64

        This article examines the negotiation process with Japan to introduce commercial loans stipulated in the 1965 treaty between Korea and Japan. Common knowledge about the Korea-Japan talks is that the logic of Cold War, anti-communism and economic cooperation replaced the task of clearing up past history. However, when looking at the reality of ‘cooperation’ between the two countries, differences of opinion and conflict still remained. Implementation of the Property Claims Agreement was also not smooth. Negotiations on the introduction of commercial loans stipulated in the agreement vividly demonstrate the ‘dissonance’ between Korea and Japan. The two governments fought a tough battle every year over the scale and speed of providing commercial loans. In order to introduce commercial loans, Korean government had to repeatedly confirm that the economic development plan was reasonable and persuade Japan. As shown in the question and answer between Jang Ki-young and the Japanese delegation at the first Korea-Japan Ministerial Conference in 1967, the process was like a kind of interview. Or, it reminded of the so-called ‘led capitalism’ advocated by the Korean government in the early days of the post-May 16 military rule. In addition, this process was also a path for the nature of economic ‘cooperation’ between the two countries to shift from loans to investments.

      • KCI등재

        1965년 전후 한일 양국의 동아시아 지역주의 구상과 미국

        신재준 부경역사연구소 2020 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.47

        This article analyzes Korea and Japan’s plan for Southeast Asian regionalism in the mid-1960s. These plan are similar in appearance, but in reality there are many contrasting points. For example, ASPAC was started as a Korean initiative, but SEAMCED was appeared in the form of Japanese responses to the American initiative. In the process of consultation with the United States, it is also contrasting that ASPAC has accepted the opinion of the United States, while SEAMCED has achieved the position of Japan relatively. Japan participated in ASPAC, but Korea could not participate in SEAMCED. This difference is due to the different status of Korea-US/Japan-US relations. Moreover, the emergence of two different plan brought about a subtle tension again in Korea-Japan relations that had just “normalized” diplomatic relations. In particular, Korea has fallen into a dilemma to consider participating in SEAMCED while worrying about the possibility of weakening ASPAC. These two countries still couldn't get away from the inertia of the Korea-Japan talks that were in a battle of nerves. The “System of 1965 Treaty” that was barely established was somewhat unstable and clumsy. 본고는 1960년대 중반, 비슷한 시기를 배경으로 한 한일 양국의 동남아 지역주의 구상, 즉 아시아태평양이사회(ASPAC)와 동남아시아개발각료회의(SEAMCED)의 추진과정을 비교 분석했다. 이들은 외양은 비슷하지만 실상은 대조적인 구석이 많다. 예컨대 아스팍은 한국의 독자 구상으로 출발했지만 개발회의는 미국의 구상에 일본이 화답하는 형태로 등장했다. 대미 협의과정에서 아스팍은 미국의 의견이 수용되는 형태였다면 개발회의는 상대적으로 일본의 입장이 관철되는 모양새였던 것도 대비된다. 전자에 일본이 참가했다면 후자에 한국은 불참했던 것도 서로 다르다. 이상과 같은 차이가 나타나는 것은 한미/일미 관계의 위상이 달랐기 때문이다. 미국은 일본을 자신들의 아시아정책의 “키(key)”로 여긴 반면, 한국에게는 국내 문제 또는 기껏해야 한일문제 해결을 기대했을 뿐이었다. 더욱, 서로 다른 두 구상의 출현은 갓 국교를 ‘정상화’한 한일관계에 다시 미묘한 긴장을 가져왔다. 특히 한국으로서는 아스팍이 약화될 가능성을 염려하면서도 개발회의 참여를 고려해야 하는 딜레마에 빠졌다. 양국은 신경전을 벌이던 한일회담의 관성에서 여전히 멀리 벗어나지 못했다. 가까스로 얽어맨 ‘한일협정체제’는 어딘지 불안정하고 어설펐다.

      • 그라비어 인쇄설비의 최근 동향

        신재준 (사)한국포장협회 1994 包裝情報 Vol.16 No.-

        그라비어 인쇄기 개발 동향은 첫째 소량 다품종 인쇄 대응을 위한 자동화, 둘째 컴퓨터화, 셋째 QC관리자동화, 넷째 환경대응 등을 들 수 있다. 특히 한 대에 두 가지 이상의 가공기능을 갖춘 다목적의 인쇄기 개발도 관심거리로 등장하고 있다.

      • 가치창조경영을 위한 종업원가치 제고 : 사례연구 A Case Study

        신재준,이정훈,민병욱 한국경영과학회 2000 한국경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.- No.2

        Change in business has ushered in new corporate value for the success of the future. Excellent companies understand this and seek to realise the new value to procure their status in the market. The new corporate value is composed of those of employees', customers' and shareholders', and of these three, the first is the footing for improving the others. Korea Telecom has measured employees' value every year since 1998 with an eye to achieving corporate vision, Cyberworld Leader. In this paper, we analyse the case of two leading telcos to enhance employees' value. After that, we explicate the goals, concepts and future directions of the analysis of employees' value in Korea Telecom.

      • KCI등재

        갈등의 지속 : 1965~67년, 대일(對日) 어업협력자금 교섭과정 검토

        신재준 역사실학회 2023 역사와실학 Vol.80 No.-

        With the conclusion of the Normalization talks between Korea and Japan, the two countries have ostensibly “normalized” diplomatic relations. However, the aftershocks of the long conflict did not easily stop even after that. Such was the pattern of negotiations surrounding the Fishing cooperation fund, which is the topic of this paper. During the negotiations, the Korean government emphasized that achieving effective fishery modernization by promptly executing Fishing cooperation fund is inseparable from the Fishery agreement between two countries. However, the Japanese government maintained the position that the Fishery agreement and the Fishing cooperation fund were separate, and that the latter was just a general commercial private credit. As such, the process of actual use of the Fishing cooperation fund was very difficult due to the dissonance surrounding the meaning or nature of that. This study tried to reveal the rough side of Korea-Japan relations, which was not much different from before, even after December 1965, which was blanketed by the expression of 'normalization' of diplomatic relations, through the process of negotiations with Japan to execute Fishing cooperation fund. 한일협정 체결로 양국은 표면적으로는 국교를 ‘정상화’했다. 그러나 오랜 갈등의 여진은 그 이후로도 쉽사리 멈추지 않았다. 갈등의 최전선이었던 바다가 그러했다. 공동규제수역에서 일본어선들의 조업 태도는 우호적인 협력 무드와는 거리가 있었다. 본고에서 살펴본 어업협력자금을 둘러싼 교섭양상도 비슷했다. 교섭과정에서 한국 정부는 어업협력자금을 조속히 집행해 어업 근대화에 실효를 거두는 것이 어업협정 체결과 불가분의 관계에 있음을 강조했다. 반면 일본 정부는 어업협정과 어업협력자금은 별개이며 후자는 일반적인 상업상의 민간 신용일 뿐이라는 입장을 고수했다. 이처럼 어업협력자금의 의미 또는 성격을 둘러싼 불협화음으로 인해 자금의 실제 사용과정은 매우 험난했다. 공여조건을 두고 양국이 줄다리기하면서 결과적으로 자금의 집행이 수교 후 3년 가까이 늦어졌고, 사용기간이 늘어졌으며, 애초 한국 정부의 자금 사용구상이 변경되기도 했다. 본고는 어업협력자금을 집행하기 위한 대일교섭과정을 매개로 국교‘정상화’란 표현이 덮어버린, 1965년 12월 이후에도 이전과 별로 다르지 않았던 험난한 한일관계의 일면을 드러내고자 했다. 본고의 작업은 첫째, 1965년이라는 한 시점이 아닌, 어쩌면 지금도 진행 중일지 모르는 과정으로서의 한일 국교‘정상화’에 대한 이해를 도울 것이다. 둘째, 협정 체결 이후에도 그 합의사항을 실행에 옮기기 위해 지난한 교섭이 필요했고, 그 과정에서 갈등이 끊이지 않았다는 점에서 역으로 한일협정의 내용과 기반이 얼마나 위태로운 것이었는지, 즉 한일회담의 위약성을 새삼 절감케 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Amenorrhea and Menopause in Patients with Breast Cancer after Chemotherapy

        신재준,최영민,전종관,이경훈,김태용,한원식,임석아 한국유방암학회 2019 Journal of breast cancer Vol.22 No.4

        Purpose: The probability of ovarian failure after cytotoxic chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer has not been well established in Korea. This study aimed to assess the rate of ovarian failure in a large cohort of Korean premenopausal patients with breast cancer 12 months after chemotherapy. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included premenopausal women (aged 20−44 years) with breast cancer who underwent chemotherapy after surgery. The rates of treatment-related amenorrhea (TRA) and chemotherapy-induced menopause (CIM) at 12 months after chemotherapy were analyzed. Results: A total of 237 patients met the inclusion criteria. The rate of TRA was 61.6% and that of CIM was 13.1% at 12 months after chemotherapy. The rates of TRA and CIM were 28.0% and 4.0%, respectively, in women aged 25−34 years, and they gradually increased up to 75.9% (TRA) and 15.8% (CIM), respectively, in women aged 40−44 years. The frequency of CIM was significantly lower than that of TRA in both age groups. In multivariate analyses, only tamoxifen use was significantly associated with a decreased risk of CIM (p < 0.001). Age of 40 years or higher and the regimens of doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel or paclitaxel were associated with increased risk of TRA (p = 0.001 and p = 0.002, respectively). Conclusion: Marked discrepancy in the rates of CIM and TRA was observed in this study. Further, the age-specific frequency of CIM and TRA observed in this study is a reliable and practical estimate of the risks of CIM and TRA in the absence of gonadal protection.

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