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        산업용 및 군수산업 부품단종 정보체계에 관한 연구

        백원철,신승중 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2019 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to identify and manage the problem of components discontinuity in the future based on the implementation of information systems to solve the problem of discontinuance of militaries parts, so as to solve the problem of discontinuance of components in the operation of the weapon systems and reduce excessive expenditure due to aging of the weapon system. The purpose is to prevent the discontinuance of components in the future by up-dating the production phenomena of parts manufactures periodically. Defense industries and R&D perood can expand users convenience by supporting selection of more efficient parts in weapon systems development and information of vast components information systems. 본 연구의 목적은 산업용과 군사용 장비의 전자 부품단종 문제를 해결하기 위한 정보체계 구축 구현을 바탕으로향후 부품단종 문제를 인식하고 사전 관리함으로써 장기간 운용 하는 중공업 장비 군사용 체계 운용에 있어 부품단종문제 해결뿐만 아니라 장비의 노후화로 인한 과도한 군수지원 정비 비용 지출을 줄이고 부품생산자들의 생산 정보 현상을 주기적으로 정보화 하여 Up data 함으로 미래의 부품단종을 미연에 예방함을 목적으로 한다. 산업체 및 연구기관의개발을 보다 효율적으로 관리와 생산 장비의 부품을 선정 지원 하고 방대한 부품정보를 정보화함으로 후속 지원 정비서비스의 질과 편리성을 확보 할 수 있다.


        수술 중 뇌동맥류 파열에 대한 임상 분석

        백원철,고현송,김윤,Baek, Won-Cheol,Koh, Hyeon-Song,Kim, Youn 대한신경외과학회 2001 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.30 No.1

        Objective : Intraoperative rupture of an intracranial aneurysm can interrupt a microsurgical procedure and jeopardize the patient's chance to favorable outcome. The purpose of this study was to analyse and evaluate intraoperative aneurysmal rupture and render ideal prevention and management to intraoperative rupture. Patients and Methods : The authors retrospectively analysed the results of 609 patients who underwent cerebral aneurysm surgery from January 1991 to December 2000. Results : 1) Intraoperative aneurysmal rupture occurred in 73 of 609 consecutive aneurysm surgery, so the incidence was about 12.0% and it was relatively lower than other reports. 2) Aneurysms arising from anterior communicating artery appeared more prone to intraoperative rupture. 3) The size of aneurysm and timing of operation didn't influence intraoperative aneurysmal rupture and temporary clipping didn't reduce the incidence of intraoperative aneurysmal rupture. 4) Intraoperative aneurysmal rupture occured during three specific periods : (1) dissection stage in 61%, (2) clip application stage in 29 %, (3) predissection stage in 10%. 5) In the patients with intraoperative aneurysmal rupture, surgical outcome was relatively good and there was no significant difference in outcome compared with unruptured group. Conclusion : Our suggestion for prevention methods of intraoperative aneurysmal rupture are as follows : 1) minimal brain retraction, 2) sharp and careful aneurysmal neck dissection, 3) gentle clipping with proper clip selection etc. Management methods after intraoperative aneurysmal rupture are as follows : 1) strong aspiration of bleeding point, 2) rapid application of temporary and/or tentative clip, 3) following rapid dissection of neck and proper clip application, 4) use of encircling clip etc.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 晩醒 朴致馥의 大東續樂府 硏究

        백원철 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2004 人文學論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        朴致馥(1824~1894)生于咸安貫密城自號晚醒也 公弱冠入格達城及高靈鄕試然專意學問而棄科業矣 於是公跋涉四百里謁定齋柳先生名致命行束修之禮 又二十年後 拜性齋許先生名傅而精進學業焉 是時公與嶺南名碩如權蔚齋龍成金端磎麟燮許退而愈郭鳴遠鍾錫交遊講學 又建立書齋爲讀書之所未幾月遠近來學者甚衆齋舍至不能容故别建晚醒窩 傲金宗直先生小學說敎之遺意爲小學講規以督諸生朔望考其課至於出入進退威儀坐作是以江右儒風自此一變矣 公五十九歲登道士入成均館適有甲申命變更衣制 公率太學諸生抗疏爭之不允遂捲堂還 鄕以後自銓曹擬王子師傅尋擬書筵官然公旣忤於權門有力沮者故竟未收用遂一生以布衣之士終焉 辛酉公三十八葳撰大東續樂府凡二十八篇是則朝鮮後期詠史樂府之類也 其形式則詩加史話亦有詠史樂府一般之樣態者也 觀其内容及主題則可以分别四目 其一稱誦朝鮮王朝之創業與治世者也 其二欽尙忠節孝烈人物像者也 其三批判國政之秕政與士大夫官人之弊習不淨者 也 其四對明國報恩意識與等明思想者也 故察其樂府之梗概及傾向則與其批判當代歷史之現實蓋爲宣揚擁護朝鮮王朝之盛大文物也

      • 魯菴(趙弘淳) 先生 生涯와 思想

        백원철 한국인문과학회 2006 人文學論叢 Vol.5 No.2

        趟弘淳(1860~1931) 貫楊卅字土重號魯菴 生于鎭川縣常山之聖巖鍮洞 年甫十歲 受業于族内文士 獨自謙魯 常用人百己千之功 見世道日非 絶意進取 唯願學道 執贄于民齋田先生 先生一見而器重之 從先生講學 時朝廷狹袖舆祝髮之令 而公同師友 服深衣幅巾保髮 嚴尊攘之義 其爲學以居敬窮理力行僞主本 而絶無浮文近名之習焉 後舆石農吳公 同心協力 印行師稿 心性理氣之說 專主程朱要尤 而先師小心尊性 道器能所有爲無爲之辩爲俟聖 而不惑矣 公素不務詩文著述 不事雕繪 隨其心得 而略有時作 四十餘首 察其内容及主旨 則可以分别二目 而其一則吟詠隱居自樂之韻致者也 其二則又詠幽閑平澹之情操者也 蓋公之情神世界 舆生平之樣態存在焉

      • KCI등재

        頣齋(黃胤錫) 漢詩의 實學文學的 照明

        백원철 우리한문학회 2008 漢文學報 Vol.18 No.-

        Born in a certain place of Honam, (Lee Jae) Hwang, Yoon-Seok(黃胤錫1729~1791), was not great success in the enterprise, but had renowned for erudite and great writer in his day. Especially his academic field including literature, history, and philosophy reflects his wide range of knowledge such as mathematic, science, geographical feature and linguistics book on divination, his academical achievement is estimated as connection of encyclopedic academic traditions. While his boyhood, he studied under Back, Si- Deok(白時德) whose maternal grandfather is Ryoo, Hyung-Won(柳馨遠) in the native village, and approximately in his 30's he was a pupil of Kim, Won-Haeng(金元行) in Seoul, since he could had a chance of interchange with Hong, Dae-Yong(洪大容), Shin, Kyung- Jun(申景濬), Lee, Deok-Moo(李德懋). He has remarkable achievement in literature as well. Almost 1,800pieces of poem has created, many of these are included that has the literature character of late Cho-Seon. In that case, how is the aspects of his poem as literature of practical science? Firstly, he expresses national emotion without a hitch while actively accepting folk song and Korean verse in the Chinese Poetry literature. At that moment, he has not regarded woman's song mean, oppositely evaluated them having remarkable graceful. Furthermore, his independent thinking is based on the fact that when we put the proffer national tone and mood into our culture, Chinese poetry for the people will be accomplished, they can be our's so that our culture become similar in status with China, is shown with his masterpieces. In addition, with concerning Korean traditional local customs of the entire people, his effort to reflect the spirit into the poem can be seen in the same way. Secondly, the spirit of patriotism is used as significant source in his Chinese Poetry. This reflects the acknowledgement of historical reality for the late Cho-Seon(朝鮮) and foundation of the consciousness through the sincere contemplation. That is because he can't turn away the paradox of the system and dire straights of the people which had appeared in these period as a realist having the conscientious intelligence. At that period he, LeeJae, was supposed to see pains and visualization as its form of poem for his residence in the rural community, of which generally concerning farmer's suffering from the drought other than the sufferings by the paradox by the system. Lastly, critique awareness to the malady of the those society. Mainly concerned Matters are incompetent and corrupt public officers and the followed slack discipline of the government office and the disorder of national administration. There were tendency of the priority for the dominant class other than the people and a few of powerful family for the official post monopoly, so that pains for the people are ignored. He was criticized and let people know these social paradox. On the other side, miserable reveal of lack of ability were shown. 본 논문은 頤齋 黃胤錫(1729∼1791)이 남긴 한시를 실학문학적 시각으로 살핀 것이다. 이재는 湖南一隅에서 태어나 仕宦은 그리 현달하지 못했지만 博學한 학자요 문인으로서 당시에 이름이 있었다. 국왕이 그를 칭하여, “참으로 지식이 있고 실질이 있는 사람(영조)”, 또는 “문장에 뛰어난 선비로써 순실한 인물(정조)”이라고 하였으며, 靑莊館 李德懋는 이재의 道學과 文章, 그리고 그의 牧民官으로서의 능력을 거론하며 자신에게는 ‘일생의 표준’이 되는 대상이라고까지 말하였다. 실제로 이재의 저술은 수학ㆍ과학(천문)ㆍ어학ㆍ지리ㆍ복서ㆍ문학을 포괄하여 백 수 십권의 방대한 규모이며 시 만도 1800여 수에 달한다. 그러나 영ㆍ정조 실학시대의 인물이었던 이재의 경우, 그의 한시를 일별하면 매우 의미 있는 작품들을 접할 수 있다. 곧 당시 실학파 문인들의 시와 동일한 성향을 지닌 시문이 다수 창작되었기 때문이다. 당대 현실을 살아가는 백성들의 고난에 찬 삶을 읊고, 民風土俗을 즐겨 시의 소재로 끌어 들여 민중의 정서를 형상화하고, 더불어 지배층의 횡포와 弊政을 시로써 비판하고 있다. 그러므로 본 논문에서는 이와 같은 작품들을 구체적으로 고찰하여 이재 한시의 실학문학적 성향의 실체를 밝히고자 하며, 이는 나아가 조선 후기 실학파문학의 지평을 확인하는 작업의 일환이 될 수 있으리라 기대한다.

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