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        이미지-어빌리티로서의 건축: 딜러, 스코피디오 + 렌프로의 <셰드> (2019) 분석을 중심으로

        백승한 대한건축학회 2024 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.40 No.4

        이 논문은 (주로 ds+r이라고 불리는) 건축 그룹 딜러, 스코피디오 + 렌프로의 작업 세계를 조망하며, 이를 통해 이들의 디자인 접근에 있어서 주요한 두 가지 개념어인 ‘보기의 정치학’ 그리고 ‘공간의 민주화’ 사이의 복합적인 관계를 탐구한다. ds+r에게 있어 보기의 정치학은 작품과 관련하는 물성, 아이디어, 이미지, 그리고 경험적 층위 등의 조합을 통해 다양체로서의 건축을 어떻게 활성화시키는지, 그리고 이를 통해 기존의 가치 기준에 도전하고 제도 비평을 수행할 수 있는지와 관련한다. 다른 한편, 공간의 민주화는 신자유주의 세계에서 건축가가 취해야 할 역할을 뜻한다. 공원과 로비, 그리고 광장 등 공공적 개입이 두드러지는 프로젝트들은 지어지는 건축물을 공공 영역으로 만들려는 이들의 열망을 반영한다. 이와 같은 두 가지 의제들은 의미상 서로 잘 연결되는 것처럼 보인다. 하지만 본 논문은 그렇지 않음을 주장한다. 최근의 뉴욕 현대미술관 리노베이션이나 셰드 등의 프로젝트 사례들은 위 두 가지 측면들을 모두 성취하기를 시도한다. 하지만 보수적인 태도를 취하거나 지나치게 실무적으로 접근한 나머지, 2000년 이전에 두드러졌던 이들의 비평성은 스펙터클로서의 건축 또는 그 물질화에 치중한 나머지 상쇄되는 결과로 이어진다. This paper provides an overview of the work of Diller, Scofidio + Renfro, often abbreviated as ds+r. It aims to explore the intricaterelationship between ‘the politics of seeing’ and ‘the democratization of space’, which are two fundamental concepts embodying the firm'sdesign philosophy. The politics of seeing reflects its focus on activating architecture by assembling various elements such as materials, ideas,images, and experiential dimensions. This approach challenges existing criteria and promotes institutional critique. On the other hand, thedemocratization of space, as articulated by Elizabeth Diller, addresses the architect's role in the neoliberal context. The firm's projects,characterized by their public engagement, including parks, lobbies, and squares, demonstrate their ongoing commitments to making architectureaccessible to the public. While these two agendas may seem interconnected, this paper argues that this is not always the case. Some recentprojects, such as The MoMA Renovation and The Shed, aim to achieve both dimensions but tend to lean towards conservatism or practicality. As a result, the criticality that was prevalent in their earlier works before 2000 is sometimes compromised in ways that are not fully able torelease their intricate capacities of mediating the neoliberal world.

      • KCI등재

        회주철의 진동감쇠능과 기계적 성질에 미치는 오스템퍼링처리의 영향

        백승한,김정철,손용철,한동운 한국열처리공학회 1999 熱處理工學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        Gray cast iron with a high damping capacity has been used for controlling the vibration and noise in various mechanical structures. Nevertheless, its usage has been often restricted due to its poor tensile strength. Therefore, it is necessary to improve tensile strength at the expense of a loss in damping capacity. This study is aimed at finding the best combination of tensile strength and damping capacity by varying austempering time and temperature range from 320℃ to 380℃ after austenization at 900℃ for 1hr. The effect of austempering condition on hardness and the volume fraction of retained austenite is investigated as well. The results obtained are summarized as follows : (1) With an increase in austempering temperature, both tensile strength and hardness decrease while damping capacity improves. (2) Austempering at 350℃, resulting in a mixture of upper and lower bainite with partially retained austenite, exhibits the optimum combination of tensile strength and damping capacity.

      • KCI등재

        Stumbling with the Digital: On the Work of Kang Jungsuck

        백승한 연세대학교 영어영문학과 BK21 Plus 사업단 2020 Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context Vol.13 No.2

        In this article, I claim that everyday encounters with the strata of digital culture may evoke a sense of wonder and anticipation but also give rise to instances of hesitation and uncertainty, which places the individual on rough terrain where he or she stumbles around painfully seeking a firm ground. In examining these types of experiences, I analyze four videos made by artist Kang Jungsuck (1984–). What is interesting in Kang’s work is that he neither defends nor naively embraces the pervasive character of digital culture. The videos reveal the ways in which he mediates everyday life as a digitalized realm, capturing its euphoric and fascinating atmosphere as well as its pessimistic and lethargic moods. Kang’s works open up an inflected world where forces and rhythms of the post-internet generate various forms of life. The constant back- and-forth movements between the digital and the ordinary and their stuttering audiovisual qualities reflect his hesitant mind, which seeks neither to completely negate nor passively acknowledge the inescapable character of the digitalized world.

      • KCI등재

        3.6%C 회주철의 진동감쇠능 및 기계적 성질에 미치는 주입온도 및 합금원소 첨가의 영향

        백승한,김정철,최종술 한국열처리공학회 2000 熱處理工學會誌 Vol.13 No.4

        Flake graphite cast irons with the high damping capacity have been used for the control of vibration and noise occurring in the members of various mechanical structures under vibrating conditions. However, the damping capacity which is morphological characteristics of graphite is one of the important factors in reducing the vibration and noise, but hardly any work has deal with this problem. Therefore, the authors have examined the damping capacity of various cast irons with alloying elements and studied the influences of the matrix structures, mechanical properties and morphological characteristics of graphite. The main results obtained are as follows: Effects of pouring temperature on the damping capacities and mechanical properties were investigated in 3.6%C cast iron. At 1400℃, specific damping capacity showed the maximum value, and decreased with increase pouring temperature. Mechanical properties showed opposite trend with the damping capacity. And then, effects of Ni on the damping capacities and mechanical properties have been investigated in 3.6%C gray cast iron. At 0.2%Ni content, specific damping capacity showed the maximum value, and decreased with further increase in Ni content. Graphite length also showed same behavior. This indicates that the specific damping capacity has a close relation with graphite length. In case of Mo addition in 3.6%C-0.2%Ni cast iron, specific damping capacity and tensile strength was 27% and 20㎏f/㎟ at 3.6%C-0.2%Ni-0.3%Mo cast iron respectively.

      • KCI등재

        터널 거동에 대한 암반연약대의 영향 평가를 위한 수치해석적 연구

        백승한,김창용,김광염,홍성완,문현구 사단법인 한국터널지하공간학회 2006 한국터널지하공간학회논문집 Vol.8 No.2

        The structural anisotropy and heterogeneity of rock mass, caused by discontinuities and weak zones, have a great influence on the deformation behavior of a tunnel. A tunnel construction in these complex ground conditions is very difficult. No matter how excellent a geological investigation is, local uncertainties of rock mass conditions still remain. Under these uncertain circumstances, an accurate forecast of the ground conditions ahead of the advancing tunnel face is indispensable to a safe and economic tunnel construction. This paper presents the effect of anisotropy and heterogeneity of the rock masses to be excavated by numerical analysis. The influences of distance from weak zone, the size or dimension, the different stiffness and the orientation of weak zones are analysed by 3-D finite element analysis. By analysing these numerical results, the tunnel behavior due to excavation can be well understood and the prediction of rock mass condition ahead of the tunnel face can be possible. 불연속면 또는 연약대로 인해 야기되는 암반의 구조적 이방성과 비균질성은 터널의 변형 거동에 큰 영향을 미친다. 아무리 우수한 지반조사가 이루어진다 하더라도, 지역적 불확실성은 여전히 남아 있으므로 복잡한 지반 조건에서의 터널 굴착은 매우 어려운 작업이다. 이러한 불확실한 환경에서 터널 막장 전방의 지반 상태를 정확히 예측하는 것은 안전하고 경제적인 터널 건설에 필요불가결하다 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 3차원 수치해석을 통하여 암반의 이방성 및 비균질성의 영향을 평가하였다. 즉 터널 굴착으로 인해 야기되는 지반 거동을 분석하고 이에 대한 연약대의 폭과 강성 그리고 방향성의 영향을 정량적으로 평가하였다.

      • KCI등재

        기후위기와 함께하기: 마야 린의 <고스트 포레스트> 작업 분석을 중심으로

        백승한 한국미학예술학회 2022 美學·藝術學硏究 Vol.67 No.-

        This article analyzes Maya Lin’s “last memorial” project entitled Ghost Forest (2021), through which to explore how one can make relationships and “stay” with the climate crisis without supposing smooth and immediate resolutions of the Anthropocene. As the most recent work in the What is Missing? project, Ghost Forest consists of 49 dead cedars moved from New Jersey to Madison Square Park in Manhattan for around six months. Lin installed the trees in a busy public park, and thus generated an irony that people come across so-called ‘corpses’ as part of daily life, whether they are conscious of it or not. Meanwhile, Lin also conceives her project in terms of a linear temporality and causal relationship regarding climate change, which is conflicted with her speculative approach toward trees. The fact that Ghost Forest is rationally driven but also deeply affective is not easily resolved in her work. In order to rethink such a conflict, this article takes Donna Haraway’s claim of “staying with the trouble” as a threshold, thereby highlighting the instances of partial recovery and speculative practices with trees that are inherent in the work but not further articulated by the artist. 이 논문은 마야 린의 설치 작업 <고스트 포레스트>(2021) 분석을 통해 기후위기에 대응하고 이와 관계 맺는 방식을 탐구한다. 린은 1982년 당선된 <베트남 참전용사 기념비> 공모작으로 잘 알려져 있다. 하지만 그가 2009년 이후 지속해오고 있는 환경 프로젝트는 비교적 덜 알려져 있다. <고스트 포레스트>는 린의 <무엇이 사라지고 있는가?> 시리즈 중 가장 최근작으로, 49개의 죽은 침엽수를 뉴저지 주에서 맨해튼 매디슨 스퀘어 공원으로 이동시켜 약 6개월 동안 설치하였다. 기후변화로 인한 소금물의 범람이 이 나무들의 죽음을 초래하였다. 린은 나무들을 뉴욕의 분주한 공원 한 가운데 배치시킴에 따라, 사람들로 하여금 죽은 나무와 일상생활을 함께 하는 아이러니한 상황을 연출하였다. <고스트 포레스트>는 주목과 무관심 사이에서의 나무와 정서적 관계 맺기를 촉발하였으며, 이는 기후변화라는 인류세적 의제를 둘러싼 사변적 실천의 한 방식을 보여준다. 한편 린은 단선적인 시간성과 더불어, 기후변화에 대한 문제 인식-해결이라는 인과관계에 따라 작업을 수행한다. 합리적이면서 또한 계몽적인 메시지를 지니는 그의 접근은 <고스트 포레스트>가 함축하는 아이러니, 그리고 자연과의 정서적 관계 맺기라는 시적 사유와 실천과 서로 상충한다. 이 논문은 이처럼 서로 다른 두 가지 층위를 함께 실천하는 린의 태도를 비판적으로 검토하고, 또한 도나 해러웨이의 저작을 경유하면서 다른 보기의 방식을 제안한다. 거시적 차원의 담론과 국지적 수행 사이의 관계성에 주목하는 해러웨이의 인류세 개념은, 린의 작업을 보다 입체적으로 읽을 수 있는 단서를 제공한다.

      • Fe-Mn 방진합금을 적용한 발전소 격납용기 살수펌프의 소음$\cdot$진동 저감효과에 관한 연구

        백승한 한국소음진동공학회 1999 소음 진동 Vol.9 No.4

        Coventional methods for reducing vibration in engineering designs (i.e. by stifferning or detuning) may be undesirable in conditions where size or weight must be minimized, or where complex vibration spectra exist. Some alloys with a combination of high damping capacity and good mechanical properties can provide attractive techanical and economical solutions to problems involving seismic, shock and vibration isolation. Although several non ferrous damping alloys have been developed, none of those materials are applied in any industrial factor due largely to high production cost. To meet these requirement, we have developed a new Fe-Mn high damping alloy. In previous studies, we have reported that an Fe-17%Mn alloy exhibits the highest damping capacity(Specific Damping Capacity:SDC, 30%) among Fe-Mn binary system, and proposed that the boundaries of various types such as $\varepsilon$-martensite variant boundaries, stacking faults in $\varepsilon$-martensite, stacking faults in austenitic and ${\gamma}$$\gamma /\varepsilon$ interfaces give rise to a high damping capacity. The Fe-17%Mn alloy also has advantages of good mechanical properties(T.S. 70 kg/nm$^2$ and low cost over other damping alloys(1/4 times the cost of non-ferrous damping alloy). Thus, the Fe-17%Mn high damping alloy can be widely applied to household appliances, automobiles, industrial facilities and power plant components. In this paper, the overall properties of the Fe-17%Mn high damping alloy is introduced, and its applicability to containment spray pump in the power plant is discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring an Extended Notion of the Generic in Contemporary Asian Cities through Rem Koolhaas’s Essay “The Generic City”

        백승한 대한건축학회지회연합회 2016 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.18 No.4

        This article claims that architect Rem Koolhaas’ essay “The Generic City” (1995) brings forth a new way of thinking about Asian urbanism, and encourages us to be attentive to sensory dimensions of daily urban experience over the stratifying forces imposed from the outside. Although Koolhaas’ essay has often been considered a notoriously disdainful commentary against the vibrancy and dynamism of Asian cities, this article argues against such viewpoints. A critical reading of the essay against the grain, as well as a close visual analysis of the set of images accompanied with the essay that are relatively undermined over its textual narrative, shows that Koolhaas in fact considers Asian cities not so much to be a completely alienating and commodified space but rather an uncharted territory where singularities perpetually fold and unfold at varying speeds and rhythms. His use of the term “generic” is here not put in opposition to the ‘singular,’ but rather implicates one’s attitude of responding to given urban milieus in a state of ambivalence that is at once alienating and sense-making. Hence, this article highlights the interplays between engagement and disengagement, interest and disinterest, and overt claim and delaying judgments implicated in the essay, through which to explore the complex relationship between urbanism and everyday life in contemporary Asia.

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