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        논문(論文) : 명대(明代) 사대부(士大夫)의 생활정취(生活情趣) 및 선종사상(禪宗思想)

        金炫廷 중국사학회 2013 中國史硏究 Vol.86 No.-

        生活情趣就是指人們在生活中所追求的志趣志向或情調趣味. 타可以 反映一個人對生活的追求. 但是生活情趣有高雅、低俗之分. 高雅的生活情 趣會讓人以積極、樂觀的生活態度; 而低俗的生活情趣則會讓人因貪圖享 樂而不思進取. 禪宗作爲一種人生哲學, 타在中國的發展, 是一個從禁欲到適意, 再從 適意到縱欲的演進過程, 而且這一過程的確對士大夫的人生哲學和生活情 趣産生了種種影響. 但總的來說, 後半過程就沒有前半過程的影響更深刻、 更廣泛, 타僅僅局限在明代中後期那短短的幾十年的思想解放運動中. 因此 禪宗在士大夫那裏留下的主要還是追求自我精神解脫爲核心的適意人生哲 學與自然澹泊、淸淨高雅的生活情趣. 由於明代社會經濟的發展, 城市經 濟、資本主義萌芽的成長發展, 市民階層不斷擴大, 這使得當時的社會心理 也産生了較大的變化. 此時士大夫的心理性格也有了較爲明顯的變化. 因 此, 明代禪宗的影響與前代不同, 人們接受了타强調本心、尊重個性的理 論. 正因爲明代中後期禪宗發展及其對士大夫影響在歷史上的特殊性, 因此 本文欲從生活史等角度, 探討明代, 特別是明代中晩期禪宗思想在士大夫生 活情趣中的影響. 又因禪宗思想活躍的地區多集中在江南一帶, 因此本文的 討論也將以江南爲中心.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        高麗時代 靑磁象嵌銘文瓦片을 통해 본 扶安窯

        金炫廷(Kim, Hyun-Jung) 백산학회 2005 白山學報 Vol.- No.72

        This Buan kiln, as well as the Gangjin kiln, was the main production center for Goryeo celadon. It was also one of two kilns that produced the highest quality celadons. These kiln sites located in Yucheon-ri and Jinseo-ri of Buan county, North Jella Province. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine “celadon roof tile fragments with inlaid inscription from Yucheon-ri and Sununsa dongbulam”, which helps to understand the characteristics and development of Buan Kiln in Goryeo. The results are summarized as following. Inscription of celadon roof tile fragment with white inlaid from Yucheon-ri is interpreted as the year of production and the letter of byulgong(別貢). This celadon roof tile was produced in 1183(myungjong13). This is very important material, in studying the tax system. Inscription of celadon roof tile fragment with black inlaid from Sununsa dongbulam is interpreted as So(所) and a person related to the production of celadon. This was produced in Jagiso(磁器所) of Buan Jinseo-ri about the mid-12th century. Generally, These kiln sites located in Yucheon-ri, Jinseo-ri and so on of Buan county, which were called Buan Kiln. But In Buan kiln, two systems were operated. one was Jagiso(磁器所) of Jinseo-ri kiln. the other was the private Kiln(私窯) of Yucheon-ri kiln.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        榮山江流域 墳丘墓의 高塚化 過程硏究

        金炫禎(Kim, Hyun-Jung) 중앙문화재연구원 2008 중앙고고연구 Vol.0 No.4

        榮山江流域 고분 문화에 대한 기존의 연구들은 옹관의 매장주체부와 석실분을 통해 사회의 발전 단계와, 구성원의 성격규명에 초점을 맞추어 왔다. 그러나 본 논문은 주구묘에서 옹관고 분을 거쳐 석실분이 만들어지는 동안 이 지역 분구묘가 고총화 되는 과정을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 먼저 분구형태와, 매장주체부, 유물 등을 속성으로 하여 이 지역 고분들을 상대 순서배열 하였다. 상대순서배열한 유구들을 그 속성들이 크게 변화하는 시점을 통해 모두 다 섯 개의 분기로 나눌 수 있었다. Ⅰ기는 방형, 장제형, 제형 주구로 무덤의 평면이 구획된 시기로 매장주체부로 토광묘만이 사용된 시기이다. Ⅱ기는 방형주구는 사라지고 장제형과 제형주구가 지속되는 가운데 장방형과 원형분구가 출현하는 시기이다. 이렇게 다양해진 평면형태와 더불어 성토된 분구가 뚜렷이 관찰되는 시기이다. Ⅲ기는 분구의 고대화를 가장 큰 특징으로 하는 시기이다. 원형과, 방형 평면 형태에 높이 5m 이상의 고대분구가 만들어진다. 매장주체부도 매장용으로 제작된 전용 옹관이 사용된 옹관고분 성행기이다. Ⅳ기는 매장주체부의 중첩이 사라져 분구의 규모가 작아지며, 전방후원형 분구가 출현하는 시기이다. 매장주체부의 사용에 있어 옹관은 사라지고 “영산강식석실”이 사용되는 시기이다. Ⅴ기는 앞 시기의 “영산강식석실”이 사라지고 “백제식석실”이 대두되는 시기이다. 지상분구에 매장주체부가 놓이는 분구묘의 전통이 단절되어 봉토가 작아지거나 유실되어 버린 경우가 대부분이다. 본 논문은 이렇게 다섯으로 나뉘어진 분기 중 분구 높이에 있어 급격한 변화를 보이는 Ⅲ 기를 이 지역에 고총이 출현하는 시점으로 인식하였다. 또한 이렇게 고총이 출현하는 배경을 이 지역에 이전시기와 구별되는 정치권력이 생성된 것으로 인식하였고, 금동관과, 금동신발, 환두대도 등의 유물상을 통하여 이를 확인하였다. Previous studies of the burials, including related culture have focused on explanations of social-cultural developmental stages and identity of the buried based on the study of jar burial and stone chamber tombs. However, this study is mainly focused on the developmental processes of mound burials in the period when platform shaped burials with ditches, jar burials, and stone chamber tombs had been constructed one after another in the region. As a preliminary step, relative dating of burials in the region is carried out based on attributes such as mound shape, main burial facility, and artifact. According to the relative dating, five phases are identified to the critical changes of the attributes. In the first phase, graves adopted square, trapezoidal, and long trapezoidal shaped plan, and a main burial facility was a pit burial withoutexception. In the second phase, square shaped plan disappeared, and rectangularand round shaped mounds appeared. The third phase was characterized by increase of the mound size. Large mounds higher than 5m with round or square shaped plan emerged and a main burial facility was replaced by a jar coffin manufactured only for a coffin. In the fourth phase, the size of burial mound was decreased, and a keyhole shaped mound appeared. In this phase, jar coffin as a main burial facility was replaced by “Yeongsan River Type” stone chamber. In the last and fifth phase, the “Yeongsan River Type” stone chamber" was replaced by “Baekje Type” stone chamber. In this phase, burial mound was decreased or washed away in the result of disappearance of tradition of the mound burials placing the main burial facility in the burial mound prepared on the ground surface. In conclusion, a burial with a high mound appeared in the third phase when there was critical change in the height of burial mound, and the burial is considered to be accompanied by emergence of unparalleled powerful political authority represented by prestige goods such asgilt-bronze wns and shoes, and loop-handled swords.

      • 지자체 홈페이지의 번역전략에 관한 연구

        김현정(金賢貞)(Kim, Hyun-Jeong) 한일일어일문학회 2012 한일어문논집 Vol.16 No.-

        This paper examines culture and tourism-related texts translated from Korean into Japanese in the Japanese version of the official website of Busan Metropolitan City, as of May 2011. Even though websites provided in foreign languages are expected to attract more and more visitors, further strengthening their status as important vehicles through which to provide local cultural information, not enough attention has been paid to the monitoring of the quality of these translations. Against this backdrop, this paper focuses mainly on culture-specific items translated from Korean into Japanese in culture and tourism-related texts from the website, in order to determine which translation strategies were adopted by the translators by classifying the translations as foreignizating or domesticating translations. Through study of the major characteristics of these translated texts, based on the Skopos theory which places greatest emphasis on the intended purpose of a translation, this paper also discusses which translation strategy might be most efficient in maximizing readability for the target readers. The research has found a total of 60 culture-specific items in the translations, of which 34 words were translated with a domestication strategy, 17 words adopted a foreignization strategy and 9 words were translated using both strategies. These statistics clearly show that domesticating translation was the dominant approach taken in Korean-Japanese translations posted on Busan Metropolitan City's official website. Each translation strategy has its merits and demerits, but given that the underlying purpose of this website is to convey information clearly, the best translation would be the one that takes into consideration readability for the target audience, while preserving the unique characteristics of the source culture. Translation strategies that implement both a domestication and foreignization strategy at the same time, therefore, are likely to be those best suited to the translation of culture-specific texts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        마융(馬融)의 고문경학(古文經學)과 그의 정치적 선택, 그리고 오욕(汚辱)

        이강범,금현정 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2013 中國學論叢 Vol.41 No.-

        馬融乃東漢著名經學家. 他俊才善文, 至於經學, 硏鑽古文, 兼通今文, 一生注書著書甚多, 然皆已散佚. 詣東觀典校秘書, 因得罪當權外戚鄧氏, 滯於東觀, 十年不得升官. 至鄧太後死後, 外任南郡太守, 因오大將軍梁冀, 見誣免官, 곤徙朔方. 後得赦復官. 旋以病辭官, 居家盡力於著書敎授. 初, 他雖達生任性, 却堅持氣節, 然상盡坎가, 不復違오權門, 反誣淸流,終以奢樂恣性, 黨附成譏.

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